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Reunion Squad: Honeit's Nick Livingston

Chad Sowash

Most reunions suck. You have to pretend to look younger, more successful, and skinnier than you really are. And then there are those stupid name tags with your senior picture on them. Don't even get me started. Anyway, other reunions - like Firing Squad reunions - are awesome! That's why we invited Firing Squad alum Honeit, and their CEO Nick Livingston back on the show after 4 years to see how things are going. Spoiler alert: They're going pretty well. How well?

Gotta listen.

Firing SQUAD INTRO (0s):

Like Shark Tank? Then you'll love Firing Squad! CHAD SOWASH & JOEL CHEESEMAN are here to put the recruiting industry's bravest, ballsiest, and baddest startups through the gauntlet to see if they got what it takes to make it out alive? Dig a fox hole and duck for cover kids the Chad and Cheese Podcast is taking it to a whole other level.

Joel (22s):

Oh yeah. What's up everybody? It's your favorite guilty pleasure. AKA the Chad and Cheese podcast. I'm your co-host Joel Cheeseman joined as always the Coby to my Shaq ~ Chad Sowash today we have a very special reunion show. Welcome everybody back to the Firing Squad, Vic Livingston co-founder and CEO of Honeit

Chad (47s):

There he is.

Joel (48s):

Nick, welcome back.

Nick (49s):

Thanks guys. Good to be back.

Joel (50s):

The last time we did, this was almost four or five years ago, dude.

Chad (55s):

Wow. Stop it. Really?

Joel (56s):

I know. Right. Are we that old?

Chad (59s):

Damn Jesus. Yeah. Nick was definitely one of our first Firing Squads in early 2018. So any of you listeners out there, if you didn't hear that, so you can always go back and check it out, but let's get a quick Twitter bio from Nick real quick.

Nick (1m 16s):

Hi everybody. Nick Livingston. I've been a recruiter my whole career. I love the profession. I've been a recruiting director at MTV, Viacom, startups in SF, and now I'm building tools for recruiters.

Joel (1m 29s):

MTV. That could be a whole separate show! A bunch of gen Xers talking about MTV. That would be fun.

Chad (1m 33s):

That would be a blast. How long were you at MTV again, Nick?

Nick (1m 39s):

For about four years, the joke was Jersey shore basically paid our bonuses

Joel (1m 44s):

And what are Beavis and Butthead like in real life? That's what I want to know.

Nick (1m 47s):

I haven't met them, but I think they're coming out with a new one.

Chad (1m 50s):

Oh, he's on their show right now.

Joel (1m 53s):

I was trying to set him up for that.

Chad (1m 56s):

Okay, Nick, this is a new show. It's the reunion show. We've had so many companies come through Firing Squad probably well over a hundred year, one of the first. And we wanted to do a reunion show that would focus on helping our listeners gain knowledge from your successes and failures. That means you are going to have to sit and listen to your original two minute Honeit pitch from 2018 or at the end of that two minutes, we're going to talk about what's gone wrong. What's gone, right. And how Honeit is different today compared to that 2018 pitch and whatever the hell we have time for. So at the end of it, Joel and I both gave you big applause.

Chad (2m 36s):

I think you might've been the first double big applause that we've had in Firing Squad, but we're going to reassess and then you'll be on your way. Are you ready to listen to your 2018 self?

Nick (2m 54s):

AH JEEZ. Crushing. YEAH! Let's do it.

Joel (2m 56s):

Alright, here we go. Two minutes starts now.

Nick (2m 59s):

Hey everybody. Nick Livingston with Honeit. After 15 years in the recruiting trenches, you know, I realized our conversations are important. You know, the daily phone conversations with candidates, that's kind of the initial step of the interview process and I found most of my day with scheduling calls talking to candidates and sharing highlights with the clients. But I thought, you know, take a step back and look at our phone interviews they're a black box, with zero visibility into the questions that are asked, let alone answers that take place during those conversations. So, Honeit technology, it's simple, natural, phone interview technology. We let recruiters capture the great insights and answers during those conversations. Lots of competitive intelligence. Lots of insights again during these conversations that go unnoticed.

