In this week's episode, the boys, joined by Mo, serve up so much industry drama you might mistake it for a Sizzler buffet special. Paradox had a week so tasty even Chipotle couldn't resist giving them a shout-out on Mad Money—the business equivalent of your rich uncle high-fiving you at Thanksgiving. They didn’t stop there; Paradox chowed down on Eqtble, a people analytics company that probably knows if your team is more focused on quarterly results or secretly forming a ukulele band during work hours.
Meanwhile, Deel flexes its financial muscles, bulking up to an $800 ARR and setting its sights on a 2026 IPO. Rippling’s Parker Conrad may need a cold shower—things are heating up faster than expected.
On the social media front, LinkedIn is diving headfirst into video, with a 36% increase in uploads as professionals realize that boring job updates are apparently the new binge-worthy content. But the biggest plot twist? Remote work isn’t just about Zoom meetings anymore—it's basically a rom-com waiting to happen. With 86% of Americans finding love online, and 41% of them dating their boss, the HR department is officially on high alert. Buckle up—this episode has it all.
Joel (00:31.841)
Warning, this podcast may contain alcohol. Hey boys and girls, it's The Chad& Cheese Podcast. I'm your co-host, Joel "Riviera of the Middle East" Cheesman.
Chad (00:42.806)
This is Chad, you'd better pivot. Sowash.
Mo (00:46.232)
And this is Maureen, does Joel know who I am yet? Clough.
Joel (00:50.111)
And on this episode, Paradox buys, Deel readies, and LinkedIn goes vertical. Let's do this.
Mo (00:52.994)
I know, right?
Chad (01:01.474)
going horizontal was like the best. No. Okay. It was like, what are they talking about? Yeah. Okay.
Joel (01:07.361)
We're not in Madrid, which is where you are. Let's get that out of the way first, Chad. Where the hell are you? You've got Asian porn art in the back. You've poured multiple beers. What is going on with Eurochad today?
Mo (01:10.616)
What are you talking about?
Mo (01:18.664)
Chad (01:22.23)
Yeah. I am in Madrid and definitely having a blast thanks to a land and Rebecca and the team over at smart recruiters had a chance to actually sit down and interview the leadership team and was surprised surprised to hear the word pivot from an established company pivot. Yes. Apparently the old roadmap is out the window. And it's all about solid core based on new re smart recruiters agents.
Joel (01:41.184)
Chad (01:49.974)
and the ability for partners to build their own product agents into the platform. So this feels like Smart Recruiters Netflix moment where they see the market moving and they change direction instead of sitting, waiting and watching like Blockbuster did. Insert Monster or Career Builder reference, wherever you like. But yeah, that's good stuff, man. It was really good stuff. It was fun. It was fun.
Joel (02:08.096)
That sounds sexy.
So you're sort of isolated from the drama that we have to deal with every day here in the US, I assume.
Mo (02:13.965)
Mo (02:19.502)
So freaking jealous, so freaking jealous. Basically there's only one thing that's keeping me sane right now. I don't know about you Joel, since you're also here. You're not Euro Joel. It's the Daily Show. So like kind of a mini shout out to the Daily Show because I know that I will stay and remain informed. I won't miss anything, but they're also gonna make me like laugh so I don't cry, right? Like, cause it's just, it's unrelenting, right? Like it's just constant. And so shout out to those guys cause man.
Chad (02:24.642)
I'll see you later.
Joel (02:26.943)
Chad (02:36.288)
Yes. No.
Joel (02:38.005)
Chad (02:42.636)
Mo (02:48.75)
They're everything. They're absolutely everything. Yeah.
Chad (02:49.826)
Comedians are the smartest man. Comedians are the smartest. Carlin, George Carlin, listen to his political rants. They're fucking nailing it. you're like looking 20 years like in the 80s, 30, 40 years in the 80s, the shit he's doing is like, wait a minute, that shit's happening right now.
Mo (02:57.729)
Nailing it.
Joel (03:03.711)
Mo's like, who's George Carlin? Who's George Carlin?
Mo (03:03.714)
Yep, that's just happening now. We don't learn. I actually got that one, but this is like, I love the show. It's a lot of growth for me because you guys, pepper me with references. This is the beauty of intergenerational work, guys. We're seeing it in action.
Joel (03:09.569)
How many old man references am I going to have to keep up with in this one?
Chad (03:14.689)
Joel (03:19.317)
Yeah, I like, I do, I do love, was it, was it, was it Stuart that said AI lost its job to AI when deep sea came out? thought that was, that was pretty awesome. Yeah. I like to, I like to make my own comedy, with Trump. like to imagine that all of his policies are like eighties action movies.
Chad (03:19.604)
Mo (03:27.79)
Yes, it totally was. He's so spot on.
Chad (03:28.63)
Joel (03:40.297)
When, when we talk about sending prisoners to El Salvador, tell me that does not sound like the Schwarzenegger movie that should have been made around 1986 or like, like, Gaza strip to Vegas strip, like next on. So, so all these policies are like, are like movies from the eighties to me. little bit saying, yeah. Yeah. Same thing. I'm focused. I'm, focusing on the super bowl. There's.
Mo (03:48.505)
my God.
Chad (03:49.329)
yeah, yeah.
Chad (03:59.33)
Is that what's keeping you sane right now? Is that what we're hearing? All you need is a good survivor soundtrack.
Mo (04:00.334)
It's like a black mirror episode. I just want to hibernate.
Joel (04:09.185)
The big game is this Sunday. know I'll be watching. Let's go ahead and get predictions out of the way. Chad, you may not even know there's a game being in Europe. I'm going Philly. I'm going Philly. 34, 35. Saquon busts, Saquon blows up two touchdowns, MVP of the game. I think this is the Saquon moment.
Chad (04:11.031)
Chad (04:16.322)
Mo (04:18.478)
Chad (04:23.483)
Joel (04:36.896)
And and Philly wins the game. What do you guys think?
Chad (04:40.514)
What think Moe? Are you a big NFL fan?
Mo (04:41.944)
Yeah, I used to be, it really ended for me with the loss of the Super Bowl when we passed on the one yard line instead of having Marshawn Lynch run it into the end zone. Yeah, I will never forget that. It's an indelible thing in my brain. So I kind of backed off after that Super Bowl loss. So I don't really have a prediction, but I do know that the person who's most excited about the game in my personal family is my seven-year-old daughter because she wants...
