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Deel & Rippling Spy Games

Chad Sowash
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This week, Chad, Joel, and Emi dive into a juicy HR tech scandal—Rippling’s suing Deel over an alleged espionage plot, complete with a spy, Slack secrets, and a smashed phone.

Meanwhile, ZipRecruiter lands a Fast Company nod but flops with job seekers as confidence plunges. Klarna’s IPO filing flexes big numbers, but its AI-driven layoffs raise eyebrows.

And at Nvidia’s GTC, AI takes center stage—from GM’s self-driving push to Yum Brands’ futuristic drive-thrus. Is Nvidia still the gold standard? Buckle up for a wild ride on Chad & Cheese!


Joel (00:35.534)

Yeah, come for the chicken cock. Stay for the espionage. Hi kids. It's the chat and cheese podcast. I'm your co-host Joel, everything's computer cheeseman.

Chad (00:46.434)

This is Chad. What the actual fuck is Iron Brew? So wash.

Emi B (00:50.281)

And this is Emi. I'm going to really try not to swear. Beredigo.

Joel (00:55.118)

Good luck with that. On this episode, ZipRecruiter innovates, that's an air quotes, clarinophiles and the deal rippling rivalry goes to a whole other level. Let's do this.

Chad (00:57.208)

Sorry, Mom.

Chad (01:06.808)


Chad (01:13.304)

Okay, dude, no American listening to this show knows what the fucking iron brew is. can you, you've had one before, right Joel?

Joel (01:20.942)

Yeah, I have a story. So we went to Scotland, we ended up on at some, I don't know, carnival, some bizarre pike, pica carnival somewhere in Scotland. And I got like the haggis nachos, which are like haggis and cheese fries, and it's great. And I wanted to try a soda that wasn't Coke or Pepsi. And there was this thing called iron brew. And I go to the counter, go

Chad (01:23.392)

Okay, tell it. Tell it.

Emi B (01:28.841)


Emi B (01:36.361)


Chad (01:36.561)


Chad (01:45.643)


Joel (01:48.654)

iron brew. What's that taste like? And the guy goes, I won't do it in a Scottish accent because I'll butcher it. But he goes, it tastes like iron brew. What do you think? Like, okay, it tastes like iron brew. How bad could it be? So I get an iron brew. It's kind like an orangey Fanta flavor drink. It's fine. It's perfectly fine and harmless. So does go but that's my iron brew story. I don't know how would you explain the taste?

Chad (01:55.768)


Emi B (01:56.723)

Great, thanks.

Chad (02:12.056)

I've never had one.

Joel (02:13.236)

Amy, have you had an iron brew?

Emi B (02:13.961)

Yeah, I think it tastes horrendous. Yeah!

Joel (02:17.174)

It's gotta be the most shit, like Scottish shit ever for like a drink. Yeah.

Chad (02:19.768)

That's what I've heard and I don't drink soda anyway. I don't drink pop anyway. So was like, yeah, no, I'll pass on that. I know Joel will try it. So at least we'll get a story out of him.

Emi B (02:30.409)

Why don't you drink soda Chad?

Joel (02:30.594)

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Chad (02:33.516)

He's our taste tester because it's bad for you.

Emi B (02:37.345)

It's like, my body is a temple, is that what it is? Not all.

Chad (02:40.46)

No, it's just shit. It's total shit for your body. Especially here in the US. mean, the high corn fructose. No, I'm just, no thanks. No thanks. Dude, I am a guy of a certain age, okay? I'm trying to keep the weight off. I'm working out. I'm trying to eat well. Last thing I'm going to do is slam a fucking iron brew, okay? That's all there is to it. I let Joel do those things.

Emi B (02:49.065)

Okay, that's true, I'll give you that.

Emi B (02:59.657)

Sounds good. I'll go with that.

Joel (03:01.804)

I'll take all the iron brew, Stephen. Stephen, bring it to me. I can't get it over here. My favorite places don't have it. bring it. Bring it to me.

Chad (03:07.459)

Emi B (03:10.661)


Chad (03:10.946)

So that being said, just might've, we might've been able to find Iron Brew in Vegas because they have just about everything. But just wanted thanks to Samara, Cal and the team over at Transform for having us out there. Thanks to Omar for hosting our party at about 30 of our closest friends or people that we actually probably just met. Then we went to Stack One, Fountain, and I had to turn down a lot of invites because...

Unfortunately, my wife was sick. Now that's because everybody gets a shit ton of invites. My wife was sick. As soon as we landed, as soon as we got into the hotel room, she didn't leave the hotel room the entire time. There's nothing contagious. Don't worry. Don't worry kids. But yeah, that's why I was walking around like a lost puppy because I'm used to being with my wife the entire time.

Joel (03:37.442)

He's so popular, that's why. He's so popular.

Emi B (03:49.95)


Joel (03:58.232)

That's a bummer, Especially if you're just leaving and the sickness hits you, it sucks. It's usually at the end when you're all fucking... You know how it is in Vegas. You know how it is. Usually at the end is when the virus hits.

Chad (04:05.111)


Emi B (04:06.983)

Yeah, ready to come back home.

Chad (04:11.436)

yeah. I was, I was in bed by 10 every night. If that tells you, I mean, yeah. And that just, that shit never happened. anyway, thanks to Transform. Also, Samara, Julie says she sends her apologies because she couldn't use her ticket because she was in bed the entire time. So anyway, great show. no, that was.

Emi B (04:16.958)


Joel (04:30.872)

She missed a rager of a party, Chad. The Chad and Cheesh, it was shut down by the cops. There was a waiting list. No one got in. It was cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria. If you weren't at the party, where were you?

Chad (04:38.232)

Yeah, it was. There was a, from my understanding, my understanding Omar had to go down because he was letting people up and down the, uh, the, uh, elevator and he, there was, he said, there was like a group of 30 people. was like, sorry, we're closed down. You guys have to go.

Emi B (04:54.796)


Chad (04:58.648)

I was like, that's unfortunate.

Emi B (05:00.061)

Love that, transform goes wild.

Joel (05:01.568)

It was a rager man. It was a rager in Vegas. Chad and cheese rager.

Chad (05:04.207)

It's a time. That's a good time.

No it is, you know it is.

Emi B (05:11.273)

I think so.

Joel (05:12.618)

Emi's got a special video. Shout out what you got, Emi.

Emi B (05:16.171)

my God, this is, this person is one of my favorite people. So he's called Randy Rainbow. So if you haven't heard of him, get onto Instagram, YouTube, any kind of social media platform, even LinkedIn, he's on there. so for people who don't know, he's an American actor, singer, comedian, so triple threat. think that's what you call it. Isn't it? Triple threat. Yeah. Yeah. Wonderful.

