Take a break from counting your Gamestop millions! Lots happened this week in the world of recruiting.
Bayard got acquired
TMP rebranded - let the debate fireworks fly!
Workday went shopping
Google threatens the Aussies
Costco shows us how to TikTok for talent,
...and another round of Buy or Sell with 1) Teamflow 2) Clubhouse 3) Multiverse

Transcription Sponsored by; Disability Solutions helps companies find talent in the largest minority community in the world – people with disabilities.
INTRO (1s):
Hide your kids! Lock the doors! You're listening to HR’s most dangerous podcast. Chad Sowash and Joel Cheeseman are here to punch the recruiting industry, right where it hurts! Complete with breaking news, brash opinion and loads of snark, buckle up boys and girls, it's time for the Chad and Cheese podcast.
Joel (20s):
Oh yeah. We just sold all our stock shares, which means next week show will be live from the Bora Bora bunker, baby. What's up boys and girls. This is the Chad and Cheese podcast. And I'm your cohost Joel "short seller" Cheeseman
Chad (37s):
and I'm Chad "suicide watch hedge fund manager" Sowash.
Joel (42s):
And on this week's show raid and see isn't just a capital rioters battle cry bear gets bought and back by popular demand, buy and sell baby. Let's do this.
Jobvite (54s):
Jobvite the leading end to end talent acquisition suite. Named a leader in ATS, recruitment, marketing, CRM, and onboarding on G2. Kim B says "Jobvite is a user friendly passionate enterprise team that takes care of you. Jolly good." Jeffrey R says, "candidates are constantly telling us we get it right compared to other orgs." Love that! Results driven by AI. Connections built by humans. Jobvite, learn how you can evolve your TA function at jobvite.com.
Joel (1m 25s):
Y'all Tripping Tyler here.
Chad (1m 27s):
Oh yeah.
Joel (1m 29s):
Selling Game Shop shares and doing cocaine and champagne all night.
Chad (1m 43s):
This is totally funky.
Joel (1m 44s):
If you haven't seen the video to this you have to check it out on YouTube.
Chad (1m 44s):
I'll wake up and check the phone. No one got back to me. <inaudible> perhaps the attachments forgot to attend. Let me guess you need to cross reference another references. Cross references pay-to-play and pull your C-suite sheets away. You need 12 weeks to get back to me because your application is under review. We'll know with Dani non more in the air talking shift again, <inaudible> delivery someone else you want to hire 44 don't care.
Chad (2m 28s):
Montell Jordan, kids. Damn. AMS and Hourly come out of the barrel hot with this hilarious video Trippin' Tyler, if you don't remember Tripping Tyler actually did the conference call video when they were actually making fun of getting on conference calls.
Joel (2m 50s):
That's where I know those guys from.
Chad (2m 52s):
Where you come into that conference room and they're like, no, no, you're on mute. You're on mute. And there's actually somebody there that's like mouthing work and the guys are fucking hilarious and they bolt. They pull Montell Jordan in. And this, this is, this is awesome. I've been singing this stupid thing for weeks now.
Joel (3m 9s):
Good stuff. Good stuff. Hat tip to Hourly. Well done. Well played friends. Now, if we can just get Montel on the show, we'll be complete.
Chad (3m 18s):
Dude, dude, it has this kind of like lonely Island vibe. You know the Michael Bolton?
Joel (3m 24s):
Chad (3m 25s):
Where the Michael it's my Dick in a box. God,
Joel (3m 33s):
I like that too.
Chad (3m 34s):
That was good. That was good. Very nice. Very nice. We got a lot of show, dude. Let's let's do some quick shout outs and get to the news man who you got?
Joel (3m 42s):
I got something in the mail the other day.
Chad (3m 44s):
You did? Was it more bourbon? You son of a bitch. You get more bourbon than I did.
Joel (3m 50s):
Yeah, but this is different.
Chad (3m 51s):
So Indeed sent me something.
Joel (3m 53s):
Was it a pile dog shit sent you something,
Chad (3m 58s):
Dude. So I got this flyer and it's three simple ways to hire using Indeed. And I'm going to go through the three steps with you really quick.
Joel (4m 7s):
Three steps. Wow.
Chad (4m 8s):
Yeah. It's just that easy.
Joel (4m 9s):
You've been doing it wrong everybody. It's only three steps.
Chad (4m 12s):
If you're using Indeed. So here it is. Step one, post a job with clear requirements. Step two candidates delivered to you immediately. So what they're doing is they're dipping into their database and all they're doing is matching against your jobs.
