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Thankful Turkeys

Chad Sowash

It ain’t cool being a jive turkey so close to Thanksgiving, but it's definitely cool listening to the Thanksgiving Day episode of The Chad & Cheese Podcast. Again this year, the boys are talkin’ turkey with the queen of chatbots, the one, the only, Quincy Valencia from Hourly. The crew goes through six 'Thankfuls' and three 'Turkeys'. Yummy! Pass the green bean casserole and turn it up to 11.


sfx (1s):

' Okay. Pretend it's Thanksgiving. And this bread is a turkey. Oh my God. It's so juicy.

INTRO (14s):

Hide your kids! Lock the doors! You're listening to HR’s most dangerous podcast. Chad Sowash and Joel Cheeseman are here to punch the recruiting industry, right where it hurts! Complete with breaking news, brash opinion and loads of snark, buckle up boys and girls, it's time for the Chad and Cheese podcast.

Joel (37s):

Yeah, it ain't cool being no jive turkey so close to Thanksgiving. Welcome to the Turkey Day episode of the Chad and Cheese podcast on your cohost. Joel "sweet potato pie" Cheeseman.

Chad (49s):

And I'm Chad "moist Tofurky" Sowash.

Joel (53s):

And on this episode, we're talking turkey with the queen of chatbots, the one, the only Quincy Valencia, everybody. Quincy, welcome back to the podcast. It's your second Thanksgiving day show.

Quincy (1m 8s):

Well thanks!

Chad (1m 9s):


Joel (1m 9s):

Have you had your mental health checked out?

Quincy (1m 11s):

I'm starting to feel like it's just tradition.

Joel (1m 14s):

How many episodes is that of ours that you're up to now?

Quincy (1m 19s):

I don't know. A bunch.

Chad (1m 21s):

Probably five. Probably closer to five.

Joel (1m 21s):

This is close to SNL. You need to get a gold jacket here at some point.

Quincy (1m 27s):

I'll be waiting.

Joel (1m 27s):

You and Tim Sackett can get gold Chad and Cheese jackets.

Chad (1m 29s):

I don't think we have the budget for that. I don't think we have the budget for that, but for all the listeners out there!

Joel (1m 37s):

Get a sponsor!

Chad (1m 38s):

For all the listeners that are out there who don't know who Quincy is first and foremost, get out of the goddamn fetal position and actually understand what's going on around you. Second. She's the VP of product innovation over at AMS and currently ranked numbered one in the Chad and Cheese football league. Quincy, thanks for, thanks for coming.

Joel (2m 3s):

Whose last in our league Chad?

Chad (2m 5s):

Quincy went from worst to first and I went from first to worst.

Joel (2m 9s):

I don't think Quincy's ever been in the cellar. I think she's always been fighting from like the middle to the top.

Chad (2m 16s):


Quincy (2m 17s):

True story.

Chad (2m 18s):

So last year at this time you were locked up in a cabin in the woods. Unabomber style, your words.

Quincy (2m 24s):

That's right.

Chad (2m 26s):

Now you've taken that to a whole new level. So where do you call home nowadays, Quincy?

Quincy (2m 38s):

The booming metropolis of Brookings, South Dakota. I'm sure you know it.

Chad (2m 40s):

South Dakota!And you actually had you, they shut down the schools today because of snow

Quincy (2m 49s):

and oh, okay. Okay.

Joel (2m 50s):

And she's mad about it as if she lives in Miami or something and didn't expect this.

Chad (2m 56s):

She went to school in Miami. She knows what that feels like.

Quincy (3m 0s):

I did.

Joel (3m 1s):

Do they still have a football team?

Chad (3m 3s):


Quincy (3m 3s):

They do by God. Do you still have a fantasy football team? I can redirect like a pro here.

Chad (3m 11s):

Fantasy versus reality.

Joel (3m 12s):

I can take you on in fantasy.

Chad (3m 14s):

Okay. Okay. Okay. On this very show last year we talked about how 2020 was such a fucking shit show, but I believe, and you let me know your thoughts that 2021 outmatched 2020 in the shit show. What do you think?

Quincy (3m 29s):

I don't know man? I, 2021 has been interesting. I don't know if shit shows the right word? I don't know if it's been?

