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FIRING SQUAD: AllyO's Co-founder Ankit Somani

Chad and Cheese

Replace your Recruiters with AllyO!!! No shit? Really??

Hell yeah says Ankit Somani, Co-founder of AllyO. A platform that calls itself an end-to-end solution for recruitment. Ditch your recruiters? Apparently it's not just another chatbot waiting to board the commoditization train, well, you might be right. Or wrong. You'll have to listen to see if this start-up survives The Chad & Cheese Firing Squad.

Firing Squad is brought to you EXCLUSIVELY by Talroo. Our sponsors rock, by the way.


Chad: Hey, Joel.

Joel: What up?

Chad: Would you say that companies find it hard to attract the right candidates to apply for their jobs?

Joel: Well, Jobs to Careers thought so.

Chad: Jobs2Careers? You mean Talroo.

Joel: Talroo?

Joel: What is that? Like a cross between talent and a kangaroo?

Chad: (Laughs) No. It's a cross between talent and recruiting. But Talroo is focused on predicting, optimizing, and delivering talent directly to your email or ATS.

Joel: Aha, okay. So it's totally data-driven talent attraction which means the Talroo platform enables recruiters to reach the right talent at the right time and at the right price.

Chad: Okay, so that was weirdly intuitive, but yes. Guess what the best part is?

Joel: Let me take a shot here. You only pay for the candidates Talroo delivers.

Chad: Holy shit, okay, so you've heard this before. So if you're out there listening in Podcast land, and you are attracting the wrong candidates, and we know you are, or you feel like you're in a recruiting hamster wheel and there's just nowhere to go, right, you can go to. Again, that's and learn how Talroo can get you better candidates for less cash.

Joel: Or, just go to and click on the Talroo logo. I'm all about the simple.

Chad: You are a simple man.

Gollum: Yes, me precious, yes me precious candidate, we wants it so sweet precious, yes.

Announcer: Like Shark Tank? Then you'll love Firing Squad. Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman are here to put the recruiting industry's bravest, ballsiest, and baddest startups through the gauntlet to see if they've got what it takes to make it out alive. Dig a foxhole and duck for cover, kids, the Chad and Cheese Podcast is taking it to a whole other level.

Joel: Ah, I'm a little bit salty, Chad. A little bit salty that the summer heat is wearing on me, you're back from Europe to be a pain in my ass.

Chad: Oh, yeah.

Joel: So I'm a little sad for our victim, or our guest today. But without further ado, I wanna introduce Ankit Somani. Did I say that right?

Ankit: You got it.

Joel: Of AllyO. So before your intro, I have to know, with a name like Ankit, spelled A-N-K-I-T, did you have a lot of fun nicknames growing up?

Ankit: I actually was short enough that there wasn't many of them, but since I've come to U.S., people have pronounce it in so many different ways that I find them, you know, the right nicknames for me.

Joel: Well, yeah. Chad and I had fun with it before the show, before we started recording. Like Spankit, Crankit.

Chad: Crankit.

Joel: Yankit.

Chad: Yeah. Stankit. See, I mean ...

Ankit: I'm glad I didn't go to school with you guys.

Joel: Yeah, dude, we're public school.

Chad: We're still just 12 year olds.

Joel: So Ankit, welcome to the show. Quick introduction and then Chad will go into the rules and we'll get to it.

Ankit: Thank you, thank you for having me on the show. So hey everyone, I'm Ankit Somani, I'm co-founder of AllyO, been in the U.S. for about 11 years now. Most of my time in Bay Area. My last job before starting this company, I was at Google for about five years, spending time building bunch of artificial intelligence and machine learning products, including my last job, which was in the Smart Replies Gmail thing, it was a fun thing.

Joel: Shit. Chad just got real excited when you said Google.

Chad: I hope you didn't hear the heavy breathing.

Joel: So Chad, tell him the rules.

Chad: It is very simple. Okay, Ankit, you will have two minutes to pitch AllyO. At the end of that two minutes, you'll hear the bell. Then Joel and I are gonna hit you with rapid fire Q&A. If your answers aren't concise, Joel's either gonna hit you with the bell, but I'd rather hear him hit you with the crickets. That means you need to tighten your game up and get moving. At the end of the Q&A, you're either gonna receive one of these three from both of us. A big applause, that means you've exceeded expectations. Golf clap, you're on your way but you still have a lot of work to do. And last but not least, it's the Firing Squad.

Joel: You do not wanna hear that.

Chad: Yeah, pack your shit up and go home at that point. So that's Firing Squad. It's time to buckle up and pitch AllyO. Joel, are you ready to go?

Joel: I'm ready. Ankit, you ready?

Ankit: I am.