Joel (4m 29s):
Chad (4m 29s):
And this in itself is a step where ZipRecruiter kicks their ass because what happens is they're dipping into a bunch of candidates who haven't shown interest. They're just in their database and the candidates haven't applied, right? So ZipRecruiter a little bit different, you put your job in, then it's blasted off to these individuals. Now only when they say yes, I'm interested in, they apply, will the employer see it? So the employer gets interested candidates quickly. And these guys now Indeed wants you to now go through and ask them all to apply for the job.
Chad (5m 13s):
So it seems fast. And step three is interview and hire right from your dashboard here on Indeed. It makes it sound so simple, but ZipRecruiter and ZipRecruiter, just so everybody knows they are not a sponsor, but their process methodology and technology blows this Indeed shit away.
Joel (5m 37s):
Speaking of blowing away, I got to mention, not necessarily shout out, but are you watching this whole Game Stop pumping down short, sell David versus Goliath. I mean it's any thoughts. It's crazy.
Chad (5m 51s):
It is crazy. I think it's interesting because you get all of these hedge fund fuckers who start short selling things. And then they start leaking things to press and investors and those types of things to be able to drive down the stock, which is what they want. They're selling short. And these guys from Reddit, they see it happening and they start buying up all this stock. They start making money and they start killing these hedge funds. So hedge funds lost, I don't know how much money they lost. It might've been in the billions why these motherfuckers are making millions. Yeah,
Joel (6m 25s):
Yeah, yeah. Literally one had to borrow 2 billion plus I think and lost it like within hours because of what was going on. Yeah. Hedge funds get screwed, but you know, getting old, like we, we are Chad, we get to have the benefit of hindsight and you know, you, and I remember the, the nineties and the.com bubble and how crazy shit was when Ameritrade and E-Trade and everything else. And it's this isn't gonna end well, I mean, it's already down 50 some % today. I'm sure. It's like, it's going back to 10, $5. So people are going to get hurt. It's going to get, it's just fucked up.
Joel (7m 5s):
It's going to be it's kinda funny. And people got rich, but there's going to be some people holding the bag that aren't real happy about it.
Chad (7m 12s):
We're talking about hedge fund people who are already millionaires as it is. And for me to feel sorry for them.
Joel (7m 19s):
They're talking about Robin Hooders that are retailers that are people at home and see this shit going on.
Chad (7m 26s):
Robinhood's a scam by the way. Well, we can talk about that later, but that's, I mean, that's where I think we really need to take a look at how, you know, we obviously do business in the market. We can't allow the Robinhoods of the world to do that. Selling short is just to me, fucked up. Anyway.
Joel (7m 42s):
And you and I clearly aren't competent enough in this area to do a show on it. But yes, we wanted to mention it because it's really fucked up. I'm going to mention something. We do know a little bit about hats off to our buddies at Jobvite who, who introduced a free job description helper tool called the job description grader. If you need some help with your job descriptions, particularly when it comes to bias, go check out Jobvite's new tool, the job description grader. Yeah. Yeah. I think this is great for talent acquisition, to be able to put it into a third party because we've been telling hiring managers for years, their shit sucks, their requirements, all that stuff.
Joel (8m 23s):
So it's a couple of different things. First and foremost, you already know that your shit, your job descriptions suck. Now you can show the hiring manager. You can hopefully work through something, but what I want to see Jobvite, do Aman Brar. I know you're listening. I want you to acquire somebody or at least partner with somebody to fix this problem, showing us that the shit sucks and the UI is really cool on this grader, by the way, showing us at sucks is step one. Let's get to that next step, because this is the basic foundation of where everything in hiring starts. And with there's extra money left over, he should buy a podcast. I'm just saying, you know, I, I know, I know a guy, I know a guy.
Joel (9m 5s):
That's a good idea. Another quick shout out for me. And that's it for the intro here. I wanted to just point out, you know, LinkedIn and we got to talk about LinkedIn in every show and we've already got Indeed checked off. So let's get LinkedIn checked off. I noticed on LinkedIn today that their analytics or their views of your posts on LinkedIn are much more robust than they used to be. And I've always thought that it was good that LinkedIn showed you how many views your post has gotten, your video or your share, something that sets them apart from other social media networks. So now if you click on that, it shows you what company, what title, where and where in the world they came from. So it's just a nice little shout out to LinkedIn for giving us a little bit more data.
Joel (9m 49s):
I think it's, I think it's nice.
Chad (9m 51s):
Transparency is a good thing, Joel.
Joel (9m 53s):
It is. And not enough people practice it.
