OMG is it over yet!?!?!? Another million+ Americans filed for unemployment and some of them probably came from our industry.
LinkedIn is certainly one, and the boys cover the news in detail
Glassdoor employees might want to start looking for a new job
...and dildo theft. Say what?!

Yup, you just gotta listen. All of this HR's most dangerous podcast goodness is powered by Sovren, Jobvite, and JobAdx.
Intro (1s):
Hide your kids! Lock the doors! You're listening to HRS most dangerous podcast. CHAD SOWASH and Joel Cheesman are here to punch the recruiting industry, right where it hurts! Complete with breaking news, brash opinion and loads of snark, buckle up boys and girls, it's time for the Chad and Cheese podcast.
Joel (10s):
Alll right all right, 18 straight weeks in the U S with initial jobless claims totaling more than 1 million. So how's your week going welcome to the chat and cheese podcast, boys and girls. I'm your cohost Joel, let's play ball Cheesman.
Chad (41s):
I'm Chad "Hercules Mulligan" Sowash
Joel (43s):
and on this week's show Glass Doors' future is so bright. They gotta wear Psych! it's better to be a job case in gym right now. And dildo theft.
Chad (54s):
Wait, what?
Joel (56s):
Sit back and get comfy. It's going to be that kind of show everybody.
Sovren (1m 1s):
Sovern Parser is the most accurate resume and job order intake technology in the industry. The more accurate your data, the better decisions you can make. Find out more about our suite of products today by visiting That's We provide technology that thinks communicates and collaborates like a human, Sovren software, so human you'll want to take it to dinner.
Joel (1m 28s):
Nobody's going to dinner now.
Chad (1m 29s):
Yeah, this is actually week 23 for us. We did the Corona virus edition first podcast on February 27th. And that was the week that we locked down here at the Sowash residence.
Joel (1m 46s):
And when did we officially retire The it's Corona time soundbite because of insensitivity, a little tone deaf with the coronavirus soundbite.
Chad (1m 58s):
So what's up on your end. It's it's fricking hot as hell outside.
Joel (2m 1s):
I got a cat taking shits in the house that I'm not real happy about right now. So that's what I'm dealing with animals.
Chad (2m 9s):
Oh, thanks for that shout outs.
Joel (2m 15s):
Shout out to Indeed. Yeah. They haven't gotten a positive, a shout out from us lately. They announced this week that they are not reopening their offices until July of 2021. This is a big move, considering that they've been gobbling up real estate all over the world for the last five years. That's that's gotta hurt the pocketbook.
Chad (2m 34s):
It's a fucking layup dude. They're in Austin, Texas right now. Have you seen the, you've seen the news? I mean, have you seen the cases in Texas? Jesus, shout out to Bill Borman. Who said I should try to work the word of poppy cock in during the podcast there. I did it. I think I'm going to go one further and try to substitute poppycock for all my F bombs. This a, this episode. I'm going to try. I don't, I can't promise anything. I'm going to try.
Joel (3m 0s):
Yeah. I'm going to tell bill, fuck the fucking fuckers. Shout out to Serial. Not the stuff you eat at the morning, but the podcast just announced the New York times bought up the popular podcast. The whisper number on that was $50 million. Chad and I are still waiting for our payday, but for, for Joe Rogan and Serial ring, the cash registers, baby. Shout out to you guys.
Chad (3m 28s):
No shit. So Kyle, the chat and cheese podcast, mascot, millennial just got engaged.
Joel (3m 35s):
Wow. Oh, Whoa, Whoa.
Chad (3m 40s):
Good stuff. Right. I guess, you know, you got to get out of mom and dad's basement somehow.
Joel (3m 46s):
So good. God, I could, I could go, but Kyle dude, go for it, man. That's awesome. I hope he's not going to get married in the, in the, the lockdown. I mean, how's that going to go?
Chad (3m 57s):
I don't know. I think that's the, the, the harder part is saying we don't have to do it right now. I think actually that's the easier part, right? Yeah.
Joel (4m 4s):
Assuming he probably met this girl online anyway, so maybe they could just keep it that way.
Chad (4m 9s):
He's known Corey for a while. So that's a, there's no chance. No chance.
