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BRAVO Indeed... What?

Chad Sowash

Did Chad and Indeed Just Become Best Friends?

Think unicorn production is slowing down? Think again, because we not only have a new unicorn on this week's show, we have a triple-unicorn, baby! Welcome to the club, IntelyCare and Remote! And speaking of remote, it's a topic that makes its way into the show big-time this week, as does idiot execs at Taco Bell, Google "frog boiling," and slider-flippin', onion ring fryin' and shrimp nibblin' robots. Surprisingly, Chad speaks kindly about Indeed's latest customer update .. wait, did I say "speaks kindly," because we really meant "full-on tongue bath"? And we even throw-in "innovation" from Snagajob and Dice, with a game of who'd ya' rather? You're welcome, dear listener.


INTRO (16s):

Hide your kids! Lock the doors! You're listening to HR’s most dangerous podcast. Chad Sowash and Joel Cheeseman are here to punch the recruiting industry, right where it hurts! Complete with breaking news, brash opinion and loads of snark, buckle up boys and girls, it's time for the Chad and Cheese podcast.

Joel (22s):

Oh yeah. A new survey on teens says just 5% use VR daily and 48% are either unsure or not interested in the metaverse. Lies I say. It's the Chad and Cheese podcast, everybody. This is your co-host Joel "I weep for the future" Cheeseman.

Chad (43s):

And this is Chad "who's Zoomin who?" Sowash.

Joel (47s):

Oh yeah. And this week show IntelyCare goes, unicorn. Remote goes triple unicorn, Indeed embraces transparency and Flippy and sippy go to White Castle. Let's do this. What's up Chad, the prince of Portugal?

Chad (1m 6s):

Loving life. I'm going to be back in the states this time next week though. So yeah, for at least for a week and a half or so before we go to Belgium, which we'll talk about later.

Joel (1m 17s):

Yeah. There's snow in the forecast this weekend in Indiana. So you'll love coming back home.

Chad (1m 22s):

Wonderful, wonderful.

Joel (1m 24s):

It's like you'll never have left Indiana.

Chad (1m 28s):


Joel (1m 31s):

Nah, for listeners out there, I have to deal with like Zoom calls with Chad, with sunshine, no clouds, sunglasses, and the most relaxed I've ever seen him look. So I hate him more than ever basically is what I'm saying. Hate him more than ever.

Chad (1m 48s):

Embrace the love. Embrace the Portuguese love.

Joel (1m 50s):

Were you able to see the national title game for basketball college, when you were in a Portugal?

Chad (1m 56s):

No, the cool thing about living here is that I can actually watch like the YouTube versions, which are 15 minutes long because they happen like, you know, at midnight or one o'clock my time. So like during NFL season, when we were here, I would get up after a Sunday. So the late games, and then I would watch all of the, all of the games, which you don't generally get to do unless you're watching red zone. Right. But I would watch all of them. So I actually get to see all the games they're just in their condensed 15 minute versions. And yeah. So, you know, I'm making a lemonade out of those lemons.

Joel (2m 34s):

So you're not going to miss the Masters and opening day for baseball there in Portugal is what you're saying.

Chad (2m 39s):

Yes. On the Masters. I'll definitely be enjoying that, but baseball, I have no patience for that game.

Joel (2m 45s):

Understood where you can cheer on Portugal in the world cup. Amen. Let's get to some shout outs. Cause we had a lot to cover cover today. And then we're going to have some fun with this one. We're going to give a shout out to innovation. Chad,

Chad (2m 57s):

I feel sarcasm.

Joel (2m 60s):

Our space is the center of all things in the universe of innovation. Okay. Our favorite innovators, I guess the Ladders isn't in this one, they might be our favorite. All right. Our favorite innovators, Dice and Snagajob are at it again, Chad. Deserving of a press release Dice now lets employers search candidates by time zone, whoa, time zone and not to be out done. Snagajob has launched two new mindblowing updates. Number one direct-to-interview allows candidates to schedule an interview right? When they apply to a job chat, holy shit.

Joel (3m 41s):

And number two, Easy Apply let's job seekers apply to positions using their Snagajob profile and who doesn't have one of those? Instead of redirecting candidates to an offsite application.

Chad (3m 51s):


Joel (3m 53s):

I had to check the dates on these releases Chad to make sure they weren't actually from the future. Big shout out to innovation.

sfx (4m 2s):

Doesn't anyone notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

Joel (4m 4s):

Two of our favorite favorite companies. So Chad let's play a little who'd you rather right? We've got Dice's time zone search. We've got Direct Interview Scheduling and Easy Apply with your Snagit job profile. Who'd you rather Chad?