Nick (3m 40s):

And instead of scribbling notes and sharing opinions with hiring managers we make it really easy for recruiters to package up a couple of great answers that were heard during a live phone interview and share those with the client. Or share those with a hiring manager so that they can hear the candidate in their own words. And what we're finding here is this is removing redundant steps of the interview process. No more two or three phone interviews before you invite a candidate on site. And similarly, once you decide you do want to hire someone, we're seeing this really accelerate offers, where a VP, a CEO can quickly hear a few highlights themselves and say, "Wow. That person sounds great. Those are great technical answers. I trust my team. Go ahead and hire him." So, we're excited to remove steps of the interview process, help recruiters communicate more efficiently and more effectively with clients and to remove a lot of this underlying misinterpretation and bias that goes along with interview communication.

Nick (4m 33s):

So, again, natural phone interview technology. You can record, transcribe, and analyze live answers during your calls and share the best parts with other people.

Chad (4m 42s):

Boom it's like you're right on!

Joel (4m 44s):

Dude's tight! Phone, transcribe and analyze. I like that.

Chad (4m 48s):

Before we start talking to Nick about this, Joel, you and I both gave him big applause on this. Now on that pitch itself, what stuck out most to you?

Joel (4m 58s):

I think that what stood out to me was if I'm remembering the timeline correctly, there were a lot of chatbots at the time and chatbots were sort of the new shiny sexy thing. And, Nick's company seemed on the surface a little bit antiquated, like he had sort of missed the boat on this whole chat thing. And as I heard his pitch, you know, I kept remembering just for sort of how traditional, you know, recruiters are and that the phone isn't going away and the conversations aren't going away, just because we have this little bubble on our screen. So for me, what I remember is just reconnecting with the fact that this is a people business and that Nick sort of really tapped into a technology that made sense without eliminating the human element of it.

Joel (5m 44s):

And I think that's, you know, we'll talk through this, but my guess is that's probably still a real strong suit of his company.

Chad (5m 53s):

Yeah. I have to say his experience came out. Usually you have some CEOs or founders who are not from this industry, they might've thought there was a problem that they're creating a solution for. Nick knew, and this had nothing to do with him feeling like there was an issue he knew he'd been in the trenches and that to me drove more of the conversation around process, automation and being able to scale. So that was to me overall listening to it again here in 2022 that's what I got out of it. So Nick, first question to you, big guy, what's stood out to you on that two minute pitch, which is different way different than it is today for Honeit?

Nick (6m 34s):

Just the phone, phone, phone, phone, phone, phone, right? Like now at post COVID, we've all shifted to video and other mediums to talk to people. Right? Our platform has obviously evolved there, but yeah, I think you're right back then we were up against all these one way interview tools that were saying, yeah, send the candidate a link, have them interview themselves. And then you save you time and wow they can interview whenever they want in the middle of the night. And we were going, whoa, like the best candidates aren't going to do that. Like, what are you talking about? You got to talk to people. Yeah. I think just that specific focus early on around phone screens and phone conversations. And I think we were shouting out loud there because it has Joel pointed out. We wanted to remind people that recruiting is a human business and talking to people is a big part of what we do.

Nick (7m 19s):

But there had there wasn't tools to support that at the time.

Chad (7m 23s):


Joel (7m 23s):

I'm curious, you know, you sorta took a leap of faith to be on this crazy podcast and pitch your company. What was the initial reaction after doing it? Sort of both personally, was there feedback from people that listened? Did you get some leads or sales out of it? What was sort of life like after doing Firing Squad?

Nick (7m 39s):

It helps. Yeah. We definitely had some inbound and demo requests come through. They said they heard of us through Chad and Cheese, so that was great. I mean, I'm a fan of the show. I've been listening to you guys and have enjoyed your thoughts on our industry for a decade, right? You guys have a great viewpoint and have great contributions to this space. So I appreciated the opportunity to be a bit of a Guinea pig. And again, I'm a recruiter, we're building something for recruiters. So I, you know, any chance we can get to talk about it is helpful.