Chad (05:19.489)

He's awesome.

Chad (05:35.616)

yeah, eh, Not to mention he's gay, so it's a quad threat there, so there we go. yeah, yeah. Randy Rainbow, I love it, I love it.

Emi B (05:40.201)

Oh, he's ticking all the boxes. Yeah, honestly. So, you know, back in the day, he used to do loads of comedy, but now he's known for political satire. So he just constantly takes a piss out of Donald Trump and he does it in the best way, best way.

Joel (05:55.01)

was going say, too bad there's no content for him as a political satirist.

Chad (06:00.264)

Yeah, no kidding, right? He's, he's overflowing.

Emi B (06:00.763)

Wow. he's wonderful. So there's one that I saw recently and it's to do for like, I'm a wicked fan. just watched it recently. So you know that obviously the amazing song defying gravity. Yeah. I sound like just like Cynthia. Absolutely. 100%. But yeah, he does a take on that. So I think you got video, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Chad (06:14.85)

Mm-hmm. Awesome.

Joel (06:24.078)

Should we watch that? Yeah, we do. And I have not seen Wicked, so for those of you that don't or haven't seen it, like don't feel left out, because I haven't either, but let's see. Let's see what this is about here.

Chad (06:24.696)

Play it. Play it.

Emi B (06:30.025)


Emi B (06:50.249)

What she is.

Chad (07:11.272)

I love how he fucks with him on the concealer, the concealer and his shading and all.

Joel (07:12.322)

Where am I? Where am I? What just happened?

Emi B (07:16.713)

absolutely brilliant. And he's got a whole back catalogue, not just from this term, but from the last four years before as well. Brilliant. Check it out. Check. Absolutely. Randy Rainbow. Yeah.

Joel (07:26.786)

Randy Rainbow, okay.

Chad (07:28.086)

Rainbow dude is fucking hilarious fucking hilarious. Well, I mean and staying kind of like in the political spectrum I want to shout out to Canada Joel, Emi, and I don't know if you've heard but Canada

Joel (07:31.608)

Chad, what do you got?

Emi B (07:32.681)


Joel (07:40.184)


Chad (07:44.236)

Canada is in a trade war with the U S and you heard that, right? You heard that. yeah. So Canada just might actually be able to press the nuclear option. And what that means to us here in the U S is porn hub is a Canadian company and they might shut it down in the U S and that might just send terrorists into a death spiral. Not, not that they're doing well in the first place, but yes, Canada might shut down porn hub.

Emi B (07:47.057)



Emi B (08:05.074)

I think that's it.

Chad (08:13.752)

so all of you American, all you, all you American porn sites that are out there, get ready for the huge traffic. You better have great SEO. That's all I gotta say.

Emi B (08:22.961)

I love that.

Joel (08:27.086)

So, so Chad, I have, I have a friend that watches internet porn. I don't know. I don't know anything about it, but, according, according to my friend, there, there are a lot of alternatives to porn hub. So Canada can do what Canada is going to do, but there are other options. People just saying, just going to say, just going to say.

Emi B (08:31.409)


Chad (08:32.812)

Have a friend.

Emi B (08:35.961)

Yeah. Right.

Chad (08:40.073)


Chad (08:44.01)

that's hilarious.

Emi B (08:44.489)

America is going to be safe. Just reach out to Joel and his friends.

Chad (08:48.632)

Yeah, because his friend has alternatives.

Emi B (08:53.065)


Joel (08:55.906)

My friend, my friend, which gets me to my shout out. This is not my friend, but my shout out goes out to Armando Davis. He's a Michigan State fan and he's the host at the unfiltered sports podcast. Apparently anyway, he, bet his friend that was a Michigan fan that Michigan would not win the big 10 championship. And they did. Emi may not know that because she's probably not.

keeping track of college basketball in the States, but those who are too anyway, the student lost a bet. His penance was to spend 24 hours and a McDonald's, which I don't know why that's a punishment. But anyway, but anyway, 24 hours on McDonald's and he could take away an hour of his of his punishment if for every McChicken that he ate and his his goal apparently that he achieved was he did two McChickens every hour.

Chad (09:32.151)


Joel (09:51.182)

So he cut down his time in McDonald's by half. Yeah. So that's my shout out. Armando, it's good to be you, man. McChickens all around. McChickens all around.

Chad (09:53.304)


Emi B (10:02.281)


Chad (10:05.396)

NCAA basketball.

NCAA basketball is to Emi what Wicked is to Joel.

Joel (10:13.24)

Did you fill out your bracket, Chad? Do you got a bracket? Did you fill it out? you?

Emi B (10:13.807)

Okay, I get it.

Chad (10:16.792)

No, I've been too busy doing sh- I work around here, Cheeseman. I don't- Jesus.

Joel (10:20.846)

All right, all right. The answer in my crystal ball is Florida versus Duke, Florida winning 69 to 66. You heard it here first. Yeah.

Emi B (10:23.475)


Chad (10:32.504)

69 to 66, okay. I don't think Duke's gonna make it that far, but.

Emi B (10:33.481)

feel like I need to get onto this college basketball.

Joel (10:36.47)

OK, we'll see.

Chad (10:38.486)

Yeah. So I know one thing though, when I did come home, I came, I came, I came home to a bunch of cock. Yes. Look at that chicken cock baby. yes. That's beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. yeah. So coming home to, a delivery of cock is always amazing, especially when it's a bottles of chicken cock. stay tuned though. We've got some.

Joel (10:42.22)

From McChickens to chicken cock. Let's talk about free shit.

Emi B (10:44.585)

Chad (11:04.132)

I think we might have something going with chicken cocks. So all of our listeners might actually get a taste of the cocks sometime soon. But until then, until then, the Chad and cheese giving away, giving away free stuff. We give away t-shirts from Aaron app. That's right. Our, our, our slothy slothy friends over at Aaron app, giving away t-shirts. They're beautiful, lovely t-shirts.

Emi B (11:12.649)


Joel (11:14.446)


Emi B (11:24.317)


Chad (11:28.94)

bourbon barrel AIDS syrup by Kiora. And by the way, shout outs are sponsored by the kids up North at Kiora craft beer from the data geeks over at Aspen tech labs, whiskey. That's right. Two bottles of whiskey from our friends again up North van hack. And if it is your birthday, you could win rum high value rum from plum, but you can't win. If you don't play good.

