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Forget the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade—this week, The Chad and Cheese Podcast serves up a sizzling platter of Jive Turkeys! Join Joel "White Meat Cheeseman" and Chad "Pass the Stuffing Sowash" as they skewer the year's most cooked-up corporate blunders and baffling business missteps.

From public companies stuck in reverse to CFOs selling shares faster than leftover pumpkin pie, no turkey is safe. Highlights include Art "The Dart" Zeile's impressive ability to keep a stock price as flat as a pumpkin pie crust, and ZipRecruiter's epic dive, complete with CFO fire sales and an AI "savior" named Phil (spoiler: Phil can't save this feast).

But the real cranberry on top? Chad's fiery rant, while Joel carves into the corporate trend of quietly rebranding DEI while corporate support slips away faster than gravy on a dry turkey.

Add a sprinkle of international flair with guest contributors from Emi in the UK, Lieven in Belgium, and Mo from Hawaii where they are dishing out their own "turkeys of the year," and you've got a buffet of biting humor, sharp insights, and (of course) dad jokes about cranberry sauce blushing.

Enjoy! 🦃


Joel (00:30.424)

Gobble Gobble and pass the mashed potatoes. Hey boys and girls, it's the Chad and Cheese podcast. I'm your co-host, Joel White Meat Cheeseman.

Chad (00:39.569)

This is Chad. Give me that stuff and so watch.

Joel (00:43.31)

And on this week's episode, forget the Macy's Day Thanksgiving Parade, we've got all the jive turkeys you need. Let's do this.

Joel (01:03.862)

Yeah. That obviously from trading places for the kids out there that don't know it. one of the few Thanksgiving era. go watch it. Jamie Lee Curtis is worth, worth the whole show. If nothing else, Jamie, curse and Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd are pretty good too. Yeah. So I woke up to 29 degrees here, Chad, in, in the Midwest. You look like you're a little more comfortable there in Portugal.

Chad (01:03.995)

So close to Thanksgiving.

Chad (01:12.859)

you don't know it, go watch it.

Chad (01:21.989)

Yeah, they're not, they're not.

Chad (01:31.633)

Yeah, it's a little sunny here. know, so, we're ready. It's, it's currently what we'd like to call 20 degrees. That's in Celsius, my friend. It's around 70, 70ish, but it's, it's pretty nice. a nice little walk out by the boardwalk today. Last night actually had kind of like a pseudo Thanksgiving with all my, my buddies who I play paddle with beer, burgers, just.

Joel (01:46.509)


Chad (01:59.065)

a bunch of food, but we have a real Thanksgiving coming up with a couple of Americans and then also just a variety of people from different countries happening on Thursday.

Joel (02:07.32)

Yeah. That sounds like a friends giving chat. Sounds like you had a friends giving. Now were those turkey burgers? No, no. Yeah.

Chad (02:11.541)


Chad (02:15.011)

No, no, we've got turkey coming, turkey coming. So yeah, we just had the burgers.

Joel (02:21.496)

So you know in the States, Turkey is all over the place. Every grocery store, it's easy to find. Is it tougher to find in Portugal? Yeah.

Chad (02:24.796)

yeah. God. yeah, and you're not going to get those big genetically altered like,

Joel (02:31.63)

Yeah, the steroid freak turkeys. Yeah.

Chad (02:36.869)

You're not getting those. You're not getting those. We don't have pardons over here. We don't need any of that shit, right? Because we're, you know, just, you know, turkeys on the menu, just not off.

Joel (02:43.692)


so many turkeys, they have free turkeys places like spend a hundred bucks. We'll give you free Turkey. Like there's tons of free stuff. I'm almost thinking like we should give away free Turkey on the show, but I think the, the, shipping of that would be way too much of a headache. So we're sticking with the easy stuff. in case you guys don't know this, this, this is our drive Turkey episode. we'll explain exactly what that means later, but this is a little bit unconventional. We're going to skip shout outs.

