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Aliens, Strippers, & Microsoft

Chad and Cheese

Time to Consider Strippers as Essential Workers?

Thirty million Americans have filed for unemployment since the country's been in lockdown. So how's your week going?

The boys continue to cover all the recruiting news that matters, including: - Layoffs at Jobvite

Oh, and UFOs ... not employment-related, but quarantine means we just don't care anymore.

Enjoy this week's show, brought to you by JobAdx, Sovren, and Canvas.


Intro: Hide your kids, lock the doors, you're listening to most dangerous podcast. Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman are here to punch the recruiting industry right where it hurts. Complete with breaking news, brash opinion and loads of snark. Buckle up boys and girls, it's time for The Chad and Cheese Podcast.

Joel: All right. All right. All right, everybody. Unemployment claims top 30 million in the US this week. So how are things with you? Welcome to The Chad and Cheese podcast, my quarantine friends, I'm your cohost, Joel, Stir crazy, it's not just a movie starring Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder, Cheeseman.

Chad: And I'm Chad, I am sick of this shit, Sowash.

Joel: On this week's show, more industry layoffs.

SFX: Layoffs?

Joel: Amazon keeps sticking it to the working folks, and drive-through strip clubs. Yeah, you heard that right.

Chad: Excuse me.

Joel: Stick around to find out more after this word from our sponsor.

Canvas: Canvas is the world's first intelligent, text-based interviewing platform, empowering recruiters to engage, screen and coordinate logistics via text and so much more. We keep the human, that's you, at the center, while canvas bot is at your side adding automation to your workflow. Canvas leverages the latest in machine learning technology and has powerful integrations that help you make the most of every minute of your day. Easily amplify your employment brand with your newest culture video or add some personality to the mix by firing off a bitmoji. We make compliance easy and are laser focused on recruiter success. Request a demo at, and in 20 minutes we'll show you how to text at the speed of talent. That's Get ready to text at the speed of talent.

Chad: You know who is texting at the speed of talent? Everybody who was in the NFL draft, all those guys had their phones all up in their mugs.

Joel: What a weird viewing situation. I was watching with my dad who's in Austin

Chad: Uh-huh (affirmative).

Joel: He knew it before I heard it. I had to tell my dad, "Just shut the hell up for 15 seconds after you know who it is." And then you could tell that the players didn't know when they announced it to the world because they had a time, little lapse there. It was just a weird thing, I didn't like it too much.

Chad: Yeah. No, it was weird. Let's just put it that way. And they, apparently were using Microsoft Teams for that. That was interesting. I had a really hard time being at Ohio State Buck, I had a hard time knowing that the Colts could have picked up J.K. Dobbins, but they picked up Jonathan Taylor instead, which I thought was a mistake, but I wasn't mad because then J.K., all day got picked up by the Ravens, a running powerhouse team and I'm not incredibly mad about that.

Joel: I was really, really excited to see Dobbins go to the AFC North where he will punish the Cleveland Browns for the next 10 to 12 years. That was nice. We passed on Malik at the linebacker position, I think in the third round and took some bomb from LSU. What are you going to do? I was fairly happy with the first-round pick, offensive line guy from Alabama

Chad: Yes. He was legit.

Joel: 3000 pounds, 628 feet tall. I was okay with that. But will we have football? Is the question.

Chad: Yeah, we'll have football. We will have football in some form.

Joel: Did you see they're talking about college in the spring? Wouldn't that be wild?

Chad: That would be crazy. That would be crazy. I got to say though, Philly was hating big on Jalen Hurts.

Joel: Yeah. Carson Wentz, the chances of him getting hurt is like 99.9%. So to have a backup, that's competent, seems like a good decision to me, but who knows? The Bengals let Andy Dalton go today, curious to see where he ends up.

Chad: The first three picks, Joe Burrow, remember, was sitting on the bench at Ohio State. He was a part of the Ohio State program. Then number two, Chase, and that means number two and three, one, two, three, all pretty much Ohio State guys. Pretty awesome.

Joel: Yeah. Although I think 40% of the first round were SEC guys. Yeah. Remember when USC used to have guys drafted? That seems like forever ago.

Chad: Yeah. That was the day. I think they had one guy go in the first round.

