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Coming Clean w/ Arran Stewart

Chad Sowash founder Arran Stewart has been busy making acquisitions - or at least promising acquisitions - since his company appeared on Death Match in Austin a few years ago.

Needless to say, Chad & Cheese have some questions, focused on the recent acquisitions of HireVergence and Talenting, as well as hoping to get to the bottom of the whole blockchain in employment issue. Is destined to default to job board status, or can they fill the innovation shoes its founder keeps promising? Maybe somewhere in the middle?

Another power-packed episode brought to you by the NEXXT generation of hiring.


Chad (0s):

So we can talk about traffic. What, what are you seeing in the differences between Google For Jobs traffic versus organic?

Arran (8s):

Yeah. So Google for Jobs traffic is much higher than organic.

INTRO (11s):

Hide your kids! Lock the doors! You're listening to HR’s most dangerous podcast. Chad Sowash and Joel Cheeseman are here to punch the recruiting industry, right where it hurts! Complete with breaking news, brash opinion and loads of snark, buckle up boys and girls, it's time for the Chad and Cheese podcast.

Joel (31s):

Aw. Yeah, let's get to the bottom of this crypto questions. Shall we welcome everybody? I am Joel Cheeseman. Co-host of your favorite podcasts joined as always by my cohost Chad Sowash. This is the Chad and Cheese podcast. And today we welcome, (applause) Arran Stewartt, founder and CVO of CVO means Chief Victory Officer? Chief Visionary Officer?

Chad (1m 0s):

They take the pandemic serious. This is the Chief Viral Officer of

Arran (1m 7s):

Correct. It's a newly, newly invented role. That's what it is.

Chad (1m 11s):

Visionary. Right?

Arran (1m 13s):

Visionary, Chief Visionary Officer. Yes.

Joel (1m 15s):

That's sexy. Chief Visionary Officer. Very nice. Nice. Welcome back, Aaron. You agreed to come on the show, even as Texas fades into the sunset you're you're out of power. You have no water, like you're at a hotel room?

Arran (1m 32s):


Joel (1m 33s):

What's the state of Texas, right now?

Arran (1m 35s):

Yeah. I mean, it's, it's a pretty, sorry, a fair. And obviously, you know, all jokes aside, there are a lot of people, vulnerable people that are actually kind of in some trouble right now, which is kind of worrying, but yeah, so we should, we should acknowledge that. But fortunately my wife and my children and I are now in a hotel, but yeah, we've been without power and without water for well water a week, power on and off throughout the week. And yeah, it's and we're still in the hotel because the tenancies aren't back up running.

Joel (2m 2s):

How many kids, you have Aaron?

Arran (2m 3s):

4.2 billion children by the feel of things. I'd have thought. I have five kids, everybody, and they're age from 11, right through to one years old. So as you can imagine, not being able to have any water, bathrooms, washing bottles this year, it's been a, it's been a pretty brutal week, that's for sure.

Chad (2m 23s):

You, you came obviously from across the pond and, and tell us and tell our listeners what you told us.

Arran (2m 31s):

My naive assumption was that being kind of the richest state, in the richest country, in the world, that six inches worth of snow, wouldn't be enough to throw it over. But obviously it is more than more than enough to throw over for an entire week. And obviously being British, I'm used to terrible weather about 99.9% of the time. And yeah, I was not pleasantly surprised to see everything kind of fall apart so much. And I think in all honesty, listening to the governor, I think it's a little bit embarrassing for Texas, in some respects because, you know,

Joel (3m 5s):

Blaming it on renewable energy was probably a bad decision.

Chad (3m 9s):

What a douche bag.

Joel (3m 11s):

As was Ted Cruz going to Cabo or Cancun or whatever.

Arran (3m 15s):

Ted Cruz? I mean, what are you doing, man? You know, I know what I'll do in the middle of a crisis we'll just go to Cancun.

Joel (3m 22s):

That's what Churchill did in World War I. Wasn't it? He went to Cabo or Bora Bora or where was it? Yeah, I'm getting the fuck out of here. Forget these air raids.

Arran (3m 31s):

Yeah. Yeah. But one thing's for sure. I would not have missed the Chad and Cheese show.

Joel (3m 38s):

Aw, what a suck up. Very nice

Chad (3m 41s):


Joel (3m 42s):

Well we got questions.

Arran (3m 43s):

I'm sure you do.

Chad (3m 47s):

Questions, sucker Joel, go ahead and roll that beautiful bean footage. Let's get right into it.

