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Firing Squad: Vette's Amber Wanner

Chad Sowash

Intro: Like Shark Tank, then you'll love Firing Squad. Chad Sowash and Joel Cheeseman are here to put the recruiting industry's bravest, ballsiest and baddest startups through the gauntlet to see if they've got what it takes to make it out alive. Dig a foxhole and duck for cover kids, the Chad and Cheese podcast is taking it to a whole other level.

Joel: Oh, yes sir, it's another Firing Squad what's up everybody? It's your favorite average white guy podcast, AKA the Chad and Cheese podcast. I'm your co-host, Joel Cheeseman, joined as always the chips to my salsa, Mr. Chad Sowash is in the house...

Chad: Oh yeah, light...

Joel: And today we welcome...

Chad: Crispy.

Joel: Amber Wanner founder and CEO of Vette. Amber, welcome to Firing Squad.

Chad: That's Amber Winner to you.

Joel: Not a whiner, she's a winner. Her name is Amber Wanner.

Amber Wanner: Thank you so much for having me. Yes, my name is Amber and sometimes it's autocorrect my last name to winner but it's Wanner and I am a Philly girl and I moved recently to Boise, Idaho where I am building my company Vette.

Joel: Fantastic, fantastic.

Chad: You don't hear that much.

Joel: Are you an Eagles fan?

Amber Wanner: Absolutely, through and through.

Joel: Absolutely.

Amber Wanner: Everyone in Boise is gonna be an Eagles fan when I'm done. [laughter]

Joel: Fixers, Flyers, like you're total Philly to the bone in terms of sports.

Amber Wanner: All of it.

Joel: That's awesome, that's awesome.

Chad: Yeah. Very nice, yeah now...

Joel: Didn't we talk to someone from Philly the other day whose favorite team was the Cowboys? I found that very odd that that was...

Chad: That is very odd. It seems like a transplant at that point.

Joel: Yeah, I don't know what's going on there. Alright, Chad.

Chad: Which is like Philly in Utah. Yeah.

Joel: Tell her what she's won today.

Chad: Well, Amber, welcome to Firing Squad, this is how it's gonna play out. At the sound of the bell.

Joel: That's not the bell.

Chad: There it is, you're gonna have two minutes to pitch Vette. At the end of two minutes, we're gonna hit you up with about 20 minutes of Q&A, be sure to be concise or you're gonna get the crickets, that means tighten up your game. At the end of Q&A, you're gonna receive one of the three from myself and Joel, big applause. Uber for phone interviews my ass, more like the rocket ship for phone interviews. Yippee Ki-Yay motherfuckers, you're getting acquired, golf clap. This ain't a rocket, but it still might get you a good exit without hitting warp speed and last but not least, it's the Firing Squad.

Joel: Oh boy.

Chad: It's the penis rocket that prematurely exploded on launch. Get back to the drawing board, 'cause this ain't it, that's it. Are you ready for Firing Squad?

Joel: It's like throwing snowballs at Santa Claus in Philly, you ready, Amber?

Amber Wanner: Yes.

Joel: Pitch in three, two.

Amber Wanner: Awesome. So Vette is a platform that utilizes the gig economy to phone interview applicants on behalf of businesses. So basically this allows an applicant to interview the moment that they apply to a job or express interest. So we're talking about that moment of intent where you have a quick moment to be able to capture that applicant and move them forward in the process. Our veterans are stay-at-home moms, retirees, military veterans, people with disabilities and a lot of HR professionals who are doing this in their free time. Our platform has the script so they know exactly what to say, it's a data-driven interview, so there's no bias and it's really having that, we call it instant human connection, where someone's able to really have a genuine conversation with a human. And yeah, we then, work with companies to put the data back into the ATS and move them along the process. We consider it, the hiring journey, which is the moment of intent is the applicant, the moment of conversion is the candidate and then the moment of retention is the employee, and so we're tracking that entire journey from the moment of intent. Okay, that's all.

Joel: That sounds like she was done, a little early, a little early that time. Alright, Amber, I always ask about the name.

Amber Wanner: Yes.

Joel: Obviously Vette, I think of Corvette just 'cause I have a whole Armada in my garage. Little known fact about me, kidding. But, is a shockingly a car site.

Amber Wanner: Yes.

Joel: With a chick in a bikini selling Corvettes. So like that may be some confusion in the marketplace, but how'd you come up with the name, was there a number two that almost made the cut? Talk about that.