Joel: And if you're just tuning in, this is the Chad and Cheese Football Podcast brought to you today by Gatorade.

Chad: Well, that being said, let's just go ahead and pivot really quick. I have a personal show recommendation, knowing that we're still all quarantining and we're looking for things to watch. This show called Counterpart with J.K. Simmons, that dude is an amazing actor. It's on Prime and we just started watching season two, there's two seasons of it. Here's a little background, no spoilers.

Joel: Yeah.

Chad: Our world splits into like two mirror-like worlds, with one pathway between the two. They're pretty much exactly the same until world number two gets hit by a pandemic that kills 7% of the population. Yeah. So then there's friction between the two worlds as they become vastly different. Spy games happen, diplomacy, mercenaries and a bunch of other really cool shit. The thing that really stuck with me is that Julia and I actually just started watching this, the whole pandemic thing, this is a 2017 show. It's like for shadowing some of the things that you and I have been talking about, as will you be wearing masks? Will we be wearing mask? How will post-COVID look? That kind of thing. It was interesting.

Joel: Yeah. Interesting. Well, if you're going to throw out a show in quarantine times, I'm going to throw out Too Hot to Handle, because I threw out, Love is Blind, I'm in a dating like wormhole. But have you heard about this show?

Chad: Dude, you are like trash TV.

Joel: Yeah, I know. I know. It's bad. It's bad. But it's the only thing that makes me not throw my kid out the window. This show is basically, it's just really hot, young, horny people on this resort. And if they do physical stuff, they get deducted from $100,000 pool of money. So basically if you kiss, money gets deducted, if you have heavy petting, money deducted and you get the idea of the show. It's pretty amusing, pretty good mindless entertainment if you need to just get away from all the misery of today.

Chad: Well, I'm going to throw something at you real quick. Have you downloaded the Quibi app?

Joel: No, but my wife has.

Chad: Okay.

Joel: I ask her every day, "Have you watched something on Quibi yet?" And she goes, "No."

Chad: Yes. I have.

Joel: Okay.

Chad: It's this new app from Jeffrey Katzenberg. It's a new content play and it's really cool, it's all optimized for your phone, it's not something that you can cast to a big screen or anything like that. And the shows, the episodes are like 10 minutes long. So they're like quick chunks. If you just want to take 10 minutes out of the day, watch the next episode, get back to work, that kind of thing. It's actually pretty cool. I've watched tons of stuff on it. It's got some really good content.

Joel: So it's like $4.99 a month after a three month window or is it more expensive than that?

Chad: I think it's like five bucks. I can't remember. But yeah, for 90 days it's free.

Joel: So you're a buyer, once it's paid, you're going to continue to pay for Quibi?

Chad: It's a possibility. It depends on how much content I burn through.

Joel: And there are so many, so many options. I'm seeing Peacock ads now, I got HBO on steroids coming out. We're all going to end up paying like four or five times more than what we paid when it was all in bulk from direct TV.

Chad: You know what was free though? The humans at Work Film Festival that we just enjoyed yesterday.

Joel: Oh, that's right.

Chad: Yeah. Yeah. So our friends at Skill Scout, they put on this really cool film festival. Tom Ellis and Elena Valentine were MC-ing. It was really cool. It was short videos around the world at work. Did you guys get a chance to watch?

Joel: I caught a few of the episodes. Essentially Skill Scout does videos, so these were really well made.

Chad: Yeah.

Joel: Like short little documentaries about people at work and courageous things they've done or what. To me, the one that I saw that was most impactful was the 911 call

Chad: Oh, yes.

Joel: From Australia or wherever it was, and the mom is screaming. I know it was acted, but it was based on a real 911 call. That was really cool. And the other thing that stood out to me was the chat room. People were incredibly active.

Chad: Yes.

Joel: And people have bleeding hearts, man. This is like people love this shit.

Chad: Oh yeah.

Joel: People just soak up the love and the feels, and clearly this was something people needed. That was very evident in the chat room when I was watching.

Chad: Yes. And great content. Definitely, that was my favorite, it was called The Operator, I believe. It sounded to me like she was Irish, but we'll let that one go. Overall, that really was impactful.

Joel: She wasn't American. But we had one American on Death Match this last round, and three UK guys. The format was virtual, let's talk about that first. What do you think about the virtual Death Match versus the in person?