Chad (04:53.408)
my god, yes.
Mo (05:09.688)
Kansas City to win and I bet y'all know why. So she's like, Taylor Swift's boyfriend's team. I'm like, Lord, man. Okay. Sure. Whatever works for you. Yeah. I know they must be pumped. Like the jerseys they're selling for that. Right. It's crazy.
Chad (05:13.41)
She's not wrong. She's not wrong. She's not wrong. dude. The thing is, I just think that the Eagles are so strong and in Kansas City. They've I mean, they've had a really bad year, but their record doesn't show it right. They've had more games that have been by a touchdown or less than they've had in any other season.
Joel (05:17.825)
Her in the NFL.
Joel (05:24.491)
So much, so much money.
Chad (05:44.274)
And I don't think that the Eagles will let that shit happen. And they are going to be a scoring machine. So I think Eagles 42 and you're looking at about 23 for the Kansas City Chiefs. Yeah. Yeah.
Joel (05:53.953)
Ooh, blowout, blowout. By the way, a 30 second spot now starts at 8 million. So the real winner is corporate America, everybody. Corporate America wins, wins again. That's right. That's right. Well, let's get to,
Mo (05:57.88)
Mo (06:03.826)
man, always is, always is. They always take it away. God damn it.
Chad (06:04.962)
Imagine that. Imagine that. Yes. Take it away, take it away, take it away now.
Yes it is Stephen, yes it is. There it is.
Joel (06:17.505)
Shout out sponsored by our friends at Kiora, North of the border. They are a tariff free Canadian sponsor though, by the way, in case, in case anyone was worried about that. Tariff free Canadian sponsor. Thanks Kiora.
Chad (06:23.436)
Thank God. Thank God.
Mo (06:23.662)
Mo (06:28.494)
Chad (06:31.746)
Let me get the first one, because the first one is very positive, okay? Because Jackie Clayton and her sister Lauren McKinney will be participating in the 37th edition of the Amazing Race. Now, if you don't know Jackie Clayton, you might remember that last week we talked about textile layoffs, and unfortunately Jackie was part of the bad news of those layoffs, but when a door closes...
Mo (06:49.166)
Joel (06:52.47)
Chad (06:57.128)
another one open. So congratulations to Jackie and Lauren on this new amazing door opening. Go kick some ass ladies. I've never watched the amazing race. I'm going to watch every single episode. Yes. Amazing. Amazing.
Joel (07:07.169)
37 seasons, my god.
Mo (07:09.934)
Damn, that's a run. And that's an incredible soft landing right after. Yeah.
Joel (07:13.227)
They go around all the world too, right? They go to other countries, they fly, that's going to be good for her, man.
Chad (07:15.766)
Yeah. yeah. It's almost like my it's almost like doing what I do. Yeah, that's fine. My amazing bar race is what it is.
Mo (07:17.55)
Pretty sick. my God.
Joel (07:26.099)
All right. I got a shout out for you, Chad, since we're talking about old guy stuff. my shout out, my shout out goes to the shamrock shake. That's right. Everyone remembers the shamrock shake. the, the beloved minty drink is returning to McDonald's locations nationwide on February 10th. your calendars, everybody now on the news, Chad, I kinda, I kinda had a, a gen X moment of confusion.
Chad (07:28.546)
Mo (07:31.16)
Chad (07:36.578)
Mo (07:38.51)
Joel (07:54.337)
There's a character called uncle O'Gremacy, which I had no idea it was a thing. So we all know Grimace. We all know Ronald the hamburger. Uncle O'Gremacy was introduced in 1975. He was phased out in the eighties. So I had to, I had to go to YouTube to see, there an ad somewhere with uncle O'Gremacy? sure enough, Chad, YouTube did not disappoint. Check out this commercial from 1978. think.
Chad (07:54.561)
Mo (08:00.046)
Chad (08:00.94)
Wow. Yeah. yeah.
Chad (08:08.321)
Chad (08:13.984)
Ha ha ha!
Joel (08:23.327)
with Uncle Gramacy.
Chad (08:37.046)
Dude, I remember him now. Yes!
Joel (08:38.559)
You do? No clue.
Joel (08:47.253)
That was a large, by the way, was a large drink in 1978.
Chad (08:48.876)
So exciting.
Mo (08:50.647)
Mo (08:54.082)
God, they don't make ads like they used to. These are awesome. Damn.
Joel (08:55.906)
uncle O'Gremacy shout out. Chad remembers? I don't.
Chad (08:55.971)
They do not. Dude, yes. No, yeah, I do. After seeing that, yeah, it was almost like a green poop emoji, be quite frank. But the shakes, I remember every year they came out, as a kid I had to have one. And they came out, the first year was 1970. So we weren't born yet. So they were already in the behavior of America by the time we started having
Joel (09:06.389)
Yeah, man.
Joel (09:12.533)
Joel (09:25.493)
Yeah, I don't want to know what makes it green, it's still delicious. Still delicious.
Chad (09:27.778)
Especially in the US all the shit that they use. Yeah
Mo (09:32.728)
That's pretty disturbing. Pretty sure you're not supposed to ingest it, but here we are, right? I'm gonna take you to a sadder place because you guys were way too positive and where I am right now is a little bit more, we're a little more negative Nancy over here, okay? So shout out to Robert Half-Legal who posted this insane job posting about how they were looking for an executive assistant and they specifically called out that you should not.
Chad (09:36.418)
All right, Mo enough of that. Give us your shout out.
Joel (09:44.651)
We're not leaving the sad place.
Chad (09:48.102)
huh. Okay.
Chad (09:54.641)
Mo (10:00.994)
be like a 30 year veteran. They want an EA who's middle career. And it's like, wait a second. So unless, so that's definitely illegal to request that you not have a 30 year experience, 30 years of experience because like, like anyone who was working after or before age 10, like an, an, an after age 10, that's like 40 years. I mean, you can't work at 10, right? So it's like, they just said the quiet part out loud and I'm like, how did this make it to actually hitting posts? Like I, unbelievable, but I saw it on LinkedIn.
Chad (10:05.698)
Chad (10:10.558)
Mo (10:31.136)
Exactly, and I'm like, thank you. That is how I feel all the time. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So yeah, yet another thing that's insane.