Amber Wanner: Yeah, so it's funny that you said because, it is really funny 'cause it's a bunch of Corvettes, a guy with a bunch of Corvettes bought the website in the 90's and he's selling it for a decent amount of money. And so when we hit our first million, we're gonna buy a Corvette and the high heels. I dunno if you saw the high heels on that website, but no Vette is really, like you're vetting, you're vetting someone. And so it applies to any kind of aspect of that hiring process when you're vetting someone.

Joel: Did you secure like or to redirect or is it just the io?

Joel: We do have, but originally it was, which is where it is today but we do also own

Joel: Got, it. Okay. You are a two-time founder. Talk about your previous startup and maybe how it compliments the current company.

Chad: And how can you do that? 'cause it looks like you're only 12. I mean, come on.

Amber Wanner: Thank you, I just turned 32 and I'm like, I don't even know how.

Chad: Oh stop.

Joel: Amber. I would be triggered at a comment like that. Tell him to fuck off.

Amber Wanner: I used to lie about my age 'cause I wanted to be older like forever and wear high heels so I could look older...

Joel: Same me too.

Amber Wanner: And everything. But my first company, it was called Candidate. So I ran that for about five and a half years. It was a tech recruiting company and the idea for Vette part of it came out of that, I was having software engineers vetting other software engineers, and it was just part of my process. It was a challenge that I had, but prior to that I actually was in staffing and so I was in frontline staffing, and my sole job was to smile and dial applicants that applied the day before, the night before and no one would ever pick up or get back to me because they applied at that moment of intent when they were available. And so I thought there had to be a better way.

Joel: So you've raised about, what is it, a little over 2 million, 2.4 million in seed funding, you were founded in 2020. What have you done with the money? What do you plan on doing with it? Is there another raise coming in the near future?

Amber Wanner: Yeah, definitely. So I launched the company right as COVID was happening, which I think was a really great opportunity because I didn't have employees that I needed to let go. Like I could really hone in on understanding the market, the industry, doing market research, testing stuff out. So originally it was supposed to be software engineers vetting other software engineers. But I found a matrix that said the higher the skill, the less on-demand something could be, the lower the skill, the more on-demand something could be. So I pivoted the business to virtually anyone can interview like a warehouse worker or a fast food employee, and so I brought on all my friends and family to be the vetters sitting on call. A lot of them were military veterans, a friend of mine had a physical security company in Philly.

Amber Wanner: And I was like, as soon as an applicant applies on Indeed or wherever can I text them and say, Hey, I saw you apply this job, would you like to interview now? And so the data just came in. The applicants were like, wow, that was so fast. I can't believe that I'm talking to someone so fast. And so I was like, okay, I think we have something here. That was before we had raised our pre-seed. So built out a proof of concept, I like to call it our bubblegum and tape version of the product, tested it out on a staffing company on their use case, learned a ton and then with that data, we were able to raise, our seed round and then we launched to the public last year and we are, hopefully Q1 of next year, gonna be going for our series A.

Chad: Awesome, awesome, love getting the family involved, that's all great.


Amber Wanner: It passed the mom test.

Joel: And they're probably all from Philly, I bet that was a fun pre-screen.

Chad: The whole alpha/pilot. So okay, so beyond that of getting family involved, where are you finding your vetters now? You said individuals with disabilities, veterans, giggers. Okay, great, but where are you finding them to actually pull them in to do this?

Amber Wanner: So we have done zero marketing and it's all been word of mouth and we have hundreds of vetters on the platform. We've started tracking how they're finding out, it's word of mouth, word of mouth, word of mouth. Like one veteran is telling another veteran and so right now we actually have a wait list of 600 vetters, and it's all on top of the 500 that we already have on the platform. And because it's a supply demand situation, we need to make sure that we're managing that so that way the vetters are making enough money to continue to come on and then there's enough jobs coming in, but it's been so great because we've been really understanding the vetter behavior and when they go online, when they go offline. We have teachers over the summer, all summer we had a lot of teachers on the platform. But yeah, it's just been so incredible that the flywheel for the vetters have really kind of gone, it's cool.

Chad: So do you have like a specific amount of Vetters that you want on the system at all times? And if it starts to shrink down, you start to invite other people into Vette. How does that work to ensure that you have enough vetters at specific times, especially high volume times?