Joel (4m 13s):
Shout out to Matt Miller. He's a huge fan of the show. He's a senior manager of town acquisition at Caliber Collision there in Texas. He says he listens to us every day, tells all his, all his coworkers to take a listen. So Matt man, super fan. We love you buddy. Keep listening,
Chad (4m 31s):
We got a new listeners, Chris Hanson over at Avature. Where have you been man? Casey Finch at SMC Corporation of America in Noblesville. She's over in your area and Alex Herr who said he heard great things about the podcast, Alex. They lied, man. They, they lied.
Joel (4m 54s):
Chris Hanson. Isn't that? The, to catch a predator guy?
Chad (4m 57s):
No, I think he was the, the one Hanson brother that didn't get into love.
Joel (5m 3s):
Hmm. Shout out to your boy. Jeff Bezos, who became $13 billion richer this past month. I know you love seeing him ring the register. So shout out to that rich motherfucker and Elon Musk equally rich as well. It's a good, it's a good time to be rich in America.
Chad (5m 26s):
Yeah. Rich white dude. Imagine that shout out to Melody Chung over at LinkedIn, she loves the podcast. Love you listening melody, but still think LinkedIn is the lesser form of a devil versus a Facebook who is the full devil,
Joel (5m 42s):
The full devil combo. Shout out to Snap and TikTok. So Snap shout out for walking the walk. They were, they had allegations of sexual harassment and all kinds of naughtiness going on there. And they said that they were gonna do an internal investigation, which they have actually hired a law firm to come in and actually question people and dig into the company. So shout out to them for that. They had kind of a shitty quarter, but have usership of 32 times per day as the average user of Snapchat, which is, you know, y'all need to get a life out there.
Joel (6m 18s):
And TikTok, you said there'll be a, there'll be hiring 10,000 folks here in the U S and also announced that they're close to spending a million dollars a year in lobbying. And what better way to not get pinched by the government and to employ a bunch of people who also hopefully vote. So they're doing the right things strategically as a Chinese company, looking to be banned by our country.
Chad (6m 43s):
Yeah. Well, they're just going to do an a U.S. IPO and by Snapchat, that's gonna, that's my, that's my call. Yeah. Big shout out to Alicia, Scott Garrel over at TMP, man. We haven't heard that much from TMP or AIA XB, expialidocious over there for a while. Good to hear from you. Alicia, tell everybody, keep listening. And we'd like to hear some stuff what's going on.
Joel (7m 9s):
Nice, nice shout out to Jobsync of death match winner, alumni celebrated their 500th day, I think in business or 500. I don't know. So we, I got a, I got a little gift box. I think you did too. They sent me a little like tall boy, Yeti, little thing that, that keeps my beer pretty cold. So shout out to you guys at job saying, keep, keep trucking, man.
Chad (7m 34s):
You know, you need a little Yeti thing for your beer when you're not drinking your beer fast enough. So I gave mine to Julie. She uses it for a wine, It's hot outside. a shout out to Portland. Moms
Joel (7m 49s):
Is one of them, the naked woman that was protesting this week. What did you, did you see this in Portland? They have, they have naked women, protesters.
Chad (7m 59s):
You're watching a different channel than what I'm watching. You've got the foreign channel on. I'm actually watching the news where mothers are coming out in droves to be able to, to support their, their town. But yeah, but shout out to Portland moms and last but not least shout outs for me is to Hung Lee and the new Recruiting Brain Food Tribune he had about about eight to 10 individuals who he gave assignments to.
Chad (8m 33s):
And we were actually able to, to pick our assignment, Elena Valentine she picked the hardest assignment. I picked, I think one of the easiest ones, where I answered 20 questions, but yeah, it was really cool. And if you haven't checked it out, if you're not already subscribed to Brain Food, go to recruiting, check it out and check out the, it gives you an opportunity to get a little bit more in depth about other people in the industry. And if you want to know more about me, check mine out,
Joel (9m 4s):
Shout out to a I've got to talk about these idiots. They got pretty shifty. They got pretty chesty this week, calling out the fact that they are a real site. We talked about the vice article. They sort of went after them. And then sort of generally that the industry was in a tizzy. I don't know if we were included in that or not, but if you're going to get real chesty boys or girls and girls, I suggest taking off the mask and showing yourself. Show yourselves is what I say.