Joel: Two minutes starts.

Ankit: Awesome. Okay, so AllyO is an end to end AI recruiter with a simple mission: make recruiting delightful and efficient for everyone, and I really do mean everyone. So let's take each stakeholder at a time. Candidates today have a poor experience filling out long applications and not hearing back often from employers, which leads to low-capture rates and high drop offs. For them, we have a deep work flow chart part that helps them go all the way from, "Hi, I'm interested in a job," to hired, and even beyond day 0, all over mobile texting or web chart.

Ankit: And we see over 90% application completion rates and about 95% positive sentiment. On the other hand, hiring teams are overboard with administrative tasks, which makes them slow to respond and often leads to high cost of recruiting. We automate the ebb and flow in jobs, so it's cleaning, assessments, scheduling, onboarding, and as I had mentioned, post-hire check-ins, so that they see over 50% time, in some cases, over 90% cost or higher, while getting two to six interviewable candidates.

Ankit: Finally, HR leaders often feel a lack of visibility and control in the recruiting

process. For them, we bombard them with the right actionable insights around candidate quality conversions. 360 degree feedback between hiring teams and candidates in both process and retention, such that they can have the right strategic conversations with their operations counterparts. All of this over the past few years were proven with several large customers, like Hilton, Brinker, which is the parent company for Chili's and Maggiano's, Arby's, Sprout's, Farmer's Market, and many more.

Ankit: Going back to where I started, we use AI to automate end to end process and create an experience for a system for all stakeholders. We are backed by the likes of Google AI fund, Randstad Innovation fund, and Bain Capital Ventures. If you wanna know more about ...

Joel: Finish it, finish it.

Ankit: I was just gonna say, if you wanna know more about us, check us out at

Joel: He got the shot off. When he said, "Find out," and I said, "Just finish it. Finish it, for god's sakes."

Chad: Okay, Ankit, if you could isolate one major problem AllyO solves for TA, what would it be?

Ankit: I think it's automation of end to end process, combined with the right candidate experience. And both of them go hand to hand, because if you think about candidates, they are having a poor experience only because there are lots of steps in the process and it takes a long time for them to go through it.

Chad: It sucks, yeah, yeah.

Ankit: And so in that process, if you can automate it, give them a responsive experience and they get a good experience, and hiring teams get more candidates because they are having a better experience. They go through the process much more than before.

Chad: Well, you're talking about process. So this is one of the things that Talent Acquisition I don't really think understands, is that there's so many different processes that a chat bot or texting or messaging can actually get into. Explain how deep AllyO goes into the recruitment process. So give us a step by step. What are you actually doing for the candidate, for the hiring team, and obviously for the HR leader?

Ankit: Yeah, absolutely. So if you think from a candidate perspective, they start off with, "Hey, I might be interested in a job," and that might be looking at a job ad or it might be going on a career's page, or they've just been in the talent pool of some company.

Chad: Right.

Ankit: From that point on, you want to take them all the way to getting hired, and that involves helping them with the right job search, getting them screened, schedule the right reminders, onboarding. All of those processes are completely automated with our system for several companies, so much so that we have some customers where AllyO is the only recruiter in the entire organization.

Chad: Whoa, stop, stop, stop, stop. Say that again. AllyO is the only recruiter in the entire organization. I wanna hear you say that one more time.

Ankit: We have organizations where AllyO is the only recruiter in the entire organization, directly reporting to the director of TA.

Chad: Holy shit.

Joel: Ankit, I'm gonna back up a little bit. Your experience, while impressive, has no employment recruitment in its background that I heard. The dead pool in this industry is littered with people, from Silicon valley with nice degrees who didn't understand the space that failed. So what makes you and your company able to break that trend?

Ankit: Totally, and you are absolutely right. But me and my co-founder, and we've been friends for like 15 odds years, we were both in professional space. Never done recruiting before. So what did we do? We left our job and we started a staffing company. And for seven months we camped out in restaurants, malls, hospitals, in front of ICU's, and whatnot, trying to really get people who were looking for jobs and hiring teams who were looking to hire candidates, and make that happen, right? Get people jobs, and that is how we wanted to learn what really goes on.

Ankit: 'Cause you know, you can imagine in Google, it's mostly professional recruiting, at least where I was. And so for me to learn how 80% of America gets hired, what are their challenges, it was astounding. Like knowing that six out of 10 people do not show up for their on-site interviews after going through that harrowing process? Just astounding. And so that is how we learned, and then there were a lot of people who gave us good feedback as well. That's how we got ...

Joel: So that's half the equation. Now how did you learn to talk to employers to sell your product? Because they are a unique beast to say the least.