Joel (3m 34s):


Quincy (3m 34s):

It's been booming for a lot of people. A lot of companies say it was their best year ever. So it's hard to say. I think we're going to get into some of that today when we talk about the good, the bad and the ugly,

Joel (3m 45s):

There's an industry perspective and there's a world at large perspective. Chad, Chad may have been coming at that from the world at large. Whereas Quincy is buried in the industry 24/7.

Quincy (3m 56s):

I didn't know there was a world outside of the industry, which tells you about my 2021.

Joel (4m 2s):

Yeah. That's what living in the Dakotas will do to you.

Quincy (4m 7s):

All right, enough Dakota hate now, you're one listener from South Dakota is not going to listen to you anymore.

Joel (4m 13s):

That one listener in international falls is really enjoying the show.

Chad (4m 17s):

You might've heard of that. I believe on January 6th, everyone knew that 2020 was just an opening act for the real shit show. Not to mention all the anti-vaxxers Kyrie, Aaron Rogers, making a stand, doing their own research. So yeah, I think 2021, we might come out of it in Q4, but it really, it kicked 2020 in the nuts.

Quincy (4m 41s):


Chad (4m 42s):

So that makes it, let's talk about what's going on with Hourly because last year, 2020, you launched Hourly in a fucking pandemic, but yet it looks like probably one of the smartest moves ever because of timing and look at the market today and hourly employees.

Quincy (4m 56s):

I mean, who knew we didn't intend to launch it a pandemic, but we didn't intend for there to be a pandemic, but here we were. And it was an interesting time to launch a software product, to help with the hiring of hourly workers, but to your point, it did turn out to be really good. It turned out to be a year where companies started to really see the value that these people who've driven our economy have provided to their business, to the economy at large, and everyone was kind of left, scratching their head, going, wait, what do we do? And we've really been able to get in there and help companies support that hiring that they need to do in a time that's been so incredibly frustrating and difficult. So

Joel (5m 35s):

Very nice. And your, lone commercial here, here, Quincy, where can they find out more about Hourly if our listeners want to dig into that company?

Quincy (5m 43s):

Yeah, they can go to, and click on digital and they'll see the Hourly product, just the first product to come of many and AMS's new digital division. So more to come there as well.

Chad (5m 55s):

Ooo. Are you dropping knowledge on this today? What's going on?

Quincy (5m 58s):

Might be. Stay tuned that's all I have to say for that.

Joel (6m 1s):

Wasn't there an Hourly domain at one point? Did you get just chunk that?

Quincy (6m 8s):

Well, no, we didn't buy it. And that's why you said that. Didn't you? You said that intentionally to get in my face.

Joel (6m 13s):

Yeah I'm sorry.

Quincy (6m 13s):

I feel so welcome and loved here.

Joel (6m 15s):

All right. Can we talk a little turkey? Should we get into the show now?

Quincy (6m 18s):

Let's do it. I'm in.

Joel (6m 20s):

All right, here we go our Thanksgiving show works like this. Everybody, each of us will give two things that we're thankful for in the industry because we like to keep it on the positive tip and then one turkey from each of us from 2021. That's how the game is played. Are you ready to be thankful and talk turkey everybody?

Chad (6m 45s):

Let's do it.

Joel (6m 45s):

Quincy as our guest, you go first. What were you thankful for back in 2021?

Quincy (6m 48s):

Thankful for a lot actually. But the first thing I'm going to say I was thankful for is this thing we all know as the great resignation, which seems an odd thing to be thankful for. But for me it indicates that people are finally realizing the value they provide to their companies and to the economy at large and standing up for themselves and saying, you know, we're not going to take it anymore basically.

Chad (7m 14s):


Quincy (7m 14s):

That's right.

Joel (7m 15s):

We're not gonna take it!

Quincy (7m 15s):

No the balance of power's been on the side of the employer for so long. I'm really, really grateful that people are truly finally standing up and saying, Hey, we're human beings. We're not, not machines for you. We're not commodities. And there's some things that we're, that we will require if you want us to work for your organization. So I say good for everyone who's been involved in that both at the hourly level and the professional level. There's more to life than what you can contribute to your company. So thank God people are seeing that now and find a better balance in their lives.

Chad (7m 49s):


Joel (7m 50s):

Can I play devil's advocate on this one.

Quincy (7m 52s):


Chad (7m 53s):

Why not?