Chad (10:35.746)
Well, your name is Gladys, do not apply for this job. But what you can apply for is free stuff at Chad and Cheese. Go to slash free. You know why? Because we love all of them, all of you listeners. Gladys, go to slash free where you can win Chad and Cheese t-shirts. That's right, beautiful t-shirts sponsored by Aaron App. Bourbon barrel aged syrup by our friends. And again, tariff free from
Mo (10:40.295)
Yeah, Bertha, it's not yours. There we go.
Joel (10:45.355)
Mo (10:49.93)
Ha ha!
Chad (11:05.014)
Kiora craft. Luck and tariffs craft beer from the data geeks over at Aspen Tech Labs. They've been putting out some really good jobs number stuff. Yeah. I mean the stuff that it's almost like they're kind of aligning with with what Toby's doing, which is really smart. If you like whiskey and we know you like whiskey, then Van Hack is the company because they're going to be sending you with Chad and cheese.
Mo (11:10.594)
Joel (11:16.545)
Yeah they have. Yeah they have.
Joel (11:25.345)
Chad (11:32.908)
two bottles of whiskey you could prospectively win if you register. And if it's your birthday, you could possibly win rum from Plum. Go to slash free.
Joel (11:49.107)
That's right, Chad. Another trip around the sun for Elizabeth Dunlop, Ivan Stojanovic, the Irish recruiter, Adam Bergen, Sarah Hansen, Joe Essenfeld, Tanya Dittman, Ben Waxter, Mimi Jerkin, Jess Von Bank, Nick Fishman, Becky Lee, Amanda Thompson-Buffington, and Dave, everyone's after me, Lucky Charms, Ralph. Celebrate another trip around the sun.
Chad (11:55.201)
Chad (11:59.863)
Chad (12:12.546)
I gotta thank him for my dodgy stick, by the way. And that being said, it's time for events. And if you're on the road with the Chad and cheese sponsored by Shaker recruitment marketing, guess what? Well, Joe Shaker out of nowhere messages me and he and the team were here in Madrid this week. Total coincidence. I shit you not. But in pure Shaker style last night, we had dinner at the restaurant inside
Joel (12:17.333)
That just sticks.
Chad (12:42.058)
Real Madrid Stadium. So Joe, Joe's always got to step it up. And when I say step it up, I'm not just talking about the stadium. We left after midnight after knocking out 19 bottles of wine. Talk about stepping it up. Needless to say, my head still hurts. So thanks again to our friends over at Shaker Recruitment Marketing. Thanks, Joe. He had to get up at nine or he had to had a flight this morning at 930. So he was definitely sucking. But our next event.
Mo (12:44.461)
Mo (13:08.589)
Damn. 19 bottles, how many people? Oh, God.
Chad (13:12.532)
eight. So that's okay. Do the math kids do the math. Our next event our next event. You get that's right Stephen you know you know, St. St. Patrick's Day with the Ched and Cheese in Vegas during transform. That's right. I think I think Mo's going to think JT is going we're gonna have a whole we're gonna have a whole bunch of the Ched and Cheese team there.
Mo (13:16.312)
Sorry, had to ask, had to ask.
Mo (13:37.102)
It's gonna be awesome.
Chad (13:39.936)
March 17th through the 19th at the win. If you're not going, you gotta go. Go to slash events, register for Transform and see us there.
Joel (13:51.733)
Yeah, that should be a good time everybody.
Chad (13:53.407)
fuck yeah.
Mo (13:53.9)
be awesome. I mean St. Patrick's Day in Vegas, are you kidding me? Come on.
Joel (13:58.985)
Alright, we got a lot to talk about.
Chad (14:01.596)
And job books! Steven's taking my job. AI's taking my job. Jesus.
Mo (14:07.714)
Joel (14:08.193)
Another another Scott taking an American job. Imagine that. that. Hey Chad, what do you call two doctors in the same operating room?
Mo (14:10.957)
Chad (14:18.594)
Mo (14:20.129)
Joel (14:21.013)
All right. right. Uh, friend of the pod and show sponsor paradox has had a pretty good week. Uh, first they got a lot of love from, uh, one of their new customers. You, you may, you may have heard of them, uh, a little, little, a little, company called, uh, Chipotle. Anyway, anyway, they were on, uh, CNBC's mad money. showed a lot of Americans at least, uh, will know, uh, and, the CEO.
Chad (14:37.538)
If you listen to the show, you've heard of them.
Mo (14:44.974)
Chad (14:51.074)
Jim Cramer.
Mo (14:52.253)
Joel (14:53.734)
of Chipotle had a lot of really nice things to say about paradox.
sorry. That's the wrong. That's the wrong guy. This, this board is so hard to figure out. Let's, let's go to the real clip from mad money.
Mo (15:01.262)
Mo (15:07.502)
Mo (16:02.466)
I love his voice.
Chad (16:04.822)
Chad (16:20.578)
Come on.
Joel (16:20.673)
He's got dad jokes too.
Mo (16:22.83)
That's so bad.
Chad (16:32.78)
Joel (16:46.945)
Nice one, nice one. Chipotle just printing money.
Mo (16:49.038)
He's a pro.
Chad (16:51.01)
I love Kramer's reaction. I've been waiting for companies to tell me about this. What is going on?
Mo (16:54.222)
Joel (16:55.649)
He's like, I was going to ask you about this, but let's go back to this paradox thing. That's interesting. Jeez. Could you imagine there's a better commercial for them? Jeez. That's awesome.
Chad (16:59.106)
Chad (17:03.978)
No, no. And I gotta say, I gotta say, because we do this a lot, we give Adam Godson and Jay Z, Josh Swain over there, a ton of credit at Paradox. But let's focus, let's focus this time on Josh Seacrest for a moment. He's the VP over at Paradox and former head of global talent strategy at McDonald's. Yes, former global talent strategy at McDonald's and
Mo (17:04.749)
Pretty good.
Chad (17:31.906)
has been working as VP of Marketing and Client Advocacy over at Paradox for four years. Now, Josh is a freaking stud in the TA space, and when you see something like this happen, you know that it has Josh's fingerprints all over it. So big applause to Josh, everybody over at Paradox. This is awesome, this is awesome.
Joel (17:53.939)
It was awesome. I don't know how many people watch Mad Money, but the right kind of people watch Mad Money and listen to what Jim Kramer says. yeah, if there was, we'll talk about Paradox in depth here a little bit, but man, this really sets the table for them nicely in a big way. And wait, there's more from our friends at Paradox, Chad. They also acquired New York based and Black founded Equitable.