Chad (9m 55s):
That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm mean.
Joel (9m 57s):
Chad (9m 58s):
Topics! Bayard gets bought!
Joel (10m 4s):
Bayard Recruitment Marketing Company, that by the way is like a hundred years fricking old family business, Shamrock Capital, which I guess is a bunch of leprechauns came in LA based investment firm acquired Bayard again. I said, family run since the 1920s Bayard who both of us have friends and people we know really well there and have been working for a long time. They have companies like LL Bean, Walmart, Pfizer, as clients. They told customers that it would be business as usual, which is what they always say, but that customers will benefit from Shamrock's support and expertise.
Joel (10m 45s):
Shamrock has quite a portfolio of media companies. They do have some core competency here. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, shocker Bayard employees, about 200 folks according to LinkedIn. My source says that this was mainly a timing issue. Apparently the founder's son had recently passed away and the time just sort of seemed right to do a deal and Shamrock seemed like the right company. So from my, from my sources, this wasn't a fire sale. This wasn't a shit's shit's going down. It was sorta like timing, right partner seemed like the right time.
Chad (11m 25s):
Yeah. So yeah, I do. I'm not exactly sure who passed away, but I know that they, the families had a hard, you know, 2020 and that, and that is unfortunate. Our condolences go out. No question. Yes. This is awesome. I think from Bayard standpoint, because you have this capital investment, that's actually there. It's interesting, I did hear that it D it definitely was not a clearance rack deal, which is so that, you know, from my understanding, they got some good multiple on it, but, but overall, I mean, buying an agency is buying people and buying those people is really related to buying the portfolio.
Chad (12m 8s):
So yeah, they do have great logos. They really don't have any tech. Right. And if you're a tech company, then your multiples go up dramatically. So they're not really a tech company. The hard part here is if people walk out the door, especially the ones that are not in leadership, but ones that are very integral to the portfolio that could go away quickly. So hopefully that doesn't happen. But that's the volatility of buying an agency is right in your face.
Joel (12m 39s):
Yeah. Yeah. I love the, the wording on the press release. It was a partnership on all the literature and then he got into it and was like, Oh, we've been acquired. So they're definitely pimping this as it's a partnership, and we're going to go into this together and we're going to benefit from all the things that Shamrock brings to the table. So I was trying to keep score in the past couple of years, we've had Arland off the board. We had NAS get acquired as well. And I know I'm missing one or two, but do you think that the trend of acquisitions in the agency space are any telltale signs for what's going on?
Chad (13m 17s):
Obviously hiring's down, recruiting's down, Covid et cetera, et cetera. Right. So we're seeing a lot of infusion of cash in this area because everybody anticipates it's going to come back because it is.
Joel (13m 30s):
Chad (13m 31s):
So this makes sense again, I think that having more capital in Bayard's corner doesn't hurt. It's just, again, it's one of those things you're, you're balancing against volatility and when you have technology, it's not as volatile, right?
Joel (13m 47s):
Chad (13m 48s):
It is an asset that you will keep it as yours versus talent, which again, it's not always there.
Joel (13m 56s):
Yeah. We've always talked about sort of the, you know, the timeline of agencies and from the days where they could just answer the phone and get, you know, 20 grand for a display ad in the New York times are gone. And the type of person that sold that is gone and the person that is selling, you know, high-tech solutions like the are now are really skilled salespeople. And you could argue for sure that that agencies are more important now than they ever have been because of the complexity of buying now. And what tools should you be using. So, yeah, the people are super valuable. So in terms of acquisitions of these companies, it's not just the portfolio, but also the salespeople and the people, they are really, really smart and really, really, really bring value, I think, to the acquiring company.
Joel (14m 46s):
So hats off to this, to them and congrats Bayard, I'm a little disappointed their CEO said he would not come on the show because he wants to keep a low profile, which, you know, agencies love low-profile. So why, why come on and do some media, hopefully he'll change his mind about that.
Chad (15m 4s):
On a beach with a little umbrella drink right now. He doesn't want, he wants nothing to do with you, Cheeseman.
Joel (15m 10s):
I'm going to be in the Bora Bora bunker with us next week on the show.
Chad (15m 14s):
I appreciate that.
Joel (15m 18s):
All right. We go from an acquisition that we like to maybe a brand change that we're not too excited about. What the hell did TMP do last week?