Chad (4m 21s):

Okay. So first off Dice's dropping press releases every time Art Zeal, sneezes. I mean this is ridiculous and Snagajob, they invert like the process of how this even happens. It's Easy Apply then Direct to Interview. They have shipped backwards. So I'd rather, Snagajob no question because this makes a hell of a lot more sense and it's going to work better for their users. I just hope Art Zeal doesn't catch a cold anytime soon.

Joel (4m 49s):

To vote for Snagajob, big innovation at Snagajob. I'm going to have to go with Dice, Chad. I mean time zone search, who hasn't been begging for that for over a decade and who the hell knows all the time zones anyway? Like I know about four and they're all in the US the other one might be yours because I have to talk to you on the phone and do this podcast. Like who the fuck is searching by time zone? That just blows me away. So I'm going to go with Dice on this one, but let's admit all the innovation coming out of those companies is damn sexy. That's another game of who would you rather? Do you have a shout out for us?

Chad (5m 29s):

Amen. We've got a shout out to a Jobcase for hiring Michael O'Dell as their vice president of Channel. You can't get more sexy than Michael O'Dell.

Joel (5m 42s):

And is there an easier choice than Michael O'Dell?

sfx (5m 46s):

Easy, Peasy, lemon Squeezy.

Joel (5m 47s):

That's a slam dunk for our friends at Jobcase. And I make actually awaiting that schwag that a O'dell promised us, which is the only reason we gave him a shout out anyway. Shout out, shout out for me from Ben Mones a CEO and founder at Pharma. You know them as the background check company of the future, checking back, checking social media posts. They were an on my mind the other day, when we talked about, I think background checks. I talked about that people were going to start doing checks on who would be posting pro Putin, social media posts. So I went to Ben. I said, Ben are companies asking for pro Putin posts because I thought there would be a ton, but he tempered my enthusiasm.

Joel (6m 32s):

Saying, quote, "an employer would need a business specific reason to not hire someone because of their support of Putin and the invasion," which he thought that that would be a tough thing to get past to he did.

Chad (6m 45s):

That's a boo

Joel (6m 47s):

He did however say employer interest was increasing around care to take a guess?

Chad (6m 52s):

The Kardashians, I don't know.

Joel (6m 55s):

Fake news, fake news. So Ben said, quote, "the more interesting thing that's coming up as of late that's peripherally related, is companies asking about disinformation and whether or not their candidates/employees are promoting disinformation online." I thought that was interesting.

Chad (7m 11s):

It is.

Joel (7m 13s):

And a worthwhile comment to give Ben Mones a shout out.

Chad (7m 17s):

But yet he can't do the same thing for Putin. Okay? Whatever Ben. A big shout out to Amazon who gets a union on Staten Island. Can you believe this? Not only do you get free ferry rides to Staten island, you also get a union. I bet people are going to be moving to Staten Island in hordes. Now just to be able to work for Amazon.

Joel (7m 42s):

Staten Island's beautiful. Why would you not want to live and relocate? Why Portugal or Staten Island? I don't know what you're thinking, buddy. I don't know. I don't know what the hell you're thinking. Shout out to the unions at Amazon. I got a shout out for our European friends, sexiest billionaire, Elon Musk. Shout out for me. The billionaire now owns roughly 9% of Twitter helping the stock come out of its slumber and starting rumors that an edit button might finally become a big thing on Twitter. Now, Chad, speaking of high innovation. Yeah. Edit buttons at Twitter. Anyway, joking aside, I do think that Elon Musk's interest in Twitter will help with recruiting and retention.

Joel (8m 26s):

Twitter has a rep of being a bit stuck in the mud technologically. And this just might change that image. If you're a developer at Twitter, why would you not want to stick around? If you were thinking about leaving, knowing that Elon might be pulling a lot of the strings from now on. Shout out to Elon Musk and shout out to recruiting and retention efforts at Twitter, which I think will be improving. Elon has 80 million Twitter followers. He's going to have some influence.