Mo (17:57.55)
Chad (17:59.82)
Yes. Yeah. Woo. Wow.
Joel (18:20.513)
people on Alitix platform this week. Terms were undisclosed, founded in 2021. The Y Combinator alums had previously raised $2.8 million. The team which will join Paradox touts previous experience at places like Snap, WeWork, and Johnson & Johnson. We asked the Paradox team to give us a little video talking about the acquisition. Here it is.
Mo (19:57.998)
Mo (20:14.935)
Joel (20:22.913)
Okay, if you're not watching that, it's not the same jacket. And I want the one that I don't have, which is the Nike jacket. know Jay-Z's listening and I know he has my address. double X baby, XL maybe on the Nike, maybe XL on the Nike.
Chad (20:26.018)
okay. yeah.
Mo (20:33.134)
Chad (20:34.102)
Hey, all the way through, all the way through, would like, I would like a medium as usual. So what do think Mo? This is, huh? What do you think?
Mo (20:35.949)
Joel (20:42.623)
Baby cap.
Mo (20:43.822)
I mean, sounds great. I love that they sent you that personalized message. I mean, it speaks to the extent to which you are like, oh geez, in this space. I'm a newbie, right? Like I've been an employee, I haven't actually been a recruiter, I've been a hiring manager. I've been a candidate, of course, plenty of times. So I understand like what these platforms do and why they're necessary. But I gotta say like data, yeah, I love data. I love analytics. I love making better business decisions. That's so cool. But I have to ask because
Chad (20:46.668)
Joel (20:50.123)
We're a big deal,
Mo (21:13.078)
a lot of these platforms, with all due respect to all these platforms, they kind of sound similar. And so can you guys help me understand what is the better together story here? What is this actually going to open up for people? Because I'm sure it's something, otherwise it wouldn't be happening. And a lot of organizations, it's like you build it, you buy it, or you partner. And they chose to go buy. So I just want to hear your take on this.
Chad (21:36.802)
Yeah. So great question because I hear a lot of talent acquisition people say the same thing. I don't know the difference between those. So in this specific case, so there are two specific reasons. Number one is human control. Yes, Paradox has a ton of data to train its large language models, but that training and its data is next to worthless without the ability to understand and visualize it. So humans still need to be in control, right? So instead of having a black box,
Mo (21:43.042)
Mo (22:03.846)
Chad (22:06.262)
You have a vast array of abilities to visualize, dissect, audit, and execute on data when you plug it into this new equitable platform. Number two, this is the one that I love the best, market control. Not human control, but market control. It's an interesting acquisition because it's much cheaper than buying a bigger platform like Vizier. Plus, Vizier was on Workday's &A radar.
they've dropped off because of this acquisition with Paradox, because Paradox now has more robust capabilities, plus they're building down funnel to meet other big HCM players and consume, train, and visualize that data as well. So this is a play to be able to visualize and control, obviously human controlled data, but also it's a market play to be able to smack Vizier and other visual analytics types of companies.
out of the way for perspective &A with big HCM companies where, I mean, I would think Paradox is probably looking to gain some play. What do think, Joel?
Joel (23:08.609)
I think Mo really smart.
Joel (23:14.561)
This is Chad's, I've had a few too many beers in Spain. You laugh. Look, there used to be a time where everyone stayed in their lane. I'm a job board, I'm an ATS, I'm this or that. And those days are coming to an end. Everyone is bleeding into everyone else's business. There was a time where Paradox was called a chatbot.
Mo (23:15.694)
Tell me more, say more.
Chad (23:17.686)
Huh? What were?
Chad (23:23.746)
Good luck.
Joel (23:39.169)
some people still call them that, but they are conversational AI and they're more and more becoming a platform for all things, hiring and employment. you look at companies like Deel, which we'll talk about later, smart recruiters who you're with Chad, they've launched Winston. So they have their own little chat bot conversational thing. So you're right in the, in the fact that all of these companies are starting to kind of do the same thing. I think you're going to see a lot more consolidation this year. A lot of companies buying pieces like paradox just did.
Mo (23:39.886)
Chad (23:40.055)
Mo (23:55.054)
Joel (24:07.179)
to sort of play chess, if you will, of like, okay, you have a pawn, now we have a pawn. You have a rook, we have a rook. now we have bishop and we have, so it's like everyone's trying to put this puzzle together where from first contact to outboarding and bye-bye, they wanna own as much of that process as possible. So I think you're on the right track with everything sounding similar. So branding is so important, trust.
Mo (24:09.58)
Mm. Yeah. The competitive moat, yes. Yeah.
Joel (24:33.301)
Who, what logos do you have on your site? You know, like we'll talk to a lot of paradox people that we have to use another company for this, but we'd love to use paradox instead. So it's like these, these lines are being drawn and companies are having to take sides. Does that make sense to you?
Mo (24:35.438)
Chad (24:38.676)
Chad (24:44.396)
Mo (24:50.03)
Totally, I think it's a very complicated branding issue, right? Like I understand the need to want to touch the entire cycle and have more of the market and all of that, but I do think it poses this really interesting issue of how do we message who we are and what we do, right? To the lay person, like I'm a great example of a lay person who would wanna know what these things do, right? And so I think they're gonna have to get really smart about it. hats off to Paradox for landing that sick.
spot on Jim Cramer's show, you know, like that's the sort of thing that's going to help.
Joel (25:18.113)
Pretty soon they'll all have their own Shamrock shakes at HR Tech so that you know the difference between all the products and services.
Chad (25:18.291)
Mo (25:23.182)
That would be rad. Yeah. Yeah.
Chad (25:24.578)
Well, the big reason the chat and cheese exist and why everybody loves so much is because we talk about this shit and because people don't understand the difference between them. And in some cases, the differences aren't that large. But if you take a look at the way Paradox started, as Joel had said, there was Paradox, there was... Good God. Where was the... I've had too many beers. Maya, Alio, Zor, right? There are all these different chat bots, right?
Mo (25:35.104)
You demystify it. Mm-hmm.
Mo (25:41.74)
Joel (25:50.559)
Maya, Alio, yeah.
Chad (25:56.748)
Where are they now? They're all fucking dead. Why? Because of way that the model actually worked. So yeah, I mean, it's interesting. It's interesting to know how they started and how they got to where they are today and how they grew and why they grew that way. So yeah, no, it's fun, which is why we do the show.