Joel (3m 54s):

All right. Well let's so let's set up this sound bite. This was from death match two years ago?

Chad (4m 0s):

Yeah, 2019.

Joel (4m 1s):

In Austin, Texas. Yeah. And, and you had sort of painted a picture of a lot of acquisitions and agencies and what not. So let's go to this and then we'll sort of dig into the sound bite

Arran (4m 14s):

Based on some numbers that we projected, like we're enrolling up companies at the moment, so I'm buying out staffing agencies as we speak. We bought three staffing agencies this month.

Chad (4m 23s):


Arran (4m 24s):

No, no, I'm glad, I'm glad that you've done this because it's the perfect opportunity to explain.

Chad (4m 29s):

That's why you come on.

Arran (4m 31s):

Yeah, no, it's true. And this is a fancy gents. Thank you for calling it out, cause I know that there are other people that would have been in the show that may have also have heard that and be like, well, what's going on? To be honest. I mean, so throughout my career, I have actually bought many staffing companies and recruitment tech businesses. And it's the first time in my career that I've ever got to the point where you have an agreed letter of intent. So now Y with an agreed valuation on the business multiples, preliminary due diligence that has all been agreed and signed. And then you go through, what's called a deeper dive to diligence to close the deal up and all three of those LOIs and actually others all fell over in 2020. And the reason for that, as you can imagine, all COVID related and every single one of those businesses that we were buying were being valued on what's called trading 12 for trading 12 months od EBITDA.

Arran (5m 21s):

The first quarter of last year through, you know, a lot of the businesses that we were buying is trading 12. Some of them went to no profitability from their trading 12 because they made such major losses in first quarter. Others just were reduced so greatly that they didn't want to sell any more, they'd rather wait, ride the storm out. And yeah, it was, it was a learning lesson for me as a leader and a person that's bought many businesses that actually even at the point of an agreed LOI, they can still fall over because I've never seen that in my career, but then I've never seen COVID-19 in my career either. But sadly that was the reason, so we had those businesses acquired up, ready to go funds in place deals agreed, going through deep due diligence.

Arran (6m 6s):

The last quarter of 2019 was slow completing them on a couple of bits and then hit enter 2020 and the deals fell over. And we were very more devastated for the entrepreneurs. These are small business owners that in their mind had psychologically sold their business, had now gone from not just selling their business, but we're in, trying to make it survive. And yeah. And you know, I'm sure there'll be listening to this. And hopefully guys, if you trade in twelves back up, please come back to us. So, so yeah, that's what happened.

Joel (6m 36s):

Okay. So as you know, we're on top of this, on the show. So we're counting two acquisitions recently. We got HireVergence and most recently Talenting. Are there any that we've missed?

Arran (6m 49s):

No, there's, there's none that you've missed, but I can say at the moment, fingers crossed, we do have three, three staffing agencies that have all finished, that we're all agreed there, otherwise nap it last September. And they're all in the very, very final stages of their deep dive to diligence and should be closing end of Q1. So end of March. So there'll be three more acquisitions being publicly announced. They're all staffing companies, all Bates based in health care, one's an RPO and one's based in light industrial and sales marketing recruitment.

Joel (7m 20s):

So for those that don't remember briefly described the HireVergence acquisition and why that was necessary. And then we'll, I think we have some questions about Talenting.

Arran (7m 30s):

So just say, HireVergence is a cybersecurity based contract, staffing agency. Those guys, the owners there, the original owners did an exceptional job of riding through the COVID-19 pandemic. And as you can imagine, cybersecurity was one of those industries on the perm side, direct hire was effected, but on the contract side, pretty much remained, you know, unpunished. So they were actually a deal that we've concluded as an LOI at the beginning of 2020. So we closed them up. It was our first completion of a true staff acquisition from money handed, overnights are our company, and we're delighted to have them. They've been an amazing acquisition and have grown very well actually since our acquisition of them working with us and, you know, specialists niche.

Arran (8m 16s):

But at the same time, they have some really, really great clients that also have further expanded IT recruitment needs.