Joel (9m 34s):
You ready to do the stories?
Chad (9m 36s):
Joel (9m 38s):
glass done.
Chad (9m 40s):
Welcome. Welcome to Indeed's version of a Glass Door, snuff film. This is just affirmation of what we talked about over the last few weeks. Indeed's going to be piping jobs into Glass Door.
Joel (-):
We called it
Chad (9m 52s):
They're going to be taking the Glass Door reviews. And the ad/job posting platform is going to be strictly through Indeed. So those are, those are some of the, some of the areas.
Joel (10m 6s):
Yeah. I love the way that they spun it though. They spun it as to benefit our customers. Yeah. We're going to let you access the power of two instead of have to buy both of them. So nice try on the spin there, but you know, it's, it's pretty clear that Glassdoor is going to be a filler site for Indeed jobs. I don't, you know, I mean the brand of Glass Door for reviews is so strong that I, I can't really imagine them messing with that.
Joel (10m 36s):
I think you'll still be able to post reviews that are fairly exclusive to Glass Door. I mean, they get so much PR out of it every year, the top companies, the top CEOs, I mean, still people still think about them in terms of seeing what it's like to work at a company, but anything that's duplicitous, like job postings is gone. And if you're still employed at Glass Door and you do stuff like, you know, has no effect on reviews, you probably want to go look for another job at this point,
Chad (11m 7s):
Glass Door's, obviously much, much different platform than Simply Hired. I mean, Simply Hired has been a dead brand for a very long time. I mean, pretty much as soon as in Indeed bought them. But I mean, this is just a colossal waste of brand. It's going to be a waste of the business model itself. The resources that they have there, I believe are just going to atrophy. And instead of using Glass Door to really create products, I mean, Glass Door was the brand that they could have used. I think more so than Indeed to focus on CRM, nurturing experience, those types of areas. Then Indeed. I mean, Indeed's really just, all their other focuses is getting a shit ton of traffic to you. They talk about targeting they're full of shit, but from a Glass Door standpoint, you had a brand that you could have, I believe could have used really to focus on the experience side of the house and building platforms that made you a brand for tomorrow.
Chad (11m 38s):
And Indeed obviously working in concert with that, but this whole quote unquote partnering thing is just a load of shit. It's, it's our poppycock. It's just not, it's not, yeah, it's not going to be a partnership
Joel (12m 26s):
Fuck the Fucking fuckers. So, so it's pretty easy to take away the job posting component. Like that's easy to change. I wonder, I wonder now how Indeed is going to let companies manage their brand or their profile pages on the Indeed platform and have that all transfer over to the Glass Door site. Cause that's sort of is the next step for me. You can't have the companies use two platforms for branding. You'll have to somehow cross those together. And that I assume is the next phase.
Chad (12m 56s):
We haven't heard anything around, you know, the Click IQ and Indeed IQ acquisition, other than the name change, you know, are there programmatic integrations that are going to happen here? I mean, just, it's one of those things where we see some big acquisitions happening. This is one point $2 billion to be able to create now a really a dead brand. It's just this to me just blows my mind.
Joel (13m 23s):
It's the era of COVID man. The shit happens, happens fast.
Chad (13m 26s):
It happened before that with Simply Hired. I mean, they, they,
Joel (13m 29s):
That was easy. That was easy. They didn't pay a billion dollars for simply hired either fuck LinkedIn layoffs. That was a story this week. Yeah, I'd do the shred on that one, a 960 employees gone, the company's newly minted CEO said that there would no, there would be no other layoffs at the company. Most of the people laid off were in sales, marketing Biz Dev type folks. You know, 6% is not a whole lot of people.
Joel (14m 2s):
I mean, my guess is they probably could, they could have cleaned out five to 7% of the people anyway for performance issues. They did obviously blame the current environment for the layoffs lack of advertising. I know from their, their cue, their quarterly report yesterday, which was filed, they had a 10% reduction year over year, I think in, in revenues that might've been quarter over quarter, but so 10% reduction in revenues, 6% laid off. That probably makes sense.
