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Not So Monstrous Anymore

Chad Sowash

It amazing how much the pandemic serves as an accelerant. It feels like we're fast-forwarding 10 years and our predictions are moving at light speed. 

As such, it's no surprise this week the boys are talking about 

- Indeed suffocates Glassdoor 

- Monster is quickly running out of steam 

- Broadbean, Joveo, and Recruitics do what? 

Oh, and some job boards the world doesn't need like and

Can you believe this is week 22 in our #ChadCheese COVID lockdown podcasting madness? Luckily Jobvite, JobAdx, and Sovren bring us back to sanity with support for our group thearpy podcast sessions. We love you guys. 


Intro (1s):

Hide your kids, lock the doors you're listening to HR's most dangerous podcast. Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman are here to punch the recruiting industry, right where it hurts. Complete with breaking news, brash opinion and loads of snark. Buckle up boys and girls, its time for the Chad and Cheese podcast.

Joel (15s):

Ah, yeah. Layoffs at Monster boy, the energy drink market must really be hurting these days. Welcome to the Chad and Cheese podcast, boys and girls. I'm your cohost Joel Cheesman.

Chad (33s):

And I'm Chad I can't believe Monster's out of Indy Sowash

Joel (37s):

And on this week, show Glassdoor bows down to its overlord, job via go shopping and more job sites the world really, really doesn't need. Grab a red bull and fire up for another crazy week. We'll be right back.

Jobvite (54s):

This summer job bite wants you, you and you to join hundreds, thousands, millions, okay. Maybe just thousands of recruiters, HR, and talent acquisition professionals for a summer. You won't soon forget. It's job might summer to evolve the summer to evolve is a 12 week series of free content to help recruiters brush up on their skills. Learn from industry thought leaders, and see how technology can help them improve, automate, and evolve their recruiting efforts.

Jobvite (1m 27s):

There will be a chance to share tips and ideas with your peers. And we may even have some surprises for you along the way. I love surprises. So visit to register for this summer toolbox sessions that suit your needs, Peak your interest or your vote just starting June 16th. It's the summer to evolve the way you attract, engage, hire, onboard, and retain talent Jobvite, recruit with purpose, hire with confidence.

Joel (1m 57s):

Amber still owes us a voiceover for the other commercial that will play later this year. Just making sure you know that Amber, we didn't forget.

Chad (2m 5s):

Amber is busy, man. They're out buying companies. They're like making things happen. She's she's got better things to do than deal with our bullshit.

Joel (2m 13s):

I don't accept that. Hi, how you doing man? And what is it? Week 15 or something of a, the end of the world. I don't remember. Allegedly sports, sports are coming back soon.

Chad (2m 23s):

Yeah. What sports? I don't see. And we keep hearing about these, like the NCAA football conferences, like shutting down and that's the one I really give a shit about in the first place. And it just doesn't seem like that's going to come back in. That hurts my heart.

Joel (2m 40s):

Although you don't care about hockey, I thought I was amusing that hockey said we're not playing in America. That shit's fucked up. We're taking, we're taking both both leagues or both divisions to Canada to play out the season. So yeah, so they're in a baseball is allegedly coming back. It's funny that the Mets are offering fans to pay. I think it's $75 to have their face cut out and put in the stands during the games. So, so that's a funny promo, I guess they're they're giving to charity there and basketball is apparently coming back, even though Russell Westbrook, sorry, Adam Gordon.

Joel (3m 20s):

You don't know who that is, but he's a popular basketball player. He's got COVID. There is hope that sports will come back and there's a new a, there's a new helmet. I don't know if you've seen this for football. Yeah. That's like a builtin face mask within the football helmet to keep, to keep the germs away from those places.

Chad (-):

No, come one. Really?

Joel (3m 37s):

So yeah. Yeah. It's like a plastic face shield within the, the actual helmet,

Chad (3m 44s):

All they need now are like little UV robots on the field with them, you know? And I think that that could do maybe drones. They could do that. Shout out, shout outs. You said Canada and Susan Shay from Calgary connected on LinkedIn. Thanks for listening, Susan. That the last time I was on a plane, it was to and from Calgary. So, and that seems like a lifetime ago, right?

Joel (4m 11s):

Memories. That was such a fun time. We were, we were so naive and innocent back then in February, Jesus, more, more Canadian news, Chad and cheese sponsored job adx invading who's who's headquartered in Canada. So I'm not sure why this took this long, but they are now targeting a Canadian company. So if you're up in the great white North, check out job, adx for your job, programmatic advertising,

Chad (4m 36s):

Gotta I love it. Dawn Blender, who actually said my posts were inspiring another social justice warrior. That's what I'm talking about.