Chad: I like anything in person overall, but in this case content's content. I enjoyed it. I thought it was fun. I think we have to do some things around making sure that video doesn't lag and those types of things.

Joel: Yeah. Yeah.

Chad: But overall, it was a blast. Sitting here drinking beer, watching Craig Rhoads in England drinking his beer, and you drinking yours, and then we're just smashing somebody. It was a blast, I really enjoyed it either way. Would I've rather been on stage? Yeah. But did I have fun? Oh, fuck yeah! I did.

Joel: Yeah. And Craig was drinking Budweiser, which pretty means he has to turn in his Union Jack membership card. I will second the beer on demand, with my fridge a few feet away. And you can't beat flaming hot Cheetos, when the snack urge hits you during a Death Match. So I did enjoy that. Shout out to our participants.

Chad: Yes.

Joel: Cloud RPO, Optimal, I've been calling them Get-Optimal because that's their domain

Chad: Okay.

Joel: Daniel Fellows. We had JobSync, who ended up winning the competition, Alex Murphy, shout out to him, very well played my friend. And a site I hadn't heard of until you talked about them, SonicJobs. And since Death Match, I've seen them in the news like three or four times. So they're clearly making things happen as well.

Chad: Yeah. They didn't win, but I tell you what? It was razor thin. I think what we've seen with AMS pushing out hourly, this is something that is very close to that. I think there is a huge market for what they are doing.

SFX: Hell yeah.

Joel: Yup. Smart people, all companies, and it was tough. But again, Alex Murphy, JobSync, the champion chain is on its way. Well, actually I don't know, are post offices open open now?

Chad: Oh yes.

Joel: I've got to figure out how to get that thing to him.

Chad: Yeah, you got to get out of your house first. That's the thing.

Joel: The thing is how many sex toys do I put in there with champion of chain?

Chad: Depends on how much room you have.

Joel: Yeah.

Chad: [Dennis Tupper[00:12:19.20]] actualy sent me a box with a book called MindFuck, the Cambridge Analytica story about the plot to break America. The election's coming and I feel like Dennis wants me into more of a rant mode. Thanks Dennis, I've already started chewing on the book a little bit. Appreciate it, man.

A couple of cool tools from a couple of cool tools. See what I did there? Ivan Stojanovic, he's got some new tech out there called MyRobot. It's this lead generation solution that's really cool. It converts your connections to engage audience. You can use it through LinkedIn. And then another one that I've mentioned before, but I use every single damn day, it's called Paiger, That's Kelly Robinson and Allistair over there messing around with the tech. But it's content engagement, and dude, I love it. It sends stories to my mobile phone via text. All I have to do is say yes, no, update and it blasts out to my network. It's really cool tools, check them out. MyRobot, and then Those guys are doing some cool stuff.

Joel: Yeah. I did try to download MyRobot because I researched for the show, obviously. And for some reason it had my email, my email was in the system, but then I tried to log in with that email with my common password and couldn't and then ... So it may be a little bit buggy or maybe I need to do it on my desktop. I don't know. But it certainly sounds interesting. Ivan, he's the guy behind it, right? The Irish Russian guy.

Chad: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Long time listener.

Joel: Ivan McGregor or whatever his name is. So I'll be sure to check that out.

Chad: Events.

Joel: Or do we want to shout out to Terry Baker? [Crosstalk [00:14:24.10]

Chad: Oh yeah. Get a shout out to Terry Baker.

Joel: Terry Baker, correct me if I get this wrong, but apparently they did a survey at PandoLogic. They have Zoom meetings there and they have special guests come in, and they had a little vote to say, "Who would we like to come in and say hi from the industry? And you and I were on top of the list, I guess, or somewhere in the list. So Terry said, "Hey, if I ship you guys a little bit of liquor, would you come on on a Zoom to talk to the folks?" And who are we to say no to the people? So Terry Baker, I got mine, Wednesday, I think, a Baker's bourbon and a case of beer.

Chad: Nice.

Joel: It looks like you're going to pick yours up today or tomorrow, so you have for the weekend. But yeah, we'll be talking to Pando here in the next couple of days or weeks, to say hi and get drunk probably.