Mo (25:56.814)
Joel (26:13.781)
Yeah. So the bigger picture, Chad, thoughts on the acquisition, the overall strategy of Paradox? What are your thoughts?
Chad (26:22.156)
that just like I said, it just makes sense from an acquisition standpoint, because you take a look at companies like Workday, who say they're doing layoffs for because of AI, those motherfuckers don't have AI other than you know, they've got Athena, who's in there. But at the end of the day, they need something sexy and new and nimble like a paradox. And if paradox travels down funnel into the employee experience, and we know they're already
doing that with some companies, right? That's exactly what a workday is gonna wanna see. Now, what's another company that also might look sexy to a workday? Vizier, because they bring data to life. Well guess what, so does Paradox now. So now Vizier is off the table, because Paradox can do that too, and they can do all this other shit. So I think from a macro standpoint, it just makes sense. Not to mention, if they don't get acquired and they go IPO,
That TAM is going to be much larger, right? Because they're going to start going toward the 8CM. So they're going to be able to get a much, better IPO out.
Mo (27:17.794)
Yeah, that's a point.
Joel (27:26.731)
So first of all, Congrats to both teams. It's always awesome to be acquired and to be acquired by a company like paradox, know, when, yeah, that's always nice too. so Chad, when we, remember when we talked, Aaron had stepped down from a CEO duties and became chairman. And one of the comments I think I made was that he's, he's free to like acquire companies and go shopping and, use that budget to go make some really
Chad (27:31.086)
shit yeah.
Mo (27:34.338)
And to get to keep your job too. That's awesome.
Joel (27:55.073)
cool strategic moves, la Dr. Evil in the spacecraft or the volcano of volcano. Same as yours too. I think this is their third acquisition, the first one that Adam has been CEO, but I got to think that Aaron's fingerprints are all over this as well. And I suspect that we'll see more of these acquisitions in the future. So I want to go with three takeaways that I have and then a quick.
Chad (28:01.258)
As the same haircut too. Yeah.
Joel (28:24.541)
a quick history lesson, not just for Mo, but everyone. So my three takeaways, I've already said it, this is a big step to them owning more of the funnel of the lifespan of an employee. And I think they're going to continue to do this. ATS built, more acquisitions, they're going to keep doing this. So I think that is exciting for their customers. I think that also number two, this was very strategic. We'll get to some of the LinkedIn news later, but here's a little bit of a spoiler.
Chad (28:35.788)
Joel (28:53.749)
people love data. They love knowing more about shit and getting insight. And right now they don't have a lot of insight into their own people and their own organizations and what's going on. So this is an, this is clearly in demand. I don't know how much of this was customer driven, like, Hey, we'd really like to do this or just sort of foresight by Aaron and the, executive team. But this was a move strategic move, into, into data and, giving more to companies, which also feeds into AI, quite nicely. And, and number three.
Chad (29:12.992)
I the latter.
Chad (29:20.962)
Joel (29:23.349)
We maybe don't talk enough about this, like if, this were a sports league, paradox just drafted at minimum, probably two first rounders and a high second rounder. so, so if you thought paradox was already a varsity squad, they've just up the bench quite a bit and made them a lot more vulnerable than even, they were before. So those are sort of my three takeaways, from the, from the news here. And with that, I'd like to, unless Chad, got something to add.
Chad (29:52.064)
Yeah, one quick thing also to be able to add into this kids might remember that Eileen Kowalski from GM, right? She was pretty much the star of the AI Sessions Season 1 and she's the global head of candidate experience at GM. Well, she was, she was. Now she's senior director of client success and advocacy at Paradox. Yeah, no shit. You have heavy hitters like Adam Gottson, Josh Swain and Seacrest from McDonald's.
Joel (29:59.689)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Mo (30:18.2)
Joel (30:21.643)
Chad (30:21.738)
And now I lean from General fucking motors in the mix. These guys are killing it on all. I mean, they're hitting on all different cylinders and it's it's it's freaking amazing. It really is.
Mo (30:22.136)
Mo (30:29.262)
deep bench.
Mo (30:35.384)
Definitely says something when you can attract that kind of talent. So, good on them. Man, more references, I love it. Throwback.
Joel (30:35.499)
Come on, Eileen.
Chad (30:38.038)
Come on Eileen, I say
Joel (30:39.521)
Oh, I swear at this moment. All right, let's get to a history lesson.
Mo (30:48.568)
So good. So good.
Joel (30:49.153)
All right. So, so if a lot of companies need to be on notice, and I'm going to give you a quick history lesson here. And they, in the early two thousands monster could have acquired LinkedIn. They didn't, uh, they acquired a company called tickle, which they then ran into ran into the ran into the ground. Uh, they, they had a, they had an opportunity to buy indeed around 2010, 11, uh, they didn't.
Mo (30:59.946)
Oof, big mistake, huge.
What was their first clue?
Joel (31:15.925)
They didn't. know how the story ends and Monster fell behind and became irrelevant, became Career Builder plus Monster. I am Workday, UKG, Recruit Holdings, SAP, ServiceNow, you better buy Paradox now because it's really close to getting unaffordable for a lot of companies. Otherwise, if you don't,
Chad (31:20.096)
Flip dog.
Mo (31:25.774)
Chad (31:39.616)
Mo (31:40.302)
Joel (31:44.193)
You may be looking up in three, five years and going, holy shit, we got put out of business because of these guys. you know, history lesson, uh, learned a bit, a little bit from it, but, paradox is priming itself to be an 800 pound gorilla that everyone is going to wish they had put out of its misery or brought into its fold, uh, brought into this business, uh, really, really quickly. So that's, that's your, that's your history lesson.
Mo (31:50.766)
Chad (32:07.01)
Play the history lesson, sound bite again.
Mo (32:12.92)
Chef's kiss, that's so good. So good.
Joel (32:14.977)
And with that, let's take a quick break and talk about deals.
Chad (32:23.842)
That's with two E's.
Joel (32:24.929)
All right, Deel has hit an 800 million annual revenue run rate and is eyeing an IPO next year. 800 million. just seems like yesterday that they were at 500 million. Yeah. The more, more winning Deel .
Mo (32:25.902)
Chad (32:31.244)
Fuck me.
Chad (32:41.442)
Yeah. Five. Yeah. Fuck.