Joel (14m 32s):
My question is my God. If, if something as sort of mandatory as LinkedIn is laying off people and seeing that kind of reduction in revenue, imagine what Career Builder, Monster, and a lot of the nonessential sites you have to be on, what kind of reduction are they seeing in revenue? It's gotta scary shit.
Chad (14m 53s):
Yeah. Yeah. Well, I've got to say the new CEO, you know, Roslansky , he's getting smacked around. I mean, his first week as CEO, which was just a few weeks ago, he, he had the, that, that all hands call. Yeah. He had an all hands call that unearthed a bunch of racists that were within LinkedIn. So hopefully now he was able to identify some of those fuckers and get them out.
Joel (15m 18s):
Yeah. Wiener, Wiener got out at the right time. That's for sure. That's for sure. Wiener got out at the right time. Local Job Network. Here's one a blast from the past. They're doing a rebrand this week. What do you know about that?
Chad (15m 33s):
So, yeah, well LJN has a new CEO and now they're getting a new look and I, and here's why I liked this. The old name totally limited the brand, but the look and the feel of the website was 20 years old. I mean, it was stale at best, you know, it needed something new. I just hope we finally have a vendor that focuses on outcomes. Listen, Circa that's their new name? Circa listen, circa focuses on outcomes instead of the, the same old poppy cock and fluff, most diversity sites pedal, they talk about, Oh, you know, let's do diversity training and all this other stuff, and that's all well and good.
Joel (16m 13s):
But at the end of the day, if you're not driving outcomes, then what the fuck are you worth? Really? So hopefully Circa we'll, we'll be doing that. And I have it on good authority that they are closing an acquisition with America's Job Exchange. Whoa, Is that official or is that Chad scoop?
Chad (16m 36s):
That is Chad scoop. So right now it's on the rumor wires, the acquisition of America's Job Exchange, which, you know, between these two companies, they have thousands of customers in the OFCCP land and EEO and diversity land. You know, those are medium size and, and, and enterprise types of organizations. So I think, you know, trying to, trying to actually get that portfolio that, that AJE portfolio, which was somewhat a remnant of their partnership with CareerBuilder is, is not a, it's definitely not a bad move.
Chad (17m 15s):
We're getting a competitor out of the market, direct employers. I mean, all they really focus on is fortune 500 companies. So they are incredibly limited in the, the pool of companies that they really can go after. So these guys, they, they have, I think, a good opportunity to really refresh. And who knows, maybe there'll be the diversity name in the, in the segment.
Joel (17m 40s):
Yeah. For a lot of companies that this is really big news, by the way, it's We've seen worse domains. I don't know how, how much would have cost them, but it's a, it's a decent name and local John job network, man. That is, that is some blasts from the past fucking old school job board shit. Yes. I remember working with them in my SEO days, Scott monitor. He probably knew Scott in your time at direct employers, but sold the company.
Joel (18m 10s):
It's sort of been on cruise control for awhile. Obviously being a job board is not the future. So yeah, I mean, it's, it's, I feel like it's less of a marriage of two dinosaurs that can cuddle and try to, you know, try to try to survive the, the, the media as opposed to like, it's probably a pretty good relationship and diversity and what-not is going to be something that people care about. So we'll keep our eye on, on circa and just see how they, how they progress and whether this thing will work or not.
Yeah. See if they can get that deal closed with AJE or if it goes up in smoke, who knows.
That'll be huge, huge, almost as huge as our sponsor JobAdX.
JobAdX (18m 41s): Nope. Not for me. All these jobs look the same. Next! This is what perfectly qualified candidates are thinking. As they scroll past your jobs, just have heartedly skimming job descriptions that aren't standing out to them face it. We live in a world that is all about content content content. So why do we expect job seekers to react differently while reading paragraphs and bullets in templated job descriptions? Stand out in a feed full of boring job ads with a dynamic enticing video that showcases your company, culture, people, and benefits with JobAdX.