Joel (7m 53s):

Oh no. Okay. What if the great resignation and higher wages and I'm not going to take it anymore just leads to automation and robotics at a quicker pace and we're all out of work and five to 10 years?

Quincy (8m 2s):

That's what everyone's said for years. That's what they said when they invented the cotton gin. I mean, I just think that's, the people will rescale and there'll be different jobs for people to play. And it just was, people are having the opportunity now even to go back and change their skillset, change their value in the market. So you kind of sound like my great grandfather.

Joel (8m 24s):

Power to the people.

Quincy (8m 24s):

We have probably no automobiles.

Chad (8m 26s):

We had problems finding drivers before this. Right. And so it's not like this is a new problem. It's just it's happening in a different scale. So yeah, I mean, I think that automation is definitely going to take over no matter what and it was intended to it's about evolution.

Joel (8m 42s):

For the record I'm not the oldest person on the podcast.

Chad (8m 47s):

You just sound like it.

Joel (8m 51s):

Chad are you ready? Let me cue you up, baby.

Chad (9m 1s):

Here we go.

Joel (9m 2s):

All right.

Chad (9m 2s):

What I'm thankful for is froth baby that's right. Money, money, money. So funding reached 6 billion in Q3 of 2021 alone and nearly 14 billion year to date. Three quarters of 2021 funding More than doubled all of the funding realized in 2020, which was not a bad funding year, by the way. So we've never, I repeat, never seen unicorns in the HR industry like this. We're talking about new unicorns on this very show just about every other week nowadays. But in closing, I am thankful for the rise because it's great content, great stories.

Chad (9m 48s):

It's amazing to see who is getting and not getting cash. But with every rise there will inevitably be a fall and only then, only then will we see who is ready for the big leagues. So I'm, I love the froth, because that means we're going to have a thinning of the herd later.

Quincy (10m 4s):

For sure.

Joel (10m 5s):

I fear that you'll be thankful for the froth next year, but for a different reason that we had plenty to talk about in the crash and burn and the carnage from 2021 or '22.

Quincy (10m 14s):

Yeah, I'll be devil's advocate on this one. And there, I'm kind of there with Joel. I think it's great that we're getting investment that we need, but not every company deserves a 10X valuation on the money that they get. And I'm afraid that we may have been a little bit overzealous in some places this year. I do like, I agree with you Chad, I like that the money is actually going in where it's supposed to be. And it's all, anything that will contribute to our industry makes me happy, but we'll see what we talk about next year on this show.

Joel (10m 46s):

Anyone want to make a prediction of like the biggest flameout for next year?

Chad (10m 52s):

Eight fold.

Joel (10m 52s):

Ooh. Quincy?

Quincy (10m 53s):

And I refuse to participate on grounds of I might get fired.

Joel (10m 58s):

I'm going to say Deel, DEEL.

Chad (11m 1s):


Joel (11m 1s):

That's my prediction. Yes, it is. Yes it is. Well thanks Chad. All right. That was money. There we go. All right, my turn. all right. My thankful for.

Quincy (11m 11s):

I'm thankful for your pink, fluffy unicorn song.

Joel (11m 14s):

Thank you. Thank you, Chad hates it. He'll probably edit this out, but now we can't because you mentioned it. Thanks, Quincy.

Quincy (11m 20s):

Your welcome.

Joel (11m 20s):

My thankful is the rest of the world. So when I started in the game, I think roughly when you guys did back in the nineties, everything outside of the US was pretty insignificant. Yeah, you had some local success stories. StepStone, Randstad, SeekOut in Australia, but most of the innovation was just copying what we were doing here in the US. If you fast forward to today, the innovation we've seen, particularly when we are doing this show from outside of America has been really inspiring. Hell, we've even been so inspired that we started a Europe show this year, just to talk about all the cool companies and shit going on in Europe.

Joel (12m 4s):

Europe is now launching shit like crazy. And they're launching crazy shit like an actual recruiting robot out of Sweden. You don't see that stuff coming out of the US say, what you will about the validity of such a product, but it is innovative. And it's not just Europe. Australia's doing interesting things. Israel is a hub for AI and now companies outside of the U S are grabbing up our companies. StepStone is buying Maya, they're buying AppCast. And now companies from outside are making an impact here as well. An invasion if you will think companies like Adzuna coming to our shores, coming in from a French Canadian territory, they're making waves in our, in the US it's all pretty exciting from my perspective, looking forward.