Chad (8m 56s):

Yeah. And just shout out to megalomaniacs everywhere.

sfx (8m 58s):

Doesn't anyone notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

Chad (9m 3s):

Just a quick update from our unicorn down segment last week where we talked about worker eyes that's right. Secretively shutting down specific verticals that went unnamed did have no clue why, but this week, the Aim Group, once again, they get the scoop. They've found that the unnamed vertical is construction jobs, which I find interesting because they just started up that vertical not too long ago. Maybe they were looking for some build back better infrastructure money and it didn't come. I don't know this. This seems more short-term thinking the long-term thinking. Who knows?

Joel (9m 41s):

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. I think they probably ramped up in anticipation for build back better. And the rug got pulled out from under them. Well, the rug is not being pulled out from our listeners Chad who sign up for free shit.

Chad (9m 55s):

Oh yes.

Joel (9m 56s):

Cause they're getting t-shirts from Emissary. Beer from Pillar and whiskey from our friends at Textkernel. If you liked that stuff, if you like it, when it's free, then you gotta go to to get on the list to get free stuff or a chance to get free stuff. So what are you waiting for? If you haven't done it.

Chad (10m 14s):

For the fourth consecutive year WebAIM evaluated the accessibility of homepages of the top 1 million websites and 96.8. Okay, let's round up. 97% of homepages have failures. So listen to the Stubbs interview that we just did entitled Ignoring the Blind because corporate America, baby, you should be looking at this. You should be caring about this. This is a huge segment that you are not just missing from a talent standpoint, but also these people buy shit guys. You've got to do better.

Chad (10m 55s):

Accessibility go look for Ignoring the Blind on Chad cheese. Give it a listen.

Joel (11m 1s):

Like my sister says don't be bitter, be better. Chad, be better. And speaking of better, we've got some birthdays to celebrate. Some fans and listeners are celebrating another trip around the sun. Chad, I'm talking Sean Godfrey. I'm talking Steven Rothberg. Big fan of the show now. Happy Birthday, Steven. Todd Burns. Amy English. Holy shit. <inaudible>. Okay. I got that right I'm sure.

Chad (11m 30s):

I love it.

Joel (11m 31s):

Our, our, our, our friend, Patrick York from Hire Easy, he celebrates a birthday. Don Burke, our favorite Cleveland fan, who lives in the south. Go Guardians Don. They all celebrate a birthday this week and happy birthday to them. Have one on us.

Chad (11m 47s):

Excellent. Excellent. We have events kids. Don't forget early May going to be in Belgium. Late May going to be in Vegas. Oh, we're going to be in England. We're going to be in Paris. We're going to be all over the place kids. Go to, click on events, upper right-hand corner. Find out where we're going to be and come see us. If you're in Europe, you gotta be in Belgium. You gotta be at RecFest. You gotta be in Paris for God's sakes. If you're in the US, we're going to go to New Orleans this year, Joel, we're gonna go to Nashville. We're gonna go to Vegas. We're going to be all over the place. Check it out., click on events. Get there. Register. Come to the event, buy us a beer or two.

Joel (12m 28s):

In short, go to and give us your information and check out shit that we're doing. All right, Chad, I'm going to play the news intro.

Chad (12m 43s):

Oh Jesus.

Joel (12m 44s):

I'm going to try to mix it with the pink unicorn. Here we go. Ready?

Chad (12m 49s):


Joel (12m 50s):

All right. All right. All right. We got a remote block here. Everybody get ready. Okay. San Francisco based Remote founded in 2019, announced a 300 million Series C funding round this just eight months after the company announced a 150 million Series B round. Remote's platform enables companies to hire globally and pay workers in their preferred currency. The round values Remote at $3 billion. That's a triple unicorn, Chad. SoftBank vision fund to lead the round with participation from existing investors, including Excel, Sequoia, index ventures and others. The company said it has been, has seen 13 fold growth in ARR in the past year and a 900% increase in employees.

Joel (13m 37s):

Wow. With the additional funding, Remote will be able to build more products, including contractor and global payroll platforms. The company employs around 1500 people according to LinkedIn. Chad, what are your thoughts on Remote becoming triple unicorn?

Chad (13m 58s):

Dude, this platform was created in 2019. So now we know who actually has the flux capacitor. We know who is going back, into the future. So, luck and timing are two variables that are quite intertwined and Remote have both in spades. It's amazing. They just received $150 million in July of last year. Most segments, most categories in this, you know, in this space, I'd be asking why in the hell would they be taking so much funding? But this category, it's not one of them. Kids Remote has the opportunity in this category that stands on its own to capture global domination.