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Instead of hoping that job seekers will stumble upon your employment branding video JobAdX seamlessly displays it in the job description while they're searching, building a connection and reducing candidate drop-off. You're spending thousands of dollars on beautiful, informative employment branding videos that just sit on a YouTube channel begging to be discovered why not feature them across our network of over 150 job sites to proactively compel top talent to join your team, help candidates see themselves in your role by emailing
JobAdX (20m 4s):
That's Attract, Engage, Employ with JobAdX.
Joel (20m 19s):
All right, Chad, you killed, you killed Amazon when they paid out 500 million. I assume you're going to destroy Walmart for doling out 428 million, right?
Chad (20m 32s):
Yes. Yes. It's fairly simple. Walmart, the country's largest grocer. Let's just talk about the grocer side of the house said profits Rose 4% and that's $4 billion reported back in May. That was back in May. It's gotten worse guys During the first quarter, demand has been so brisk that Walmart has had to hire more than 235,000 workers since mid-March according to the CEO, Doug McMillan, all 5,355 of the companies, U S stores have remained open during the pandemic.
Chad (21m 8s):
They are so proud, but Walmart and Amazon, I mean, they've got to stop giving workers the crumbs. When are we going to stop demonizing migrants for taking work that we won't do instead? Why don't we demonize these bastards who are making people live paycheck to paycheck? They're there giving them 150 bucks or $300, which you know, as well as I do, especially in these times, that's not going to go very far.
Joel (21m 37s):
Yeah. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out to a little bit over a hundred dollars per employee. I think if I looked at the math correctly,
Chad (21m 46s):
Some were going to get full time are going to get 300 and part time we're going to get 150. Yeah. So, I mean, overall, it doesn't matter. That's a pittance. That's the, those are crumbs. Let's take a look at actually raising wages to make people feel good by calling them heroes and essential. But those companies are not willing to pay hero and essential workers with essential wages. I mean, it blows my mind, dude.
Joel (22m 14s):
Yeah. And in all fairness, we've been nice to Walmart in, in years, past weeks past, they do a lot in terms of education and, and benefits and things like that. They're going to be taken over by robots at some point, just like Amazon. But I, I feel like what they need to do is an environmentally friendly commercial. Like Amazon has done to take your mind off of the shit that they do. That's bad. Have you seen Amazon's new commercial about carbon neutral by 20 whatever.
Joel (22m 43s):
It's a real, it's a real heartwarming commercial
Chad (22m 46s):
By 2030, they're looking to go 2030 carbon neutral. Walmart has some amazing commercials that we've talked about on this podcast where they actually, they, they highlight the other employees. You know, they have a, an employee who does up home, like a most, you know, wrapping it, which is really fucking awesome. Pay those people, essential wages, pay them what they're worth. And you know, good point that Julie made. I bet the dude who was actually on that commercial didn't get paid for it.
Joel (23m 20s):
I bet he got paid for it.
Chad (23m 22s):
I bet he got his salary wage for it. He didn't get paid paid for if he was an actor who was actually asked to do something like that. I bet he didn't get that kind of cash.
Joel (23m 32s):
Well, you know who else didn't get paid or isn't getting paid are real estate agents that need to lease office space, a story this week about how many companies are going to be exiting office space in the future. Thanks the work from home experiment. That is COVID 19. Yeah. Thoughts about this?
Chad (23m 50s):
Yeah. This is a topic that we need to press forward past. COVID we're doing this now because we are reacting to COVID. What happens next? Is this a planned strategy to be able to reduce footprint overall? Or is this just reducing footprint until we can get everybody jammed back in offices? That's, that's the biggest questions. I, I believe some industries will be focused on just moving people out. They're seeing that those individuals will get just as much done if not more from their home office, which means they'll be able to, to obviously save cash.
Chad (24m 29s):
But others, I think like some of the financial types of organizations, they won't, I think they just, that's just culture. Everybody gets your asses back into the office. I know some banking professionals today in Indianapolis who are sitting in their fucking offices for no reason,
Joel (24m 47s):
Just because that's the way it is. And that's the way it's always been. And that's the way it always will be
Chad (24m 51s):
Welcome to the 1950s.
Joel (24m 53s):
Yeah. I think, I think this is one of the most sort of interesting experiments that we're doing amidst the COVID pandemic. And I think that you and I have talked about in terms of age ages, right? Like when we were in our twenties, we kind of wanted to go to the office. Cause there were other young people doing stuff. There was happy hour. There was, you know, concerts after there was socializing, you know, at, at an age now where kids, suburbs, you know, the office doesn't seem like that appealing.