Joel (32:50.155)
So after a 70 % revenue jump in December, it added investors through a $300 million share sale, boosting its valuation to $12.6 billion. Founded just six years ago. Deel has grown significantly, employing 5,000 associates worldwide. So Chad, I'm not sure there's anything that we haven't said before, but any opinion on the most recent deal valuation IPO announcement from Deel.
Chad (33:02.05)
Can I get another beer and another water?
Mo (33:03.96)
Chad (33:20.322)
So, I mean, I know we agreed to talk about this because it's big news, but it's not surprising at all. Deel is killing the game. They reported 800 million in ARR. It seems like five minutes ago it was five minutes. It was 500, right? I mean, they are beating the shit out of Rippling, a company that has taken monumentally more funding than Deel , right? It's like two billion or some shit like that. Anyway, in every acquisition has made sense. So it's an EOR company that's turned into a payroll company.
Mo (33:36.078)
Joel (33:36.481)
Joel (33:41.707)
Mo (33:42.51)
Chad (33:50.434)
That could easily, thank you, easily take a huge, huge chunk out of the staffing world if they want to, right? So IPO, it's not a surprise. And unlike other stocks in the HR space, I believe this motherfucker's gonna skyrocket. So I want the pre-deal. I want some money in on this thing.
Joel (33:55.361)
Mo (34:11.022)
Ha ha ha.
Joel (34:11.231)
the pre-deal deal. Do they serve chicken cock at that bar, Chad?
Mo (34:16.371)
Chad (34:17.602)
I don't think so.
Joel (34:20.853)
I'm going to guess no. I'm going to guess no to Madrid. Yeah. I don't know what we can say about Deel that hasn't been said already. Now, what is interesting to me? I think this is the first time they've publicly talked about an IPO. the 2026 date is interesting. I don't know the leadership at Deel very well, but part of me thinks that they wake up every morning and go, how can we fuck with rippling in that? And, that douchebag Parker Conrad.
Mo (34:22.363)
Mo (34:45.614)
Chad (34:49.004)
Tom Radd, yeah, Parker Edd.
Joel (34:50.305)
Right. Who, who I predicted, this was one of my predictions for 25 is that, is that rippling would go IPO. This gives them a little bit of false comfort to me. know Parker was listening to this and saw this and said, Ooh, 26, we can exhale. We can take a little break. We can maybe, you know, we, got some room to maneuver. Another prediction. think Deel comes out and says,
Chad (34:53.962)
Mo (34:53.987)
my God.
Mo (35:05.72)
Joel (35:17.121)
things are happening sooner than we thought. We're going to file sooner than we thought and freak Parker Conrad and the Rippling kids out because they do not want Deel to go public before they do because their shit is going to look awful in light of Deel. So part of me thinks Deel 's fucking around with Rippling and saying 26 when they really mean 25. It's just the...
Chad (35:30.23)
before they do. No.
Mo (35:33.102)
Chad (35:34.924)
Mo (35:41.23)
Wow, bold prediction. I like it. Mm-hmm.
Chad (35:44.674)
Well, he's just trying to pull it into his 2025 predictions.
Joel (35:47.041)
It is the evil genius that I think permeates the industry. yeah, Deel, keep crushing it. I can't wait till these two go public and we have more fun things to talk about. Mo, any comment about the news? Lot of dollars, I don't know. Questions?
Mo (35:52.672)
I love that.
Mo (36:05.654)
Lots of dollars. mean, they're clearly doing something right. Yeah, not a lot of familiarity or I've never been on the Deel platform, but I have been on Rippling and I have read about that guy. So I love your prediction and I can't wait to see what happens, but yeah, I mean, go, go crush it. guess kill it. Can't wait to see IPO baby. Yeah.
Joel (36:23.019)
Go crush it. Go crush it.
Joel (36:28.435)
All right. And on that note, we got more red meat for our listeners, more red meat. got Paradox deal. Let's talk about LinkedIn for God's sakes. Let's LinkedIn, everyone listening as a boner, if they can get one, because we're throwing so much red meat, red meat at you people. All right. Move over to. Instagram and YouTube. Here comes LinkedIn with over 1 billion users.
Chad (36:31.66)
Chad (36:36.63)
Mo (36:37.603)
Mo (36:41.18)
Mo (36:46.973)
Chad (36:49.666)
When's the last time you heard it called a boner? I think I was like 12. Go ahead, go ahead, sorry.
Mo (36:52.886)
Mmm, yeah, it's been a while. God.
Joel (37:00.861)
Again, why people love the show. All right, move over to TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Here comes LinkedIn with over 1 billion users. They're pushing video content touting a 36 % upload increase and new features like full screen vertical videos for all users. But wait, there's more. LinkedIn hopes to improve candidate treatment, adding quote, responsive insights indicating which job listings are actively being reviewed by employers hoping to steer applicants clear.
of the proverbial black hole. All this is in the shadow of recent earnings where LinkedIn's revenue increased by 9 % in the quarter ending December 31st, reaching $4.59 billion, despite its talent solution segment, which includes recruitment tools performing slightly below expectations due to a weak hiring market. Mo, I know you love you some good social media videos. What are your thoughts on the news out of LinkedIn?
Mo (37:52.11)
I mean, big fan of LinkedIn video. It's actually, kudos to them. They have exploded my growth. I have gotten 41 million views in 2024. I think I'm like 8 million for 2025 already. And it's all thanks to video. Like, it's crazy. And it's blown my following up and all of that. So thank you, LinkedIn. I appreciate it. As an early adopter, I was, I think,
Chad (38:01.954)
Chad (38:05.792)
Joel (38:06.731)
Mo (38:16.27)
pretty much rewarded. Now it sounds like other people have like hopped into it and understand that they should be there. So my message to anyone is if you want to grow on LinkedIn, like don't be silly, like get out there, don't be an idiot. Like this is how to do it. And so they're really doubling down on creator tools. I've seen it myself. I've been, I've actually talked to someone on the LinkedIn team about this who reached out to me after seeing my videos and, they're going to be providing more and more tools for people to get out there on video. So.
Chad (38:27.842)
Mo (38:42.402)
buy in now, it's going to help you grow. Maybe the golden era is a little bit past since people are more sort of flooding it at this point, but it's a blast. It's been really fun. And I think LinkedIn, it needs a little bit of a shakeup from like, I'm humbled to announce that I got this new freaking job and I'm a visionary thought leader genius. So I'm here for it. Some people call it boring TikTok, like boring business TikTok. I disagree. I've seen some pretty good video content and...