Chad (03:09.745)


Joel (03:14.33)

and we're going to, guess, pimp our sponsors here real quick. So Chad, not free turkeys, but we've got free stuff. Tell them what they can win by signing up.

Chad (03:21.051)

free stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm thinking about maybe next year doing, because we can do Instacart, do free turkeys through Instacart. Anyway, we'll talk about that.

Joel (03:31.136)

If you'd like to sponsor that, please message us.

Chad (03:34.595)

Talk to us, talk to us. If you want to win free stuff, kids, you to get a slash free. You can win t-shirts, those glorious chad & cheese t-shirts with ERIN App on the back, sponsored by ERIN app, bourbon barrel aged syrup from our buddies up north. That's right, Canada at Keeyora. Then we have beer from Aspen Tech Labs, craft beer delivered to your doorstep. That's right.

Joel (03:36.046)

Talk to us.

Chad (04:03.247)

Be careful, you might see Cheeseman dropping off beer. Whiskey, two bottles of whiskey, two bottles from TextKernel slash our friends at Bullhorn. And if it is your birthday, it is time for rum with Plum, but you can't win unless you play slash free.

Joel (04:09.654)


Joel (04:15.326)


Joel (04:26.094)

That's right, Chad. Celebrating another trip around the sun listeners, Mason Wong, Nicole Adamson, Chris King, Neil Dunwoody, Deborah Schoggingarten. I probably mispronounced that. Frederick Patton, Thomas Toomey, Anan Natarajan, Dina Perrofer-Piro, Steve White, Claire Davis, Connell, Michael Goldberg, Susan Burns.

Chad (04:36.465)

Excuse me? What?

Chad (04:49.349)


Joel (04:49.354)

And Alex Murphy, I'll celebrate another year around the sun. And by the way, Chad, we've been crushing the bourbon giveaways lately. We are crushing, like people are getting some good shit is all I'm saying. We've, we've upped our game on that bull horn and bull horn and text kernel. Thank you.

Chad (04:54.182)


Chad (05:03.345)

It's all we do. mean, great craft beer, the best syrup, the best beer, the best whiskeys, the best t-shirts. I mean, come on kids. That's why you gotta go to slash free. It's pretty simple. And also the best football results. Unfortunately, last week just sucked ass because it was bi-week. But, but, but it obviously didn't hurt me as much as I thought it

Joel (05:14.53)

Yep, yep, and after, yep.

Joel (05:22.198)

It was my week. Yes.

Joel (05:27.404)

Yeah, I need some of the good bourbon, cause I, I took a little hit this week. I slipped from the number one spot again, factory fix, endorsing and sponsoring our unhealthy habits. this is your leaderboard heading into, I don't know. Was it week 13? We got three weeks left until the playoffs. your leaderboard looks like this Dean, the daddy Mac Mack roll. The man from down under is on top, ladies and gentlemen, showing us, showing us Americans how to.

Chad (05:52.101)

Killing it. Killing it!

Joel (05:56.098)

how to do this thing. I fall to the number two spot. Still pretty comfortable with my playoff chances. I was beaten by number three, David Stiefel, this week. Yeah, yeah. But the week is tough. This is a tough week to win. You got a lot of people off this week. You're in the number four spot, Chad, with a bullet. liked what you did this week. Kristy Lisbon, Jennifer Terry-Tharp.

Chad (06:13.159)

yeah. yeah.

Joel (06:23.456)

Laura Martinelli, Keith the Commish Sonderling. got him this week. Number nine, Action Jackson Dawquist. Number 10, Dena Pero for Pyros. Number 11, Sean Horton, here's a who. And my God, who is it again? And the.

Chad (06:34.544)


Chad (06:40.523)

not again.

Joel (06:45.214)

Adam, if you need help, go to YouTube. It's a new site search, search fantasy football help. And it'll tell you how to like take someone from a bench to the starting lineup. It's not, it's not rocket science. My friend here's, here's to you. It's an international sandwich. got Aussie on top. got Scotland on the bottom. Embarrassing, embarrassing the country, country greatly. Well, okay. So normally we would do news here.