Amber Wanner: Yeah, so we actually go off of Erlang C's call center model to make sure that we always have coverage. So we also offer to companies where their internal team could take that first Vette request that comes in and if they're not available, then it goes to the Vetter network. So there's always coverage and like you said, if there's any times that are lagging, we'll bring more on, but what we found is that when Vette requests are coming in, vetters are online 'cause they're making money.

Chad: Gotcha, gotcha. So how are they trained? How are the vetters trained?

Amber Wanner: Yeah, so technically we can't train because it's gig work, but we could provide best practices. So our vetters vet new vetters coming on, so we use our own product to vet them coming on. And then we provide all the best practices, the feedback loops, everything very similar to like an Uber where there's ratings and so they're able to get that feedback.

Chad: Okay. So how do you do QA/QC moving forward? So you vet this vetter, you put them on, that's great, but that doesn't mean they're always gonna be amazing. How do you continue to provide QA/QC to ensure quality?

Amber Wanner: So we're working towards sentiment analysis for the vetters to be able to save the energy level and whatever else. And we can provide that feedback as data. So I always say cash is king, data queen, and data really, everything is about data. We're utilizing humans, but get it, it's for the data that they're...

Chad: Okay. So are, are you recording and that's how you're getting sentiment analysis and then you're doing transcriptions, tell me a little bit about that process in itself.

Amber Wanner: Yeah, so all the interviews are recorded, and they are transcribed as well. We're able to go off of that. After the interview is done, an applicant gets a text message saying, how would you like to rate, how was your interview experience? Rate it on a scale, so they can rate it that way and then customers can also provide feedback on the vetters that they... Favorite vetters and whatever else.

Chad: Process-wise, the transcriptions are then, and recordings are pushed into the applicant tracking system, is that how it works? So that then the recruiter can jump onto it to review? Does the review happen in Vette or does it happen in their applicant tracking system?

Amber Wanner: So, yeah, so in the actual interview, if this, then that. So if they answer this way or if they answer this way based on what the company puts as their deal breakers and whatever else will determine if they're the right fit or not. And then after the interview is done, the text goes out to them 10 minutes later letting them know if they're moving forward or not and what the next steps are.

Chad: 10 minutes?

Amber Wanner: 10 minutes.

Chad: 10 minutes.

Amber Wanner: And on average, applicants went for getting that text message. So the way that that it works is an applicant will apply to the job. The moment that they apply, they get a text from us saying, Hey, saw you apply this job, would you like to interview now? We've eliminated scheduling. No scheduling at all, so if they're available now or whenever, it's a link that looks kind of like Uber, they don't have to download anything, they just hit interview now, a button, and it searches who's online applicants are interviewing on average within one minute and 28 seconds of getting that text message, and then 10 minutes later they're getting their feedback about what their next steps are. So our conversions have been absolutely insane and it's funny 'cause I just know what we're building, but the industry standard it's really cool to see kind of how that is working.

Chad: You're skipping a step. Amber, you're skipping a step, that's not fair, you're skipping a step. Scheduling.

Joel: Amber...

Amber Wanner: We're also reducing companies Ad spend because we're converting leads faster, the applicant's faster.

Joel: Amber wait lists, Philly accents, working moms in Utah, this all sounds very inefficient. Can't we just automate this whole thing with AI? Are you gonna stick with this human model?

Amber Wanner: I love that you said that. Any investors that I talk to that want to replace the human entirely with AI, I don't want them to be our, necessarily our investors. And I'm fine saying that, and I've spent countless nights, like after ChatGPT and all that stuff came out, I spent countless nights trying to really understand why that works and why the results are showing. And I kept coming back to this word, moment, we're capturing the applicant right at the moment, and what moment is, is it leads to momentum, and so if you think about the physics behind momentum, it's mass and velocity, so when you could capture an applicant in the moment and show them that they matter with a human, that's what's leading to conversion and that momentum, but companies can't do that right now because they don't have enough people.

Amber Wanner: So basically they're pumping more velocity, which is the technology, but they don't have enough people, and so by utilizing the gig economy, we're giving them mass people in their time, and so in terms of now the AI part, like the psychology behind it, the difference between AI that could sound like a human and whatever else, is the relatability factor, it's the, "Oh you grew up in Somerset, New Jersey, did you go to the Bridgewater Commons Mall? I went there with my grandpa growing up." It's that relatability, that human to human connection that I will stand on until I'm blue in the face, and if AI takes over entirely, I don't wanna be a part of that world and I will continue building that until, yeah.

Joel: Alright, so you passionately will die on that hill. I get it.

Amber Wanner: I will.