Chad (8m 26s):

Aaron, when we talked about obviously the, just the business model of, the, one of the main reasons for buying up these staffing organizations is to get the actual technology up under them. But we haven't seen that with HireVergence ,yet. It doesn't even look like they're running tech on their website. And when I dig, when I dug deep into the jobs on HireVergence, they weren't even on So when is going to happen and how long does it actually take to get a small staffing firm up and running on

Arran (9m 2s):

Yeah, that's, I'm really, that's a great question. So our strategy for acquisition is the first 90 days of taking a business over is do no harm. So you do the first 90 days do no harm. So you don't do anything to their company. You just get working within it. The mechanics of it, you win the hearts and minds of the existing recruiters and the consultants there. Because one of the biggest impacts when you acquire a company is called change management. And change management can see your best talent walk straight out the door, and there goes your asset. But we actually took a bit long with HireVergence, and the reason for that was a couple of things. The pandemic has presented a more complex landscape and also their technical infrastructure.

Arran (9m 46s):

And the way that HireVergence works is a lot more particular than let's say, a more standard generic staffing agency, so HireVergence attracts most of its placements through network. It's not out there necessarily like sourcing or syndicating or advertising on various different platforms there, they are very much a network based solution. But what I can say is that we're kind of in the final stages now of their first preliminary technical integration with us, we did take longer with it. There's no doubt about it, gents, mainly because as well, it's our first acquisition here in the US as a staffing company. And I, and I will tell you that by the beginning of Q2, you will begin to see a pretty major impact on HireVergence, visually, and also within their operation.

Arran (10m 35s):

I'd love to give credit to them as a team. They've been amazing joining us. And obviously our president of staff in Steve O'Brien RN, who is a recruitment and technical wizards, is doing a fantastic job with them as a company, especially considering, you know, instead of fairly difficult time in the recruitment industry with the current climate. So navigating a much more complex storm than we first anticipated. So, yeah, we've just taken a little bit longer with this one, playing it safe.

Chad (11m 2s):

Let's talk about real quick before we jump into Talenting it seems, you know, you guys have turned into more of an aggregator, taking app cast feeds. I mean, just, just really standard aggregator type of technology. And again, back to the business model, you guys are looking to try to build a job seeker, really talent community within itself. That's going to be hard driving people off the site.

Joel (11m 32s):

Is the credit card gone?

Arran (11m 33s):

No, no, it's not actually, you know, so, so we, we took it away. So Joel, I've got some interesting stats for you though, which I think you might find quite fascinating. So, so yeah, it's a great question. So we structured the site last year to focus heavily on SEO. So, you know, we're set on as I'm sure you can imagine that URL has been in the public domain for a very long time. We do a lot of press and PR. So we have a very, very strong domain authority as a platform. And as we started to analyze, and this was a bit of a pivot last year in relation to COVID-19 was, you know, we really need to be taken advantage of just the vast quantities of candidates that are out there looking for work.

Arran (12m 16s):

And also we need to be conscious that if we're only focusing on our internal staffing jobs, that's not enough of a job experience for someone to sign up to the site, get matches, get some level of experience with us. So as a kind of quick user experience, what you'll see is, we've created a top of funnel strategy, which is yet we aggregate job content from at-cost and all the other usual suspects in the market that we all know, we optimize that content for the purposes of SEO. We also use, we also match those jobs, to all of our job seekers. And we actually use every time someone clicks on a job, they get matched to, we use that as a machine learning opportunity.

Arran (12m 56s):

So that's constantly feed the ML of what they select out of our matches is constantly feeding back into our AI and ultimately, you know, we just, we make revenue selling, sending CPC out of that by giving job seekers an experience where if they can't find a staffing role through or one of the portfolio companies that we own or will own, then we at least give them something, a breadcrumb of service or use case within the platform that gives them opportunity. Right? And at the same time allows us to kind of cast a wide net out into Google and generate candidates towards the site. Give you an example.

Arran (13m 36s):

Our organic SEO grew by 130% in December, and then 130% again in January compounded because just as an example, because has just such a legacy URL. So, so really does have a great impact in Google. It allows us to attract job seekers for free. It also allows us to look at where the job seeking market is as we try and determine which staffing assets, which staffing agencies, we may go and acquire because, you know, building up pockets of talent communities and base in there that can be used for placements is also another strategy. We still do have the card, Gents, we still do offer the rewards. It's now a feature rather than just the headline, but I will tell you, we got more people sign up to and register when we had the card on the front than we do with the job seeker experience, I'm not going to swear, but I'm not joking.

Arran (14m 33s):

But what I will say is that's that stat is yes, we did get more sales, but we do get more physical revenue generating activity out of job seekers utilizing kind of the job board functionality.