Joel (4m 46s):

Yeah, your posts are inspiring. So Chad, if, if I, if I say robo, Hong, what do you think of?

Chad (4m 56s):

I don't know. A new porn that is COVID free?

Joel (4m 59s):

Well, my friend, you would be wrong. Robo Hung. Our good friend, Hung Lee who produces a popular newsletter now has, I guess, sort of a chat bot, but it's built into WhatsApp that you can sort of search queries on what the news was about, whatever, ask questions. He's calling it Robo Hung, which is sure to get an audience that he wasn't expecting, but a shout out to Hung an his robo hung.

Chad (5m 28s):

Yeah. That thing Is actually powered by Talkpush.

Joel (5m 32s):

Oh yeah. Robo hung powered by Talkpush

Chad (5m 35s):

Ah, push it.

Joel (5m 39s):

Where's the Barry White soundbite when we need it

Chad (5m 42s):

A bevy of shout outs, I have Victoria Conley, Brent Healey and Micole Garate who are always interacting and sharing and being snarky on Twitter. I love that shit. And last but not least Tim Sackett. I've got a question for, for everybody out there. How can Tim Sackett be so damn creepy, but so cute at the same time?

Joel (6m 6s):

It's the bow ties obviously shout out to Dean Anmodaris, I don't know if you know, funky, cold Medina or not, but she has a new position at Activision blizzard, which she's been at for years now, but she is now the global director of talent attraction couldn't have happened to a better person. Dina, shout out to you also shout out to Lauren Sharp. Lauren produces the TA pod a podcast about guess what? Talk position pod TA pod.

Joel (6m 37s):

I don't know. It's it's out. It's it's it's out of Melbourne, I guess. So I don't, I don't speak Australian. So it's top pod. That's what they call it. Top pod Lauren Sharp, shout out. Is it good? Tell me about it what do they talk about

Chad (6m 53s):

It's actually, well, they talk about TA stuff. It's just more down under, they sound smarter because they have better accents. Another shout out to a podcast, shout out to crazy and the King they're officially a part of the evergreen podcast network. They often drop two podcasts a week. I love listening to them because it's about the Michael Hickson and actually they interviewed his wife full interview. And then there's another one where Julian Torn actually have sound bites and they talk through it's a really, really good stuff,

Joel (7m 24s):

A big win for Crazy and the King, a big loss, however, for IBM and my shout outs, IBM recently posted a job and required 12 years experience to this job. However, the technology they were requesting is only six years old. So you try to do the math on that one. Yes.

Chad (7m 45s):

In that article, there was another company who was asking for four years of, I think it was fast API and the guy who actually created fast API said he wasn't qualified because he only created it a year and a half ago. It's like, come on, tell acquisition. You can't be that fucking stupid.

Joel (8m 6s):

Yeah. We're trying to help you here. We're trying to help you stop shooting yourself in the foot for God's sakes. Shout out to Jerome, founder and CEO over there at smart recruiters. A great interview that we did with him, Pat myself on the back as well as you, if you haven't listened to that podcast, please do so. It's. It's great. Yeah.

Chad (8m 23s):

And another CEO, Matt, you Stevenson the Snag a job CEO just dropped today as well. So a couple of CEOs followed by Matt Baxter, the CEO of competitive wedge. We also know as wedgie on LinkedIn, he posted a, an I quote, all press is good press. Finally, someone shamed us for wedgie. I've been waiting five years for this moment, Chad crack kills.

Chad (8m 54s):

That's what I'm talking about. I love, I love CEOs who embrace the shit that we give and then just give it right back. I love that stuff. So big shout out to Matt Baxter from competitive wedge, AKA wedgie,

Joel (9m 8s):

just say no to crack kids. That's all we're saying. Ready for events and online archives and stuff. I guess our travel, our travel schedule is limited now.

Chad (9m 18s):

So the TA global gathering, did you see the stats for this thing? I, I, I love, I love that these digital events Are starting to really, I think, understand it, embrace what they, they, they're more of like a content delivery system, almost like a Netflix, right? So yeah, for, for TA global gathering, they had over 5,300 registrations overall 3,600 attendees from over a hundred countries over 9,200 downloads, over 9,000 downloads and approximately 7,700 hours were watched.

Chad (10m 3s):

And this was during the timeframe. This was all data from last week. Yeah. During the actual event. So that was just fucking impressive.

Joel (10m 13s):

Well, and so by the way, they, they, they launched all I believe you can watch everything if you missed it, particularly if you missed, missed our feature Rama session, featuring next Zuora Jobvite and the eventual winner hiring solved, you should go out and do yourself a favor and check those out.