Chad (14m 44s):

If it has enough cash to accomplish that feat, it needs the cash, right? Why do they need the cash? Because even though their organic growth is fast, it's not enough to fund this type of growth. They need to dominate. They need more cash. And again, this is a category that existed before COVID, but it wasn't one that could stand alone. Now, Remote will not only stand on its own as a category, it will flourish because no other platform will want to take it on. What do you think?

Joel (15m 18s):

Yeah. You're going to need a bigger boat to cite another old movie you sighted Back to the Future. Dude talk about good timing and frankly, a great name and brand Are you kidding me as the world's going remote? That's your brand, that's pretty good. Pretty good deal. So you mentioned founded in 2019, a year later the pandemic hits everyone's working from home. Companies are scrambling, trying to figure out how are we going to manage this? What the hell are we going to do? How are we going to manage all the government regulations and all these countries? And like, you couldn't have timed it any better.

Chad (15m 52s):


Joel (15m 52s):

I mean, what, company is not going to take a sales call from someone at Remote? And they're not, right. I mean the inbound sales traffic for this company is probably off the chain. It would make old Monster employees back in the day, probably jealous for inbound sales calls. The only question now is really that they have the money to the brand and the timing is who's going to be Pepsi to their Coke. Is it Oyster? Is it Deel? Is it Lattice? Is it Eightfold? I don't know, but it'll be a hell of a lot of fun to watch. Half a billion dollars buys a hell of a lot of beer. Chad and remote is in a really good position to own this bitch on a global scale. And damn, I mean, there's not much else I can say about that.

Joel (16m 33s):

They are there in the pole position and they've got laps and laps on the competition.

Chad (16m 39s):

Yes, it is amazing. And one of our friends has been on the show Dee Coakley from Boundless, as I'd said, I think I said a couple of podcasts ago. I go most can guarantee you, they get funding in a big way sometime soon. And I don't have the flux capacitor. I just see the trends.

Joel (16m 58s):

You know, who needs the flux capacitor? Let's go back to Snagajob and Dice crashed on a patient. Okay, man, this one was really funny to me who is Zoomin' who Chad? Is the question. More from the world of Remote. This is from Bloomberg with a story entitled "Employees are returning to the office just to sit on Zoom calls." Those accompanies pushing for in-person work are asking. What's the point if we're still meeting online? One back to the office employee said it doesn't make sense to force people into an office, especially if they're working with colleagues in other geographic locations, management is in another city so it will always be a Zoom call with my manager.

Joel (17m 42s):

You're trying to talk and you've got five or six people around you talking as well. It's a horrible experience. Chad, this seems like an unintended consequence of sending people back to the office. Stupid is as stupid does. What are your thoughts on Zooming alone from the office?

Chad (18m 0s):

I got nothing. I mean, seriously, companies are not thinking any of this through. All they're focusing on is control. They try to press everybody back into the office, even though they've been doing the job from home and they've been getting, obviously they'd been getting work done. This is all about control. And the ramifications are going to be very simply, motherfuckers are going to leave.

Joel (18m 22s):

Yeah. Instead of the open office, this will just be an office of offices and conference rooms because everyone's going to have to have their own office to do Zoom calls. You're going to hear echoes of other people. I've part of the story was like two people on the same call on different computers in the same room. People didn't think this shit through, obviously just come back to the office wasn't really thought through as we go to a more remote workforce. So yeah, I got nothing. This was, this was a funny article. Cause I hadn't thought about it, unintended consequences, but a consequence nonetheless and companies are gonna have to figure shit out.

Chad (19m 0s):

One consequence. That's not funny. And this is a great article in Forbes is remote works impact on communities. Remote work is changing where we work and where innovation happens. But there's a larger conversation that I believe is being overlooked. The longterm impact on our cities and communities. We used to believe that where we worked decided where we lived, that spurred a network effect that gave cities a compounding advantage. Cities, attracted talent, which gave companies more reason to move to those cities and more talent to go there. Places such as New York, LA and Silicon Valley became meccas for top tier talent and of the companies that employed them.

Chad (19m 42s):

As a result, we ended up with a concentrated body of talent and funding. However, we're seeing a shift, due to the rise of remote work over the past year, as an example, about 80% of venture capital was invested outside of the valley, which is a massive shift. Organizations like Facebook, Salesforce and Dropbox are going remote and/or hybrid at least part of the time. But by 2025, roughly 36 million Americans are expected to work remotely and 87% increase from pre pandemic times, according to the report by Upwork.

Chad (20m 23s):

How will this reshape our communities?