Joel (14m 48s):

Do you have any idea how much of your traffic is direct people just typing in

Arran (14m 52s):

Oh Yeah. This there's actually, yeah, it's quite a bit actually. And I will say the words job as I'm sure you can all appreciate is a university, you know, translatable word. So it's understood in many countries in many languages. So we do get a lot of international white noise, you know, where people like job and we just, you know, they instantly find or they just type in job into their browser and comes up. Which, you know it's cool, we welcome everyone to the site. We're delighted to have people come to, but, but at the same time, sometimes, you know, transparency that can impact the quality of the traffic that's coming through to us.

Arran (15m 33s):

It can be, you know, it's kind of difficult sending traffic away that maybe has no visa to work in the United States, for example. And we welcome them as a visit, but we can't really do anything with them, sadly.

Nexxt PROMO (15m 51s):

We'll get back to the interview in a minute. But first we have a question for Andy Katz, COO of Nexxt. For clients that are sort of married to email, what would you tell them in terms of the metrics versus text messaging? It really depends on the audience you're trying to reach. I'm not going to even tell you text messaging is the right tool for every type of audience. You know, you're not going to reach, you know, a VP or senior level person necessarily through text. You're going to reach more of those hourly workers, more of the gig economy, more of anybody that's on their feet all day long. So again, you know, you gotta break out email and texts into different categories. And sometimes depending on the audience, the best thing to do is hit them with both of them.

Nexxt PROMO (16m 33s):

And it reinforces the message, the brand that's coming across, they'll know who the company is, and it's like any other commercial or podcasts, you know, you might have to listen to it a few times before it resonates and it sinks in. I believe it's the same thing with text versus email versus any other form of communication For more information, go to Remember that's next with the double X, not the triple X

Chad (17m 5s):

So we can talk about traffic. What are you seeing in the differences between Google for Jobs traffic versus organic?

Arran (17m 13s):

Yeah. So Google for Jobs traffic is much higher than organic. So, you know, just, just transparent. I mean, we feed straight into Google for Jobs. We also do, you know, Google console site map, the usual, you know, as many landing pages as we can physically get to be indexed into Google. But one thing's very clear is Google strategy of navigating people through their own job search solution. It reminds me of Indeed all over again, right? They're gonna go from free to freemium, right? They're going to sucker everyone's jobs in gain all the usability off of it. And then suddenly go, Hey, you pay us or die, you know, and, and I guarantee that's going to happen, right? I don't doubt for a second, which is so I find being brutally honest Gents as a small business, we are shoe-horning our way through various strategies, the kind of guides, forwards, but with the ultimate goal of just becoming an ultimately focused data-driven digital staffing company.

Arran (18m 8s):

But at the moment, you know, we're utilizing the assets that we have, which is is great at capturing stuff for SEO. It has a good rapport with Google and Google for Jobs. So we'll capture users there and we're just leveraging what we can while we can.

Joel (18m 22s):

Shoe Horning is a good word and I think Indeed is busy doing that with a lot of other things. We refer to it as throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. So let's talk to, let's talk about Talenting, why the move, how the deal go down. And then I want to dig into blockchain a little bit, but, but set the table with why you guys acquired this company and why it was smart for your strategy.

Arran (18m 45s):

Yeah, sure. So we have two proprietary pieces of technology that focuses on. So one is, is AI. You know, we are very focused on artificial intelligence and have been for, you know, eight years now, before it was when it was My Job Matter in the UK. And the other part is the utilization of blockchain technology within our tech stack and process. So the guys at Talenting a CEO there, Bill Allen, and I have been friends for a number of years and him and I have been the kind of keynote speakers at SIA for Blockchain for a number of years as well. We've done various panels together. And, you know, they went a route where they were looking to utilize blockchain for compliance and also to create an ecosystem where people could validate their credentials to which I'm very pro the whole validation of credentials piece.

Arran (19m 33s):

But the utilization of blockchain truly for us, is about trying to help with two things, one diversity into compliance. So I'll explain the diversity piece. We'd like to say that we're a diversity, you know, tech, diversity-tech driven business, and have been for some time, it's not just jumping on the bandwagon from everything that went on last year. We've been publishing articles out about this, which I'm happy to share with anyone listening. For a number of years, I come from Luton town, North London, which is a highly diverse area and I'm passionate about it. We utilize blockchain to allow us to anonymize data going through the hiring process. So there was a research report done in 2016.

Arran (20m 14s):

There's a page on that talks all about it, that showed an African-American resume and a Caucasian, white resume, identical resume going into the job market and the Caucasian white resume name that, that resume got 150% more phone calls back from recruiters in 2016. So I'm under no illusion that that unconscious bias within the hiring managers potentially, or recruiters is still existing five years later. So we utilize blockchain to allow us to anonymize the sociodemographic data out of a resume, but allow, the hirer to know that this person is validated, they are who they say they are, they have done what they say to have. You just don't need to know their sex. You don't need to know their name.