Chad (10m 33s):

Yeah, I think you've always said that you just, you're just not a fan of these digital events. And I think what this morphs into again, is that it's it's digital content delivery. We go to live events, partly for the content, not entirely, but this piece, I think you can get pulled together some really awesome premier content and turn into almost like a Netflix for the industry. So you can jump in and you can get fresh stuff.

Chad (11m 3s):

And, and when they had hell, they had over a hundred speakers for God's sakes.

Joel (11m 7s):

If virtual events can figure out the networking piece, then I think they've got something.

Chad (11m 13s):

I think that's where it needs to be split because you, you were expecting the same kind of interaction and that's not the case. So I think companies who understand that this is digital content delivery. This is not a, this is not, you know, sitting at the bar, having a drink. Is there something else that you can do to, to hopefully fill that gap possibly. But first, instead of trying to fill that entire expectation, let's just give them damn good content. And I know from my standpoint, I go to live events.

Chad (11m 43s):

I miss a lot of the good content and I don't have access to it later in this case you do. So I think we can find a better way to make sure that we get good content out to the masses and stop calling it an event.

Joel (11m 58s):

Yeah. And I, I haven't heard any feedback maybe you have from vendors and sponsors of the virtual events and whether or not they find it as beneficial or less or equal to a face to face event. My guess would be they prefer the face to face. Although the investment is much less when you do virtual events. Have you heard anything?

Chad (12m 18s):

I haven't, but not, not to mention also when you're talking about these type of events, especially when you're engaged with somebody like us, where we can do a lot of pre promotion, the live happens, but then you also have the post and with live events. In most cases, you don't have the post where we're dropping podcasts, there's videos, all that other stuff. So instead of just having that one big splash and hoping that people come to your booth, you don't just have to hope that happens.

Joel (12m 47s):

Yeah. And if they're feeding, you know, if they're feeding leads because there's 9,000 downloads and giving companies a way to either get that information or drive leads through that process, it's probably a good deal. Yeah.

Chad (12m 60s):

Yeah. I think our expectations need to change. And the only way they're going to change is that for companies like the recruiting events company, who put on TA global gathering for them to be able to shift and package them differently, which they did with this event, I thought it was pretty awesome.

Joel (13m 17s):

Clearly a window for virtual reality to finally take hold and to our, into our lives. Shall we get to news?

Chad (13m 28s):

Topics! Monster? Are they still around? Apparently, apparently so. Yeah, they, they dropped 8% from what I'm hearing on the inside and they are shutting down the Indianapolis office. And this is, this is very, very nostalgic because yeah, back in 1999 kids online career center was the technology I repeat was the technology that became

Chad (14m 2s):

Monster had better branding. They had better marketing, but their technology was shit and they needed better technology, which is why Jeff Taylor, we should get him on the show, which is why Jeff Taylor smartly said, Hey, let's go and repaint that OCC thing over there with a bunch of monsters, merge those things together and use that as a new, bigger job site. Next thing, you know, super bowl commercials, blimps, yada yada, yada Andy McCalvi was on a, a Blitzkrieg of acquisitions and spending money at that point.

Joel (14m 38s):

So, the monster legacy has remained in Indianapolis since that time. And they've had salespeople, customer service, you know, you know this better than I do, but they've been really established here for a long time and have been in many cases, like help foster startups in the area around job, around jobs. So for them to close down in Indianapolis, not only is horrible for those folks, but it's also, I don't know, an end of an era, I guess.

Chad (15m 6s):

Yeah. And also for all of those companies that are out there, especially the vendors who are looking for great talent, who, you know, can work remote. Indianapolis is flush with not just people who can just do regular sales, but we're talking about partnerships, we're talking about the whole gamut. Very connected. Yeah. So I think that's one of the things that most of, you know, Boston got the love for and Maynard, Massachusetts got the love for, but to be quite frank when we started out as, Indianapolis kicked Maynard's ass all the time.

Chad (15m 43s):

And that was from a sales standpoint and we had all the technology for the most part. So yeah, a lot of, a lot of talent here in Indy.

Joel (15m 50s):

Yep. And, and job byte is looking very smart by setting up shop here in Indianapolis with, with gathering all this talent that's in the area. No doubt. Some of these monster folks from Indy will soon be JobByte employees if they're not already yeah.

Chad (16m 5s):

Already seeing that flutter of activity on the social.

Joel (16m 9s):

Yeah, for sure. For sure. So what, what what's next for monster? Any, any thoughts?

Chad (16m 15s):

Okay. And I hope at this point, Ron Stott understands they are not a technology company. I keep hearing that there are some, some major moves happening, you know, within, within Ron Stott, around transformation, you know, transformational technologies and those types of things. And man, I wish I could believe it because to be quite Frank, we should have already seen that shit.