Chad (38:47.282)
Thank you.
Joel (39:02.399)
Mo (39:08.108)
I also wanna say because they are focusing on this and because they've just made so much money, LinkedIn, maybe pull a TikTok and an Instagram and start paying your creators, incentivize us to post more. I'm into that idea. So show me the money, baby, I'm in. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, let's go. Also, there's just so much opportunity that people aren't realizing yet in terms of brand collaborations, like B2B should be on LinkedIn, should be working with creators there.
Chad (39:17.148)
Joel (39:17.537)
Chad (39:21.634)
There it is. That's what I'm saying. Tell him, Mo. Tell him!
Joel (39:23.105)
Mo (39:35.278)
the value of a LinkedIn follower, if you will, versus like a TikTok or an Instagram follower, in my view and in the view of many others who know a lot more than I do, it's like exponential, right? Because these people are real name, real industry information, real title, all that stuff, which in some cases is bizarre. So I'm like, you posted that? Like, don't you know we all know? You're not like user 45789. Like how did you put that out there with your name attached to it and your player? Like, holy shit. But.
It's like crazy, the value there. And I think that companies are gonna start waking up and partnering with content creators on LinkedIn. And it's just a whole market that's gonna explode. So that's my prediction for 2025. And let's hope it comes true for yours truly and others.
Chad (40:16.256)
Yeah. So companies that are out there, they should be they should be going after influencers. mean, and that's the thing is that everybody's talking about how can we get our jobs out on social media? Stop that shit. Go to influencers, have them get into their feeds for God's sakes, whether it's on TikTok, whether it's on Instagram, whether it's on fucking LinkedIn, it doesn't matter. That to me is the is the big key. Yeah, big key.
Mo (40:23.213)
Mo (40:29.581)
Mo (40:39.104)
Edutainment, yeah. Make it interesting. You're like, no one wants to watch your freaking webinar. Talk to the content creator. Have them Trojan horse your message in, man. Make it interesting, right? You know, Trojan horse that shit.
Chad (40:45.447)
Joel (40:49.153)
Trojan horse shit shit Trojan condom that shit. I don't know. I don't know what's going on. Chad is Chad is so drunk. All right. This is great. so, so first of all, it's a chance point. If you don't have like a short form vertical video strategy, you're way behind. mean, get, get your, get your, you don't need, I mean, you don't necessarily need influencers. That's great. You have one in your own company, like get them on video.
Chad (40:53.346)
What's going on?
Mo (41:01.07)
Joel (41:17.739)
get it on, get it on this platform. It's blowing up. Everyone that's using it loves it. I think it's only going to get bigger and bigger. and I think like we talked about before Chad, it's going to be a way to hire, right? Companies will post shit and there'll be a little button that says, company sounds interesting. Click here to apply now. And people will be just to be like applying to all these videos of companies that they think look cool or people that might be their boss. So this is a little bit of
Mo (41:40.462)
Joel (41:41.601)
I don't want to say, know, that we talk about the death of the resume. Like this is kind of where hiring or lot of hiring is going to start moving into for the, for the young kids out there. Uh, the other thing that back to the paradox news, um, for the first time subscriptions on LinkedIn premium hit the $2 billion mark. People love this data shit. love insights and what's going on at this company. Like they like to look under the kimono and see what's going on. But.
Mo (42:01.89)
Mo (42:07.342)
God, we need to retire that phrase, please, please God. No, oh, this needs to go away. Yeah, see, this is why I'm here. No, no, no, no, no, no, no opening the kimono. It's gone, it's dead, let's kill it. Killed, killed. Ixnay.
Joel (42:08.469)
But right now, but right now, under the kimono? What? What?
Chad (42:18.449)
I'm not going to leave it.
Joel (42:21.441)
So, okay, boners and under the kimono. Geez, geez. Okay, Freedom of speech, baby.
Chad (42:23.49)
I didn't say you couldn't say it. I just said I hadn't heard it since I've been 12. Go ahead though. It's fine. It's fine.
Mo (42:28.898)
That's less offensive to me than the kimono. Anyway, I'm just trying to help. I'm trying to help. The more you know, the more you know.
Chad (42:35.274)
Okay, so just so that we get this right. Mo does not like the kimono, but she likes the boner. Okay, so that's what we learned.
Joel (42:40.095)
No kimonos, boners, and definitely don't get a boner with the kimono on. That's bad from all sides.
Mo (42:47.453)
Chad (42:50.786)
So the responses. So the responses. So the responses. So the responses.
Mo (42:51.381)
I was trying to help!
Joel (42:55.649)
All right. Good God. The train is off. The train is off the track. So my second point was simply paradoxes move to like internal data and turn your own company into sort of your own LinkedIn access to data. And what's going on is going to be a very hot product in the near future. Good God. Let's get a refill. Let's take a break. When we come back, we'll talk about romance remotely.
Mo (42:59.5)
I did all I could.
Mo (43:03.566)
Chad (43:09.612)
Yep. Yep.
Chad (43:18.604)
Joel (43:30.209)
All right, guys, a recent report from Zeti, mom's spaghetti shows that 86 % of US employees find remote work aids and forming romantic connections. What? With 51 % noticing flirtation in virtual meetings. I don't even know how that would happen. Over 62 % flirt via work platforms. 79 % have had long-term office romances and 41 % had a supervisor as a partner.
Mo (43:36.11)
Mo (43:47.842)
Yeah, me neither.
Joel (43:58.817)
Gee, that sounds like a great idea. So it's no surprise. 69 % are starting to report favoritism in the remote workforce. Mo, so much for love in an office elevator. It's taken shape on Slack. What's your take on this new reality?
Mo (44:08.312)
Hmm. Right?
Mo (44:16.534)
I mean, I just feel like we've lost the ability to connect with people in person if people are like, yeah, this is better for like facilitating romance. Like, I'm sorry, are you kidding me? Like if you're in person in an office, how could that not be more of an environment where that can flourish? Like that blows my mind. I also have to say I have never in all my experience with remote work, seen someone like flirt in front of a group of people. Like that doesn't happen. I don't know how you pick up on that. But I know I'm like, what? Like heart eyes?