Chad: To say hi, yes. And pretty much everything that we're doing from an event standpoint right now sponsored by Shaker Recruitment Marketing

Joel: That's right.

Chad: ... Is virtual. It actually makes it so much easier. You don't have to travel, you can have your bourbon with you, like you said, you can have your fridge right there. Right? It just all makes it easier. But that being said, thanks again to Shaker Recruitment Marketing. I just saw that Mike Temkin, this is his 32nd anniversary at Shaker.

Joel: Damn.

Chad: Holy shit.

Joel: How many generations of Shaker's does that encompass? At least two, right?

Chad: That's a very good question. We're going to have to dig up our Mike Temkin interview and share it.

Joel: We got to check out Mike Temkin Wikipedia page to see exactly how long he's been there at Shaker.

Chad: Oh. We've got another Death Match coming up. Death Match North America.

SFX: Hell yeah.

Chad: May 19th.

Joel: That's right.

Chad: Yeah, dude. We're turning up the heat on startups again already. We're currently deliberating on the four startups that we're choosing and we'll get an announcement out sometime very soon.

Joel: Can we name the two that are definitely, I think going to be involved?

Chad: Sure.

Joel: Up the chart, our buddy Adam Chambers, our favorite Irish man living in Mexico, I think he's still in Mexico.

Chad: Yes.

Joel: He did a Firing Squad, he's going to be on. And our buddies at Rectxt, Brian and Brad, who we've broken spicy Nashville hot chicken with in the past, they're going to be on Death Match. So Canada versus Mexico at this point for North American supremacy. We're so global, dude.

Chad: Yeah. The North American version of Death Match is supported by Joveo, programmatic excellence on a stick. There are three ways to get tickets.

Joel: On a stick.

Chad: On a stick. Yeah. You like that, right? There are three ways to get tickets. Number one, if you're in corporate HR talent acquisition, you can get them or staffing an RPO, you can register for free. If you're a TAtech member, you can register for free. If you're a nonmember organization, you can go and for a slight price, you can also register. But definitely check it out at

Joel: Now of the news.

SFX: To the news.

Joel: All right. We got layoffs, let's hear it.

SFX: Lay offs. Lay offs.

Joel: All right. Came across the wire this week that Talemetry, listeners will remember that they were acquired by Jobvite by late last year, had gone through layoffs. So I called our new good buddy, Jeff Rohrs, newly minted CMO there at Jobvite and former Costa Clevelander, which you got to love that, right? Anyway, called him up for some clarity. 8% of the company saw layoffs, which encompasses about 26 folks at the company. There are no further plans for reduction. This is mostly a COVID-19 situation, according to Jeff. The technology team was not touched during this transition. And he was really quick to point out that Talemetry is not a company, it's a product of Jobvite. So to say that Talemetry had layoffs is incorrect.

Chad: Is incorrect.

Joel: Jobvite had layoffs. I assume some of the folks at Talemetry, although he wasn't specific, maybe saw the pink slip come in, unfortunately for them.

Chad: Got you. So was the Talemetry product team, is that the only part of Jobvite that saw this, on the layoffs?

Joel: He wasn't real specific.

Chad: Okay.

Joel: He did say that tech wasn't touched. Most of the folks that were touched were in the sales arena.

Chad: Yeah. That's been the line that we've seen thus far with layoffs is that, not all, but very heavily in sales and customer service.

Joel: Yup. And that seems to be the case here as well.

Chad: And on our way to non lay off news, Google and Facebook looking to share revenues. This is a article out of The Guardian. In December, the federal government asked the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to develop a code between media companies and digital platforms including Google and Facebook. The "code" was to require the companies to negotiate in good faith on how to pay news media for use of their content, advise new media in advance of algorithm changes that would affect content rankings and favor original source news content and search page results instead of everybody's other duplicated shit. Right? So this is really interesting because a nation, the nation of Australia is saying, "Okay Google and Facebook, you are actually getting rich off of somebody else's content. So therefore, in this new economy, you need to start paying them."

Joel: So how do we feel about this, Chad?

Chad: I like it. Because without content, what's really driving engagement today anyway? Right?

Joel: Yeah.

Chad: Especially on Facebook. This is the type of content that is driving engagement on Facebook. Good, bad and different, doesn't matter. This is what's driving us to go to Facebook more often.