Joel (16m 39s):

Yep. And by the way, if you do work for monster energy drink now might be a good time to call up the owner of and get that domain on the cheap. And you might have to get as well as we talked about last week with the death of bed bath and beyond. So you could really clean up with some of these domains and the a, the talent acquisition space.

Chad (16m 58s):

Yeah. I'm saying, I'm saying, well, keeping, keeping it in Indianapolis Job byte had had some news this week.

Joel (17m 7s):

Yeah. So I did a, I did a shred on this and our buddies at Job byte Amman, making his first acquisition as a, as CEO. So they, they, they acquired predictive partner. If you haven't heard of predictive partner, you're not alone. It's more or less a bandy, a nice fun group of engineers here in Indian and some other places around the world. I think it's five as the number there'll be joining Job byte, as far as I know, at least the CEO and some of the others that started the company, but it was much more of an Aqua higher than any sort of a domain expertise clients, any kind of brand awareness.

Joel (17m 45s):

This was all about bringing people to the company and the people that they're bringing in. It's all about machine learning, matching, et cetera. So the, the, the folks that predicted partner first started working with canvas, who we all know all listeners know that Amman founded what 2016. So they've had a relationship with these guys for a long time. It's my take that everyone in this space that has money to do it is going to try to basically automate the entire process up until the point that someone shows up at your office or on your zoom to interview.

Joel (18m 20s):

And I think the acquisition of predicted partner is going to help a job byte, put that on steroids in terms of getting matching technology, machine learning, all that good stuff in house, get it, get it done faster and hopefully get it done right

Chad (18m 35s):

More as an aqui hire than anything else did they use the technology? Of course, was this a, a great opportunity to be, to be able to get great talent and then also, you know, get, get some tech on top of it. There's, there's no question, you know, we saw AMS and Karen, you know, it was like, what are they going to do with Karen? Well, I don't think they did anything. I think they actually just use those people to build something more focused on what their needs were.

Joel (19m 0s):

Yeah, it's interesting. We, so I mentioned a feature Rama and JobByte was one of the contestants on that show. So I jokingly asked who their next acquisition was. And of course they knew they knew exactly who it was, but couldn't mention it at the time. But they also said they've sort of been building from the ground up in terms of the technology. We heard the same thing from, from AMS with, with, with hourly. So this seems to be a trend in acquiring talent to enable you to do that is something that a lot of companies are taking advantage of. You know, it's funny, like we're, we're not talking about COVID directly on the show, but I feel like all the stories that we're talking about, our reaction to sort of the, the accelerator of the pandemic.

Joel (19m 41s):

So like we talk about, or upon this talk about, you know, things are fast forwarding 10 years. So when you look at the death of monster, you know, Jobbyte sort of accelerating their growth and we'll talk about glass door and what's happening to them and others, like, it feels like we've hyper, you know, hyper traveled 10 years into the future to talk about some of these stories, because this stuff usually happens much slower than it does now. Yeah.

Chad (20m 6s):

Well, so did go ahead and jump into glass door. In an email provided to a, the Chad and cheese podcast. It was sent, it was sent by glass door to job board partners. The message actually outlines that glass door is discontinuing the sponsored job ads offering from its job board program. So if the job boards are actually paying or aggregators are paying, so to be able to drive traffic to their site, it's a high likelihood that that is going away, even if you're paying for it.

Chad (20m 39s):

So it's, it's very interesting because, you know, we've seen indeed make these types of plays, right? So this, this isn't something that's foreign for us when we're talking about indeed and indeed

Joel (20m 52s):

Or workopolis or simply hired.

Chad (20m 55s):

Yeah. So it seems like, you know, indeed is actually driving the train here because overall glass door needs the revenue. And for all of those individuals who are out there saying, well, job boards are killing candidate experience and all those brands associated, I'm totally not buying it because if Glassdoor wanted to, that could easily create Glassdoor jail. Then they go ahead and welcome those job boards back in.

Chad (21m 27s):

But they charge a premium instead of the base rate they had before, until they can get that trust retained. Right. And if it happens again, you rinse and repeat, but that's what you do if you need the revenue and glass door needs the revenue. So it really feels like there's kind of like a smothering happening from indeed to glass door and through other job board partners. It's like, let's just go ahead and snuff all these fuckers out.

Joel (21m 54s):

Yeah. You know, I think, well, you know, Pat myself on the back again for predicting the end of glass door again, I think we fast forward to 10 years and to do it actually happening. And when times are good, you know, talent is, is few and far between companies really, really, really care about their brand and what they look like and their reviews. But when there's 40 million unemployed in the U S they tend to care less about that. And they're not posting jobs. So recruit, recruit holdings. If you're sitting there saying like, Hmm, what do we do with this glass door thing?