Joel (25m 24s):
Some professions will never go back, right? Like technology folks that can do it from home. That's gonna, that's gonna stay. I think ultimately there's going to be less business office space in 10 years than there is today. It's going to be housing. It's going to be like a communal space. I don't know. But I think, you know, what the world looks like 10 years from now in terms of what these almost pyramids of office buildings and major cities look like and how they are utilized will be really, really interesting. And, and for cities like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, just, you know, huge, really densely populated office buildings and spaces, how they transform will be truly fascinating.
Chad (26m 6s):
Yeah. I think, I think we'll also see a migration of people out of those areas because they are so expensive. If you don't ... if all I need is a good internet connection, then I can work from anywhere. Right. And that just makes sense. But yeah, I think you're, you're right there, there are, let's say for instance, cohorts, per se, who might be perfect, you know, entry level, you want to get them together, you need a manager to be able to take them through and then slowly release them out of the nest.
Chad (26m 40s):
Right there, there might, might be some of that.
Joel (26m 43s):
Yeah. And I know that this scares the shit out of sort of brand folks and, you know, one of, one of our good buddies Douglas Adkin. So I know for example, Douglas Adkin, our buddy loves, loves the idea of getting people together and, and rubbing them until they get sticky and keeping culture and, and engaging employees. And that sort of goes out the window when everybody's working from home. So I know this, you know, stuff like that scares the shit out of culture, folks and brand folks. And it probably should. I think that stuff takes less of importance, you know, in environments like this, I think that there's a real opportunity to spend less time at an office, you know, and I know a lot of people in the new England area talk about, you know, living in Florida and commuting to New York, which seems kind of crazy to somebody in the Midwest, but that's something that's sort of normal.
Joel (27m 33s):
Yeah. Alright. Let's hear from Jobvite
Jobvite Summer To Evolve (27m 37s):
Jobvite wants you, you and you to join hundreds, thousands, okay. Maybe just thousands of recruiters, HR, and talent acquisition professionals for a summer you won't soon forget! it's Jobvite's Summer to Evolve. The summer to have all, this is a 12 week series of free content to help recruiters brush up on their skills. Learn from industry thought leaders and see how Technology can help them improve, automate, and evolve their recruiting efforts.
Jobvite Summer To Evolve (28m 7s):
There will be a chance to share tips and ideas with your peers. And we may even have some surprises for you along the way. I love surprises! So visit the to register for this summer toolbox sessions that suit your needs, peak your interest, or your float your boat starting June 16th. It's the summer to evolve the way you attract, engage, hire, onboard, and retain talent! Jobvite recruit with purpose, hire with confidence.
Joel (28m 37s):
So at the top of the show, we talked about hard times on a lot of companies, but yeah, it's not tough for everyone, Jobvite, we just talked about them making acquisitions last week and two companies, one near and dear to our heart raised quite a bit of money. JobCase, our buddies raise $30 million.
Chad (28m 57s):
Well, it wasn't a raise. They sold a majority stake for $30 million. So, I mean, is that considered a raise? Is that what happened? Yeah. So JobCase, a Cambridge startup that runs an employment and networking focused on blue collar workers said Thursday. It is selling a majority stake to one of its big investors in a deal that would help it expand its offering. The deal gives JobCase 30 million in new capital.
Chad (29m 27s):
Overall, they have raised a hundred close to 150 million.
Joel (29m 31s):
Does this feel like a lifeline?
Chad (29m 34s):
I think if it would have been another investor, then we could have definitely said, Holy shit, you know, what's happening. But JobCase is dealing with one of their current investors. So they already have a huge stake. You know, they already have a huge stake in JobCase as it is. So to be able to do a deal, to turn over an additional $30 million in capital might be a smart move, especially in this COVID era.
Joel (30m 2s):
It sounds like it might be a good time to get Fred back on the show for some explanation about what's going on with the company as well as the race.
Chad (30m 9s):
I agree. I agree. Great.