Joel (11:32.142)


Emi B (11:45.073)


Chad (11:57.612) slash free.

Emi B (12:01.635)

Sounds good. Can I just ask?

Joel (12:02.782)

Can I still be a little drunk from Vegas? I'm feeling a little, maybe it's lack of sleep. All right, anyway, no, not drunk. but Mo thought you were required to drink on this show, shockingly not.

Emi B (12:05.917)

Are you still drunk? Do you want some cock? Is that what it is? Do want to have some of his cock? Yeah.

Chad (12:06.01)

dude, dude I'm, yeah.

Well, he's always, you know, he's got his own pocket. He doesn't need mine.

Emi B (12:16.731)

Yeah but the thing is I feel left out, I don't have any cock. Can I taste some cock please?

Chad (12:22.594)

Yeah. We will make sure the fine distillery of chicken cock gets somehow. I mean, we're getting cockier way. Yes. No, it's happening.

Emi B (12:30.313)

Please, yeah, because I feel really left out of the chicken cock over here and I really like it. Yes. Can I have two cocks?

Joel (12:34.286)

Cock is coming to England. Lots of cock coming to England. All right, got, let's get to the birthdays before we, this thing goes totally off the rails. All right, celebrating a birthday. We got Betsy Norris, Robert Saint-Jacques, Sean Luchens, Valerie Doyle, Ryan McGrath, Audra Knight, Jamie Leonard, fine Englishman, Jamie Leonard, is, Steve Levy, Mike Temkin.

Chad (12:45.314)

Too late.

Emi B (12:49.321)


Emi B (12:56.445)


Joel (13:04.8)

And George Dobbin, who hails from the wonderful country of Scotland.

Chad (13:09.112)

My man, Scotland. yeah, let me some Scott. Let me some Scotland and some George Dobbin.

Joel (13:15.414)

That's right. Happy birthday, everybody.

Chad (13:19.648)

And then now that we've gotten back from Vegas next week, we're driving up to Chicago for RL 100. That's right. Jamie Leonard's birthday. Was he going to get for his birthday present? A little Chad and fucking cheese in Chicago. That's what he's getting out. It could be. We that. Okay. All I got to say now is you have to bring one of those bottles of cock with you because Jamie's going to want that. so we're going to be leading a talk with a change. He's super fan.

Joel (13:22.606)

Where's our next trip?

Joel (13:34.21)

Maybe some cock. Can we take cock to Chicago?

Emi B (13:35.529)

That's what I thought he was going to say.

Emi B (13:43.652)


Chad (13:49.208)

Jane Curran, who's the head of HR ops over at JLL and our buddy, Matt Lavery, who literally was just on the stage with us a couple of days ago in Vegas. We're to be talking about good shit around AI, agentic, what they're doing, what they're using, all that other fun stuff. The thing is though, kids, we're not recording it. So you got to be in the room where it happens and it happens in Chicago at the Pendry. If you are a TA leader,

Joel (14:11.49)


Chad (14:18.39)

And you're even close to Chicago. Google RL 100, register, get your ass there. We'll see you there next week.

Joel (14:22.606)

Do it.

Do it. Do it.

Joel (14:32.328)

All right, this one's going to be sweet, Chad. We've waited eight years for an espionage story that's featured in the New York Times and our space. All right, here we go. Bitter rivals Deal and Rippling are embroiled in a legal spat. Rippling sued Deal on March 17th, also St. Patrick's Day. Alleging Deal planted a spy, Keith O'Brien, who's from Ireland. I don't know if there's any connection on that or not, but anyway, Rippling's

Chad (14:34.36)

I know

Joel (14:58.68)

Dublin office trade secrets were being stolen, allegedly. Rippling claims O'Brien conducted over 6,000 Slack searches targeting sales data and was caught via a fake hashtag D defectors channel on Slack. Two days later, O'Brien allegedly destroyed his phone during a court ordered seizure in Ireland, locked himself in the bathroom, I believe, which is great.

Chad (15:15.852)


Joel (15:25.87)

Deal denies the claims, hinting at counterclaims and pointing to Rippling's own issues like alleged Russian sanctions violations, which Rippling shockingly disputes. It's a messy ongoing showdown and we're going to love talking about it. Chad, what are your initial thoughts on round one of Deal versus Rippling?

Chad (15:48.29)

So we got to rip this apart piece by piece. First and foremost, case number on this kids is 325-CV-2576. That is People Center Inc. doing business as Rippling, a Delaware corporation, is the plaintiff in Deal Inc., a Delaware corporation, go figure, and does one, Okay. those are the, they are the defendants. Get through that. The complaint outlines number one, violation of racketeer, influenced and corrupt.

organization. This is a Rico case. Now, if anybody has watched any movies in the United States, Rico always comes up with mobster and gang filps. Rico. Okay. So number one's Rico. Number two, conspiracy to violate Rico. Number three, misappropriation of trade secrets under defined trade secrets acts. Number four, misappropriation of trade secrets under California uniform trade secrets act. Number five, tortious.

Emi B (16:30.473)


Chad (16:46.986)

Inference with contract number six aiding and abetting breach of fiduciary duty and last but not least seven unfair competition from the California business and professional code. So as you'd said, Joel, the spy was named and was not named in the document, but the Irish independent ran a story entitled Irish employee accused of spying and corporate espionage by software giant admits destroying his phone.

Emi B (17:08.073)


Chad (17:16.457)

at center of claim and title. That's a long fucking title. and in the story, the publication made the name Keith O'Brien as the, the rippling employee that turned spy. So the first thing I want to talk about is how they caught them. Okay. And the evidence, cause I think that's the biggest key is let's talk about the evidence real quick. So number one, and we'll chunk this out. Digital forensic evidence from the Slack logs.

Joel (17:29.688)


Joel (17:35.405)


Chad (17:45.816)

quotes, and this is directly from the case, rippling Slack log show that O'Brien became, began searching and accessing rippling Slack channels at an unprecedented rate beginning in or around early November, 2024. Notably O'Brien searched the term quote unquote deal approximately 23 times a day. And that was on page 17 for anybody who was looking. so yeah. Um,

Joel (18:11.97)

Nothing fishy about that at all.

Chad (18:15.832)

To me, this is crazy because we've been hearing how companies are already monitoring Slack and all these different channels just to be able to see who actually has activity going on. You would think basically that anything that you were doing to search history, monitoring or anything like that would be seen within the system.