Chad (07:00.303)

It's simple. Yeah.

Chad (07:04.475)

Click a button.

Joel (07:14.498)

But our jive turkey show, we're mixing it up this year. First of all, I want to say, what is a jive turkey? in the course of bringing on some guests this year, we've learned that maybe not everyone knows what jive turkey is. So AI, I went out to chat GPT and I said, define jive turkey for me. so it, so it's slang popularized in the seventies. and it means basically someone who's full of shit. I added the shit. It's more like full of it. Cause chat GPT is proper like that or.

Chad (07:19.505)


Chad (07:27.258)

especially in Europe.

Joel (07:43.136)

not genuine, AKA someone or something that's just a sucker. That's just like, just bad. Okay. So, so this year, we're going to do two turkeys each, Chad and I, and we brought along, some of our, our friends in high places or low places, depending on who it is to, to chime in on their turkeys, their jive turkeys, from this year. we've got leaving.

Chad (07:43.163)


Chad (07:48.945)

Ooh, I'm gonna get you sucker.

Chad (07:55.345)


Joel (08:08.344)

From house of HR, if you hear, if you'll start your show, you definitely know Lieven. And he was on our weekly show a week back. got Emi Beredugo again, another, consistent guest on the show and, Mo Clough cloth. Did I say that correctly? Clock cloth. Clough. Yeah, just Mo. That's all I know. Mo Mo is what I know.

Chad (08:23.534)

Wiley Clough, just Mo. We're rebranding her as Mo. That's the rebrand.

Joel (08:33.376)

I like it. It's easy. I like easy, Chad. I like easy. I like easy. All right. And without further ado.

Chad (08:34.565)

Okay, that's good,

Chad (08:44.411)


Joel (08:47.214)

All right. So I'm going here. my first jive turkey of 2024, the artful Dodger Art, The Dart, the modern art masterpiece Art Zeile CEO at DHI, more commonly known as dice or clearance and or clearance jobs. we'll focus mostly on dice here, cause that's the main property when art took the reins back in 2018, the stock traded at around a dollar 75 a share today, Chad.

Joel (09:17.034)

It trades, wait for it, at about a dollar 75 a share. in six short years, ART has been able to move the stock, not whatsoever. So way to go, way to go ART. Yeah, let's see. What's more, the CFO just left. The whole thing is riddled with incompetency. They've published in 2024, a total of, wait for it Chad, five.

Chad (09:29.541)

He's done nothing.

Chad (09:37.105)


Joel (09:45.966)

Press releases, they've done five press releases as a public company in 2024. And the last, the last PR that they dropped was in April. So I don't know if they've just took, took the year off or what. while every tech company on the planet is getting more efficient, DICE has increased its operations staff in the last year, almost a hundred percent operations, not development, not sales.

Joel (10:12.584)

operations. Yeah, that's, that's kind of a mystery to me too. in 2023, they had a market cap of $145 million today. That market cap is $84.5 million. And I'm not really good at math, but I know that 84 and a half is less than 145. yeah. So art art has had six years to turn this thing around.

Chad (10:22.257)


Chad (10:37.371)

Yeah, no, you'd be right, you'd be right.

Joel (10:42.326)

And it's still a pile of steaming dog shit sprinkled with cat turds. this, this jive turkey is totally cooked. Unfortunately, no one wants this job. So it looks like we're stuck with art for the foreseeable future, but this jive turkey is to you art. It's, fun watching the demise of a once great job.

Chad (10:53.681)


Chad (11:05.018)

I wonder what his salary is because, I mean, they've done nothing, so he deserves nothing. I mean, seriously.

Joel (11:18.252)

Meanwhile, on the quarterly earnings report.

Chad (11:24.24)


Joel (11:24.494)

You're still invited on the show art. If you want to come on the show and talk to us, you're more than welcome to, to defend yourself.