Joel (20m 24s):

He didn't even mention that the oligarchs can't just buy up all the real estate in New York anymore. That's going to be a real problem.

Chad (20m 32s):

Good point.

Joel (20m 33s):

No doubt. I mean, no doubt. And we we've talked about this for the last two years, how are city's going to evolve to be centers of arts and creativity and more restaurants. And how do you hybrid an office with a living space? And I mean, all of this stuff is going to evolve in really interesting ways. I think that where a lot of people were saying New York is dead. San Francisco is dead. New York in particular, I think is coming back stronger than ever. The humorous thing is you get people like your boy, DJ Sol, who makes statements like, well, you can come back to the office. Cause you're obviously coming back to Manhattan to go to dinner and go to a play and go to a movie.

Joel (21m 14s):


Chad (21m 14s):

Not quite the same.

Joel (21m 16s):

Totally different, but the environment of New York is much more about an entertainment mecca. It's about, it's just, you know, similar to Vegas in our lifetimes, right?

Chad (21m 25s):


Joel (21m 26s):

Vegas used to be like shitty hotels where you could gamble. And that was the incentive. As you could gamble online, you could gamble in other states. Well, Vegas is now show a showcase convention center, destination it's food. It's all that stuff to get you to come back to Vegas. And I think in a bigger way, these big cities that used to rely on corporate commercial real estate and employees coming in to keep things prosperous are going to have to rethink what is a city? What is our city and what are we going to have to do? I think there's going to have to be a lot more living space in cities, a lot more affordable living space and people are going to work, but they're going to work in their residence and they're going to go outside and go to restaurants and everything else.

Joel (22m 7s):

I think it'll probably be skew, a younger demographic in cities, where it hasn't been before. I think, you know, people with kids and dogs and shit like that are gonna probably gravitate towards the suburbs. The guy in the article said that he lived in Tampa Bay and he's got a tech company I think. And his thing was like, well, I just want to live in Tampa Bay. If I can live anywhere in the world and do what I do, I'm going to live where I want to live. So companies or cities and states are going to be in a competition to get that brainpower and those, those folks in cities where they haven't been before. I think it's pretty exciting on a lot of different levels. But what we're seeing, what we've talked about for over two years, I think come to fruition, it started to formulate into what I think we kind of predicted it would.

Chad (22m 51s):

Yeah, well, cities are expensive. So this could start to bring equilibrium to some extent, right? The country's divided, we've got blue on the coasts, red in the middle. This could perspectively start to blend that. Right. We could prospectively start to see purple pay for work, not by the location. Right. That's a huge shift we've been talking about that I would love to start seeing happen. It's about the work that you do, not where you live.

Joel (23m 16s):

Yeah. You know, I think Indianapolis, where we live as a microcosm of what's going on, the most prominent mall downtown basically is not going to be a mall anymore. It's going to be a living center with residents and arts and restaurants. And that's going to be happening on a mass scale in cities, all around the world. And I think it's generally good. I mean, instead of cities being like, oh, places where nine to five happens and everyone just leaves, they're going to be vibrant 24 7 places where people can walk and in my case, scooter to where they want to go and do what they want to do.

Joel (23m 54s):

So I think ultimately, it's a great thing for cities, particularly Midwest smaller cities that just are centers for commerce. And then people go home, people will stick around. And speaking of sticking around, we got unicorn sticking around on this podcast, Chad, all right, let's move, let's move from remote to healthcare, which we probably don't talk enough about on the show. I think it's going to be a trending topic in the year to come. IntelyCare, a Quincy, Massachusetts headquartered talent platform providing per diem nurses announced a $115 million series C funding round this week, the round values IntelyCare at $1.1 billion found in 2016 IntelyCare has over 30,000 nursing professionals working at over 1600 facilities across the country.

Joel (24m 49s):

Their website says, quote, "find the shifts that fit your life, work as often as you want and create a nursing career that doesn't make you choose between your paycheck and your personal life" end quote. What a concept, Chad, what a concept?

Chad (25m 7s):

So this is pretty amazing. The 30,000 nursing professionals working with IntelyCare at over 1600 facilities across the country. The messaging is awesome. Find a better nurse life balance. Remember that? And then also remember the old Monster you're calling US calling slogan. Well listen to this one. Your calling is now your call. Again, they're playing off the flexibility. Playing off the flexibility here. So all of the hard to fill positions that we're seeing are having to be more creative and flexible. Way out of the controlling culture conversation. DJ Sol over at Goldman Sachs would have a fucking coronary if he had to implement this type of flexibility.