Joel: The journalism profession is such extremes, because on one end you have more information than ever before, obviously more bad information than ever before, but you have more information than ever before. Right? Like us having a podcast, we couldn't have done that 30 years ago, right?

Chad: Right.

Joel: Nobody or radio station in the world would have let us come on to talk about this shit. And that, that goes for every industry in the world, right? People have access to more information than ever before. Good journalism is still thriving, surprisingly. Right? Like the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, organizations around the world are still thriving. To force Google and Facebook to pay, I don't know where you draw the line, like I understand that the Indianapolis Star, right? Or The Republic in Columbus, should they get money? Should the little, new Palestine paper get money from Facebook and Google. I don't know where you draw the line and there's probably going to be lawsuits if Google doesn't pay those folks, or Facebook doesn't. If I'm a well known blogger, should I get money from Facebook? If our blog is awesome, or our podcast is awesome, should we start getting money from Facebook? I just don't know where you draw the line. And part of me thinks that local news and the newspaper should be thought of almost as like the postal service. It's somewhat government subsidized or guaranteed because it's a public service, a local service, where it's not as as dependent upon classified advertising and banner advertising and display advertising. I don't know what you do with journalism. I don't know if this is the answer, but it seems like a real quagmire to start forcing Facebook and Google and others to start paying content providers.

Chad: Yeah. Well, again, the platforms wouldn't get the engagement that they would today if they didn't have that kind of content.

Joel: Yeah. They get a lot of traffic from ... They both benefit from each other.

Chad: Yeah.

Joel: Right? I don't know dude. It's a hard, hard question to answer.

Chad: Depends on how you monetize it, because that's really how you have to look at this now as a business model. Is it monetized on the number of shares and number of click-throughs, those types of things. There's no reason that we can't do this. Period, overall. But I think there does have to be lines drawn in the sand. This is just an interesting conversation, we're not doing it here in the US yet, but why not have the conversation?

Joel: Yeah. And part of the question is, should Google and Facebook decide who's a publisher or what's a news source? Or should your local government decide what's a journalist or what's a news source?

Chad: Oh, this is a national thing in Australia. So this is not the locals doing it, this would be a federal, national conversation, iIf you're going to do business as a social platform. And again, we're talking about right now, Google and Facebook, who are the next platforms, right? To be able to perspectively start absorbing and paying out for this content.

Joel: Yeah. The question becomes, who decides who should Google and Facebook pay? I assume it's the federal government, in Australia?

Chad: Yeah. That's who's who's doing it now.

Joel: So it's just a really interesting question, and we, as societies, need to decide how we value news and good journalism. For the last 20 years, we haven't given a shit about journalism. And in the process we've got fake news, we've got Russian meddling in our elections with crappy news and ... We realize, I think a lot of us, that news and good news and journalism is incredibly important to the commonwealth of humanity. But how do we support that? I don't know. Maybe Facebook and Google subsidizing it will work. I think that's going to be a tough thing to do in the US versus maybe smaller countries.

Chad: I think it's a conversation we need to have, either way. These companies, Google and Facebook don't thrive without this type of content. And this is the type of content that people obviously want. That's where you start, what gets shared the most overall? Take a look at the actual data points, right? What gets shared the most, and then start having conversations around those outlets. Same thing on Google, right? What gets searched on the most? It's the same kind of thing. We are dumb humans, but this isn't hard. This is not hard. And every time we say something's complex, the reason why we say something's complex is because we don't want to fucking do anything about it, and that's the problem. We need to change how we think about things and quit pushing them down the road because that's what politicians do. They try to make us think that things are fucking complex when they're not.

Joel: It's a fantastic topic. It really is, it's incredibly interesting. The history of journalism is interesting and where it goes from here is interesting. It is an interesting topic for sure.

Chad: Yes, and that's why you have the conversation. You don't just pop out of the box with an answer, you have to have conversations and look at all the different angles on who this perspectively impacts, right? Not to mention down the road, the intention could have negative impacts down the road. Right? So that's why you have the discussions. But again, as soon as we start thinking this is complex and nobody wants to do anything about it. We have to focus on simple solutions right out of the box.

Joel: Sure.