Chad (11:31.631)

Yeah, yeah. I want to know. I want to know about the first time he said he'd come on the show and then he ran out the back door at TA Tech. Anyway, anyway, OK, my first one done and this is might be a surprise to you, Joel, but my first jive turkey goes to zip recruiter. Yes, that's no surprise. No surprise whatsoever.

Joel (11:48.661)


Chad (11:56.433)

As you all remember, reported by the AIM group earlier this month, ZipRecurters revenues declined by 25% year over year with a net loss of $2.6 million compared to a net income of $24 million in the prior year quarter. Zip recorded its second net loss in three quarters, while competitors like Indeed are reporting gains. Then last week, you're going to love this, Timothy Yarbrough, Zip's EVP and Chief Financial Officer, we know them as the CFO, sold over 6012 shares of Zip Class A stock, which adds to the amount that he sold in October when Little Timmy sold 6013 shares. October, November, selling, selling, selling. So when the CFO starts selling off shares and tranches, like this, you got to wonder about the health of ZipRecruiter or maybe, or maybe he's just buying a super deluxe Joel Cheesman-like swimming pool for the backyard. Who knows? But remember kids, remember kids, we're not financial planners or experts here on The Chad and Cheese podcast, but the optics aren't great when Zip is poising for stock buybacks, revenues are experiencing a downward spiral. The CFO reportedly sold shares in October and November plus... There's no way in hell Zip's AI powered savior, Phil, can save ZipRecruiter from me giving them a jive turkey this year. Jive turkey goes to ZipRecruiter.

Joel (13:36.75)

Definitely jive to come on recruit holdings write a check write a check bring them in the fold zip recruiter glass door and indeed the trifecta for sure You failed to mention Chad and I had to check this because I knew this was on your list of jive turkeys You remember the talent all-stars podcast that that's a recruiter launched this year. Yeah, how could you forget? It's it's lighting up the the airwaves. It's lighting up the airwaves So so this thing launched in August

Chad (13:39.739)


Chad (13:44.398)

don't do it. don't do it.

Chad (13:55.885)

my god! my god! This is the president, right?

Joel (14:06.11)

August, this is a public company with about 1500 employees. As of August, they have 17 ratings on Apple. They have six ratings on Spotify, which means the kids love it. The kids are loving the podcast. And on their YouTube podcast channel, they're generating after 11 videos, I think, an average of a hundred views per show. And they did one with FedEx that was sort of the lion's share of views. Everything's in that.

Chad (14:33.267)

wow, yeah.

Joel (14:34.446)

Everything else is in that 35 to 50 kind of range, but they should be really proud with what they've put together. They must be emailing all their employers and all their job seekers to check out the show because they're getting such traction on this podcast. If you want to learn how to do a podcast, we're available. We'll take your money. We do advisories. We'll do some consulting. We'll help you out. We'll help you out. Don't worry. Don't worry.

Chad (14:50.417)

I just love how.


Chad (15:00.177)

It just blows my mind. just like any, like anybody wants to listen to a CEO or a president or anybody in the C-suite, right? Talk about their stupid fucking company every month. I mean, they just don't, right? It's all bullshit. It's all fluff. Nobody cares. But you're right. For them not to be able to at least harness all of the marketing power that they have.

Joel (15:10.2)

president I think is, I don't know who's doing it.


Joel (15:29.848)


Chad (15:30.043)

They look like total idiots. They look like total fucking idiots. So yes, that's just an additional on top of the jive turkey list.

Joel (15:37.176)

They look like total jive turkeys, Chad. And with that, we'll take a quick break and come back to our guests jive turkeys of 2024.

Chad (15:40.121)


Chad (15:46.182)


Chad (15:52.421)

All right, I'm excited about this.

Joel (15:54.338)

I love the guests because it means we do less work. I love it. Yeah. The fact that we can get some other voices. I mean, what I meant to say was it's nice to have some diversity of thought and some new, new opinions on here. so.

Chad (15:56.145)

I love it.

Chad (16:06.041)

Except for Sergey and Trisha who do all the production work they've got more work to do now. We love you guys. We love you. We love you. Trisha deserves not a jive turkey but a nice big plump jive turkey and so does and so does Sergey they both they both deserve it. All the trimmings.