Chad (15m 27s):
First off, I think it's very, very important that we talk about history here. So in 1967, Andy McCalvi founded the Telephone Marketing Programs, which is TMP, right Telephone Marketing Programs, a directional marketing company, focused on yellow page advertising for large multi-site clients. So in '93, McCalvi then partnered with Don Tendler to launch the recruitment division of TMP that happened in '93. In '95, they bought both the Monster Board and Online Career Center, smashed them together in '99.
Chad (16m 10s):
But before that, they went public in '96. In 2003, they were rebranded to Monster Worldwide. So there's been, there's a lot of history that's here. We say that Bayard has been around almost a hundred years, right? What we've seen with TMP is this a huge evolution name, changes people. I mean, it's just, again, it it's a big industry leader that has turned into a more of a tech company, or they've tried to become more of a tech company.
Joel (16m 40s):
Chad (16m 41s):
On Facebook and this, I thought this was interesting, in a private group, about 150 people voted on a Facebook poll and 90 of them voted "I don't care." You voted that you hated it. So why did you hate, why do you hate it?
Joel (16m 60s):
Okay. Well, first of all, kids, this is why you listen to the show because the historical breakdown that Chad just laid on you is priceless. Like you're not going to get that on any other podcasts. So I just want to first off say, that's why you listen to the show. Why do I hate it? First of all, I don't know how to pronounce it. I don't really know how to spell it. And the CEO, Michelle Abbey's posts on LinkedIn, she had to like show you after the name, how you pronounce it, which is never a great sign. When you have a new brand and you have to like show people how to say it. So from that viewpoint, I think it's, it's challenging.
Joel (17m 39s):
Again, your history lesson you gave, I'm going to give a little history lesson on my own and you and I went down the same path as contrast to the TMP thing. I don't know as well as you, you and I both remember New Coke.
Chad (17m 54s):
Joel (17m 54s):
Horrible idea. One of the best known brands in the world changed the recipe, changed the branding, what happened? Right? It, it was fucked up and they even used Coke and the brand, they went back to Coke Classic. And now it's back to Coke. I'll go a little bit closer to present day. You may or may not remember that Netflix launched Quickster about 10 years ago. Quickster was going to be their streaming service. While everybody hated it and the backlash was really serious and the stock went to shit. So they said, no, we're just joking. We're not Quickster, we're still Netflix. Right? They kept the brand. Brands usually change when there's something really bad that happens.
Joel (18m 37s):
You might remember the WorldCom fiasco Anderson consulting that did the books on that deal was kind of a brand in the shitter. So they are now Accenture, right? So brands usually change when they're just bored and have nothing to do. And marketing says, we need to do it. And then they either regret it. Or it's, it works out pretty poorly in most cases or they're in the shitter TMP, I don't think is either one of those. So I'm generally against brand changes. I don't think anyone knows what TMP stands for, except you. And maybe a few other people. I get the idea behind it. The CEO said, quote, "you know, why did we decide to change our name?
Joel (19m 17s):
It's simple, really. Over the past several years, our business has seen tremendous growth." Growth is not a reason to change a brand. But anyway, "both through organic means like our unified platform and through strategic acquisitions around the world rate and see", I am saying that right, right. And see "represents the full integration of TMP worldwide, AIA worldwide. Pringo, CKR carve and maximum combining the best technology solutions and talent under one global roof. This allows us to simplify our story, eliminate brand confusion."You didn't eliminate brand confusion lady "and take ownership of all that we do." That's why I hate it.
Chad (19m 53s):
Wow. I say haters gonna hate and creating, creating a word for global brand instead of finding a word that's already in use. Cause I know we talk about that. Why don't we just find something that's already in use? Well, it might be smarter than you think to make up your own damn word. There are 200,000 English words in the dictionary about 2 million registered companies. Not to mention, you have to be very careful about how, how these words translate into different languages. So overall, I think coming to a new name.
Joel (20m 27s):
I'm sorry, is TMP offensive in Asia?
Chad (20m 30s):
No, let me finish, that's why AIA is in the UK, right? They can't use TMP because there's already another TMP. So legally what they have to do with CARVE, what they have to do with Maximum, what they have to do with all these, these logos. This was an issue that I had earlier on when I thought they were having a civil moment because they could not really consolidate a message into one brand. Now they can. And from my standpoint, the only con I see here is that Radancy sounds like agency.
Joel (21m 7s):
Chad (21m 8s):
And Michelle and team want to move away from being seen as an agency. They want to be seen as a tech organization. Why? Because when they sell this and they're going to sell it. When they sell it, the multiple is going to be so much higher as a tech company. So why pick a name that rhymes with agency? That was really my only con I think them bringing everything under one brand like Symphony is doing, is incredibly smart and necessary if you want to grow globally.