Chad: And a simple solution, as you just said, is Microsoft Teams, is fucking [Inaudible [00:26:41.19]. Business Insider has this great story, Microsoft Teams now has 75 million daily active users and that's adding 31 million in just over a month. You're starting to see traction with Teams. And we've talked about this because everybody loves Slack, but Slack doesn't have the embedded suite that Microsoft does.

Joel: Yeah. The quarantine culture that we have been thrown into, has really put a light on Zoom obviously for video conversations with not just companies, but just people's families. We've embraced Zoom in our family, I'm sure you have embraced Zoom or something else. Slack saw it's day in the sun because that was sort of a stay at home virtual work tool. When all this was going on, I think you and I were both thinking, yeah, wait until Microsoft and it's quarterly report talks about Teams and how many people are using that. They're actually advertising it now here in the States, which is really interesting. But yeah, like you said, shit, they're just blowing up. Slack stock has come back from it's March-April lows, but it's in a holding pattern right now. We've seen Zoom stock launch to the moon and come back a little bit from their place. But Microsoft continues to chug. And interestingly, right? Facebook, which I think you shared in our private newsfeed, is starting their own sort of Zoom competitor. So now you're going to have Facebook come in and try to play this. Google as well, had a great earnings report too. They have their own video product, but not really a messaging product that anyone talks about.

Chad: Well, Hangouts was what Google had, and it was really buggy and shitty. Well, what they did was they renamed it last month, I think it was, Google Meet, which is now free. But man, I just feel like they are late to the party. The big question is, who can compete? The Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella actually says that in healthcare there were over 34 million Teams meetings in the past month, over 183,000 educational institutions are now using the tool. And I would assume that some of those probably moved over from Zoom to ensure that their kids did not get Zoom bombed.

Joel: When you talk about corporate video messaging, email or whatever, um, ultimately Microsoft is going to call these folks who are already using Microsoft products and say, "You know what? Are you really confident about using Zoom for security purposes and reasons? And if not, we have this product called Teams that is already in compliance with all of your security protocols." And what do you think most of those it pros are going to decide? Do you think they're going to embrace Zoom and other platforms or do you think they're going to default to the tried and true Microsoft?

Chad: Every technical admin that I've ever dealt with, it's always the tried and true shit.

Joel: Yeah. Well, one thing you should try and has no security issues, is our our friends at JobAdX. Let's hear from them and we'll talk about Amazon drama again for the third or fourth straight week.

Chad: Come on.

JobAdX: Stand out in a feed full of boring job ads with a dynamic, enticing video that showcases your company culture, people and benefits with JobAdX. Instead of hoping that job seekers will stumble upon your employment branding video, JobAdX seamlessly displays it in the job description while they're searching, building a connection and reducing candidate drop-off. You're spending thousands of dollars on beautiful, informative employment branding videos that just sit on a YouTube channel begging to be discovered. Why not feature them across our network of over 150 job sites to proactively compel top talent to join your team? Help candidates see themselves in your role by emailing, That's, Attract, engage, employ with JobadX.

Chad: Power to the people.

Joel: I don't know if we talked about Bezos, Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder and CEO, is taking a more active role in the company. I don't know if you saw this or not. I expect these kinds of stories to continue to be a thing as Mr. Bezos takes more of a hands on approach to squashing the labor uprising that's going on at Amazon right now.

Chad: Yeah. thing is this is happening more than just Amazon. So what we're seeing is an app called Shipt chain is changing people's pay in the middle of the Krone virus pandemic. Now, Shipt is owned by target and has tinkered with that formula back and forth. And many of the, many of the people that actually are employed by Shipt and targets, uh, are complaining of smaller paychecks and lack of patrons but now they're starting to pretty much pull everybody together and focus on taking action and creating a union with a nationwide walkout. So the, the Jeff Bezos of the world, they can try to squash this and they're going to continue to try, even in plain sight, they're going to try to squash this stuff. But we're talking about a pandemic now. These workers are essential, yet they couldn't earn a living wage three months ago and they're having the same problems right now, even as they address higher risk jobs every single day. Most of these workers have unreliable income, unpredictable schedules, and limited healthcare and benefits. We've been talking about a living wage for how long now? And now we have these essential people who aren't even, aren't even making $15 an hour with benefits, which once again is 30,000 around $30,000 before taxes.