Joel (8m 5s):

So it seems like so much of what is old is new again. And, you know, chatbots have sort of become conversational AI. Chad and I talked to companies are doing sort of video celebrities that'll talk to you as them, but it's, you know, it's a machine or it's a fantasy. Is what's old, still new again? I mean, are there just different challenges with kind of the same old story we're trying to solve a problem with technology that really won't because we're talking about humans?

Nick (8m 32s):

That's a good question. I mean, I think the problem that hasn't changed that we're trying to solve is this idea of interview communication and interview collaboration in a, why does it still take eight separate conversations with eight separate people for eight people to agree? You know, Joel could be a good fit for the role, right? And it's a two month process and it's a tedious candidate experience. And it's scheduling is a pain in the ass. And like it's a bunch of redundant conversations. Why is that? It's because we're not capturing any of those conversations. We don't know what's being said, and we can't share what's being said, I think this idea of how do you get people to align on something? We've seen, you know, meeting software take place where 10 people can jump into a meeting room and have a quick conversation and knock it out.

Nick (9m 13s):

Great. We haven't seen that kind of interview collaboration yet where people can do that and agree on someone else that's maybe outside of their organization.

Chad (9m 26s):

So in the actual product, let's talk about pandemic. Okay. That struck up obviously many industries in, we saw huge growth in recruiting and hiring after, you know, the first, the first quarter of the pandemic. So talk to me a little bit about how that affected business did you have to pivot? I'm sure you did somehow some way, what did you have to do? What worked, what didn't?

Nick (9m 48s):

So we definitely had to kind of quit screaming phone and welcome video communication has a great medium. We knew it was a great medium and we'd done video calls and things like that, but we just felt phone was more convenient and less biased. And we still see a lot of phone screens going through our system over video calls when people have a choice. But I think what we jumped to is let's not limit this, let's build a communication stack for recruiters. And so now, you know, you can make calls and receive calls through the system. You have custom phone numbers, you can do SMS messaging through the system back and forth to candidates. You can talk through phone, voice, or video to candidates anywhere in the world. So it is now kind of an all-in-one communication stack for recruiters and talent partners. And I think, you know, we've even seen the best recruiters and the most innovative recruiters still piecing together that stack there, you know, they may have an ATS and they're using Calendly for scheduling.

Nick (10m 35s):

They're using a VoIP system for their phone calls. They're using zoom or a video tool for video calls. They're using some sort of transcription layer and then they still have to spend 30 minutes on a write-up to communicate that candidate to a client. Right. We put, we put that all into a single easy to use tool, after you hang up from a phone call or video call, you can submit candidates in seconds. Boom! Off to the next phone screen.

Chad (10m 58s):

So when it comes to the difference, I hear videos, the big difference. What else? I mean, cause you could schedule before. I mean there, there was transcription before, what else has Honeit done? Not that adding videos, you know, easier or anything, but what else has Honeit down from a feature standpoint to be able to really hit the more go to market and bridge some of those problems that you saw either during the pandemic or just ones that you had on the roadmap.

Nick (11m 24s):

So what we started to see some new use cases come up from recruiters using the software, right? They started to recognize, wait a minute, I don't have to just talk to candidates through this system. I can talk to references through the system. I can talk to my clients through the system.

Chad (11m 39s):

I like references. That's really cool.

Nick (11m 41s):

Intake calls. I would say those kickoff calls between a recruiter and a hiring manager. That's the most important conversation in the hiring.

Chad (11m 48s):


Nick (11m 48s):

And so what was kind of a light bulb hit off recruiters started creating a call guides in the system that were specific to an intake call. Hey, why is this job open? Hey, what's exciting about opportunity. Hey, talk to me about the team this person would work with. And you realize that an intake call is an interview too. You're just interviewing a hiring manager. And so what can you do with that? Well, we can record transcribe, index, parse the conversation, hang up the phone. And an account manager can slack a link to a recruiter or sourcer and say hot wreck, listen to these highlights. And now a recruiting team, quickly aligned, only one person had to be on the intake call, not six, all the great insights that our manager communicated about that open role is now easily shareable downstream with, you know, the recruiters and sourcers.