Chad (25m 51s):

In this case, you don't have to work a specific set of hours, or you can work a specific set of hours and look for some added times to pick up, you know, at facilities near you, or maybe take an extended vacation, say three months in Florida and pick up shifts while you semi vacay. If you're in this space, if you're in the job space, the career space, check this app out because I think this is actually the future of how many of these positions are placed.

Joel (26m 23s):

Yeah. You know, healthcare and nursing in particular, we're already in a serious crunch and COVID accelerated, I think the problem of the talent crunch, but also stressed out a hell of a lot of nurses. And we've also seen the gig economy come into play where people work, you know, where they want to work when they want to work, how they want to work. Just ask our new friend, Brie Olsen in last week's episode, what's going on. And it's been hard because you can't really work from home and be a nurse. Like you kind of have to be there to take blood and take temperatures and bloo pressure and all that stuff. So how do you mix the best of the gig economy, but also have a job in healthcare? And I think IntelyCare and I think like NomadHealth, which we've talked about as well on the show are putting more power in the hands of nurses, as well as other professionals and hopefully bringing more of them into the workplace.

Joel (27m 13s):

I think it's a great recruiting tool for nursing to be able to have this flexibility. Also think it's going to be really interesting to see how many nurses that don't nurse come back to nursing. I want to say that it's like one in only one in four people that have a nursing degree are actually nurses. So if this can like lure nurses or degree nurses back into the profession, I think it could bring in retirees that would like to still work, but don't want to do it you know, as much as, as they typically would. I know my wife's mother is a former nurse and I think she'd like the opportunity to maybe like once or twice a week, come in and do some nursing shirts.

Joel (27m 53s):

I think this brings in the best of the gig economy, but also keeps you in healthcare and helping people and I think that's a great thing. And this is a trend that I think that we'll continue to see in Telecare and others like Nomad Health are going to be very successful and probably are deserving of their unicorn status. All right, Chad, let's take a break from remote work and healthcare to talk about one of our favorite companies. Indeed. All right. Let's talk about Indeed Chad. Who haven't we talked about? LinkedIn and we talked about them on the show yet. ZipRecruiter. I just said it. So we'll find, we'll show up in SEO.

Joel (28m 35s):

All right. Indeed wants a salary range on your job postings or else. An Indeed client and fan of the show recently shared an email with us. I won't read the whole thing, but here's the gist quote "by the end of 2022, we (being Indeed) strive to show a salary for every job on Indeed in the US. This is one of the most frequent pieces of feedback we received from job seekers and more and more states are requiring salary ranges to be disclosed at different points in the job process."

Chad (29m 7s):


Joel (29m 7s):

Indeed goes on to say 34% of employers currently provide salary ranges to Indeed adding quote "in cases where jobs do not have an employer provided salary Indeed we'll estimate the job salary based on data points, like job title, location, and reported salaries." Chad, did you and Indeed just become best friends.

Chad (29m 27s):

Yup. Yeah. You're not going to believe it, right? I believe Indeed is spot on with this move and in a world where it's still incredibly hard to attract candidates, let alone get them to complete the online application. Remember more than 90% of candidates are not even completing the application. Remember that. Anyways, anyways, I cannot understand why talent acquisition hasn't just the salary transparency because it's not just necessary, it's the new standard. And this move by Indeed is saying, we're moving you out of the Jurassic ag, whether you like it or not.

Chad (30m 9s):

And I am a big fan of this move by Indeed. You've never heard that on this podcast before.

sfx (30m 13s):

Doesn't anyone notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

Joel (30m 14s):

Chad in love with Indeed. I never thought I'd see the day. Not much to add. What's curious to me, governments are requiring it more and more. We've talked about New York City. We've talked about Colorado. Like this is going to happen. However, a lot of governments will never do this, right, Texas and Florida. I don't see them ever requiring salary ranges on job postings. What I want to see is who comes out with a marketing campaign saying, quote, "we don't require salary ranges." We are the anti Indeed because you know, Chad, there are a lot of marketing meetings happening right now, talking about that very strategy. Who's going to be the anti Indeed step up and let's see it and we'll talk about it on the show.

Chad (30m 55s):

We'll make fun of you on the show, just like we do everybody else.

Joel (30m 60s):

Can we applaud Indeed? Holy shit.