Joel: But do you have any data or anecdotal evidence that that's what your customers want? I get that the job seekers want that, but do your customers demand it as well.

Amber Wanner: Well, the customers are coming to us and a lot of our AI competitors, which we love AI, don't get me wrong, 'cause it basically AI, I believe that AI getting you to the human is the way that it goes. Creating more efficiencies there. But our AI competitors are actually asking to integrate with us because their customer wants the human aspect.

Joel: Interesting. So from the looks of it, it looks like most people who apply talk to somebody, at least from your website, that's what it looks like. Is that the case? And how do you manage that? If you're doing like high volume positions it seems like 600 wouldn't be enough to handle that.

Amber Wanner: The interview is about five to seven minutes long, it's up to 15 interview questions and/or statements. And you can get a lot out of a conversation out of a moment in five to seven minutes. And so a vetter does an interview, we wanna make it so that a vetter can do about six if they wanted to, per hour, which is again is that Erlang C's call center model. But yeah, and as we start getting more and more companies on, we just add more vetters one by one.

Joel: And how much can a vetter make? I mean, do you find yourself competing with DoorDash wages and what they could make doing other gig things? Is that a separate competition? What can a vetter typically make?

Amber Wanner: Actually, it's funny 'cause how did we first start getting vetters? I would recruit all my Uber drivers, I would be like, oh, I'm doing this. But the great part about vetters is that you need to leave your home. You can do it from the confines of your own home, from wherever you are. And that's the beautiful part about, our vetters are distributed all across the country. I think we have two states where we don't have vetters, I think Hawaii and North Dakota, I think, the last I checked. But we have vetters all over and they can do it from, right? They don't have to spend gas money, they don't have to do any of that, it's literally having a human to human conversation, and the purpose and the mission and vision behind Vette is that we're having strangers show other strangers that they matter.

Amber Wanner: And we're working with a grocery store and when it started getting me thinking that the applicants are the customers and so when... It is such a beautiful thing, it's that like loving your neighbor thing where like that better could be your customer, that applicant is your customer. And that's one of the reasons why also having that human to human connection for right at the moment in of intent rather than AI, you're building that rapport and that trust, and guess what, who is that person gonna shop at now? Your competitor down the street or the company that they're vetting applicants for?

Joel: I'm sorry, can I get an applause for recruiting Uber drivers to be vetters. I think you hear a lot about hustling as a startup and that is hustling, quick applause for that.

Chad: And big applause for Philly Love, Philly Neighborly love. So let's talk about market segment. What types of companies and positions is Vette really perfect for.

Amber Wanner: So high volume hiring. So originally when I first first launched the product, again, we haven't done any marketing or anything yet, which is why probably a lot of people haven't heard about that. But we started off saying, okay, we're gonna do... Like this customer's interested and then this type of customer is interested. So we work with assisted living centers on CNAs, RNs, LPNs, housekeepers, line cooks, jobs. But then we're also working with a physical security franchise that is recruiting security guards. And we also have car rental who's doing like drivers and some salespeople We also have a hair salon that's doing like hairstylists and it's interesting, it's really any company that needs to capture the applicant at that moment of intent before you lose them to your competitor. But I will say that I pivoted from the highly skilled, like the software engineers, doctors, lawyers for a reason. And that was because there's not thousands of node engineers readily available to vet someone's applicant on demand. So I want people like my mom and your mom and your sister and your brother and our neighbors and everyone to be able to use the platform to earn a living.

Amber Wanner: I have a situation where a friend of mine, she was having a hard time paying her rent, and I don't want anyone... Have you ever seen The Pursuit of Happyness. I recently saw that.

Chad: Yes.

Amber Wanner: And it was like, I don't want anyone to ever feel they don't have an option. And with this, they have options, you don't have to starve and you don't have to not be able to pay your rent.

Chad: Amber for President people. Okay, so when we're talking about being able to get these vetters ready for new positions, new companies, those types of things, is it easy, is it hard if they're already in the system, but yet it's something that they haven't questioned about before types of positions, is there any type of training that needs to happen?

Amber Wanner: So that was the question, and that was when we first weren't sure 'cause the vetters would be like, well, can I have the script before hand? We're like, no, it's right when it pops up, so we started testing it out, and you find that it is like, you pick it up so... It is such a seamless, the way that we've developed the platform, I developed it for someone like me, I don't like complex systems, and I need something that's super easy to figure out, and it's so easy, it's a script that the first part is generally started the same way, there's consent that the call is being recorded and whatever else, and then it goes into... It's a conversation and we want it to be a conversation, we're okay if vetters go a little bit off-script, and as long as that human-to-human connection is there and you're doing that data that you need. But yeah, there's a couple of questions they had to be tested there, we constantly are doing A/B testing on stuff, and we learned from that.