Joel (12m 52s):

I think the next meteorite to hit our industry will be the likes of India, Africa, and South America. Chad and I have talked about those briefly on the show, and I think we'll talk about them more and more with companies like Andela leading the way out of India and the rest of the world looks pretty exciting. So I am immensely thankful for the rest of the world.

Chad (13m 19s):

And Quincy's definitely happy for the rest of the world, because AMS is a headquartered out of

Quincy (13m 23s):

The UK.

Joel (13m 24s):

That's right? And Quincy lives in a vast wasteland that is neither a country or a state at this point.

Quincy (13m 30s):

The bad lands in South Dakota do look like the moon. I will give you that.

Chad (13m 36s):

I bet they do. We've also seen a shit ton of cash start going to the UK as well. So good stuff. Good stuff.

Joel (13m 45s):

All right. Let's take a quick break and we'll go into some more things that we're thankful for. Be right back. All right, Quincy, what else are you thankful for in 2021? Let's talk some turkey.

Quincy (13m 57s):

Let's talk it or tofurky if that were Chad talking, that's right. So yeah, the other thing I'm really thankful for is something that most of us have gotten on board with more than a decade ago, but companies are finally starting to see if they let people work from home or work a hybrid approach the company isn't gonna fall apart.

sfx (14m 16s):


Quincy (14m 16s):

People can still innovate. People could still get their work done and in fact, in many cases, more so than what they were doing before, because while I liked the break room, coffee pot chatter, as much as everybody else, we can all pretty much say it's distracting as well. And so people going on with the great resignation, people are working from home and they can now, you know, take their kids to school or pick them up from the bus stop or not miss the soccer game and not have to sit in traffic for three hours a day. And I think, you know, companies are really seeing that there's something to this on a different level, from a different angle, how much real estate cost is going to be saved for a lot of these companies, because not having to pay for that infrastructure anymore.

Joel (14m 53s):

Hell yeah.

Quincy (14m 54s):

So thank God for that. I think I read something the other day about 74% of people said that they weren't going to consider a new role if there was no, at least part-time work from home option. So this is real guys. It's not going to go away. And if your organization at large is not at least considering it or considering letting people continue it, I think you may be left holding the bag on this one.

Joel (15m 17s):

All right Quincy is, we've heard recently a symptom of this new phenomenon is the Metaverse. Give me your take on the Metaverse. Are we all going to be sitting around at home with a headset, talking to each other in digital format? Are you a little bit bearish on that one?

Chad (15m 32s):

Jole hopes that this happens. He hopes this happens.

Quincy (15m 34s):

That's some strange music to play for that. And now I view you a little bit differently Joel than I ever have before.

Joel (15m 39s):

That's what you do with your headset.

Quincy (15m 42s):

No, I don't think so, because the other part of this that you didn't bring up is people are still feeling a little bit isolated in some places and a little bit depressed. And maybe sometimes people want to put pants back on instead of just sweat pants. So I don't think that's going to happen. Oh God. I said, put pants back on. And he played that music. What's going on here?

Joel (16m 12s):

Moving on. Chad, what else are you thankful for?

Chad (16m 14s):

Moving on. Well I am thankful for the vaccine and being able to actually fucking travel again. So when early March of 2021, I received my first jab of the Pfizer vaccine and it made me feel almost free again. Then on March 26th, I received my second jab and because of the vaccine, I felt confident enough to travel more importantly, get my ass out to other countries. And other countries they were confident enough and they felt comfortable enough to let me in. Right? So as we, you and I, Joel start packing for Europe and we start an opportunity to start the conference traveling again, I am happy that and thankful that we have a vaccine so that we can get back out for business, for pleasure or any fucking reason we want to get out of the house.

Joel (17m 3s):

Are you having, have you gotten the booster? Are you a booster boy?

Chad (17m 7s):

I'm boostered up!

Quincy (17m 7s):

I'm not boostered yet, but I will be and yesterday I am proud to share. I was onsite with a client for the first time, almost two years, and we were their first client visit. So that was so exciting. I missed that.

Joel (17m 20s):

Did you fly there?

Quincy (17m 21s):

I flew and we had to where else we think I have a client in South Dakota. Well, we've been through this.