Joel (18:23.662)


Joel (18:32.142)


Joel (18:39.854)

Yeah, we don't know if they were monitoring it or not. As far as I understand it, it was, it was kind of fishy. He was he was kind of, they were a little bit suspicious of him, for whatever reason, and then started looking at his shit and seeing stuff like deal searches and 6000 searches over. So then they they made up this hashtag. It was a honeypot. They honey potted his ass.

Chad (18:46.008)

Well, they had to be. Yeah.

Chad (19:00.802)

Honey Pot. Yeah. Yeah.

Emi B (19:02.085)

Love it.

Joel (19:05.784)

The virtual, the virtual equivalent of like a bottle of Guinness, I don't know for an Irishman, but he caught on and things they were putting in this feed started like showing up in real life. So they knew that he had to be the one that was doing it and, got himself pinched, but he was basically on the sales process. They were saying everything that they were like, it's very, very tracked. What's goes, what goes on in the sales process. And this is kind of a negative around all this.

Emi B (19:09.576)


Joel (19:35.232)

intelligence that we're collecting, recording phone calls, recording everything like it's very easy to find out who's in the funnel, who's close to being sold, like what's going on. And he was telling deal sales team, Hey, we're really close to this, like getting this company close, you should focus on them. And they don't like, like, so he was feeding us all back to sales. And I'm sure the salespeople were like, man, this is a weird trend where everyone were selling.

Chad (19:39.436)

and access. Yeah.

Emi B (19:40.539)

Everything's there. Yeah.

Joel (20:01.56)

gets a call from deal like that same week that they're about to sign with us. and then, and then, got himself trapped and caught.

Emi B (20:01.971)

Keeps dropping out. Yeah.

Chad (20:08.47)

Yeah. Well, in it being in sales, you've pretty much always had access to this kind of data in the CRMs. You can go into Salesforce or something like that and actually just look up history. In this case, I think it just made a stream of information. And when you're talking about the honeypot itself, this is the funny part. So Rippling's general counsel sent a letter to Deal's senior leadership. And this is how they know Deal's senior leadership is involved. Identifying

recently established a Slack channel called Defectors. Right? So as soon as that hit deal senior leadership, then O'Brien went to go find the Slack channel. So that was the whole honeypot. just hours after Rippling sent the letter, hours to executives and counsel, that's when O'Brien went after it. And that's when they suppose allegedly caught him in the honeypot.

Emi B (21:07.005)


Joel (21:08.61)

And then does the complaint talk about the bathroom, locking himself in the bathroom, deleting files from the phone, destroying, yeah.

Chad (21:15.992)

destroying, destroying, yeah, destroying evidence.

Emi B (21:18.665)

Did he actually destroy it though, was that allegedly destroyed? He did, yeah? Okay.

Chad (21:21.816)

No, he did. And he's even said that he did. The interesting thing is though, is he has been, mean, okay, so this has been a poaching scheme, apparently or allegedly from Deal, where they've been calling many, many rippling employees. And how did they get the information to be able to WhatsApp individuals directly?

Joel (21:44.76)


Chad (21:51.884)

Well, between January 29th and February 17th of 2025, at least 17 members of Rippling's global payroll operations team was contacted about similar jobs at Deal and at least 10 reported receiving offers from Deal. So somebody had to have internal information around employees, personal phone numbers, and those types of things to be able to have Deal contact those individuals via WhatsApp. And again,

Emi B (22:03.401)

Mmm, yeah.

Joel (22:07.384)


Chad (22:21.312)

All alleged. All alleged.

Emi B (22:24.457)

can't wait to see this fold out. I think it's fascinating, you know, because when I first heard about it, kind of, do you know, I when you're watching like a Netflix movie, yeah? This is what this is. This is like, and I really feel like, give it like five years, this is going to be a Netflix documentary or a movie. And I was thinking about earlier today, I was thinking like, what would it be called? You know, maybe the spy that searched too much, you know? And then you can manage. You see, I've been thinking about this for quite a while. You get that.

Chad (22:28.44)


Chad (22:42.744)

It would be good.

Chad (22:52.16)

Espionage in the toilet. Yeah.

Emi B (22:53.693)

yeah, exactly. You that you get a voiceover trailer. There's nothing bog standard about this bombshell loose suit. You know, see, I think I'm hilarious. I like, I obviously had too much time on my hands today, but I think it's fascinating. And like you said, there's so many questions out there. There's like how, about how this happened, you know, how secure is this organization? Like you said, the CRM has so much data on there and it did take a while. I they did this kind of honey trap, but you know,

How did it take so long? Why didn't Ripley notice earlier that there was a mole accessing their sales data? Because he said that's 23 times a day. They wait, it was long time.

Joel (23:33.582)

Do we know how long? Yeah, we don't know if they know how long it was. mean, I got a question. I got a question. I mean, so a year.

Chad (23:34.392)

Well, in that specific term.

Chad (23:39.65)

From November, from November last year to February. That's what they, that's where they have, that's when they have tracked back to all of the search data that actually again is, is, is in the complaint. So was, I mean, it actually happened pretty quick. I mean, we're talking about November of last year, not even six months and they, yeah, but to be able to collect enough evidence to go, to go to court. Huh?

Emi B (23:44.477)


Joel (23:52.044)


Emi B (23:54.429)


Emi B (24:00.243)

Still quite a, yeah.

Joel (24:01.454)

I mean, I have to question deals taste in spies. Like deal deal doesn't have very good taste in spies. This guy was not. This was not James Bond in the the halls of rippling by any means.

Emi B (24:04.265)

Mm, yeah.

Chad (24:08.598)


No, no, no, no, no. Well, it.

Emi B (24:13.469)

Well, you never know. And is this guy, is he working for Deal directly? Like, he working for both, like, actively hired by Deal or is he just rogue?

Joel (24:19.97)

We don't, we don't know. And well, it gets, it gets interesting. It gets because deal. You remember we talked about making payments to companies that were, let's say not on the up and up with their business models. And so does deal have like an under the radar way to pay people that this guy was getting checks from deal, but aren't trackable to deal. mean, we don't.

Chad (24:20.01)

No, we don't wait. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think he's on the payroll. Let's just say that.

Emi B (24:24.649)

Well, yeah.

Chad (24:36.472)


Emi B (24:36.561)


Emi B (24:45.831)


Chad (24:48.568)


Joel (24:49.41)

We don't know. I did hear that I did read that I think that he there is some correspondence with one of the co-founders of deal and this guy. I think it's it's really close to a smoking gun like this guy. Without going to court, this shit happened like this. This definitely happened and if anyone knows about if anyone knows about like deceit. It's our man. You know it's our man Parker.