Joel: We've talked about these unions organizing for a long time and as long as unemployment ... As long as times are good and unemployment's down, people do have a job, right?

Chad: Yeah.

Joel: It's not as big of an issue. There's a window right now where these folks can unionize. Seriously, imagine right now, if workers and Amazon and Walmart walked out for three days and said, "We're going to let everyone in this country know how important we are to these basically too big to fail retailers," which is essentially what Amazon and Walmart are. Things would improve for them very quickly, I would think. But for whatever reason, it's too fragmented. I don't know exactly why, I'm not a union expert. But why there isn't someone organizing these folks to walk out for 72 hours, or whatever it is, to let these companies know that they need to be fair, this window won't be open forever. And unemployment is high and will remain high for a long time, eventually these folks won't be as essential as they are today or at least perceptually not as essential, and unemployment is going to be so high that they're not going to have a story to tell because there'll be five other people to take their job if they do get laid off. I wish someone in the labor union movement or would organize these folks to let the higher ups in the government know how important they are because things aren't going to change unless that happened.

Chad: Shipt had a walk out in early April and they were joined by Instacart, Uber, Amazon, Walmart, McDonald's and Whole Foods. And you're right, that's not something that Jeff Bezos is incredibly happy about. As a matter of fact, they're trying to do things internally to ensure that Amazon workers can't communicate, trying to suppress email lists, so they can't communicate and start to formulate these types of unions, these walkouts.

Joel: Yeah. It's an age old story, right? Corporate interests versus labor. Corporate America in this case is going to do whatever they can internally to squash these uprisings, and fragment the workforce. And I'm sure contract workers are part of that, right? Lke, we're not full employees, but we work here so we can't unionize. They have a whole strategy of making sure walk outs don't happen. And the walkouts that you mentioned, the walkout, how many people knew about that? What did itactually do? I think they need to think bigger to make an impact. But anyway, I think ultimately the government's going to have to step in to Amazon in regards to taxes and in regards to how they treat employees and a minimum wage on the national level. And even Elizabeth Warren and her folks are talking about breaking up Big Tech, which I'm becoming more and more a believer in, because of situations just like this.

Chad: Yeah. And then you have a company like Ford that does have a union, and the Detroit Free Press reports forward exacts, their exact pay is 70 million, that exceeds the company's profits in 2019, and none of those motherfuckers are essential. I guaran-fucking-tee you.

Joel: Yeah. Yeah. That brings a whole other mess of issues as well. But yeah, shit's a little broken in our country and a lot of other places. And if there's a silver lining t the pandemic, it may be a leveling out of what's going on in corporate world, in terms of how they treat labor. We can hope.

Chad: We have to. We have to focus on the humans first. Right? And then talking about actual human rights and what pay should look like. An actual living human rights pay, right? What does that look like? What do benefits do? Does every American deserve healthcare? It's questioned. Okay then, how do we fucking do it? Because I believe every human being deserves healthcare.

Joel: But until Chad gets named ruler of the world, which God help us, there are a lot of people who disagree with that, and to come to a consensus on that is a long way off.

Chad: And those motherfuckers are monsters. Let's just put that out there. Anybody who believes that some people have a right to healthcare and some people don't have a right to health care, those people are fucking monsters.

Joel: Fair enough. But you'll agree that a lot of people don't agree with you on that one.

Chad: And they're monsters. I agree.

Joel: They're monsters. Factorial. Big money winner this week, Factorial, a company out of Spain

Chad: What a name.

Joel: ... Got 16 million US, which is not chump change.

Chad: No.

Joel: To basically, and here's that word again, automate the entire HR function. Pretty much everything, they're looking at automating. So they, similar to Remote and Oyster from last week. If you're automating shit, you're going to get money, and these guys got 16 mil.

Chad: Yes, in Barcelona. Man, I love Barcelona. We should go over there and check those guys out.

Joel: It's pronounced Barcelona.

Chad: It's interesting because they're focused on the SMB market. I took at the product a little bit, it's pretty sexy. It's one of those things that, if you're going to be in a system all day or even partially, right? You want to have UI or even user experience UX, that feels good, that's easy on the eyes. Right? And that's what we're seeing with a lot of these platforms, is that they're really trying to make it smooth or trying to make it easy and they're trying to take a lot of those steps out so that you don't have to screw around with the minutia. So that's pretty cool.