Chad (31m 2s):


Joel (31m 3s):

Let's talk about Google for a second. This is from Bloomberg. Chad starting this week. Workers at Google are required to come into company headquarters three times a week. But according to Laszlo Bock, former chief of Google human resources and current CEO of Huma, Hulu, H U M U? I don't know. This hybrid model won't be around much longer. Bock says that after three to five years of flexible work models and hybrid plans, the normal in-office schedule will prevail at Google. Get your ass back in the office. He predicts this transition will happen over the next few years, telling Bloomberg it's the boil the frog method. Bock says he thinks workers will likely begin to want to come into the office themselves when they see bosses giving more promotions and opportunities to staff who are in the building over those slackers who want to work from home.

Joel (31m 52s):

The new power dynamic will likely force reluctant employees to get back to the office when trying to gain favor with their supervisors. Speaking of boiling, Chad, I'm guessing this one gets your blood a little hotter. Am I right?

Chad (32m 7s):

It's amazing how companies, you know, are either forcing the issue. Like again, Goldman Sachs or you've got DJ Sol or Jamie Diamond, right? And then you have companies like Google who are, as Laszlo says, they're boiling the frog or boiling the employee. So they are incredibly tone deaf and they don't give a fuck about what their employees say or care about what they want. I have a LinkedIn poll. I know, you know, I hate LinkedIn polls.

Joel (32m 34s):

You got a poll? everybody's got a poll on LinkedIn. Oh yeah.

Chad (32m 40s):

I've got a LinkedIn poll. This is actually Liz Ryan's poll. She posted, which is relevant to this discussion. Here's the statement and question, "many employers are allowing employees to work from anywhere, but other firms are ordering employees back to the office. Will it hurt them?" So at the time of capture the poll, it had 23,363 votes and 80% voted yes, good employees won't stay. 16% it won't hurt them. And 3% was other, please comment. And there was over 400 comments. This is a tone deaf moment for most of these organizations where one or two things.

Chad (33m 20s):

They're either being tone deaf, where they really think that, you know, well, we really need them back in or they just don't give a shit. I think it's probably the latter for the most cases. But I agree with Laszlo. This is a boiling, within the next three to five years. Some companies, many companies could be back to the grind in the office. Yep.

Joel (33m 40s):

So for those who aren't familiar, the boiling the frog is if you can cook a frog one degree higher at a time and they won't even notice that they're being cooked. But if you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, they're going to jump out. So this sort of slow, methodical, evil if you will strategy by employers to one day, have people wake up and go, oh shit we're back in the office five days a week is I guess the end goal. The only shock that I have about the LinkedIn poll is that it was only 80% of people who think this strategy would hurt employers. Who are the people that don't think this is going to hurt employers. Anyway, there's a theme on our show, Chad, this shit's going to be messy.

Joel (34m 24s):

There will be unintended consequences. There will be personal preferences. There will be cats and dogs living together. There will be mass hysteria. I do have our believe there's a lot of legitimacy saying those in the office will see greater upward mobility and pay in their careers, which could eventually bring things closer to the way they were, than closer to what we think it will be or what it should be. I think the natural human condition of raises and upward mobility tends to lend itself to being face-to-face. I don't know how you get past that. So I do think there is some legitimacy. And if you want to move up.

Chad (35m 3s):

Court cases, that's how you're going to say it.

Joel (35m 6s):

Court cases. Yeah. That could solve it. That could solve it. Well, let's move on from that into some food.

sfx (35m 16s):

I want Chipotle.

Joel (35m 17s):

It's about lunchtime here in the US anyway, this is from the Business Insider an executive at American Franchise Capital, which owns 67 Taco Bell and 50 Applebee's Restaurants set in a leaked email that rising gas prices would mean more applicants and the opportunity to offer them lower wages. Wayne Pankratz, what an appropriate name for this Pankratz who serves as the executive director of operations of American Franchise Capital also known as AFC brands wrote quote, "most of our employee base and potential employee base live paycheck to paycheck. Any increase in gas prices cuts into their disposable income. As inflation continues to climb and gas prices continue to go up.

Joel (35m 59s):

That means more hours employees will need to work to maintain their current level of living" end quote. This led to the parent company, disavowing his comments and employees quitting or walking out, causing a temporary closure in some stores. Thankfully, I can still go to Taco Bell, Chad, knowing this was just a rogue element. Just kidding. I'm going to eat more Chipotle. Chad, what are your thoughts on this knucklehead? Mr. Wayne Pankratz.