Arran (20m 55s):

You don't need to know the,ir race that, you know, you don't need to know that stuff when it comes to the hiring side. And so that's what we're utilizing blockchain for is one component.

Chad (21m 2s):

Do you need blockchain for all that?

Joel (21m 4s):

Yeah. This exists without blockchain, right? Yeah.

Arran (21m 7s):

Can you tell me, you can do that without blockchain, but I think sometimes people think blockchain is maybe more than it is. a private Hyperledger fabric, blockchain on Amazon web services, you could set up in an afternoon, it's as easy as pie. I mean, people, I think sometimes people get so wrapped up thinking blockchains, this mysterious complex voodoo. It really isn't, it's just a server infrastructure for security. And, we just choose to use it. Talenting has two paintings. They've got one paint and granted, which, or should I say now does, which is for storing a career record in association with biometrics. Okay. So we utilize face, fingerprint, Pat password and pin and store that record, your career record with that association.

Arran (21m 48s):

So it's Joel, it's got your face and this is your resume and it's on a private Hyperledger fabric. So now we definitely proven it's you. And now, you know, so we have a, we have a painting around that. And then the second painting, which is still pending, which we acquired to, is career scoring, which is where you can provide a level of scoring behind did this person really work at this company. And did they really do this job? And did they really get this reference? And we've been working on an ecosystem to create kind of, you know, that referencing piece built within for a little while now, it's still not finished. Won't be finished until 2022, but it's all part of the data-driven digital staffing piece. So, so yeah, we just choose to use blockchain for the application.

Joel (22m 32s):

Help me understand as a job seeker, the default is typically to advertise as much as possible. I'm looking for a job, so I'm going to market myself accordingly. My profile is going to be available on LinkedIn. My resume is going to be everywhere. And then blockchain comes in. And I think I understand it as a layman, why that's important for money maybe for, you know, sensitive data like health care or my social security number, things that, that I don't want to get out, but my personal data for my resume, I want it to be public. So blockchain ends up to me sounding very, just sort of soup de jour kind of thing to help me to like, be a shiny object of, Oh, this is good, but I have a hard time as a regular job seeker, understanding why I should care whether a job site is blockchain or not.

Joel (23m 28s):

Can you help make that clear to me and all of our listeners who are like, why is blockchain relevant to job search?

Arran (23m 35s):

Yeah, no, I know and I think it's a fabulous observation. And I think it's one that's shared commonly amongst a lot of professionals in the space. A.s A job seeker, you will probably never that you're running through a blockchain on and we don't advertise it or sell it to our job seekers. Akin to half the technology that's probably going on when you do a Google search, you have no idea as an average user the sort of criteria they're going through to give you that listing. But, but for whatever reason, in this particular application, it works. Blockchain doesn't hide their resume at all. All it does is it just hides some sensitive material about them that could be related to bias.

Arran (24m 15s):

It could be related to shortlisting someone before their credential, their true credentials that matter, which is their experience, their education and their track record are truly looked at. And as, we've made a conscious decision to utilize the technology, to try and help increase the diversity funnel. I would love to be proven wrong and shown that you don't need to do that to help increase diversity because you know, the ultimate goal is not about proving that we're right with blockchain. It's about proving that we can get a more diverse workforce into the labor market. But, you know, we made a strategic decision at to pursue the blockchain side, but their resume remains public.

Arran (24m 56s):

You could search their resume for Our recruiters will find their resume. They just won't know whether you're African-American or Hispanic or Asian or you know, that you're living in the middle of South central LA you'll live at, you could be living anywhere.

Joel (25m 11s):

Is the background check piece something that you guys are pursuing. Cause I do see some relevancy to having sort of a blockchain background check that, you know, this Joe Smith is different than that Joe Smith.

Arran (25m 21s):

Correct? Yeah. And we certainly, we certainly are Joel, and that's again, a slightly later strategic piece actually with someone that you, you guys know quite well, actually, but I can't say yet, so, and I'm not going to say either because I'll shoot myself in the foot or you did that death match, so I'm not saying anything, so Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, but you know them guys, so and so, yeah, so, so we sat in the army. One thing to remember, guys, we acquired a three years ago. We did a blockchain ICO, if you, Gents, probably cast your mind back, which was sadly a failure for, but we're a fairly new business, you know, and we are going out there trying to, you know, be fairly radical with our approach in some respects, fairly, you know, innovative.