Joel (16:11.062)

Yeah, that's true. Yeah, they're listening. Happy Thanksgiving Trish.

Joel (16:23.372)

Yeah. Yeah. Celebrating Thanksgiving. I'm sure there and, yeah. So, Emi Beredugo, is up first. you know her from guesting on the show for a couple of years. She's out in the UK. So we wanted to get a little international flavor with our guests this year. So from the UK, this is Emi Beredugo.

Chad (16:36.411)

Love her.

Chad (20:55.671)

Amen, sister. That's what I'm talking about.

Joel (20:58.158)

Emi Beredugo everybody.

Chad (21:00.689)

She hit all the points. She did a really good job and hitting all the points. The thing that drives me crazy about this is that she was right with regard to managers needing to train up and to learn. mean, we've got to evolve not just as workers, but also as leaders. And they aren't. But it's also exposing all of these companies who are not focused on outcomes and completion of tasks.

and projects because those can be done anywhere. Not to mention you can also see if it's happening or not anywhere. And I'll finish up with this. Spotify chief HR officer, CHRO, Katrina Berg stated, quote, you can't spend a lot of time hiring grownups and then treat them like children, end quote.

Joel (21:34.734)


Joel (21:47.214)

I like that. And in light of Spotify, a few other companies that are tech companies are doing the remote only, Shopify, Airbnb, Deal in our space is also getting some, some highlights from that. So shout out to them for doing the right thing. And let's name some names. Emmy's way too polite. And by the way, our show sounds so much smarter in a British accent. I don't know. Maybe it's just me. Let's, let's talk about Amazon's Andy Jassy.

Chad (22:12.017)

Thank you, Ami. Thank you.

Joel (22:16.462)

let's talk about Disney's Bob Iger, JP Morgan's Jamie Diamond and your favorite the D to the JSAW Goldman Sachs, a few of the companies that are mandating back to the office. So we'll name a few names and don't forget Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, who is blaming Google's decline on work from home while some others tech companies are doing, are doing just fine with all that. So thanks to Emmy for, for chiming in.

Chad (22:25.893)

Not that guy.

Chad (22:32.859)


Chad (22:37.137)

I'm an idiot. Yeah.

Joel (22:44.632)

I don't know who you want next. want Lieven? A little Lieven love? Let's do, or let's do, let's do Mo. Let's do ladies first. Maybe give me some Mo. All right. Mo is, Mo is in paradise apparently. she's in Hawaii. All right. Let's hear from Mo.

Chad (22:48.731)

Give me some Mo!

Chad (22:56.955)

She's in Hawaii.

Joel (24:02.019)


Joel (26:04.888)

Why do you hate seniors, Chris Hyams? Why do you hate seniors is what I want to know. Yeah, he is one. He's way over the hill. What's funny about this is indeed try so hard to be like the Marvel heroes, the Avengers of diversity. And they end up looking like the destroyers of diversity. So come on, man. Come on, man. I love that she brought up, yeah, did they just get caught?

Chad (26:10.417)

He is one. Apparently he is one.

Chad (26:26.257)

Yeah, bullshit, saying the quiet part out loud.

Joel (26:37.038)

and they have a crisis comms team, why don't they call us? Like, why don't they, like, I don't get it. Why? We're not that bad. We're not that bad.

Chad (26:43.045)

They, yeah, they know better. They know better. Yeah, I think, well, it's that and thanks so much, Mo, for taking Indeed, so I didn't have to, but I definitely have to point out the failed programs that they had this year that they tried their ass off of PPA, PPSA. But kids, I want you to know, and this is what I tell my kids, when you start, stop learning, you're dead. I mean, you're done. Your brain atrophies, your body atrophies, everything, you got to.

to keep learning. So don't listen to Indeed and their 18 to 25 year olds who are writing content over there who got caught with their pants down.