Ankit: You know, it's funny. For us, we literally went out to them, saying, "Hey, we have this idea, we think we can automate a bunch of your process and make the candidate experience better. I would love to get your advice." And it's funny, this industrious, so relationship-driven people are ready to give you advice. And you know, when people are giving advice, they're also thinking in the back of their mind, "Is this something that's useful for me?" So while you're making it a better product for everybody else, you're consistently being evaluated, too. So that's how we got our intro.

Joel: Banks don't cash advice, the last time I checked. Are these companies actually paying for this service?

Ankit: Oh, absolutely. We have not done a single free pilot or free deployments. All of our deployments, full our pilots, have been completely paid.

Joel: Good.

Chad: So when you're talking about, again, the process, okay, you've got pretty much pretty deep all the way into what it sounds like you go from the interview process and then you hand off to the hiring managers. Is that where you really stop? You've got the front end, with the candidate. Talk about that here in a second.

Ankit: Yep.

Chad: But you hand off really the at the interview process to the hiring manager, right?

Ankit: That's right. In fact, you can think of AllyO as an assistant to the hiring team, where you can take the candidate all the way from job search to the first interview or the second interview schedule. But imagine the hiring manager goes through the interview, says, "Great, I wanna hire this person." Could go and say that to AllyO, and AllyO will take them through the full extension and collect background check. Now when the candidate gets hired, AllyO will go on further and do post-hire check-ins and whatnot.

Ankit: So it's not really a process starts and stops and that's it. You can have multiple hand-off points at different points in the process.

Chad: These points are generally when you're looking to gather information or provide information, right?

Ankit: That's right. Yep.

Chad: So on the front end, when we're talking about candidates, and I'm gonna generalize for a minute, but chat bots are usually reactive. Can AllyO be proactive against a requisition?

Ankit: Absolutely.

Chad: Okay, so can you open up a requisition? If I'm a company, can I open a requisition and have AllyO go out and engage old candidates, our silver, bronze medal candidates, so on and so forth, can you go and actually set the system off to do that as soon as I post a req?

Ankit: Absolutely. In fact, there are two elements of that. Not only we'll go out to silver medalist candidates and have a conversation with them, see if they're interested, because it's not always about getting them into a job, even if you find out they're not active right now, they might be active in six months, great. Now AllyO knows what to do. But we would even go to Talent Pool and ask them for their reference. Like we would say, "Hey, you are not interested right now. Do you have a friend that might be interested?" And then get them into the process.

Ankit: So both of different types can happen.

Chad: So you're talking about engagements, which is pretty much what candidates and employees need anyway, right, to be able to feel like they're still part of the process instead of going into a black hole.

Ankit: Yeah, imagine like playing a game of 20 questions or if you don't have any response after each question, their audio won't record, you just know at the end of 20 questions what's gonna happen. You'll find people dropping off at the 10th, 12th question. But instead, if you have a much more responsive version, write out every question you know, whether this is helping me or not, you'll get people engaged way more.

Chad: Do you keep transcripts of these conversations so that they can be audited as well?

Ankit: Yeah, absolutely. We have transcripts of conversations, and some employers want to see that directly. We definitely use it to train our system to become smarter.

Joel: Ankit, you mentioned in your pitch that you have a 90-95% conversion rate or completion rate.

Ankit: That's right.

Joel: You know how that compares to sort of the typical applicant tracking system?

Ankit: Yeah, so applicant tracking system, conversion rates, really a lot. Here's the challenge: most customers, when they look at completion rates, they look at people who start on an application after they have created a profile to when they complete an application, and that would be somewhere between 40 and 80%. What they miss out on is there are a lot of people who come to your career's page ATS, and the first thing they see is create this user name, password with five different special characters and there's a drop off there. So if you actually include that, you would get 3X to 4X right there in the next number of candidates going up onto even the screening process.

Joel: So do companies even need an ATS if they have you?

Ankit: Actually, they do. So we don't compete directly with ATS, because if you think about the ATS market, it is selling compliance and it is selling that, "Hey, if you get audited, all of the logs and everything is here exactly how it is needed." We think of ourselves as this experience for a system. We always saw a huge gap between job boards and ATS's, and found that both for candidates and for hiring teams, if you created the right engagement led, the right conversation led, then you will get more involvement happening, and the ATS's can be used as a system of record, just to store it, not where the action is happening.

Chad: Yeah, so from Joel's standpoint, he knows nothing about compliance, so he doesn't even understand why somebody would use an applicant tracking system.

Chad: Ah, okay. So AllyO, and you actually started off is, the end to end AI recruiter. And you guys talk about AI a shit ton through all of your sales collateral. What is your definition of AI? Everybody's using it, right? They're throwing it off their block chain, AI, machine learning. What is your definition of AI?