Arran (26m 15s):

There are some things in the decisions we've made that have not been the right decision. There have been some that have been absolutely the right decision and we're a learn-it-all organization, not a know-it-all organization. And I quote our CLO Bill Clem with that. I won't take claim to that saying, he says, it's everyone in the business we're learn-it-all not know-it-all. And, but we definitely see the practical benefits of blockchain. There's also one other bit, which I'm sure you guys are more than familiar with, especially Chad with your background, Randstad EEOC records, right? So, you know, we have to have a comprehensive security based EOC record as a co-employer. And we choose as our decision is we like to use blockchain in order to do that and create a public blockchain that employers that we've come employed with can access to.

Arran (27m 2s):

So that let's say heaven forbid wasn't here anymore, then they're not in breach of their compliance because how many staffing companies in America have been keeping EOC records on behalf of their clients who are maybe now no longer here and their clients have to keep a record for that for seven years. And if they don't have a record of it, because they were relying on their staffing company, that's no longer, no longer here, they're actually have a compliance issue.

Chad (27m 25s):

My last question Aaran, like Indeed flex, why is competing with the staffing industry instead of becoming the platform for the entire staffing agency? I mean, you can, you can see the opportunity, right? Instead of buying up, and again, there's a lot of resources that go goes into buying up staffing organizations and then rolling them up underneath your tech, why not just be the operating system for all agencies instead of competing with them?

Arran (27m 58s):

It's a fabulous question and it is actually one that we have had internally at the moment. Our strategy is certainly, and, you know, we've made a decision to be a competitor and to go out to the market as a competitor. And we have, you know, we've got 474 shareholders in And so, you know, we collectively, as a collective shelter team said, where do we, where do we see our position in the market? Where do we see what we want to hit? And, you know, let's be transparent, my passion is to help people feed their families and pay their bills. But at the same time, I have a shareholder obligation to make an ROI.

Arran (28m 38s):

And we have a very intricate, detailed map showing acquisition, marrying technology, uplifted acquisition with technology. Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat, and taking, let's say three or $400 million worth of revenue out of the market per se. And, you know, with our talks of obviously doing a public listing and achieving the ROI that our shareholders invested into, you know, so, so that's, so, so there is definitely a compelling argument to say, why not just licensed this to every recruitment company in the U S and, and follow that strategy?

Arran (29m 18s):

I think it's, I think what it is, is that there's quite a crowded room of very sophisticated service providers to the staffing industry. Some very, very great technology out there. I feel that we do a great job at I think it's more within our control and wheelhouse strategically to go and buy staffing agencies and create a nice, good data-driven digital staffing company powered with AI and blockchain that is right for either, an IPO or an acquisition, rather than maybe trying to go directly out into the market and maybe find myself up against someone like a Bull Horn, right through to other different platforms that are out there that would, you know, would definitely give a good run for its money.

Arran (30m 2s):

Let's be brutally honest.

Joel (30m 3s):

The IPO or kids, Arran Stewart, everybody always a pleasure. Arran for our listeners to want to learn more about you or, where would you send them?

Arran (30m 17s):

I will, I would send them to or alternatively, I love talking to everybody. Feel free to just hit me up on LinkedIn. You know, I've got a rather peculiar spelling of Arran. So you, you can't miss me or Twitter. Yeah.

Joel (30m 31s):

That's A double RR-A-N. Arran. Thanks, dude. Thanks so much. Good luck. Good luck with your busted pipes.

Arran (30m 40s):

You going to come and help fix them Gents?

Joel (30m 42s):

No we are not!

Chad (30m 46s):

We pay our taxes and have maintenance already.

Joel (30m 50s):

We out!

Chad (30m 52s):

We out!

OUTRO (31m 51s):

Thank you for listening to, what's it called? The podcast with Chad, the Cheese. Brilliant. They talk about recruiting. They talk about technology, but most of all, they talk about nothing. Just a lot of Shout Outs of people, you don't even know and yet you're listening. It's incredible. And not one word about cheese, not one cheddar, blue, nacho, pepper jack, Swiss. So many cheeses and not one word. So weird. Any hoo be sure to subscribe today on iTunes, Spotify, Google play, or wherever you listen to your podcasts, that way you won't miss an episode. And while you're at it, visit just don't expect to find any recipes for grilled cheese. Is so weird. We out.

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