Joel (21m 43s):
My con, is that the M and T and P doesn't sound Stand for Montell all right. Damn. This one came up, came over the wire today, before we did the show. So we don't have a ton to say on it, but Workday acquired People, Analytics and engagement tool pecan, not like pecan pie, but like Peakon U, I guess. I don't know. I don't, I'm sure I'm saying that. Right, but it's look of using a, so Peakon was founded in Copenhagen in 2014, they've raised a shit ton of money, 68 million. So this is kind of a COVID work from home play without the ability to have face-to-face meetings with employees, managers have struggled throughout the year, work from home and the trials and tribulations of the last year have affected the workforce.
Joel (22m 33s):
So Peakon elevates, employee engagement, inclusion, and growth with an all-in-one employee success platform, $700 million. That's a lot of money. Chad, A lot of money. The only thing I think is the biggest con about this is it's with Workday and Workday doesn't integrate anything. Well, I mean, that's, the problem is, you know, Workday has this, this arrogance that, you know, we are all things to everyone. Have you ever tried talking to one of their fucking reps? I mean, they're the most ignorant about our industry, but yet the most arrogant, it just drives me fucking crazy. When you start to talk to them about, okay, usage for multiple platforms, even with point solutions, you guys have to do better with regard to integration and they just don't, they don't fucking get it.
Joel (23m 23s):
So I think that if Peakon was actually bought by somebody else who gave a shit about experience and integrations, it'd be great, but I think Workday has money to throw around. Yeah.
Chad (23m 36s):
And that's what they're doing. They're looking to try to increase wallet, share in a shitty system.
Joel (23m 42s):
Well you know who doesn't give a shit about that. The investors in Peakon got 10X their money, which is great.
Chad (23m 48s):
Good for them.
Joel (23m 49s):
Yeah. Workday is not really the poster child for solid acquisitions and integrations. My viewpoint of this is like, here comes the snowball because we've been talking about work from home companies all year, getting a ton of money. Like this is the trend and Workday basically just set the price for these companies. And so I wouldn't be shocked if you start seeing the dominoes, companies like Remote and other companies that we've talked about, they've gotten money this year, getting gobbled up and flipped. So that was, that was my take from this is that Workday broke the seal for acquiring work from home companies.
Joel (24m 32s):
I guess.
Chad (24m 34s):
There we go.
Sovren (24m 35s):
You already know that Sovren makes the world's best resume CV parser, but did you know that Sovren also makes the world's best AI matching engine? Only Sovren's AI matching engine goes beyond the buzzwords. With Sovren you control how the engine thinks with every match the Sovren engine tells you what matched and exactly how each matching document was scored. And if you don't agree with the way it's scored the matches, you can simply move some sliders to tell it, to score the matches your way. No other engine on earth gives you that combination of insight and control. With Sovren, matching isn't some frustrating "black box, trust us, it's magic, one shot deal" like all the others. No, with Sovren, matching is completely understandable, completely controllable, and actually kind of fun. Sovren ~ software so human you'll want to take it to dinner.
Joel (25m 34s):
How much do we love Sovren dude?
Chad (25m 36s):
How can you not love Sovren?
Joel (25m 37s):
Everyone knows that's listening and listens to us, knows about the Pappy's giveaway. We've talked about it. And we went to Robert CEO of Sovren and we said, dude, we want to keep the party going. And we want to do more bourbon. We know we can't do Pappy's one because we can't find it.
Chad (25m 55s):
It's fuckin' expensive!
Joel (25m 56s):
It's not exactly like you go to your local liquor store and it's expensive. So, so Chad and I hadn't had an idea of saying why don't we do like a Blockbuster thing. Blockbuster they used to have people's names and they would choose movies, someone to be into like romcom, someone to be into horror movies, et cetera. So why don't we say, why don't we do like a Chad, Chad's choice and a Cheese choice. And so every month we're going to pick a lucky winner. You can register if you haven't already at Chadcheese.com/free put in your information. And Chad and I are going to pick a bourbon of our choice or whiskey of our choice, send it to a lucky winner and then we're going to do a zoom tasting with the bourbon and have a good time.
Joel (26m 36s):
So Sovren hats off to you, baby, keeping the party going in 2021.
Chad (26m 42s):
And they get two bottles of bourbon is what I'm hearing.
Joel (26m 47s):
Chad (26m 47s):
Holy shit. That's awesome. So, so awesome. I want to do some buy or sell!