Joel (22m 27s):

Well, what I said, they should have done in that when it's, when it first happened was eventually put all the reviews from glass door over to indeed. You could also put the indeed on glass door, I guess that doesn't really matter. But the job posting is totally duplicitous. And there's no reason that indeed shouldn't be this central place that companies post jobs on a pay per click basis. And those jobs go to simply hired workopolis all the other entities that they have. And, Oh, by the way, there'll be posted on glass door, which is more money.

Joel (22m 60s):

They don't have to pay the salespeople at glass door. They don't have to pay the customer service folks. I mean, it just becomes a shell. This becomes a shell for indeed, and they get all the profits and all the SEO and everything that's going on, I'm at Glassdoor. So this was going to happen. Eventually. I just think COVID has, has put it on fast forward and we're seeing it happen, you know, in the next 12 to 24 months, as opposed to the next eight to 10 years.

Chad (23m 23s):

And employers would love to see the death of glass door and the glass door tax.

Joel (23m 30s):

Ya think? Reall? Oh yeah.

Chad (23m 33s):

They, they, they, they really, hate playing the glass door game. They've been taken hostage and we actually heard somebody say this on stage taken hostage by glass door. And so, yeah, maybe more than likely that could be perspectively either one or two things going away or taken over by the, the indeed police

Joel (23m 55s):

yep get used to indeed and pray for Google for jobs.

AD (24m 0s):

Sovren parser is the most accurate resume and job order intake technology in the industry, the more accurate your data, the better decisions you can make. Find out more about our suite of products today by visiting, that's We provide technology that thinks, communicates and collaborates like a human. Sovren: software so human you'll want to take it to dinner.

Joel (24m 27s):

You know, you're just missing you're mr. Scoop this week. You've got all kinds of scoops. So Broadbean, shit's going down there.

Chad (24m 33s):

Yeah. So I was lucky enough to get a line on something. So broadbean is getting into programmatic, but not the way you would think they would. Joe VO and recruiting's are piloting their programmatic partnerships with Broadbean this move. I mean, to me just makes sense. I mean, CareerBuilder isn't spending any cash on meaningful tech, and I understand for multiple sources, the idea of programmatic was killed by CareerBuilder on several occasions as far back as 2016.

Chad (25m 11s):

So, I mean, curb boaters, pumping and dumping at this point, and for broad bean to gain any traction to stay relevant partnership is the only way to go. So is this a, is this like white labeling, the technology from Joe VO programmatically distributing jobs, or is this just broad bean, putting their jobs into recruit X and Jovia to get more traction on their platforms? I think Broadbean is figuring all of this out as, as they're playing with these platforms because you know, obviously different programmatic platforms will do better in different segments, right?

Chad (25m 47s):

So they'll be able to kind of feel it, you know, for what it is for these types of jobs. Maybe they'll use jovo, these types of jobs. Maybe they'll use recruit X, but here's the rub, no matter how successful these partnerships turn out, CareerBuilder is not looking to acquire, especially technology, which is already market validated with about five or six different acquisitions last year. I mean, if this was another type of technology that wasn't so validated in powerful and expensive, maybe I doubt that career builder would buy it, but maybe

Joel (26m 25s):

intelligently Broadbean would like try to figure out programmatic and the process of partnering with someone. But I don't see anything that would tell me career builder gives a shit. So they're probably just going to continue to write out the broad bean customer base, as long as they can saying they have programmatic and don't go to our competition. We can do that for you for As long as they can

Chad (26m 45s):

Okay. How do you get that CareerBuilder anchor out from around your neck? And my, my thought automatically is kind of like a job bite roll-up you know what I mean? Let's see if we can, let's see if we can become more attractive to some of those. Some of those perspective acquisition targets that are out there, we're partnering up with another organization. We ha we broadbean having this huge portfolio of business. We do basic, you know what I like to call dumb distribution.

Chad (27m 16s):

We go ahead and we get that smart distribution on top of it. How could that be a roll up acquisition for somebody else out there and get us away from this fucking CareerBuilder anchor that is around our neck? I don't know that that's the case, but I just think as I'm starting to kind of like see the dots, those are the dots that, that tend to connect for me.

Joel (27m 36s):

Yeah. If you want to make a call to career builder about buying Broadbean, I'm sure they'll take your call. And I'm sure that they'll negotiate favorable terms if they can. And whether that's job bite, ICMs, who knows, that's probably a conversation that should be happening if it's not already because broad bean, like you said, great brand great people, they just need to get that anchor off and get some technology and just get some foresight to be competitive in the programmatic marketplace. Because as we've talked about before, there's less than a handful of competitors out there.

Joel (28m 9s):

So the value of programmatic is huge. So Broadbean would be a tasty acquisition on the cheap for a lot of companies.