Emi B (24:50.439)

Yeah, maybe.

Chad (25:09.534)

At least the other searches.

Joel (25:18.102)

You probably remember Zenefits, Parker Conrad, CEO. He had an ADP defamation suit back in 2015 during my homework, was, which was dismissed apparently. like this guy note, like if anyone's going to see that something's going wrong or somebody's maybe doing spine on us, it's Parker Conrad. Cause this guy probably does it himself. Allegedly.

Chad (25:19.629)


Joel (25:45.782)

Allegedly, I don't need him to come out at me with any anything but like this is incredible. I mean, I would say if this were like Uber and Lyft or Coke and Pepsi, it would be a Netflix special but rippling and deal. don't know HR tech is I gonna get its own show.

Chad (25:46.456)


Emi B (25:47.305)


Emi B (25:54.867)


Emi B (25:59.162)

You say that HR tech is obviously getting exciting now, you know? Yeah.

Chad (26:02.84)

Well, yeah, and they're bringing Russia into the conversation, right? in Rippling saying this is a misdirection, O'Brien first searched the term Russia on February 12th, 2025. And from February 27th, he had searched it. So the 12th to the 27th, he searched the term Russia 157 times on average. So about nine times a day, that's page 27 of the complaint. O'Brien first searched the term

OFAC, which is the Office of Foreign Assets Control, a regulator responsible for sanctions controls. On February 17th through the 27th, he searched OFAC 42 times. So he was looking for things to dig up to be able to see if there was any trail that he could gain access to around companies who were Russian companies who were sanctioned and they were getting paid.

through deal through deal operate, I'm sorry, through my bad, rippling conversations and, and rippling is just saying, this is a misdirection. They want you to think Russia, Russia, Russia. and there's nothing to see here. So there, there, there are going to be two, sides of this. It's going to be incredibly, not to say they're not both right or wrong, but we'll, we'll sit back and we'll enjoy.

Emi B (27:06.195)


Emi B (27:16.594)


Joel (27:24.302)

Any guesses on how this ends? was talking to somebody in Vegas that says this could be the end of deals business. I think that's a little dramatic. They've raised a lot of money. But any guesses on how this thing ends?

Emi B (27:37.129)

Well, that guy's going to jail for a start. I know that he said, what was it he said? Yeah, think someone ordered him not to delete, the solicitor ordered him not to delete anything from his phone. And he said, I'm willing to take that risk. He's like, you take that risk when you're going to jail. It's like, you're going to be the fall guy. So that's, I'm a hundred percent sure that that's going to happen. Yeah.

Chad (27:47.192)

Yeah. Yeah.

Joel (27:55.882)

And that's in real spy world. Like if you get caught, sort of you're on your own. Like we're not culpable for this. best case is Deal has no connection to this guy at all. There's no nothing in the records and he just hit this guy's fucked and Deal walks away unscathed.

Emi B (28:01.148)


My hands, yeah.

Emi B (28:08.605)


Emi B (28:12.041)

You're thinking it, yeah!

Chad (28:14.584)

And they can find pay if they can find somewhere in the Bahamas or something like that, that there were payments. Yeah, there were payments. Just another reason why I fucking hate Bitcoin and crypto, because it is, it's, mean, this is what this is for, right? That's what cryptocurrency literally will help you launder money. It will help you pay people. I mean, we're even seeing it, you know, in the US government for God's sakes with all these fucking meme coins and shit. It's ridiculous.

Emi B (28:20.701)

Some kind of money trail. Yeah.

Emi B (28:28.445)


Joel (28:44.44)

Yeah. I mean, this kind of thing happens all the time in history, like the KFC recipe. I know they tried to steal that Coke recipe is under lock and key. And so this does happen to varying degrees of punishment, but I'd say worst case if they can prove that sales were lost from deal and say like the average customer is seven years old. So we lost this much per customer and you guys owe us this.

Chad (28:49.72)


Emi B (29:11.017)

Who do you think is going to win?

Joel (29:11.074)

Let me give you the numbers real quick because I was curious if you go head to head with these guys. So by the numbers, Deal is at $800 million ARR versus $570 million for Rippling. Valuations are really, really close. $13.5 billion at Rippling, $12 billion billion at Deal. Head count, you've got 5,000 employees at Deal, 3,000 at Rippling. And currently, Deal is profitable with 21

Emi B (29:38.473)


Joel (29:39.394)

million in profits and rippling is still burning cash. So that's a little bit by the numbers. Does this make you feel less positive about deal as a consumer? Do you think that's going to impact their brand or do you think this will go sort of?

Chad (29:56.056)

Here's the hard part. And I actually talked to a couple of HR practitioners this week about this. I'm like, this is crazy, right? And it always came down to, again, this is very anecdotal. had a handful of people that I really had deep conversations with about this. And they said, this looks worse for rippling. And I was like, why? And they said, Parker Conrad. He's known.

as a guy who, you know, over the years, Xenefits, ADP, I mean, there's just this optics piece that he is shady, whether he is or whether he isn't. From an optics standpoint, you can't deny what people are saying. And I was actually talking to one of those practitioners and they said, yeah, they're currently actually talking with Rippling and they're going to break talks because they just can't trust what's going on. Now, Rippling again,

Joel (30:27.342)

Sure. Shady.

Chad (30:51.03)

They're the ones who are saying that deals in the wrong, right? But yet, Rippling in this, and again, literally half dozen conversations at the most. So not a huge sample size, right? Not a huge sample size. But when you start talking about this and it's just, it's weird. It really is. It's like from an optic standpoint, okay, yeah, we're just going go ahead and shut down talks with Rippling, wait till this happens or go in another direction.

Joel (30:53.516)


Joel (31:01.132)

Not scientific, yeah.

Emi B (31:02.204)


Joel (31:18.338)

when I saw the headline, I immediately went to what did Parker fucking do this time? Like what did that shady motherfucker do now? And then I was like, wait, deal is the one that fucked up? Like, holy shit. if you just read the headline, you could totally just say like, shit, the dude's at it again, Rippling is doing some shady shit and they're the ones that get hurt in this. That's really interesting.

Emi B (31:19.4)


Emi B (31:27.228)


He's the one.

Chad (31:31.35)


Chad (31:39.992)

Here we go. Zenithits2.

Joel (31:46.2)

Well, sure to be a topic that we'll talk about hopefully for the whole year, because it should be the gift that keeps on giving. Let's take a quick break. speaking of the gift that keeps on giving, I think we have a little zip recruiter news, everybody.