Joel: It's great that you talk about design and I think that we take that for granted, but a lot of the traditional old guard, players, they're not real nice on the eyes for the most part.

Chad: No.

Joel: And I think part of the growth of Lever and Greenhouse, people embracing that was just the fact that they look nice. They look new, they look cool, they look like ... They don't look like Windows 95. And there is something to be said for that because in today's today's world, having good design is the default. If you don't have that, just don't even bother.

Chad: It's got to be sexy.

Joel: And you know who is sexy? Goddammit, our friends at Sovren. Let's hear from them and we'll talk about, God help us, stripper drive-throughs.

Sovren: Sovren parser is the most accurate resume and job order intake technology in the industry. The more accurate your data, the better decisions you can make. Find out more about our suite of products today by visiting That's We provide technology that thinks, communicates and collaborates like a human. Sovren, software so human, you'll want to take it to dinner.

Joel: Well Chad, I know, I know you've been concerned about the welfare of strippers in this pandemic.

Chad: Of course.

Joel: Out of Oregon, we have a Ray of sunshine and hope for the profession. You want to tell us about drive-through strip clubs.

Chad: So it's interesting because the Lucky Devil Strip Club

SFX: Hell yeah.

Chad: ... Offers what they call food to Go-Go. See what they did there? After first offering food delivery, because it's one of those things where it's like, okay, we have to at least try to get some income coming in, they had a food deliver that was going, the Lucky Devil Lounge Strip Club has started a second venture, food pickup via a drive through strip club. Four Go-go dancers perform under cover of an indoor tent in the club parking lot while customers wait for their food orders in their car. So what you do is you go there, and you order a big order, so that obviously you're there for a little bit longer, Joel: 80 wings. And they have a DJ who plays songs.

Chad: Yeah.

Joel: The workers, if you will, are all wearing masks, while they're on pole and doing their thing. There's lights, fog, there's a giant disco ball. This is just awesome.

Chad: This is innovation, people. So when you're thinking of, how can in this time ... Here's my problem. The problem is the Corona virus, is six feet, all this other fun stuff that everybody hates. How can I still get people to come and spend money with us and how can I help my people, my employees, right? That's the biggest question right now because you have to cut staff down, so on and so forth. How can we get more of that money out to the employees?

Joel: In the videos, the guys that are tipping have gloves on, and the girls, it's just ridiculous. Bolden, a guy that's the the owner, whatever said, "The dancers are happy to be working and be labeled as essential workers." And that pretty much to me just sums it all up. I have one more thing to add on the show, unless you have more stripper stuff to add.

Chad: No, go ahead.

Joel: All right. Did you see that story about the air force or Defense Department unveiling UFO videos from the last 20 years or something?

Chad: And we don't need aliens right now. Okay?

Joel: But this would've ... Seriously, this should be the biggest story in the world. There are aliens, right? Basically. Unless someone can explain this shit that flies 3000 miles an hour, then there are aliens and they're coming to our planet. And this is a huge story and nobody's talking about it because of the pandemic. So, good on the Defense Department to know when to unveil this shit. But this is a huge story and no one's talking about it. I just wanted to throw it out there.

Chad: Yeah. And I think aliens, it's fairly simple, the aliens came, they did a drive by, saw how fucked up humans are and said, "Let's get out of here. This is not the neighborhood we want to get out in."

Joel: But now that we have drive-through strip clubs, they might stick around.

Chad: That's a good point.

Joel: We out.

Chad: We out.

Walken: Thank you for listening to, what's it called? Podcast. With Chad, with Cheese. And they talk about recruiting, they talk about technology, but most of all they talk about nothing. Just a lot of shout outs of people you don't even know and yet you're listening. It's incredible. And not one word about cheese, not one, cheddar, blue, nacho, Pepper Jack, Swiss, there are so many cheeses and not one word. So weird. Anyhoo, be sure to subscribe today on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play or wherever you listen to your podcasts, that way you won't miss an episode and while you're at it, visit Just don't expect to find any recipes for grilled cheese. It's so weird. We out.

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