Chad (28m 16s):

Well, especially with the backgrounds of Joe VO and KJ, and then recruit ex with Josh and obviously the KRT team. I mean, those are two incredibly powerful or organizations, I believe, because again, we have market validation, not once, not twice, but like six times over.

Joel (28m 36s):

Yeah. I mean, anything could happen, but if we're not talking about broad bean acquired or doing something squirrely, I'd be surprised in the next 12 months.

Chad (28m 45s):

Yeah. Good luck. Dom and crew. And obviously Josh and KJ, you guys just keep kicking ass and taking names.

Joel (28m 52s):

Yup. And for those that aren't kicking ass and taking names, some really bad job boards hit, hit the world this week. I don't even know which one to start with.

Chad (29m 3s):

Let's, let's start with the funniest because I'm not sure if we're being trolled or if this is really a thing it's called The about us page says, and I quote, the modern workplace has become a hot pot for unchallenged, radical thinking and left wing ideology. Our mission is to advance society based on a culture of enlightenment, beauty truth and freedom through free market initiatives.

Chad (29m 38s):

First up unwokeing work. Yeah. This is, I mean, this is like white nationalism on an anonymous job site.

Joel (29m 48s):

That's gotta be a joke. Yeah. But your, your wife has, it's been her mission in the last week to figure out what's going on here. So what has she uncovered?

Chad (29m 59s):

So We actually, it was funny. We sat on the couch and we started digging into this and she did a lot of the work cause she's crazy when it comes to research and on the surface, they use affirmative action plan and OFC CP, which are specifically American. Right? Yet they also use terminology like CV and they registered their domains through a pro proxy servers in France. So I originally thought this was just a diversion until someone pointed out in looking at the actual code on unwoke.HR, they actually expose candidate data like email addresses in the, in the code, which you can see, which is like an amateur at best.

Chad (30m 44s):

It's not anonymous. If it's exposed, all you have to do is click and hit a paid source and you can see that stuff. So, I mean, I don't know it, the thing is there are profiles that are on there of real people. And I don't know if they were, were put on there by those people or if they were scraped, there are also jobs on there from real companies. Some other research that Julie and I did is, is you obviously know that you can easily copy and search job descriptions.

Chad (31m 20s):

In most cases, it's like, well, you know, everybody copies and paste job description. So a lot of them are similar. Yeah. You can say that. But when they're in specific locations, you know exactly who the company is. So you're not that smart, right. That isn't a coincidence. So we reached out to when she reached out to more of those companies, but every company came back and said, Hey, look, we did not authorize this

Joel (31m 42s):


Chad (31m 44s):

So, you know, I, so I think we're being trolled, but I don't know. Julie has a ton of conspiracy theories, which you'll probably hear on Crazy and the King.

Joel (31m 56s):

So, so my take is it's one of four things. Number one, it's an SEO play. And somebody just wants a bunch of back links from this stupid ass site, getting reported on advice and tech crunch and wherever else. And in a year from now, it'll be redirected somewhere. Right. And they'll take the link juice. Number two is, it's a joke. It's just some idiots like let's make unwoke something and then just make it a big joke and like scrape some jobs or whatever. Right. It's a joke. Number two, it's a devilish plan to like get data, resume data and sell people shit and get like, that's probably the worst case scenario or number four.

Joel (32m 36s):

It's a genius plan from Fox news to finally get into the, the job board game. It's gotta be one of those four in my mind. None of them are good, but that's my take,

Chad (32m 46s):

I have to say is if they're so proud, why are their operators anonymous? Why are the companies anonymous? Why are the candidates mostly anonymous? Yep. It's funny because the vice article within hours of like a couple of tweets going out, there were actually some people in HR. I can't remember their names, but we should definitely shame the hell out of them who were like, Hey, finally, a job board, you know, for, for, for people like me and these other people on HR, boy, the site was hacked.

Chad (33m 22s):

There was some, some images that were thrown up then that was, that was, you know, maintenance was taken care of. And then because you can post jobs for free and you can post profiles for free everything and anything you can think of was going up on the site.

Joel (33m 37s):

Yeah. My personal favorite is, is a nut eater and fuck face. Those are my two favorite Ben Shapiro's underage lover or something was on there. Dick soccer, of course. Professional racist. Yeah. There was some good trolling going on with this site.

Chad (33m 55s):

I think it's got to be, it's gotta be a joke.