Joel (27:21.718)

And keep living large like Moe. Good Lord. How much I used to be, I used to want to be you. Now I want to be her for God's sakes. All right. Let's, let's get to our favorite, favorite Belgian, Lieven what's he got to say in regards to his Turkey.

Chad (27:24.821)

yeah. Way to go, Mo.

Joel (33:06.254)

All right, here we go.

Chad (34:04.057)

Way to go, Lieven.

Joel (34:04.238)

Stupid shit from a Europeans point of view. Gotta love that.

Chad (34:07.633)

Yeah, well, I mean, so it's interesting because just what Emmy was talking about, but this is at a different angle, right? So you have you have companies who are saying you got to get back to work. And that is for there are a variety of reasons why companies are doing that. But the Dutch government's doing it for a singular reason, and that's because they want more taxes. So why don't they change the tax scheme if that's the issue as a chart, as opposed to trying to force people back into the damn office? That's just weird.

Joel (34:36.009)

Or make it more appealing for people to immigrate and easier to immigrate to the Netherlands. That might be a solution that would work. think that may be on your agenda for a conversation after we come back from the road, but Europe's going through some shit like higher retirement age in France. England's not letting anybody in every, all the people are leaving because they don't want to be, they want to be in the EU and not in the UK. So all kinds of fun stuff that you are living from Portugal in the EU.

Chad (34:40.867)

Hmm, hmm. Who knows? Who knows?

Chad (34:59.158)

huh. Yep.

Chad (35:03.261)

in the EU.

Joel (35:06.062)

Well, thanks to our guests. appreciate that. it's a little bit of flavor on jive turkey episode here. Let's take a quick break and Chad and I will get to our final jive turkeys.

Chad (35:11.787)


Joel (35:21.986)

All right, Chad, hit him.

Chad (35:22.201)

All right. Save the best for last, kids. So this one is going to be very clinical. OK, so sharpen your pencils and listen up. My last jive turkey ghost is something that seems to be on the horizon with the next administration and will directly impact recruiting, retention and funding infrastructure just for starters. So my last jive turkey goes to mass deportation. What's the estimated cost?

of deportation, mass deportation, a one time 315 billion estimated cost for mass deportation includes, includes arrests, detention, legal processing and deportation. Not talking about the fucking optics that are going to happen, kids in cages. The longer term plan will cost $1 trillion. What's the impact? This is the thing that really matters guys.

According to the American Immigration Council, mass deportations could have significant economic impacts, potentially reducing annual GDP by 4.2 % to 6.8%, which means we'd be negative GDP. Negative GDP. How do we lose GDP? Another great question. Thanks, listener. Here's a quote from an employer that hits home. Quote, everything is the wild, wild west. Just watch and wait for a state

wide mandate for e-verify. And then hiring is about to get very, very expensive. And a long-term recovery will be catastrophic if you, talking about employers, aren't stacking your bench and protecting home base, you're going to be doomed." End quote. So what's being said here? How are employers going to backfill positions when the people just aren't there?

The aforementioned reference to hiring getting more expensive is really simple. the supply of talent is lower, there aren't enough people in America to do the job. You're going to have to start getting into bidding wars and cost is going to increase substantially. Also, California, Texas and Florida house 47 % of the undocumented workers. Only, almost 50 % are in three states. and guess what kids?

Chad (37:43.131)

California is ranked number one in GDP for the United States. Texas is ranked number two in GDP for the United States and Florida is ranked number four in GDP for the United States. Why is that? Well, fuck guys, immigrants are the US superpower. That's why we've made it so well so far and we were able to bounce back after the pandemic. Here's a great example though.

This from the National Immigration Forum, the construction industry required over a half million new workers in 2024 alone to meet development goals. Construction is one of the key industries that cannot satisfy their labor needs with only native born workers. Roughly 30%, 30%, 30 % of workers in the US construction industry are immigrants. In states like,

California and Texas, number one, and number two, the share of construction workers are 40%. Immigrants, 40%. So let's talk about tax base. This from the Institution of Taxation and Economic Policy, undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022. Nearly.

