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What Google Wants

Chad and Cheese

Being an industry leader isn't easy... Constantly fighting the good fight, providing for clients and job seekers while protecting your flanks and reinventing the entire recruitment industry... That's exactly what iCIMS leadership is doing. .

In mid-Oct Joel and I flew to NJ and landed at iCIMS HQ for the iCIMS iNFLUENCE event. During the event Colin Day, iCIMS CEO and Chairman of the Board along with other iCIMS leaders shared their common vision for more than just iCIMS. For the industry and how iCIMS will lead in reinventing it.

This is just one episode in the iCIMS iNFLUENCE 2018 Series.


This episode starts with Colin talking about what Google wants.. and what he believes is of utmost importance...

Chad - So Colin what does Google want?

Colin - They (Google) want no middlemen and they want single click apply. And for me that's music to my ears, that's absolute music to my ears. Now people will say Colin you're stupid they came out with an ATS too, they're a competitor of yours.

Colin - Their ATS is for the G-Suite, for the SMB. We would be really nervous if we were an SMB vendor. I don't see Google building an enterprise quality Talent Acquisition platform over the next 5-10 years. It's too complicated, they haven't proven they can do it so I say let them have small companies out of the G-Suite I will take that any day for them to get Google for Jobs out.

Colin - Because that's the most important thing here.

Chad - Then Colin answers my question about slowing down job boards scraping and pounding iCIMS career sites, most importantly becoming the fast lane of job content for Google... Listen up..

Chad - You're talking about slowing down other lanes. Right. So you want a fast lane to Google but you want to slow down the other lanes. What do you mean buy "slowing down the other lanes"? Are you going to hold jobs?

Colin - I don't think we're going to hold them unfairly , we're just not going to let them do unnatural... I mean right now they... When we look at our portal traffic and what slows down portals or whatever, well if Indeed is scraping you every 5 minutes, it slows you down. So I think we're just going to look at SLAs and say "Guys weren't not going to try and be unfair."

Chad - Why does Colin believe this to be important? Well, Google over the years (before Google for Jobs) had crowned Indeed the winner of the job site wars and one of the reasons Indeed was crowned revoled around getting job content to Google faster than any other platform, including the ATS. Well, that is going to stop when it comes to iCIMS and their client's jobs. iCIMS will become the fastest lane in delivering jobs, while all others will be taken down a notch... or two...

You can find more episode in the iCIMS iNFLUENCE 2018 Series at or better yet, never miss an episode of HR's Most Dangerous Podcast by subscribing using iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotifiy or where ever you get your podcasts.

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