Nick (12m 33s):

But once further with 10, 10 seconds after an intake call and Honeit, you can create an audible job preview with a couple of great snippets from that intake call. Now, when you're reaching out to passive candidates, you can include a couple of those snippets and say, 'Hey, working on this amazing opportunity, here's a link to meet the hiring manager'. It's what every candidate wants. Who's the boss? What's the real opportunity? Not just the job description.

Joel (12m 59s):

I know for me, I was really impressed with the potpourri of features. I said potpourri, which I think is a first for this podcast. And I know that that's certainly something that when you're a startup, you know, you create a cool feature then based on, you know, what people want or what you think is the future. You start building on it. But I find myself looking at the things you're doing and it feels like you're moving even away from product and going almost to straight platform. I mean, you guys are a CRM, you have SMS, you know, you're integrated into Slack and multiple channels. I mean, was that do you agree with that statement that you guys are becoming a platform for recruiters to be sort of, you know, they'll have their activities or error my way off on that one?

Nick (13m 41s):

No, I think you're right. And I think based on customer feedback, we kept getting questions around, well, what about this? And what about which, you know, helps drive our roadmap and is great for product innovation. But, you know, I think we kept seeing that integration always became kind of this challenge of like, well, what about this? And you integrate with this and you can run with this. Or like, and we just said, wait a minute, like, let's just pull in all of these things that recruiters are doing and piece-mealing together into a single tool. And then you just paste a Honeit link in your workflow and we take care of everything. Right. And so it did become more easier to pitch it when we can say, yeah, yeah, you don't have to worry about how your VoIP system integrates with Honeit because we've got voice calls and SMS built in like, you know what I mean? And they'd be like, oh wow.

Nick (14m 22s):

I can actually save money from not having to pay for Calendly and voice and transcription tools and right. And so then it just kind of came easier. But that wasn't obvious at the beginning, to your point.

Joel (14m 32s):

So there are a lot of vendors and solutions that listened to this show and there are a lot of startups that are sort of where you were four years ago. What advice would you give them and particularly something interesting, you know, you guys have, have bootstrapped this thing and you know, of course, Chad and I talk about companies raising hundreds of millions of dollars. You guys have taken a much different approach. So for the startups out there, what advice would you give? And particularly around the raising money side, what's your sort of take on that?

Nick (14m 59s):

You know, I was fortunate to meet a couple of great technical co-founders who could build this from the ground up, right? So we had a benefit, I didn't have to raise money to recruit or hire engineers to do this. They were just as excited about Honeit as I am. We were able to build something from the ground up together. So I think that's fine. You know, find a good partner, find a technical co-founder who can build an MVP or build the technology rather than having to raise money to build it. And then two, I'd say, stick to your north star, or, you know, I'm thinking back where to go back to four years ago. But, you know, everybody was saying chat bots and automation and this and that. And I kept just seeing that as, okay, sure maybe helps the recruiter, but terrible candidate experience. Right. And so we've always been kind of going against the grain because we're like, whoa, interviews are two way conversations.

Nick (15m 44s):

And now, as we all know, in a candidate driven market, especially in hyper competitive talent markets, candidates are interviewing you. So if your recruiters aren't on point, they aren't pitching well, they aren't answering questions. They aren't able to articulate why a req is exciting or up an opportunity is great. Then you're going to miss out. So I'd say to founders out there, like stick to your north star, stick to your compass on what you kind of truly believe. And for me having recruited technical folks and product managers, most of my career, they're not going to do a chat bot. They want to talk to someone and they want a really efficient interview process.