Chad (44:25.184)
Joel (44:41.537)
How would it happen? Emojis? Like sending an eggplant?
Chad (44:43.904)
No, think they're doing it. think they're, that's it. It's like, you're looking really good today, right? And you're doing it on the phone versus, yeah.
Mo (44:46.41)
on the side in Slack, but like.
Really hot today. Yeah. I mean, it's just like, get that now we are much more capable of having online interactions and whatnot, and we can create some sort of romantic, romantical vibes through that. I get it. I just, in person is where it makes more sense to me. But OK, I guess that's just where we are as a society. We don't know how to talk to each other in person. But I will say, you know, right? On its face, you hear that, and it's like,
Joel (44:52.929)
Joel (45:13.473)
Mo (45:20.962)
Yeah, you probably shouldn't get involved with your supervisor. We all know that, like at face value. That's obviously something we shouldn't do. But where do you meet people? Where do you spend all your time? It is at the office. So it's like a very natural outcome of spending most of your waking life with a lot of people in close contact, whether that's like literally physically, which I think would be easier to create the romance situation, or that's online, right? But yeah, it just makes me think like, shit, are we just?
Joel (45:24.449)
Mo (45:48.552)
Do we not know how to interact in person anymore? Like, where's our Riz gone, guys? Like, where is the Riz?
Joel (45:52.417)
So I do want to chime in on the why does it, so there's an element in the office when you're around other people. And I can certainly speak from a male perspective. There have been multiple times where I would see my buddy or someone I knew start to like get on that line, like get up to it and almost like jump across. I would like, I'd give them a look or say, dude, what are you doing? Like that, no, you can't do that.
Chad (46:01.035)
Mo (46:10.414)
Chad (46:11.714)
yeah. yeah.
Mo (46:14.453)
Oof. You're like.
Joel (46:22.345)
In a remote world, there's no like, at least in my case, male guard rails to say, dude, you're going to fuck up. Like you're going to get fired. You're going to like, you're going to get, you're going to get nailed on this one. That doesn't exist on Slack. Right. Now it is a startup that someone should do. By the way, friends at Fama should be creating some sort of like Slack channel detector because the superiors.
Mo (46:24.971)
Mmm, you're right.
Mo (46:30.254)
Yeah, that's good point.
Chad (46:31.074)
Don't do it. Don't do it.
Mo (46:34.591)
Yeah, that's a really good point.
Chad (46:44.652)
They should. They should. Yes.
Joel (46:49.409)
Getting into more like 41 % of romances with superiors and bosses. Whoo, man. is, that is, that is a PR nightmare waiting to happen. Um, someone's going to get nailed some big high profile company. You're going to hear it on CNBC or somewhere and companies are going to lose their mind over this and they're going to like scurry and try to find how do we stop this? How do we track it? How do we manage it? Um, you're going to see that story cause that is a lot of managers behaving badly.
Mo (46:55.064)
Danger zone, danger zone. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Chad (47:00.309)
I agree.
Mo (47:11.565)
Mo (47:17.78)
yeah. Or they're just gonna be gone one day and there's gonna be like a, you know, like no information about why they're gone. And like every time that happens. Yeah. Yeah, that too.
Joel (47:18.177)
with some of their
Joel (47:22.881)
There are going to be lawsuits. No, there's going to be a lawsuit. Total lawsuit. there's going to be nudes are going to be sent on Slack. Like this is going to happen.
Mo (47:30.398)
God. you guys, true story. I've seen, when I joined a company, I went onto the Slack channel and I was scrolling through the Slack channel as a brand new employee and I was in a public channel and I saw a picture of a bare male butt staring me in the face next to a guy, cheersing the camera on a ski slope. And I was like, am I watching HBO? Like what is happening right now? How is this real? And I was like, how does this person have a job? And I went and I looked who posted it. It was the co-founder and president of the organization. And I was like,
Chad (47:31.842)
Chad (47:59.724)
There you go. There you go. Well, let's, let's let, let Joel, it's time for history lesson. We're going to, we're going to, we're going to help the listeners understand how we got here. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. So K remember when Joel, I know you remember this when we used to have company just show up at the house, people would literally hop in the car and just pop over for a visit unannounced unannounced.
Mo (47:59.96)
Fuck me, how did I find myself in another frat house in tech?
Mo (48:08.206)
Chad (48:28.022)
You'd hear your mom answer the door and then yell really loud, we have company. And we, why'd that stop? Well, the internet, because it was too damn easy to connect with people. So instead of hopping in the car, you pick up the phone, send a message. The actual human real world reaction fades away, right? So interactions move online and since the human connection is all but lost, just popping over and having company seems really weird, right?
Mo (48:31.775)
Mo (48:35.47)
Mo (48:57.396)
Mm-hmm casual drop-in nope nope
Chad (48:57.674)
Really weird. Yeah, that's, weird. So where before it was normal, it was something that we all did. So we shouldn't be surprised that peers slacking or messaging, creating that connection becomes almost the entire way. That's how we have a connection. Right? So remote, that's, that's what we're used to now, right? Instead of the impersonal stuff, we don't have company. That's weird. We need to do this stuff online. So that's.
Mo (49:03.224)
Mo (49:21.848)
Mo (49:25.443)
Chad (49:27.862)
for me, how I think we got here. And it's sad and it's true. And these motherfucking AI boyfriends and girlfriends are going to be easier to slack than, than, than Jeffrey across the, across the, the internet.
Joel (49:44.765)
I quote the debate by saying, I don't know what he said and I don't think he knows either. Let's get to our dad joke of the week before Chad is fully under the table. All right, guys, what are a chocolate's pronouns? What are a chocolate's pronouns?
Mo (49:44.91)
Mo (49:49.119)
Mo (49:54.254)
Ha ha!
Chad (49:54.466)
I'm almost there.
Mo (50:03.886)
Got nothing.
Chad (50:04.802)
That's an almond.
Joel (50:06.401)
Hershey Hershey
Mo (50:08.596)
there we go. That's, yeah. I got it, I got it. I know what.
Chad (50:08.962)
Her and she yeah her she does like
Joel (50:12.341)
Well, it's great to meet you. hope that we see each other again very soon. And with that, another one is in the books. We out.
Chad (50:16.288)
Chad (50:19.958)
We out!
Mo (50:22.73)
can I talk?
Joel (50:26.869)
We out.
Mo (50:27.0)
Yeah, we out. Okay, we're done.