Joel (30m 12s):
Gem also raised a 30 million,
Chad (30m 15s):
I believe as well, 37 million jam. And we talked about Gem. They used to be Zen sourcer, just a shitty name. Luckily they, they, they were able to get their hands on have no clue how they got a chance to do that. But it's an, it's an interesting play. They focus heavily on integration with LinkedIn. They say that they are the complete sourcing stack. There's a, there's a huge transparency piece to be able to see how your team is sourcing.
Chad (30m 50s):
And I would assume the different types of platforms they're sourcing with. They have a CRM, RMP, Chrome extension diversity hiring modules with analytics. I mean, from my standpoint, they definitely need the money because they are shooting broad. This is not something that is laser focused.
Joel (31m 11s):
Yeah. They are. They're looking to kill a big elephant to say the least. And first of all, look, the name is awesome. And if you're going to try to kill an elephant to have a name like Gem, no, it's not just a cartoon character from the eighties. Some of you remember Gem anyway. So the name first of all is great. And I want to just point that out really quickly, but they are trying to S to basically solve the top of the funnel to the bottom of the funnel challenge. They're probably one of the most, we talked about HubSpot for recruitment, sort of the entire management system, top of funnel, work them through the funnel relationship, building, tracking, all that stuff.
Joel (31m 50s):
Nurturing. Yeah. They're trying to, they're trying to solve that very big problem. And having a lot of money to that is a, is a very good thing. So I applaud them for, for the raise and the vision and what they're doing. I don't know a lot of companies that use them. I don't hear a lot about them, but they have a pretty, pretty stellar list of clients that they name and, and their release on this raise. So they must be helping quite a few companies. And I assume that we'll be hearing more and more about them.
Chad (32m 21s):
I almost wonder why their play for acquisition to LinkedIn, because they are trying to do some things that LinkedIn wants to be able to do. That maybe their talent hub can't quite get done. So it would be interesting. And I think that, you know, any type of partnership and or platform that kind of caters to a specific platform, I mean, that's a laser focus. There's no question, but there's just so much for a young company to be able to talk about, you know, being a complete sourcing, stack CRM, they don't say RMP, but a lot of what they're talking about is recruitment, marketing platform stuff, the diversity piece.
Chad (33m 0s):
I mean, there's just so much, they're trying to bite off on the outside. It's almost like they're trying to sell to LinkedIn. Right. So I don't know. It'll be interesting. Yeah.
Joel (33m 11s):
They're certainly grooming themself to be a tasty target. If not for a LinkedIn, a Salesforce, maybe a Workday, I mean a much bigger fish to come in and, and grab this. But if we, if we agree that recruiting and marketing are starting to blur into each other, these guys are on the right track,
Chad (33m 30s):
Could be that big dildo in the small pond.
Joel (33m 38s):
Chad, this is a hard story to talk about. I have to say
Chad (33m 43s):
What dude, what is, I mean, you know, something is wrong. I mean, we have been locked down for way too long, and this is on HuffPost. So a mass thief was still at large after he casually exited a Los Vegas adult store in broad daylight with a three foot 40 pound dildo on his shoulders. I mean, is there, is there a black market for this kind of stuff? Why would anybody even want to take something like that?
Joel (34m 16s):
Yeah, there, there is actual footage on TMZ of this. If you want to check it out, it won't, you won't translate into a podcast, but so this, this sex toy nicknamed, or it's named mobi, obviously the whale is the inspiration for that retails for $1,250. So, you know, you could maybe get some money for it. Otherwise, I don't know what you would do with a three foot 40 pound dildo. And by the way, the visuals of this guy hoisting it over his shoulder and running out of the store are, are pretty, pretty impressive
Chad (34m 50s):
Reported that the man stuffed the soul, the stolen phallus into his car and made a clean getaway.
Joel (34m 57s):
Yeah. Whatever happens is he's going to be a, he's going to be totally subject to whatever a penal codes are, are relevant in his area.
Outro (35m 6s):
Yeah. This has been the Chad and Cheese podcast, subscribe on iTunes, Google play or wherever you get your podcasts so you don't miss a single show and be sure to check out our sponsors because they make it all possible for more visit Oh yeah. You're welcome.