Joel (26m 52s):
Oh, buy or sell. We love us some buy or sell. All right. First up in, buy or sell, we have Team Flow, a name that's easy to pronounce and spell! They've raised 3.9 million for what it bills as a quote virtual headquarters to engage distributed teams and work based on the screenshots provided to tech crunch in an article, it presents as a sort of visual intranet, like a floor plan that would lead a user to rooms, to collaborate chairs, to have a chat, an area, to collaborate on different apps and so on. It feels so if you've, if you go to the site, like you have a picture profile picture, you have a little halo that shows where you're going.
Joel (27m 38s):
They sort of replicate your office and people that are in it, you can walk around. And if you're in the bubble or the halo of someone, you connect with them on video, I think so it's sort of like Second Life meets Slack or something? Like buy or sell?
Chad (27m 54s):
Yeah, fuck. This one is hard, dude, because I believe companies will like it more than employees, but companies are the ones who are buying, setting protocols, that kind of shit. I don't like it because working in a distributed workforce means I'm knocking out work at eight o'clock at night. And this type of platform makes me feel like I need to be back to my nine to five clock. Right. So I think it's trying to bring the 1950 style of punching a clock into a virtual environment. To me, this is a big sell.
Joel (28m 27s):
Yeah, to me, this feels like the new ping pong table. Like, it sounds really good in theory, but no one plays it because if you play it, you look like a slacker and that you're not working. So to me, if you're dislike, bobbing around on Team Flow, bugging people and talking to people like someone's going to ask, why is, why is Jimmy always, always just pimping around the office, talking to people on Team Flows. So to me? Sell. All right, next up we have, we have Clubhouse. So not specifically a recruitment tool, but this thing is all the rage on the internet. So this is a San Francisco based audio, social network.
Joel (29m 7s):
They just raised a hundred million dollars by a Andreessen Horowitz. They have a billion dollar post money valuation. So I have downloaded this. Hats off to them Aman Brar, who we've talked about. He actually sent me an invite after I joined. Nice. This is a little bit like if you envision a conference and you have people talking about whatever, and then people can join and listen in, they can ask questions. They can follow or connect with other people that are in the room, as well as other people that they know. Topics range from, you know, marketing to Bitcoin, to whatever. You set your interests, so they send you a little alerts about topics that you might be interested in.
Joel (29m 50s):
I just, I'm going to, I'm leaning, sell, but it's really early to tell because I've only dug into it twice.
Chad (29m 59s):
Make a decision.
Joel (29m 59s):
My problem, all right, I'll sell. So my problem is, and I'll regret that for the next year, but I think five years from now I'll be proven, correct. So one problem is scheduling on this is really hard. So it's not an on-demand thing. It's not like a podcast or even a video on Netflix. Like you just sort of have to go in and be part of it. If you get in the middle, you're kind of screwed. Like I missed, I missed it and I don't know what's going on. Connecting. I don't know how that's going to work. Like just cause I follow someone. I don't know if eventually I'll be able to talk to them or we'll have a group that we can all talk together. Come, I've seen a Personia who we talked about. I think last week they actually had a little thing about recruiting and tips and whatever.
Joel (30m 42s):
So brands are going to be all over this I'm sure. But for me, it's like just, just do a podcast and talk on that and have it on demand. Have people subscribe if they want to hear your shit, it is kind of good for just, I just, you know, I want to see what's going on in Hollywood and you know, Jay Lenos on it and Oprah's on it. So I guess there's some, some popular pop culture thing going on, but I don't know. I don't think it's, it reminds me of, if you remember, about 10 years ago, there was a site where you could DJ, do you remember this site? So, so there were like five DJ tables. There were different rooms with different kinds of music. And if a DJ spot opened up, you could take it and play songs. And each DJ would play different song and you'd have little icons in the crowd bobbing up and down and those were real people and they would listen to songs and it was really cool at first.
Joel (31m 30s):
And then after a while, it's like, well, I can't decide what song comes on. And I don't know what, like, so it was a cool discovery techie thing. And it's gone now. I think, I think Clubhouse is similar.
Chad (31m 40s):
This is a sell. I think it's overinflated already. I'm a big fan of audio because it's portable. And it seems like, you know, this is a situation where you don't, you don't want to be portable and distracted. I mean, listening to a podcast, mowing the lawn in the grocery store, on the treadmill. That's typical. Shit I do all the time, but trying to engage in a conversation by being portable, it sounds good. But overall in practical experience, it's just not going to make sense.