Emi B (31:47.591)


Chad (31:50.082)


Emi B (31:52.595)

Gonna bring my popcorn next time.

Chad (32:00.376)

There we go.

Joel (32:04.512)

All right, some zip recruiter news this week. Number one, they were recognized as one of the world's most innovative companies at fast company. Well, we'll get into that in the comment section of this news alert. Number two, they introduced a new scheduling feature that aims to simplify the interview process. The feature allows employers to chat with candidates, schedule interviews and send automated reminders.

Chad (32:18.328)

yes we will.

Joel (32:31.338)

all within the platform and they have a new commercial promoting this feature. Check it out kids.

Joel (33:07.192)

Yes, that is a new commercial, not for features launched in 2017, like so many other companies have. All right. So number three, they did a little survey. ZipRecruiter's job seeker confidence index has fallen to near record lows with a significant decline in job seekers assessments of current labor market conditions. 41 % expressed pessimism about job availability. Chad, what are your thoughts on all things ZipRecruiter this week?

Emi B (33:12.265)


Chad (33:37.558)

Yeah. So I think it's, it's funny, this whole innovation award thing we're talking about again, features that some of those features they've had for forever. Anyway, it's like they're repackaging them and saying, look at, look at what's new. so that's, that's just weird to me, but imagine getting a message from fast company, informing you that your company had made the most innovative companies of 2025 list in the human resource cat.

category, then you open up the article to see your name next to ZipRecruiter. I mean, it obviously discredits Fast Company for not even knowing what the fuck innovation is in our space. But now your company's name is on the same list as a flailing ZipRecruiter. So who wants to share that with the world? I mean, usually you want to win awards, you want to push them out there.

The funniest part though is Zip is so thirsty for positive attention that they dropped this as a press release that says quote, Zip Recruiter has been recognized for its product innovations that are transforming how job seekers and employers connect. For the introduction of Zip Intro to its next generation resume database and AI powered job seeker tools, AKA Phil, Zip Recruiter is simplifying and speeding up the hiring process, end quote.

Stay thirsty, Zephyr Cooner. Stay thirsty. It's re-fucking-diculous. That's all I gotta say.

Joel (35:12.662)

Yeah, also also this week, LinkedIn's new game is called zip. I don't think it's a troll, but it's it could be construed as as such. Also, in case you missed it, their their shitty podcast called talent all stars, a shitty podcast with the worst name has yet to get 2020 ratings. 20 people chime in on on on Apple podcasts. Talent all stars.

Chad (35:18.189)


Emi B (35:18.409)


Chad (35:21.24)

I think it could be, yeah.

Chad (35:29.045)


Emi B (35:36.797)

no. Talent all-stars.

Chad (35:37.826)

What's it called again? Talent All-Stars? Are they still putting out content? Okay.

Joel (35:42.35)

talent. Yeah, talent all stars. Yes, they're present. The president is still busy making content while the company burns. Yeah.

Emi B (35:43.591)

I never even heard of that podcast.

Chad (35:48.15)

Yeah, the president of the company is doing this podcast. And I mean, have you seen their stock price? Jesus fucking Christ.

Joel (35:54.222)

That was my next news item. The stock the stock is down 20 % so far this month, roughly. The the fast company is a total like PR it like the headline is great. Holy shit of the maybe 25 companies, zip recruiters, one of them. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, go, go to go to the main list. And it's all the names you expect. And then you have to dig in to like HR.

Emi B (36:00.007)

Listen, they gotta try everything. You have a night.

Emi B (36:13.897)


Chad (36:22.892)

The human resource. Yeah.

Joel (36:23.238)

And in HR, yeah, they're in there with like Upwork names. Neither one of us, none of us would know even though we live. Yeah. Even though we live this stuff, maybe half of them, we don't know. So don't get too excited. The PR was great. The headline looked good, but if you dig into it, it's not, it's not so impressive. And I'd love to know how much ZipRecruiter spends on fast company advertising. may, there may have been, I'm not, I don't know.

Emi B (36:24.018)


Chad (36:30.486)

Gotta know... shit's happening. We don't know, yeah.

It's just credibility wise.

Emi B (36:48.818)

you know it would be a huge amount. Yeah.

Joel (36:52.714)

I don't know, but if you spend money on these publications, they tend to look at your submission for most innovative, most innovative companies. Yeah. And we do know.

Emi B (36:59.549)

There might be some untraceable money, cryptocurrency kind of thing.

Chad (37:03.416)

Or traceable, or traceable, it's kind of funny, it's kind of like Chris Forman coming on the show and saying that he loves Indeed. How many millions of dollars do you get from Indeed each month? mean, didn't answer that question, did he? But I mean, it's like, again, your credibility is fucking shot when you do this kind of shit.

Joel (37:10.774)


Emi B (37:13.617)


Joel (37:24.162)

Yeah. And Fast Company would say it has no bearing on our decision. That's what they're going to say. But I wouldn't be surprised if Zip writes a little check for advertising on Fast Company on a regular basis.

Emi B (37:29.737)

But did you know what?

Emi B (37:36.265)

But you know, think ZipRecruiter's banging on the fact, banging on the, you know, kind of, well, hoping that people are not going to be as analytical as we are on this show. You know, that's why they put out all that press. It's like, yeah, we're innovative. People who are new to the market or new to the industry, or just haven't done their background research are just going to read that and go, ZipRecruiter's really good. They may not do their research. So they've got to do stuff like this, you know, to kind of counter all the bad shit that's actually happening within the organization and the falling share prices.

Chad (37:45.739)

Of course.

Chad (38:06.252)

Well, Emi, we are in the ears of HR recruiting decision makers. And that's one of reasons why they listen to this show. Not just for your beautiful accent, not for, not just for your beautiful accent.

Emi B (38:09.639)


Emi B (38:15.055)

Absolutely. Listen to what you know what's going on. Absolutely.

Joel (38:15.598)

That's the only place they want us to go is the ears, by the way. No, else are we going to get to go. You know, I, I thought Chad, like we talked about ISIMS, I don't know if it was last week or recently and then all the, all the updates that they've done, uh, text recruiting and all these things. And it's like, I didn't think it'd get any worse. And then Zip Recruiter said, hold my beer. Cause we got scheduling baby. We got scheduling, you know, like how long is good time?

Chad (38:26.252)


Emi B (38:36.937)


Joel (38:44.45)

Good time has been around for like eight years. They've been around as long as us and have been doing scheduling paradox have been around since 2006. Like, it's just funny how these companies that have money resources, departments, brain power are doing this shit. And it's not innovation. I don't know how you're wrapping this up as innovation because it's because it's not because it's not. All right. What else? What else is in the news? What else is in the news? Let's see here. yeah, Clarna.