Joel (17m 28s):

Well, I'm leading the witness. I'm leading the witness here to say, what are your thoughts, either both of you on business travel? There's been a lot of speculation that, yeah, when we work from home, everything is Zoom. We go to webinars and we go to, you know, online conferences like you guys think we're going to get you back on airplanes. We're going to get back in front of customers and prospects and clients at conferences. What's your take on business travel?

Quincy (17m 50s):

Without question. I mean so I said yesterday I was with a client on site. Last week our leadership team was together in Toronto again for the first time in almost two years and it was amazing. People are craving it. They want that interaction. And unlike most, I actually never stopped traveling during COVID. Cause I had reasons to, I had to come to South Dakota for crying out loud.

Chad (18m 9s):

Lucky girl.

Quincy (18m 10s):

I know. And where, you know, at the beginning of this pandemic, there were times that I was literally the only person on the plane besides the flight crew. And I haven't been on a plane now in a few months that wasn't just absolutely jam packed, overbooked. So I think people are ready for it, that the customers are ready to meet people in person we're ready to go out and get in front of them and have that collaboration as well. So I think it's coming back.

Joel (18m 32s):

Do you think people are going to go back to conferences? Do you think budgets will open up for that? I understand sales calls and things like that, but how about conferences?

Quincy (18m 40s):

Yeah, I don't know, that's a really good question. I think people are planning in person conferences. I think we'll see what the attendance will be. I think industry participants will be there. I'm not sure how much organizations will open up their budgets to allow practitioners to go. I think they will eventually but I don't know. We'll see. Yeah.

Chad (18m 60s):

Yeah. I think we're all hungry for the interaction. And there's no question on the vendor side, they're thirsty for fucking leads. So yeah, I think, I think conferences will definitely come back. We won't see them in full force. I don't think in 2022 and depending how, you know, if we have any other variants that pop up, knock on wood. But yeah, I mean, I don't see getting on a plane, being that big of an issue, wearing a mask for, you know, seven hours to go to Europe, didn't kill me and it didn't kill me on the way back. So I think we can deal. And if we really want to go to that conference or go to that sales meeting, you know, we're gonna do whatever it takes.

Joel (19m 40s):

Quincy did AMS, go to HR tech this year?

Quincy (19m 41s):

We did have participants in HR tech this year. Yeah.

Joel (19m 45s):

What was the review of that?` Waste of time, like I heard there were, there were very few attendees.

Quincy (19m 49s):

It was interesting to see what was going on in the market. There were a couple of really good keynotes. There were a couple of really bad ones that seemed unprepared as the review that I heard. I was not in attendance.

Chad (20m 6s):


Quincy (20m 7s):

But it was interesting to see who the money that people still put in without the participation of years before was the most notable thing. Yeah.

Joel (20m 19s):

And I assume you'll be back in '22 for HR tech. All right. Well here's my second thankful hubris. Hubris is defined "as the characteristics of excessive confidence or arrogance, which leads a person to believe that they may do no wrong." No, I'm not talking about my cohost. I'm talking about companies in our industry. Again, I'm going to show my age a little bit here, but I'm old enough to remember when newspapers thought job boards were a fad or that newspapers would just go online and crush the job sites. Craigslist who? We know how that turned out. And I'm old enough to remember Monster and CareerBuilder ignoring Indeed until 2008 happened and Indeed arose from the carnage to be the Indeed that we mostly know today.

Joel (21m 11s):

Well, luckily for a couple of podcasters, hubris is back and making things interesting as always, whether it's Indeed ignoring Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Uber, well Indeed ignoring everybody really or Sterling and HireRiding ignoring Checkr or the US ignoring the rest of the world or Paradox ignoring Hourly, Predictive Hire. I could go on and on, but human nature's inability to respect the underdog keeps our job interesting and our listeners happy. I am super thankful for hubris.

Quincy (21m 44s):

That's an interesting take Joel.

Joel (21m 45s):

Oh, thank you. Thank you. And thanks for that feedback. And with that, let's take another break and get to what everybody's really wanting to hear about the turkey. All right, Quincy, you're done being optimistic. Let's get a little negative. Let's get a little bit like getting in the dirt. Let's dig up a little stuff here and talk about the turkeys of 2022. Who you got?