Chad (16m 18s):

Yeah. Discipline. We talk about that on Firing Squad all of the time, you can't do everything. I don't care how much money you have. So quick question, when you're talking about the prospect, as Joel had said, being a platform, does that mean that you're looking to become a system of record? Because at that point, I mean, it's really hard to crack into the, the enterprise big logos because they already have systems of record. So who has been your main focus for go to market when we're talking about enterprise or a small to medium sized businesses?

Nick (16m 53s):

Yeah. I guess to two answers to that. So we've seen like great success with kind of small to midsize external recruiting firms who see, Honeit as a revenue generating tool. Ah,

Chad (17m 2s):


Nick (17m 2s):

I mean, if you can, if you can talk to candidates sooner, submit them in seconds, get hiring managers to quickly respond to you in an expedite next steps, you've got a huge competitive advantage to other recruiters who are still just forwarding resumes. And 40 minutes on a write-up trying to articulate a candidate like fine wine, right? Like no here's proof. Listen to these three answers. We did our job. We sourced an amazing candidate here for yourself. Skip a step. Hiring manager doesn't have to spend another 30 minutes on the phone with candidates asking the same questions they can skip to the next person. So external firms and RPO teams and executive search firms see this as a revenue generating tool to accelerate offers. We've got some customers who say using the tool, they see offers at warp speed, right?

Nick (17m 43s):

You don't need eight separate steps with eight separate people to get eight people to agree on a candidate. You need one great phone screen, a link you can Slack to six people. They can each hear some amazing technical answers. Look at the resume and say, yeah, amazing. I didn't hear anything. I didn't hear yellow or red flags. Let's have a meet the SVP.

Chad (18m 2s):

It's pretty amazing. We always talk about how staffing is recruitment as a business. It's what it is. Talent acquisition is recruitment as a job. So for you to be able to actually go after staffing, as they're looking at margins, they're looking at a better experience for their clients for a better experience for their candidates. How long do you think it's going to take talent acquisition to catch the fuck up?

Nick (18m 23s):

It's interesting. I mean, once you switch from that kind of revenue generating tool to more of like a CYA tool or just, you know, there's a bit of a lag there, but actually we're seeing internal TA teams. They recognize that timing is everything and that speed is a really valuable, competitive advantage in hiring, right? If you can get that offer out sooner than candidate doesn't have as many offers to compare it against. So we do work with internal TA teams who love the tool for the very same reasons to the recruiters. You don't have to manually schedule calls, manually type notes or manually type write-ups. You can focus on your calls, ask great technical questions, hang up the phone, click a button, share link via Slack with a hiring manager. And then hiring managers get more value, saves them time, et cetera.

Chad (19m 5s):


Nick (19m 5s):

So to answer your question about the platform play though, I mean, we have spent a lot of time building out integrations. No, we probably don't want to be the system of record for a variety of reasons, but we want to be able to play nice and be very easy to work with a lot of different ATS and workflows.

Chad (19m 22s):

How many do you work with now?

Nick (19m 25s):

I mean, we have one click integrations with Smart Recruiters and Greenhouse, at Lever and Laakso, and I'm probably forgetting a few. So, you know, easy kind of after a Honeit call, automatically push the transcript, the questions, the answers, the notes, the tags, all of that interview data can be in a candidate record elsewhere.

Chad (19m 44s):


Joel (19m 45s):

I need to transcribe phone conversations and I thought this four years ago has a lot of accessibility with other industries or a lot of synergies with other industries and you have gone into it looks like college admissions, venture capital screening, maybe customer service. Talk about the push and pull, I guess, of having a product that can go into other industries and keeping disciplined into not going in too much. Or do you go in full steam ahead, like talk about this product going into other industries and how you're approaching that.

Nick (20m 19s):

Yeah. Building kind of a real-time interview platform, just outside of say recruiting and hiring that that's our focus recruiting and hiring cause it's what we know and what I know, but yeah, we're getting inbound interest and demo requests from market research firms from venture capital teams who recognize, yeah, we have some junior associate who does a phone screen with a founder, asks the same six questions every call and then has now has an easy way to communicate that with the partners. So whether, you know, whether it's a college admissions phone or video call for a career for market research, qualitative research, we're seeing a variety of use cases. Yeah. We were trying to stay in our lane, at least in terms of our outbound focused, reaching out to recruiters and talent partners about the benefits to them and hiring managers.