Emi B (39:02.739)

Smoke a mirror, that's all it is, yeah.

Emi B (39:13.381)


Joel (39:14.638)

The Swedish, the Swedish fintech unicorn that has made waves touting the lack of headcount at the company last week filed to go IPO under the ticker K L A R. The company reported 2024 revenue of $2.8 billion. That's up from 2.3 plus 2024 net profits of $21 million. Chad Klarna's IPO. Are you buying, selling or holding?

Chad (39:42.348)

Yeah, their peak valuation was in 2021 at 45.6 billion and then that tumbled down to 6.7 billion in 2022. Response to a lot of different things obviously happening in the market. You know, this whole COVID thing was a bitch. But they're back up to 15 billion. So they're feeling their oats again, right? The problem I have is the alleged lies first and foremost. So remember our friend Alexander Chakowsky wrote about Reddit reports suggesting that

customer support teams were not being dismantled through the use of AI, rather they were outsourcing to another agency. Right. So the, the, the claims of heavy usage of AI is overblown, right? That's all optics and claims that Clarna was phasing out workday in Salesforce for using AI. when literally they were just switching to deal and, and, and team Taylor. so this, what

Emi B (40:19.24)


Chad (40:39.544)

Neither one of those were AI plays in total. Like they were making it sound like they were going to cut 400 heads at least. The only thing I like about what I'm seeing here is the new Walmart deal. I'm not a fan of the alleged deception. This kind of business to me feels like legal loan sharking payday loans. I don't, I don't like that. And it feels like if Karna fucks up business with Walmart, they're dead in the water. So I'm not advising anyone to buy or sell anything.

Joel (40:59.916)

Mm-hmm. It's credit.

Chad (41:09.644)

But personally, I wouldn't touch this stock with a 10 foot fucking pole.

Emi B (41:14.577)


Chad (41:16.216)

Not gonna do it.

Emi B (41:18.749)

No. So what do you think though? Because obviously people have been waiting to hear about this Kalanadil, know, it's kind of been on the news and everywhere. Do you think that other FinTech companies are looking at this and going, okay, now's the time for, you know, for our organization to go down the same route?

Joel (41:36.258)

same route of what IPO or yeah you have there's another one

Chad (41:37.664)


Emi B (41:38.055)


Emi B (41:43.537)

It's like air wall-ex and yeah.

Joel (41:44.792)

that's public.

Chad (41:46.944)

I kind of feel like it's desperate because this is not a good time to IPO. Let's just look at the markets, right? And they're going from Sweden to the US markets. I don't know that it's, to me, this does not feel like a great time to IPO. So it feels more desperate than it does anything else.

Emi B (41:53.458)


Joel (42:02.764)

It's for sure a litmus test. If they go IPO and it's a big stinker, like we're not going to see an IPO for a while. But if, if, if there's, if there's money pent up and ready to go, like if they hit it, we could see a little parade of IPOs, which, should be interesting.

Emi B (42:02.877)

When is a good time though? Yeah. Yeah.

Chad (42:06.891)


Emi B (42:17.0)


Chad (42:17.938)

One word though, Walmart. think Walmart carries this and if it doesn't carry this, that new business of Walmart, if it doesn't carry it, then I think you're a hundred percent right. But I think without the Walmart deal, there's no way in hell to go IPO.

Emi B (42:24.681)


Joel (42:26.19)


Emi B (42:31.719)

Yeah, no.

Joel (42:31.97)

Yeah. So team Taylor was at, at transform in Vegas. You've already mentioned a couple other examples, but they, we started talking about Klarna cause I knew they were there at S and he's like, just don't tell anyone. told you about, if you look at their thing, they've got 17 job openings, right now. So they are also hiring, in terms of what they're doing. if you look at their, it's an S one.

Chad (42:37.133)


Joel (42:59.292)

in Sweden, it's not called an S one, but basically the same thing. the, the word employee is mentioned 76 times, in the, in the document, mostly favorably not we're cutting them out of the equation. there, they have a, they have one section that, that is titled our business depends on our ability to attract and retain highly skilled employees, which goes on to talk about how important employees are to the business.

Chad (43:02.785)

F1, I think.

Emi B (43:03.716)

Mm, yeah.

Joel (43:28.91)

so a lot of things here are, are sort of headlines and click bait to say we're cutting everyone out of our equation, but it's really not the case. If you go, and look through it in February for December of last year, fortune had a story with the headline. Klarna stopped all hiring a year ago to replace human workers. And that's kind of been their brand. And I think if they go public, that's what they're looking to do. But this is kind of the breakdown of what they've done on employees. in December of 2022.

They had about 5,500 employees a year later, about 4,300. A year later after that, about 3,400. So they are eliminating roughly a thousand people per year.

Chad (44:10.594)

How many were outsourced? Yeah.

Joel (44:12.578)

We don't know that based on their documentation. Yeah. But that's, that's their employees that they're, that they're touting. So they are decreasing. but they're not head countless. mean, they still have a lot of people and according to their documents, they still need, a lot of people. This one will be interesting to watch.

Emi B (44:14.322)

Okay, so that's yeah.

Chad (44:25.368)


Emi B (44:29.321)

So yeah, it's interesting that they obviously they're trying to cut what sounds like they're trying to cut costs by, you know, reducing their workforce. And I also saw that they were closing a couple of offices around the world as well. So that's obviously another way that they're trying to cut costs. But did you, did you hear about how much of a pay rise Sebastian, the CEO gave himself? Yeah, it was like 862 % pay rise. So this is just ahead of the payroll.

Chad (44:49.8)


Joel (44:50.21)

No, I missed this.

Emi B (44:58.683)

Most of it was in equity, but still just ahead of the payroll.


Chad (45:04.152)

I have you, have you been listening to bill Burr talk about CEOs here, here lately? He's his, his mantra right now is free Luigi. Uh, if that's, if that tells you anything, if that tells you anything. yeah, yeah. 800 % fuck you, man. That's bullshit.

Emi B (45:07.665)

No, I haven't.

Joel (45:08.812)

A little bit, yeah.

Emi B (45:13.327)

Okay, yeah. Yeah, honestly.

Joel (45:20.928)

It's speaking of CEOs with a lot of money. Let's take a break and talk about Nvidia.