Quincy (22m 5s):

All right. Well, I'd like to say this isn't my sweet spot, but come on, you guys know me too well. So this is kind of my sweet spot here. There were so many things I could have picked for this year. And then I decided to roll them all up into one category that Chad's going to give me hell about, cause I named it the COVID Karen. Which can be a whole lot of things, it's individual humans. It's companies who refuse to get on board with the way that things are changing and what they're going to do. It's the people who said, if you don't like flipping burgers, get some training or education, get a new job. And then people did. And now the Karens are bitching because they have to wait a little longer for their latte, right?

Quincy (22m 45s):

And what are we going to do? And it's the companies who refuse to raise their wages and then they yell at their recruiters, make them cry cause they can't fill jobs even though the recruiter sends them a screenshot of their page one Indeed ad, where the people, you know, the three listings above the three listings below for the exact same job at the company next door is paying three bucks more an hour. People need to stop with that and get a little bit more realistic and understand we've gone through some changes here and largely they're really, really good, but you know, suck it up. People did what you said and now you're paying the price for it. So now what are you going to do to make some changes so you can satisfy your coffee craving without complaining about it and satisfy your customers by being able to stack your store.

Quincy (23m 37s):

I'm tired of hearing the complaints.

Joel (23m 39s):

Were you worried about sounding like a Karen complaining about the Karens of the industry?

Quincy (23m 42s):

You know I was mildly. I was a little bit until I had the hubris to understand I'm not like them. And mine is valid, so there you have it.

Chad (23m 53s):

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody's everybody's own opinions valid, right? It's it's interesting because it's kind of like, we want to paint shades and Karen being a female is definitely a bad thing, but not only females were being the assholes during, you know, all of this timeframe. So I've just always wondered why the female's name was attached to bad behavior.

Quincy (24m 16s):

Well, because it's the haircut you see. Remember how this all started, but I want to speak to your manager haircut. And that was a women's haircut. That's the origin story. Look it up.

Chad (24m 25s):

Okay. I I'm learning here. I just didn't know why. And I thought, I thought I'd ask.

Quincy (24m 33s):

No, I agree. And that's why I qualified by saying it could be an individual, but it could be a whole organization too.

Joel (24m 41s):

There's no question that there's a level of civility with the world that is somehow paused or we forgot how to be human and decent. And I agree that whether it's male, female, young, old, whatever, we've been kind of dicks to each other for a whole year plus and hopefully 2022, we can find a little bit of common ground in civility. Fingers crossed.

Chad (25m 5s):

We're spoiled little assholes is what we are. When we can't go like Quincy and said, well, we can't go and actually get our macchiato our caramel macchiato within five minutes. Or maybe Starbucks has shut down for a few hours cause they don't have staff. You know, again, when you go to Europe, they closed down from like three to seven. I mean you better have snacks on hand guys and nobody gets pissed off then. We in the US for the most part are just spoiled, little fucking brats. And it is just, it is overflowing with spoiledness.

Joel (25m 37s):

For the record you'd better have snacks for me all the time. No matter what year it is.

Chad (25m 41s):

Bring your own fucking snacks.

Quincy (25m 42s):

If people don't stop assaulting flight attendants I'm going to get really mad next time I'm on United Airlines and can't get a bourbon on the rocks cause people can't keep it together for a two hour flight.

Chad (26m 4s):

Another reason why I fly Delta because I can get my bourbon.

Quincy (26m 8s):


Joel (26m 8s):

All right, Chad, you're up? Who is your turkey of the year?

Chad (26m 12s):

My turkey is very widespread. There are vendors who are slapping DEI on every fucking platform. So like AI, which we saw, vendors quickly sought out flimsy angles in which to attach diversity, equity and inclusion to their technology. And for all of you hiring companies out there take note here. It's a fucking trap.

Quincy (26m 36s):


Chad (26m 36s):

And as EEOC commissioner Keith Sanderlings said on our show just a few weeks ago, you hiring company you're on the hook, not the vendor who's supplying the tech, no matter what their fucking marketing material says, right? So here are two things. Number one, vendors, stop this ridiculous bullshit because tech is not the answer to DEI. It doesn't create inequities it only scales them. Number two, hiring companies, do better due diligence, get external experts in the mix. And the most important aspect is clean up your damn job descriptions and blow up your fucking process.

Chad (27m 16s):

The turkeys here are all of those individuals, vendors and hiring companies that believe there's a silver bullet for DEI. Cause there's not.