Joel (33m 59s):

That's we'll go with joke. I hope it's not something really devious where they're just getting data and screwing people over somehow

Chad (34m 6s):

I did reach out to them and say welcome. We would love to have you on the show. So we'll see how that happens. Unfortunately, what is not a joke is a tax payer funded. I believe it's taxpayer funded.,

Joel (34m 24s): It We should, we should see a, goes anywhere. It probably goes to somewhere trolling hasn't already. So yeah, this is from the brain trust of the Trump organization. Ivanka again, continues to say, let them eat cake, I guess, to the, the Commonwealth of America, but on its face. It's a, it's a nice idea, right? Like if you're out of work, dude, just, just get nursing certification. That's why is that a big deal?

Chad (34m 56s):

Yeah. Why is that a big deal? I didn't know. So his story actually said on Tuesdays from HuffPost on Tuesday, Ivanka Trump, the 38 year old daughter of a wealthy man who has never once had to worry about finding the money to pay a bill, proudly announced an ad campaign called find something new, which encourages people to get a job by learning new skills. So definitely went to the, went to the, went to the, the sites and in one area it's called find your path.

Chad (35m 29s):

And that's really just links to online certifications and degrees. Then there was like a programs for veterans I thought was interesting because you can use your GI bill via this MOS translator. You can go to USA jobs, which is a job board or, or you can actually pick a job like aerospace engineering and operations technician. And in the quote says, many employers prefer to hire aerospace engineering and operations technicians who have earned an associates degree in engineering technology or who have completed vocational technical programs.

Chad (36m 8s):

So this is your basic government website. It's just more flashy than most government websites. None of the shit actually helps the problem of, I need money to feed my family now. And the problem is this again, demonstrates the distance between working class people and the rich elite who cannot understand why food pantries even exist. Remember a large percentage of Americans couldn't afford a thousand dollar emergency without help.

Chad (36m 41s):

And that was before COVID, it's much worse now and it's getting harder. And then we also see the Jeff Bezos of the world gaining $70 billion while they take wa while he, while he smacks his employees and says, yeah, we're going to go ahead and take your wages back down to pre COVID level.

Joel (37m 1s):

let them eat cake, by the way, I thought we'd make it through a whole show without Jeff Bezos and dammit, we couldn't do it. What's your take on, so the about us page, you've got supporting partners and you have Apple, IBM,AT&T, Cisco like where these folks just called and said, Hey, you know, we did you a favor. We're going to put your logo on this. Okay. Like I just can't imagine these companies like super getting behind this stuff.

Chad (37m 27s):

I would never want my logo to be associated with something that doesn't fix the problem. And this does not fix the problem. The problem is very simply, how do I feed my family right now? Trying to get a nursing certification unless now here's, here's what fixes fixes the problem. If the company says, look, we're going to invest in you. We're going to pay for you to get your nurse nursing certification while that's happening. You're going to come in and start doing it on the job training and we're going to pay you for it, right?

Chad (37m 59s):

So therefore you're getting the skills you need. You're getting the certification you need and you can feed your fucking family. That means something.

Joel (38m 7s):

Holy shit, now you're thinking dude. by the way. Isn't it funny that our governor of Indiana, as part of the supporting partners, you have the, the mayor of Charlotte. You have Sherm. Interestingly,

Chad (38m 20s):

John, he's a fucking idiot.

Joel (38m 22s):

Walmart, Walmart visa. It's a pretty short list, but there are some, there are some brands in there. Home Depot is in there.

Chad (38m 29s):

I would not want my brand to be associated with something that does nothing for the people who I really want to have a, have a great brand experience with my organization. 

Joel (38m 36s):

Yup. Yup. I have one message from these two sites and that is

JobAdX (38m 48s):

Stand out in a feed full of boring job ads with a dynamic enticing video that showcases your company, culture, people, and benefits with JobAdx. Instead of hoping that job seekers will stumble upon your employment branding video, JobAdx seamlessly displays it in the job description while they're searching, building a connection and reducing candidate drop-off, you're spending thousands of dollars on beautiful, informative employment branding videos that just sit on a YouTube channel begging to be discovered why not feature them across our network of over 150 job sites to proactively compel top talent to join your team, help candidates see themselves in your role by emailing.

JobAdX (39m 32s):

Join That's attract, engage, employ with JobAdX

Joel (39m 46s):

The clock is running out on tick tock. You like that? I like that.

Chad (39m 49s):

I don't, I don't quite understand why people are so freaked out about tik tok. Did you see what happened on Twitter yesterday? About the hack? Yeah, the hack and a hundred thousand dollars in Bitcoin was I think it's, I mean, it's like if somebody asks you to do something in Bitcoin that should automatically send off alarms.

Joel (40m 13s):

No shit. Even if it's Elon Musk telling you to do, which is that much more bizarre that people did this shit,

Chad (40m 22s):

but yet we're talking about tik tok, not to mention. We also, there are also reports of Facebook and LinkedIn doing the exact same things that the Tik Tok app is doing, that they can like see in your notes on your phone. And, and I should be afraid that the Chinese government can see what notes are on my phone versus the, the U S government. I don't think so.