Chad: Okay. So what about staffing, you said that you tested this with staffing, this seems like the perfect opportunity for staffing to start to build more margin within what they're doing possibly. Are you working with any staffing companies at all?

Amber Wanner: Yeah, we actually are. So we're working with staffing companies and RPOs have been reaching out to us to use the technology and then to use the overflow for the times that they can't get to speak to the applicant.

Chad: Right.

Amber Wanner: Because even call centers and RPOs are limited.

Chad: Yes.

Amber Wanner: Because they're based on seats or the limited availability of the one single person, and so with that, it's not limited, it almost in a way defines the macro economics of being able to have the resources to do something and so... So yeah, we're working with some staffing companies and RPOs, I've been reaching out to us to use the platform.

Chad: And again, taking macro economics on the podcast, she's definitely running for president, so we're talking about a US target right now, are you working within the entire US? I would say yes. Are you looking to be able to go beyond that. Canada, Mexico, and then beyond Europe?

Amber Wanner: Yeah, we have definitely gotten requests, some people have reached out and been like, I heard about Vette, I'm like, how did you hear about Vette, I don't even know how, but it's really... It's cool to hear that. So yes, we also are working on an option where if an applicant wants to interview in Spanish or in a different language, that we could prioritize the vetters that could interview them in whatever language that it is that they want, as well as any specific industry, they'll be prioritized, so if someone has a nursing type of job, they could have a nurse be the one that vets them, it's priority, it's not guaranteed, but we could prioritize based on that.

Joel: You mentioned chatbots and some others that are competitors, are there any other competitors that you would consider that maybe we are, and you mentioned, is there anyone doing this globally that you know of, anyone outside of chatbots that are competitors?

Amber Wanner: No, I don't wanna... Here's the thing, I'll never say no, there's not a competitor out there because who knows who was me building something in their studio apartment, building something, I don't wanna ever take that away from anyone, but as far as we know, and I do keep an eye on what's going on in everything, no. We do have a mode that we have in our...

Chad: Got it.

Amber Wanner: Back pocket, but, yeah...

Chad: And who would the ideal acquirer, not acquirer, ideal partner be for this business, if they called up?

Amber Wanner: Yeah, I waiting for the point where we can acquire companies. But no, so I would say partners with us would be maybe the RPOs or some AI companies. Honestly, ATSs, the ATSs are definitely one that... What we found our data, because we're converting applicants faster, that it'll only make the ATSs better. So we do have automations and everything, integrations with ATSs, but partnering with a Workday or Oracle or any, would really be something that I think would make sense and also help them out and their partners and their customers.

Joel: This sounds really freaking expensive, Amber.

Chad: Hello.

Joel: What can a customer expect to pay for such a price-sounding solution?

Amber Wanner: Yeah, so it ranges. If a company wants to use it internally for the platform, and we also give data on what times of day interviews are coming in, so we can fully equip them with that, so it's anywhere from $89 per seat to $59 per seat for internal and in external, it could be anywhere from $20 per vet to $15 per vet.

Joel: Okay, okay. All right, Amber, that is the bell meaning the Q&A session is over. Are you ready to face Firing Squad.

Amber Wanner: Yeah.

Joel: Come on give me some Philly like bring it on. All right, Chad get her.

Chad: All right, so one thing that chatbots have demonstrated is that instant gratification is something that... And I think we've all known that it's what America is built on these days, like it or not, we created this experience monster and now we have to feed it. That being said, not every company will want a chatbot texting experience when they have an opportunity for a human touch point. And in some hiring companies, they might feel that the human touch point will actually give them an upper hand in landing the talent and then the optics of giving a human white glove experience. So it gives them that market experience, not to mention, you're also being able to skip a step where everybody's talking about, oh, we do scheduling so much better, there's no scheduling, we're skipping that all together. The hard part, obviously, you might see as you start to grow this, 'cause you're still really in your infancy, is scaling the workforce, the vetters for the new areas to interview, and then obviously growing aspirationally, growing globally and being able to do that in foreign languages.