Joel (27m 24s):


Quincy (27m 25s):

Preach I'm with you on that.

Joel (27m 26s):

And preach. Love it. What a predictions for a hot term of 2022 we've we've been through AI. We've been through now diversity. What's next?

Chad (27m 33s):

That's a good question.

Joel (27m 35s):

Remote automation.

Chad (27m 35s):

I think high volume is now starting to see a huge rise. We're seeing high volume platforms get a ton of cash. We just saw Fountain get 85 million right? And that is a huge need in the market today. So I think high volumes going to continue to be big. And we're going to see a bunch of platforms that have no business talking about high volume going into high volume.

Quincy (28m 3s):

You know who does though? Hourly by AMS.

Joel (28m 6s):

She snuck in another commercial. The answer my friends is Metaverse. That's what's going to be hot next year. Okay. My turkey and we'll end with this is Sherwin-Williams. Now stick with me here. TikTok was super hot last year. All right, it's still hot and made it into our show more times than I care to count. However, one story and interview really stood out on the show last year. Tony Piloseno was a senior at Ohio University who was working part-time at a local Sherwin-Williams and mixing paint for his TikTok followers, which at the time numbered 1.2 million followers.

Joel (28m 48s):

Now did Sherwin-Williams fast track Tony to their executive farm system as a result?

Chad (28m 51s):


Joel (28m 52s):

Hell no. They fired him fucked up, right. Tony should be a marketing manager at Sherwin-Williams today. Their loss obviously, but, but a little update here, Tony seems to be doing okay. In case you are wondering, Tony still works for Florida Paints the job and the company that hired him after he was fired by Sherwin-Williams he's their content creator. And he's up to 1.8 million TikTok followers. You can also buy his custom paints at That's T O N E S T E It's a great story for Tony, but it is a horrible look for Sherwin-Williams and any employer who wants to cover their eyes from social media success and blindly embrace HR policies at the risk of losing top talent.

Joel (29m 42s):

Sherwin-Williams is a big jive turkey in my book and a lesson for other companies.

Quincy (29m 48s):

Man, I don't even know that story and now I feel like I need to paint over all of my Sherwin-Williams agreeable gray walls.

Chad (29m 55s):

You can find a agreeable gray or what I like to call apartment gray. Julie hates that I say that, apartment gray wherever they sell paints and just see if you can get some from Tonester.

Joel (30m 5s):

And get some custom paint for a minute. I'll throw some blueberries in a can. Some grapes. Get you a nice shade, nice shade to lighten up South Dakota. Or is it North Dakota? Is there really a difference?

Chad (30m 21s):

Does it matter?

Joel (30m 22s):

It doesn't really matter.

Chad (30m 24s):

So well last but never least kids, I'm thankful for you turkeys, the two of you because the industry wouldn't be the same without your smiling faces and quick witted snark. Thanks turkeys.

Quincy (30m 38s):

I'm tearing up.

Joel (30m 39s):

And, and sorry, I'm going to muck up the show, but our sponsors, we love them. Listeners, fans, people wear t-shirts and drink our whiskey. We love all you guys. And we're looking forward to an exciting 2022.

Quincy (30m 55s):

Well, I, for one I'm tearing up, like Kyle Rittenhouse on the stand.

Joel (30m 60s):

Everybody out there.

Chad (31m 2s):

You're faking it is what you're saying.

Joel (31m 5s):

Everybody out there have a great Thanksgiving! Football food nap repeat. And that is another Thanksgiving day episode in the books Chad. Thank you, Quincy.

Quincy (31m 13s):

Thanks gentlemen.

Joel (31m 13s):

And as always, how we in the show: we out.

Quincy, Joel and Chad (31m 18s):

We out.

OUTRO (31m 54s):

Thank you for listening to, what's it called? The podcast with Chad, the Cheese. Brilliant. They talk about recruiting. They talk about technology, but most of all, they talk about nothing. Just a lot of Shout Outs of people, you don't even know and yet you're listening. It's incredible. And not one word about cheese, not one cheddar, blue, nacho, pepper jack, Swiss. So many cheeses and not one word. So weird. Any hoo be sure to subscribe today on iTunes, Spotify, Google play, or wherever you listen to your podcasts, that way you won't miss an episode. And while you're at it, visit just don't expect to find any recipes for grilled cheese. Is so weird. We out.


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