Chad (36m 23s):

Yeah, this avowing Wayne Pankratz who's an executive, right? It's not like there was a fry cook and a fry cook posted something on Twitter. And they're like, yeah, we don't believe that. This guy is an executive. You know, they all are thinking what that dumb ass is saying. And what was the last time we got a fucking stimulus check? I mean, come on. So he's a massive piece of shit, right? And I bet this asshole didn't take a pay cut himself. How many fast food joints do we know are in one square mile, right?

Chad (37m 4s):

It might help America's cholesterol waist and need for fast food workers if we had less. This is what makes middle and low wage earners, purely despise executives, the utter disregard for human wellbeing.

Joel (37m 15s):

How many of these power structure executives would love for shit to go back to the way it was? Like, there's such a clinging on to like the past is coming back.

Chad (37m 24s):

This whole show.

Joel (37m 24s):

I don't think it is right. This whole show. So the old adage, which you said is, everyone's thinking it, this guy just said it or worse maybe he wrote it, right? Which left a paper trail where he's wrong in this and I think he should talk to our friend Brie Olsen again, from last week show is people have way more alternatives today to make money. Hello, gig economy than we've ever had. So whittling it down to quote, "oh, no more STEMI's and higher gas prices are instantly going to bring workers back" is probably wrong. So instead of hoping for external forces to bring things back to normal, why don't you get your own house in order and make your own house something that employees want to come work for and stick around.

Joel (38m 14s):

Or just invest in some robots, which we'll cover right after the break. Chad, more food, Chad, more food. All right.

Chad (38m 21s):


Joel (38m 22s):

Well, if you're waiting to see which burger chain was going to bring Flippy in to make your food well, wait, no longer. It's White Castle. Actually seeing a robot put together parts of your meal might have seemed like a distant dream, which I typically dream quite a lot about. But guess what everyone it's actually happening. White Castle is rolling out a new fleet of 100 Flippys. Flippy Twos to be exact because Flippy One had some issues, Chad. Gradually within the next few years and these robots are specifically dedicated to the deep fryer station. I'm talking all your favorites, fries, chicken rings, chicken wings, fish patties, all the good stuff.

Joel (39m 4s):

If part of your lunch is taking a bath in oil before it gets to you, those 100 Flippy units, we'll be doing it all the time, all your cooking. Right now, there's only one Flippy model that's in live production, any of White Castle's brick and mortar locations, which happens to be in beautiful Merrillville, Indiana, Chad, just outside of White Castle's home base of Chicago, but make no mistake about it. Chad, our robot overlords are coming and they're bringing sliders, onion rings and shrimp nibblers. And I, for one, can't be more excited about that.

Chad (39m 42s):

Yeah. So what I said in the, in the prior segments obviously is never going to happen. We're never going to have less fast food, right? America loves its cholesterol and it's ever growing stretchy jean problem. So that being said, we don't have enough talent to be able to pick up and not to mention Flippy is probably not going to over cook your fries. Like you will get at a Burger King or a McDonald's where, you know, the teenagers busy looking at their Facebook or their Insta or whatever it might be.

Joel (40m 18s):


Chad (40m 18s):

So, you know, this move part of your prediction by the end of this year, there's going to be a restaurant that is a hundred percent, you know, back, the back office, I guess you can say, is going to be robot. And I don't see why not. They're shitty fucking jobs. They're low paid jobs. You got to work with assholes like Wayne Pankratz for God's sakes. Stop it, get some robots in there and let's get these kids trained up in programming and shit that they are going to need to do long-term.

Joel (40m 52s):

And no more scrotums in the ice cream maker. Chad, that's what I'm talking about.

Chad (40m 56s):

Sounds like something you did.

Joel (40m 58s):

I can neither confirm nor deny that claim.

Chad and Cheese (41m 2s):

We out.

OUTRO (41m 36s):

Thank you for listening to, what's it called? The podcast with Chad, the Cheese. Brilliant. They talk about recruiting. They talk about technology, but most of all, they talk about nothing. Just a lot of Shout Outs of people, you don't even know and yet you're listening. It's incredible. And not one word about cheese, not one cheddar, blue, nacho, pepper jack, Swiss. So many cheeses and not one word. So weird. Any hoo be sure to subscribe today on iTunes, Spotify, Google play, or wherever you listen to your podcasts, that way you won't miss an episode. And while you're at it, visit just don't expect to find any recipes for grilled cheese. Is so weird. We out.


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