$100 billion in taxes. $59.4 billion go to the feds. $37.3 go to state and local governments. So that money will be sucked out of your local communities. Meaning less funding for police departments, less funding for fire departments, less funding for schools, health services, and roads. Again, just to name a few. And as you always say, Mr. Cheeseman,

Joel (39:32.088)


Chad (39:32.429)

Who will do the work and pay the necessary taxes when a big cohort like, I don't know, the boomers leave the workforce and start collecting social security? That's a double whammy. Leaving the workforce, we need people. Social security, that's money going out. We don't have revenues coming in. So who's going to do the work? Who's going to pay the taxes? We're pushing $100 billion in tax revenues out of the country and we will not not have enough workers.

Joel (39:43.63)


Chad (40:02.085)

to cover those jobs and the loss in revenue. last but not least, remember when COVID hit and we didn't have enough workers to work the docs and the supply chain fell apart? What happens when we don't have enough workers to work the docs because we deported them? My Jive Turkey goes to mass deportation. You think it was scary having immigrants in the US? Well, it's about, it's fuck around and find out time kids.

Joel (40:12.825)

Essential workers.

Joel (40:35.64)

By the way, Chad didn't mention our interview with Zeke Hernandez. I'm showing the book here if you're watching us on YouTube, but if you haven't read The Truth About Immigration by Dr. Zeke Hernandez, we encourage you to read it and also listen to our interview that we did with him just a few months or weeks ago.

Chad (40:37.841)


Chad (40:51.739)

Believe the numbers, don't believe the bullshit.

Joel (40:56.302)

Don't believe the hype. That is Chad's last and final jive turkey of 2024. So my last and final jive turkey of 2024. Chad, one of the more interesting stories that we've talked about on this show is the sort of journey from Black Lives Matter, Me Too, the movements, COVID, DEI, taking a front seat in the

Chad (41:19.067)


Joel (41:24.962)

the dialogue that we've had on the show and with our, with our guests. And that started taking a turn for the worst, last year, but it kind of has hit a crescendo in 2024. we know that the, the Supreme court struck down affirmative action and we kind of predicted on this show that not only colleges, but corporations and other entities would start taking that as a, as a, as a.

as an okay, a green light to trash DEI, diversity, equity and inclusion. to name names, and we've talked about a few of these on the show over the past year, Tesla, of course, Walgreens, Anheuser-Busch, Disney, Bumble, of all places, American Airlines, JP Morgan Chase, Boeing, Walmart, of all people announced today that they would be canceling

Chad (42:01.211)


Joel (42:17.07)

their, budget for DI and some of their, staff along that. And like some of these, get for political reasons, like John Deere, it's just their customers don't want it. So they do it, but Walmart is for everybody. So for Walmart to like dis, disassociate themselves with diversity and inclusion, to me is just a really sad state of affairs. Obviously Donald Trump is back in the white house. So I suspect this will continue to be an issue in 2025.

Part of the good news is, and we've talked to some folks on the show about how this is still going on. People still approve of it. It's just being rebranded by companies. They don't want to say DI. They want to say something else. Johnny Taylor, your boy at Shurm was in the headlines this year, I think is changing it from DI to D &I. Okay. Sure. So, so for me, like the big jive turkeys are all the companies that are abandoning DI.

Chad (42:54.715)


Joel (43:15.942)

and promoting it and publishing it for political reasons. That's a sad state of affairs, but that is the state of affairs in America, everybody. We got a lot of jive turkeys.

Joel (43:34.668)

Which brings me to my Thanksgiving inspired dad joke, Chad. Are you ready? Why did the cranberry blush? Why did the cranberry blush?

Chad (43:34.779)

Good stuff, man. Jesus, yes.

Chad (43:48.473)

No clue. No clue.

Joel (43:49.526)

it's a good one. Why did the cranberry blush? It saw the turkey dressing.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody, thanks to our guests for chiming in. We out.

Chad (43:59.385)


Chad (44:03.727)

Yes, we out.


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