Emi B (45:25.545)


Joel (45:32.236)

All right, guys, Nvidia had its annual conference this week. Some highlights. General Motors has tapped Nvidia for AI powered self-driving technology. Yum Brands, the parent company of Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut, also known as the Holy Trinity, is partnering with Nvidia to expand AI ordering and drive-throughs. They plan to roll out AI ordering to about 500 restaurants across four Yum brands starting in the second.

quarter. And lastly, they've dropped Isaac Groot in one humanoid robot. Yes, there's a worse brand than chat GPT. It's Isaac Groot and one humanoid robot. Let's take a quick look at Isaac, I'll just shorten it a little bit. And what what he can do as a robot.

Chad (46:28.248)

I'm already creeped out.

Joel (46:30.008)

So if you're listening, he's, bringing coffee to a table. You got to go to YouTube to see all this. He's, he's a straining a photo. He's doing laundry. He's, he's, he's vacuuming. My favorite part is at the end. You have to wait for it. he's getting groceries. That's good. Yeah. I like that. porn. Some bubbly porn to porn or drink. he's cleaning up putting, I don't know why he has the keys as he driving a car and then

Emi B (46:34.685)


Chad (46:38.764)

Very George, George Jetson.

Emi B (46:40.809)


Chad (46:48.28)

Well, helping with the groceries.

Chad (46:57.816)

because that's not where they should be.

Joel (46:59.2)

And then he just sits down. He just sits down.

Emi B (47:00.817)

Yeah, my day is done.

Joel (47:04.366)

How creepy is it to think the robot just sits down? I don't know what I expected. Do they go to the garage? Do they go to a closet? Like a vacuum cleaner? No, he just sits down. He just hangs out. He just hangs out. All right, Chad. Chad, know you love you some Nvidia. What are your thoughts on the news out of the company this week?

Chad (47:15.022)

that's, I'm sure. Charging in the corner or some shit like that.

Emi B (47:16.007)


Emi B (47:20.969)

Just going to watch some TV.

Chad (47:25.878)

Yes. Yes. And I own shares, so I'm biased. So we've already talked about several companies. I mean, talk a little bit about the KFC connection, number one, where they're starting to use it in their drive-throughs. And we've been talking about companies embracing AI for a while, not just in recruiting. So Rallies and Checkers VP of Franchise, Brad Williams stunned

Mr. Joel Cheeseman with the mention of baconzilla during the recording of season two of the AI session. So go ahead and roll that beautiful beam footage there.

Joel (48:03.32)

You always have to do this around lunch when we record this show. Damn it.

Emi B (48:04.841)


Chad (48:40.578)

So what we're seeing is we're seeing insights from companies that are using AI outside of recruiting and sales and business and drive-throughs and those types of things, which is making it so much easier as we talked to Brad about being able to pull AI or automations into recruiting. So all those companies that are out there today saying, look, my company is using AI here, here, and here. Well, that's a great opportunity for HR and for recruiting.

just the talent function overall to say, Hey, we are doing it over here and it is successful. Let's go ahead and pull that into hiring. the is that we've talked to and we're getting ready to launch, AI sessions season two. is practitioner heavy, big logos. And I don't know about you Joel, but I was surprised as hell at how many companies were talking about the outcomes. Time saved, money saved. That to me was fucking huge.

Emi B (49:17.533)


Joel (49:39.436)

And companies you wouldn't necessarily expect like like ACE hardware making some crazy shit happen. Yeah. It's it's it's it's filtering down to the companies that you don't expect. You expect you expect tech companies to do this stuff. You expect, you know, big companies. But when hardware stores that you grew up with mom and pop type place does it, it's it's it's obviously cool. I think the ordering thing to me is fascinating. I think that's becoming

Chad (49:41.932)


huh, yeah. Yeah. Good shit.

Yeah, essential healthcare.

Emi B (49:53.735)

Yeah, okay, definitely.

Chad (50:01.837)


Joel (50:09.036)

much more ubiquitous than it had been before. We talked about Wendy's doing AI enabled order taking in the drive through. They're up to about 600 restaurants across the U S. yum has like 61,000 locations around the globe. Now they're, it's a very small, it's a very small number that they're starting out with, but if they can get this thing in 61,000 restaurants globally, like it's going to filter to every single fast food place out there. And I think the second thing is

Chad (50:10.626)


Emi B (50:10.739)


Chad (50:36.855)


Joel (50:39.224)

You know, the old adage of like, no one ever bought IBM, you know, whoever bought IBM never got fired or whoever like monster used to be. No one ever got fired for posting jobs on monster. They probably would today, but like no one's going to get fired using Nvidia technology. And I think Nvidia has done a great job of building a brand. And if, if making the decision is easier because it's Nvidia, you're going to see this thing take off quicker than if it was.

Chad (50:50.038)


Chad (50:57.378)


Joel (51:05.94)

some company I've never heard of. So Nvidia getting behind AI generated drive-through ordering, I think is going to be huge for that space. We're going to see a lot more of it in the future.

Chad (51:17.132)

KFC is very big in Europe, definitely in the UK. think one of the fast food restaurants that actually went to the UK first. Emi, you a big KFC fan? Do you like the whole AI introduction?

Emi B (51:20.285)


Joel (51:21.656)


Emi B (51:29.363)

You know what, I love that secret recipe chicken, honestly. It's one of my guilty pleasures. And I'm really trying to be healthy like you, but I'm like every once in a while, it's like, it's Friday. Get me some chicken. Get me some. absolutely.

Chad (51:42.2)


Joel (51:43.022)

Get us some chicken and some chicken cock, would you? For God's sakes.

Joel (51:52.352)

And speaking of robots, here's today's or this week's dad joke. Are we ready? By the way, we talked about chicken cock. Here's my take at trying to get the blue chew sponsorship. Here we go. Chad ready? Why did why did the robot take blue chew? Why did the robot take blue chew?

Chad (51:57.715)

Mm. Now.

Chad (52:03.286)


Chad (52:13.944)

I'm afraid to ask. I mean, go ahead.

Joel (52:16.226)

hit his disc was floppy. His disc was floppy. All right. You don't like that one. Here's another one. Here's another one. What does a potty training robot say? What does a potty training robot say?

Chad (52:19.448)

He needed a hard drive. get it. Okay.

Emi B (52:22.825)

Yeah, I need to go. Okay, come.

Chad (52:27.874)

No, Jesus.

Chad (52:35.085)


Joel (52:37.336)

pee poop pee poop

Emi B (52:39.153)

Now, my god.

Joel (52:42.56)

We out!

Chad (52:43.488)

We out. Poor Emi, poor Emi.

Emi B (52:43.651)

God, yeah.

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