Joel (40m 46s):

We probably differ on this a little bit. And, and also newsworthy, Amazon, your favorite company, I guess we couldn't have gotten away from Amazon because of Tik Tok, but Amazon has banned not banned, but has politely asked their employees to delete Tik Tok from their phones. I think more and more, we have to come to the realization that the world is China versus the US just like they don't allow Facebook, Google fill in whatever blank you want. Surprisingly LinkedIn gets in for some reason because they adhere to a lot of rules.

Joel (41m 18s):

But I mean, China is very open about us companies got not getting in to their ecosystem. We tend to just be Americans and say everybody's in. But I do think there is an element that the government knows about that is putting us at risk. I think Tik Tok itself is not real damaging. I mean, kids lip sinking to eighties. Tunes is not super informative, dog videos, but I think, I think this sort of started with the whole Huawei phone thing, a mobile phone thing, and thinking about the communist China, putting in software and phones that are being sold into Western countries.

Joel (41m 56s):

And then they're talking about 5G contracts and things like that. So, so I do think there is an element of like the world is coming down to China versus America. And what side are you going to be on? And that comes down to cyber war and digital shit. And I think tik tok is going to get swept up into this world. I think they're trying to do everything they can to get away from that perception. They just, you know, they hired a Disney executive. I think they're going to split up the company. But when we talked about from an employment perspective, like, Oh, why aren't why aren't employers on tik tok, advertising jobs and brand, you know, employment brand, et cetera.

Joel (42m 33s):

I mean, to me, if, if there's a topic for this show, it's all this drama around tik tok is inevitably killing them as an employment advertising medium. Because if they're linked to China and spying and all this other shit like employers, aren't gonna touch them with a 10 foot pole. So as far as I'm concerned, tik tok as an employment medium. It's dead until this shit gets resolved, which I don't think it is.

Chad (43m 1s):

Facebook should be too. I mean, everything that happened with Cambridge Analytica, I mean, how, how can you not look at a platform like Facebook in think that they are taking data in a, in a way that they shouldn't be, and, and who knows who the fuck, who they're delivering it to? That's the problem, right?

Joel (43m 18s):

I don't think that's a national security risk. I think it's a privacy risk and what, you know, GDPR and California laws and things like that will come real, probably come out of that. But to me, like when the Analytica thing came out, you didn't see a Patagonia and home Depot and Walmart say we're going to like stop advertising on Facebook, right? Like it took a black lives matter. It took racism. It took, you know, neo-Nazis having groups on Facebook for them to say, we're not going to advertise or touch this with a 10 foot pole for a month, by the way, they're not doing a, an all out forever ban on Facebook.

Joel (43m 54s):

I just think they're different issues than national security. And I mean, when companies like Amazon are telling their employees to delete tik tok, I just think as an employment advertising medium, like tik tok is, is done, right?

Chad (44m 7s):

The, the thing that I'm starting to morph into is seeing the Facebooks and the Amazons of the world as the China's, they have the data, what the fuck are they going to do with it? I, you know, w whether China has it or not, or Jeff Bezos has it, which one is more scary and what's the data, right? I mean, w what exactly do they have access to? But I, I get that. But the problem for us, this is really bad is that we, we can't just focus on like borders, geography, too, to think that that is where our enemy lies.

Chad (44m 44s):

We have to also take a look at how some of these bad actors, these companies are working. So I totally get what you're saying with regard to China and whatnot, but I think you can definitely paint a company like Facebook possibly, or Amazon, or maybe some of the other bigger corporations with the same, with the same, you know, brush

Joel (45m 6s):

The other angle to this is, I think, I think a lot of companies hold their nose and advertise on Facebook. The truth is they're, they're basically a duopoly in terms of digital advertising along Google. Yeah. So, so you talked a lot of companies and it's like, I hate Facebook. I'd love for there to be options. So a lot of it is just, they don't have any other choice, but to do that,

Chad (45m 27s):

Well just remember Facebook at one time, didn't have an advertising platform, but was just killing it when it came to subscript or not subscriptions, but people actually creating accounts, then, you know, they, they, they did it a very smart way. You could see the exact same thing for something like, like Tik Tok and trying to, to bring an ad platform to their platform either way. It's scary. And they're all assholes

Joel (45m 53s):

Either way we out. Yeah.

Outro (45m 55s):

Thank you for listening to podcast with Chad and cheese brilliance, they talk about recruiting. They talk about technology, but most of all, they talk about nothing. Anyhow, be sure to subscribe today on iTunes, Spotify, Google play, or wherever you listen to your podcasts, we out.


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