Joel (32m 9s):
Yeah. And there's also issues with a you and I understand this doing a podcast is that the quality of the sound is really, really important. And trust me, Clubhouse is a variety of quality of sounds, right? People who are on good stuff and people who just are like, who knows what the fuck they're on. They're in some bunker somewhere. So anyway, all right, two sells on that. Let's get to the last company we got Multi-Verse yes. They just raise 44 million in a series B, they've rated it raised a total of 64 million. Their goal is to match young and diverse talent with apprenticeships. Multi-verse positions, apprenticeships as an alternative to the traditional graduate path. Buy or sell?
Chad (32m 48s):
Buy, buy, buy. Companies should be manufacturing talent themselves in this manner, but they aren't. And this is a much easier way for them to execute. So big names already backing the initiatives in big names are already using multi-verse. We should be doing this already. We're not, this is a plug and play environment. Go fucking do this.
Joel (33m 11s):
Yeah. Big, big buy for me as well. Like, you know, we're going to talk about with the democratic led government about raising the minimum wage and you know, the path to getting a job. And you know, when you and I were getting our first job like entry-level and minimum wage was, it was a stepping stone, right? And you went on to the things. Well, the world is different. Now you have gig economy dynamics that come into play, like the career path for people is much different. Now not everyone wants to go to college, obviously. And to have a platform where you can have an like just an old school apprenticeship to learn welding or whatever the hell you want to do, I think is incredibly powerful and will be a fantastic funnel into the real world and getting real jobs for people that want a second, a second option in terms of their career path that doesn't include, you know, college or the traditional traditional routes.
Joel (34m 6s):
So two is that two sells and a buy?
Chad (34m 10s):
Yup. Yup, yup. Yup. Sell, sell, buy, baby. That's a good, that's a good way to, to get into our next segment. Are you going to buy or sell Google thinking that they can just go ahead and quit Australia. Let's get it on you can't you can't quit me. Google. You can't quit me.
Joel (34m 29s):
Yeah. This is some saber rattling shit. Now keep in mind. Australia is the size of Canada, which is the size of California. So I, you know, it's not a huge, huge battle, right? This isn't the US banning Google. Our chair. It's not about Australia though.
Chad (34m 49s):
None of this is about Australia.
Joel (34m 50s):
This is this. This is the first line of defense that Google has to make to basically fend off every European country, probably a lot of other countries that say you need to pay to play. And if they don't take a stand in the first battle countries, are just going to roll over and get in line to get a check from Google. So they, they have to rattle the saber. And I, I tend to think that they're willing to fuck over Australia if it means they don't have to take on Germany and France and all the, all the other countries.
Chad (35m 25s):
Oh. But they will, but they will. And that's the thing is as soon as they pull out of Australia, there's a vacuum. What's next. They pull out of the UK? There's a vacuum there, which means Google is not going to be the prominent player. They already own 90% of the traffic in Australia. They pull out and they try to go back later. Will they get that back? Not to mention you are allowing competition to come in and perspectively, just start to own what you've owned before. This to me again is saber rattling. But it is. I mean, it's not going to work.
Joel (36m 1s):
Yeah. There's a good chance that the blueprint for this was the whole Uber employee, categorization of workers and all that. Yeah. So Uber threatens to leave or close shop in California. They pay them a bunch of money to lobby and market as to why, you know, a law should be passed. There'll be certain, certain politicians that come to Google's defense and say, Hey, there should be, they should be able to operate. But like let's compromise. And there'll be sort of a surface level compromise of what Google has to do. Australia get paid a little money, people will wet their beaks a little bit.
Chad (36m 40s):
Yeah. But here's the thing, dude. Facebook is already showing that they're going to outflank them in Europe, in the UK. So the thing is, Google is trying to do this bullshit, saber rattling while Facebook is showing, okay, you can go ahead and do that asshole, but guess what? We're going to come in and take your place. Now they're not a search company, but it doesn't mean that a search company can't fill that void as well. Facebook with the news and then a search company comes in or maybe who knows maybe Facebook starts to do search well, cause they currently suck at it. Yeah.
Joel (37m 16s):
And frankly, Facebook needs to do news well, and they need to make nice with like legitimate news sources and content. So, you know, they don't want to relive the Russian Trump fiasco that they've been through the last couple of years. And, and repeat that. So yeah, this is super interesting. And this is going to lay out sort of the future of, of both these companies and the internet and how they engage with the society as a norm, I'm really interested to see what happens with, with section 230. And whether that gets revoked here in the States, and these companies are treated more like media companies, as opposed to just, you know, dumb pipes that, that flow through content.
Joel (37m 58s):
And I got to think they're gonna be, they're gonna be on the side of media and that's going to bleed into, into everywhere in the world. And they are prepared for it.