Joel (20m 59s):

So the business isn't quite that big enough, the opportunity isn't quite that big enough to like start a separate brand or maybe even white label or private label with technology.

Nick (21m 9s):

We do have customers using it for all, for the use cases you mentioned. But again, in terms of our focus and our out kind of outreach or marketing efforts, we're not spending a lot of time there.

Joel (21m 23s):

Gotcha. And talk about the global opportunity. I mean, certainly you're different using different languages and transcribing those, like have you guys gone global? What was the process if you have, what are the challenges talk about the global opportunity.

Nick (21m 35s):

Yeah. Well now I mean, recruiters are working from anywhere, right? And, now that remote hiring is all the rage candidates are everywhere. And so, yeah, it's a global communication platform. You know, recruiters can sit anywhere and talk to candidates anywhere through the system. Primarily we've been focusing on English in terms of the transcription, but we're getting quite a few customers now in Mexico, Central and South America who are very interested in the Spanish transcription. And, you know, that's something that we can easily turn on, right. As we start to expand. And we're not a transcription company, right. Transcription is everywhere. So we're not building the transcription tools, but we are building the interview intelligence layer on top of that. So as you ask good questions, we can start to understand what makes a good versus great answer.

Nick (22m 18s):

And those are the bits that you might want to share with clients.

Joel (22m 21s):

So global is still yet to come for the most part for you?

Nick (22m 25s):

I mean, we do have customers in Europe and UK, talking to candidates in Europe and UK or US. And in fact, we've got a lot of external recruiting firms who have maybe sourcers who sit in Asia, right? In India? who are doing the initial phone screens, they can hang up the phone, share link with the account manager or senior recruiter, they may be sitting elsewhere and so there's that collaboration within recruiting firms. How does a sourcer account manager and a recruiter all quickly align on a candidate from a single conversation.

Joel (22m 59s):

But all English?

Nick (22m 60s):

But English. Yes.

Joel (23m 2s):


Chad (23m 3s):

Okay. So Nick, since that 2018 conversation, give me your biggest win and your biggest fail.

Joel (23m 6s):


Nick (23m 7s):

I think, you know, we've seen some kind of good bottom up growth, right? We can find one recruiter who's like, yeah, I don't want to take notes or type write-ups and just enjoy my calls and maybe get one person to use it. And then the hiring manager goes, wow. And then another recruiter here at the company says, wow, what is that like? And so we've had some really interesting growth where we might go from one recruiter to 70 recruiters.

Chad (23m 27s):


Nick (23m 27s):

In a couple of months just bottoms up organically. And that's just fantastic. There's just real value to the recruiter. There's real hiring manager and there's value in this real-time interview data that's that sourcers are having a field day with. Right? Imagine being able to type in a keyword and quickly search all the calls your team has had with candidates you've already screened and things like that. So sourcing teams are geeking out on this too. I'd say the biggest failure, we actually spent a lot of time this past year, really trying to improve the onboarding experience where a new recruiter can get their welcome email with their login, easily connect their calendar and start talking without a bunch of learning curves. Now we do offer weekly Honeit trainings and we've done a lot, kind of support included, but how do you get that recruiter to just click a button, sign up and immediately experienced the benefits of the system?

Nick (24m 17s):

So that that's probably where we failed and where we focused on improving this last year.

Chad (24m 20s):

Gotcha. Joel?

Joel (24m 21s):

Yeah. I'll end on this one. Nick, what do you want to be when you grow up? I mean, you've been doing this for awhile. I assume you've gotten some tire kickers to see what buying the business would be like. You, you know, haven't taken a lot of money. Like what's the end game? Just live in Costa Rica and grow this for the rest of your life?