Chad: Right? That's where it gets scary. Although we've seen generative AI uses a co-pilot that can index information much faster and better than humans alone coupling that with a multi-modal large language model, and the near future kinda puts human-powered platforms in a redundancy kind of scenario. But guess what, we're not there yet, and I think Vette has time to get acquired and or explore those avenues themselves, which is why I believe you're headed down the right path. You're doing all the right things. You've got the right experience. I'm a big fan. This is a big applause.

Amber Wanner: Yay, that's the Rocky. Yeah [laughter]

Joel: I love it. The little corner of her mouth was starting to smile as you were leading to the applause. Alright, Amber, don't get too excited now 'cause I still have a turn in this thing. All right, so when we do these Firing Squads, I research the company, what they've raised, and I come with the questions that are pretty standard, and then I come up with what I think without meeting the founder, as nice as they are or whatever, 'cause that way, I try not to be biased in my decision. So I write up a commentary of what I think without meeting you, what I would say. And I was ready to kill this company, I was ready to say, this is a commodity, this is gonna get AI'ed to death, and I said, unless she tells me they're gonna automate this thing and go, AI, you didn't. You zagged and I zigged, you said there's no way in hell that we're gonna go automation, we're gonna be human being till the end, and one of my points was that you're being the Uber for employment or Uber for interviews or whatever it is. I wrote it down in Uber for phone interviews, and I was gonna say, even Uber is looking to automate all their taxis, robo taxis were just approved in California, this is where everything is gonna go.

Joel: The difference is, if I'm an automated robo taxi or a taxi with a taxi driver, I don't really care 'cause I don't talk to the taxi driver, my experience and a taxi is no better if I talk to a driver or not, I just wanna get where I'm going. Searching for a job is different, these are people who are looking, they may have been laid off, they may be depressed or defeated in some way, I gotta think, if I'm looking for a job and I'm in that head space and I apply and talk to a human within minutes. If not seconds, I feel a little bit better about life. I feel a little bit better about, oh shit, I applied and I got a person, a human being on the line and your right to say, we're a long way from, hey, I'm from Chicago, like, oh, did you see the Bears game last week? Or to have that kind of nuance in context, I think we're way off from anywhere near that. I love that you have a mote of Vetters, you should write a white paper on how you're able to grow Vetters with no marketing whatsoever. And I think it goes beyond just talking to your Uber drivers, unless you were taking Ubers for 24 hours a day, in multiple cities.

Chad: Hoping from Uber to Uber.

Amber Wanner: Yeah [laughter]

Joel: And I also think. We had a story recently about a customer service company that laid off 90% their customer service people. Good for them, that's the direction I wanna go, but that's also Vetters for you to cherry pick and grow your mote, if you will, of people that can provide a human touch through the job search journey, I believe humans will always have a place in this world, held there still classified job postings and newspapers, you may have a small percentage of the overall market, but it's gonna be a really big market, and you may be the only fish in that pond, and I think that's a good place to be in. And for that as well, it's a big applause for me, and you know what happens when that happened, Amber. You get a little careless whisper in the Firing Squad. That's just how good... You obviously have survived and thrived in the Firing Squad. How do you feel?

Amber Wanner: Amazing, I could breath now [laughter]

Joel: I can breath now.

Amber Wanner: Thank you so much that means a lot to me, it really does.

Joel: You're welcome. You're welcome.

Chad: Thanks for coming on.

Joel: Such a pleasure. Good luck to you. Obviously, you're early in this journey, let us know when you get that series A, Let us know when you're making moves overseas. But until then, Amber let our listeners know where they can find out more about Vette.

Chad: Yeah, so we actually created something for Chad and Cheese, and so its, and then you'll actually be able to listen to a real call, a real vet and book a demo to see the product. And, yeah.

Joel: That escalated quickly.

Chad: That deserves a big position applause in itself.

Joel: You want applause for that all right.

Amber Wanner: Yes. She is forward thinking on all of this, I love it. Just another way...

Joel: Atleast she didn't volunteer us to be Vetters for those demos. Like you guys will be getting calls for demos of that.

Chad: Wait till we get off the recording, she'll be at...

Joel: That's right. That is everybody. Chad another one in the can, this one was fun and we out.

Chad: We out.

Outro: This has been the Firing Squad, be sure to subscribe to the Chad and Cheese Podcast so you don't miss an episode and if you're a startup who wants to face the Firing Squad, contact the boys at today. That's W-W-W.C-H-A-D-C-H-E-E-S-E.C-O-M.


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