Chad (38m 6s):
I think I stand behind Australia.
Joel (38m 8s):
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, 90% of the world's venomous animals, by the way, everybody that's, that's what you get here: facts on Chad and Cheese.
JobAdX (38m 17s):
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We do the rest. Getting an influx of applicants already that just aren't the right fit? JobAdX presents your jobs to targeted candidates based on their job preferences to get granular. Now your advertising spend can go towards more relevant candidates, not just more applicants. What's more your JobAdX programmatic campaigns now reach for government job bank systems in over 30 States, giving you centralized access to the majority of active job seekers, eager to get off of unemployment and get back to work. Send us a note today with your unique challenge, to see how we can help you in the new state of recruiting, make the next step forward and start your results focused campaign now at JobAdX.com that's JobAdX.com.
Joel (39m 17s):
Hold on. I want to close the show feeling good. Can we do that? Can we do some feel good? Feel good? You know?
Chad (39m 22s):
Good feeling time.
Joel (39m 23s):
So Adam Gordon, massive fan of the show, arguably our, our, our, our best fan in Scotland. I think our biggest fan! It's his birthday this week, 44, 46?
Chad (39m 38s):
I thought he was 74?
Joel (39m 40s):
He's not, but anyway, I was going to make a kilt joke, but it was inappropriate because we're feeling good. We're gonna do a feel good show. All right. So happy birthday, Adam. Also Alison Holbrooke. One of my buddies from Boston. She is now the head of marketing at Beamery, who we love, and hopefully we'll be great at, and lastly, this story was on as I was eating lunch today. So in Oregon, there was a huge snow storm and a major traffic jam, like stop traffic. And there were, there was a healthcare truck that was delivering vaccines and the vaccine was going to go bad because of the traffic jam and the stall that they were on.
Joel (40m 20s):
So they literally got out of their health, whatever healthcare vehicle and started vaccinating people that were in the same traffic jam instead of having the vaccine go to waste. So I thought that was a real feel-good story. Way to go Oregon! Way to go humans! Way to go.
Chad (40m 39s):
That's good stuff.
Joel (40m 41s):
And that leads us to some good stuff recruiting on one of our favorite apps TikTok.
Chad (40m 47s):
Everyone's been asking, how can I use Tik TOK for recruiting? Not really everybody, but anyway, we've found a winner. Rather, Rick Carsley found a winner and then he shared it on LinkedIn. A Costco worker explains on a Tik TOK video, how you can work at Costco and make really good money in detail. He's real, he's authentic. And he answers a question. Everyone who's interested in perspectively working at Costco wants to hear, as we ask ourselves, how do we use social media to be able to connect with people? This is it. People be real. Give them, give them the, the real information, be authentic about it.
Chad (41m 29s):
Don't bullshit them.
Joel (41m 30s):
Chad (41m 30s):
I'm thinking of Tony as he's mixing paint. I mean, that's what he loves to do. And it comes through in, in paint mixing, which just blows my mind. Just do what you love and get it out there in an authentic way.
Joel (41m 44s):
Yeah. That's, Tony's exactly what I thought about. And if you haven't heard that episode go the archives. Great story. So this is, this is not a Costco account. This is not any sort of official Costco approved account. This guy works at Costco. Apparently he took talks about working there and his day, his days at Costco, he took Q and A from folks, someone asked what it's like to work there. He talks about compensation, benefits, career path. Again, this is not a Costco account, but Costco apparently has at least at the, in this instance, empowered employees to talk about the job. This guy is doing this for free.
Joel (42m 25s):
The companies need to really rethink about social media and what they empower their employees to do, because it's a tale of two stories. The Sherwin-Williams where they fire the kid who has a million plus followers and viewers on posts and Costco, who apparently is empowering this user to talk about the company show what he's doing throughout the day. And obviously a great recruiting and branding employer branding tool. So feel good at Costco. Paint and trim, try the salsa, If you ever go to Costco, it's solid. Trust me.
Chad (43m 1s):
Try the salsa tub.
Joel (43m 3s):
And try the Montel. So while you're at it, let's have this take us out Chad.
Chad (43m 8s):
All day long.
OUTRO (44m 34s):
I'm Rory from Scotland, the country, which brought you electricity! Thank you for listening to podcasts with Chad and Cheese. Brilliant! They talk about recruiting. They talk about technology, but most of all, they talk about nothing. Nada Niente. Anyhoo, be sure to subscribe today on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, or wherever you listen to your podcasts. We out.