Nick (24m 40s):

We want to build a stack for recruiters that's just going to help us all do our jobs better. I mean, I think we're focused on scale. We're focused on customer acquisition right now. We're focusing on better communication of what the tool is and does. And you know, that's the focus. I mean, could this fit nicely into an ATS? Could this be a great competitive advantage for a multi-billion dollar staffing firm? Yes, but I think right now we're just heads on, on building a really great product that our customers love using.

Joel (25m 10s):

Oh brother. Always the yearbook answer with Nick. All right. I guess Chad, are we gonna re-rate Honeit?

Chad (25m 16s):

We're definitely. We're going to reassess. Let's say we both gave Honeit and Nick a big applause last time. I'll go ahead and go first. I've got to say, I love listening to founders mature. I love hearing the discipline in your voice and not to mention focusing on where the money is, staffing, and then also evolving the product, not in areas which are way beyond the periphery of a roadmap that you would normally do this, which is what we also see from founders, where they overextend themselves. I don't see you guys doing that at all and the growth strategy most saying that they want to start at the recruiter that is such a hard, a thousand points of light type of marketing and adoption scenario.

Chad (26m 7s):

But you being able to demonstrate going from one to 70 and just catching fire like that again, renews my big applause.

Joel (26m 14s):

Way to go, Nick. It's funny as we record this, you know, Chad and I have done a lot of these and if there's one sort of common theme with successful companies, not everyone, but certainly this seems to be a trend is that it's someone that has built something because they see a need there. And it's usually because of their own experience. They have industry know-how right? They kind of get it. They know how to talk the language and pitch accordingly. They haven't taken a bunch of money. They sort of grow organically and intelligently. And the entire team around them is sort of complimentary and supportive and it just sorta makes sense.

Joel (26m 54s):

And when we first talked to you in 2018, like all of those elements were there. So the foundation I think, is worth noting that you guys had so many of those elements early on and then have grown accordingly from that. I think that I'm incredibly impressed. You guys have been able to fend off the chat bots. And I think you're going to fend off, you know, the video, automation stuff and the voice stuff and continue to well, as long as, as long as there are so recruiters and people doing this, I'm very impressed with the features that you've built. They all make sense. Nothing seems like it's out of left field, you know, Slack integration, SMS, everything just sort of fits together.

Joel (27m 34s):

And I'm sure that's built again, based on you guys getting customer feedback. The whole thing of like venture capital phone calls and things like that are a little weird. And you know, I don't, I think you're doing it out of like the money that's there or getting clients. That'd be my only thing. Like don't lose focus, keep a tight view on where you're going and what you're doing. I think you're going to be bought at some point, somebody is going to write a check that you just can't say no to. You're going to have that beach front property in Costa Rica that you probably already have anyway, you can just add on another room, But for me, yeah. I mean like Nick it's been really fun watching you guys grow and a big applause for me and I'm excited and the next four or five years have in store for Honeit.

sfx (28m 16s):


Nick (28m 16s):

Thank You. Appreciate that.

Joel (28m 17s):

And with that on our first Firing Wquad reusion show is in the books. I don't know if we'll do it again, but it's kind of fun. I think we should probably do another one.

Nick (28m 28s):

Do you guys remember the last one we had? My fire alarm actually went off during the show.

Chad (28m 35s):


Joel (28m 35s):

Did it really?

Chad (28m 36s):

It did. Yeah. Luckily he made it through, there was not a enough smoke to actually post Nick out and he was dedicated that demonstrated to me just the discipline.

Nick (28m 49s):

The show must go on.

Chad (28m 51s):

That's right.

Joel (28m 52s):

What I remember is asking mom about my lunch.

sfx (28m 53s):

Mom let me go. Fuck!

Chad and Cheese (28m 54s):

We out, We out.

Firing SQUAD OUTRO (29m 1s):

This has been the Firing Squad. Be sure to subscribe to the Chad and Cheese Podcast so you don't miss an episode. And if you're a startup who wants to face the Firing Squad, contact the boys at today. That's


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