Ankit: Yeah, I mean, I think AI today, if you look at the gurus of AI, they would tell you AI today is either automation on steroids or pattern matching on steroids. And the way we think about AI in our system is we use it in three different ways: one is during the setup process. The setup process of an AI system can be harrowing, where you need to give a lot of data. There's a lot of setup time involved. And instead, we would automatically go out, scrape job requisitions, applications, build the entire bot in a matter of hours or days, and it can be deployed in weeks. So I think there's an AI component there which is more around pattern matching.

Ankit: There is an NLP component during the composition, which is natural language processing, and that is people can say open-ended things and we can understand that here's data that they're trying to give, here's a question that they want to ask, here's what they really want to do. And then the third piece is the intelligence aspect of it. Now that you have collected all of this data, and that's where the end to end aspect helps, because you have data across, is how do you use that to generate the right insights, not basic analytics.

Ankit: So those are the three places I feel AI is involved. It's not the decision tree of the chat bot itself. That's not where most of the AI is.

Chad: When you're talking about setup, this is a great transition, because when you get a new requisition, a brand new job, a new company, how long does it actually take to set that requisition up in the system because you have all these touch points, all these engagement points, with candidates, with obviously hiring managers, interview questions, all these different things. How long does it actually set? Because there's a lot of machine learning that still has to happen. How long does it take for that bot, the AllyO, to actually get up and running on that single req?

Ankit: You know, this is probably one of the most important questions 'cause this is where rubber hits the road. Everything else is about a magical demo. And so if you look at a large enterprise, and when we are going and signing up a large enterprise, we would set up the entire conversation system, which is all the flows at the open requisition level, all the questions that need to be asked at 90% level, would be set up within hours. And we would give them a bot, a functional bot, the candidate side of it, within a day.

Ankit: For us to get the remaining data around, hey, here's the interview information, if they are doing interview scheduling, or anything else that takes about a week to two weeks. So they can literally go up and running for the entire enterprise scale within two weeks. Beyond that, if you're turning on and off requisition, even if we automatically doing that looking at their careers page, it is just a matter of seconds, something that happens instantaneously.

Chad: Again, we're talking about AI here. Can AllyO write its own interview questions? If you're starting to set this up and you have multiple clients, and in some cases you're gonna have very like types of requisitions, different types of jobs, job titles, things of that nature. Can AllyO write its own interview questions by because it's learned so much?

Ankit: That's exactly right. I mean, if you think of a role, like, for example, let's take forklift operator. You'll find that role showing up with so many different customers, and job requisitions aren't always the best return pieces of art. And so very often you can look across different companies, you can look at what are the questions being asked. You can also look at where are candidates being stuck and where they are able to respond really well. And so not only you have what questions to ask, you also know the effectiveness of them in screening candidates. And so AllyO can do a really good job now, especially with lots of domains that we have deployed in, in coming up with those questions and the right format.

Joel: Ankit, this is an incredibly competitive space right now. Super hot, right? You got Mya, Paradox, TextRecruit, Canvas. How are you guys different and how are you going to win? Or is it a winner take all scenario?

Ankit: Yeah, so let me answer that question in four different parts. Or actually, two different parts. One, how are we different, and then I'll go into winner take all or not. So how are we different? We look at it in terms of three things. One is breadth. Breadth for us, and that's why we keep harping on end to end, 'cause we really believe in ATS's and deploying all of these other HR tech systems, it's been a challenge with integrating lots of different pieces of technology. And we wanted to be the single system of intelligence, which goes all the way from hire to hired to retire, or hire to hire or fire, right? Going past day zero.

Ankit: So the breadth of our platform goes all the way from pre-hire to post-hire. The second part is going deep. So I'll give you an example. Interview scheduling. Most of the folks in this space will use things like Calendly to integrate, which is another system to deploy, more cost to the customer. And so we've invested a ton on our own and recruiting specific with all integrations, group panel interviews, planning your interview day, everything. So we go deep in our technology. And the third part of competitive differentiation, and I can't stress this enough, is the setup automation part that we are talking about. Because it sucks if you deploy this cool, if you want this cool new tech and it takes you four months to get it out there. It should take weeks, and you should know the results in a month or two months.

Ankit: So that is how we think of differentiation. I don't look at it as winners take all at all. This market, it's so green field, which is why I don't worry so much about what competitor X or Y are doing. People find their own niches and they will grow. Right now, the encumbrance is where you are seeing the most of the value against, and so you see, VCR-wise, within three months. And so we don't see any challenge from a growth perspective.

Joel: So this is not a winner take all? This is a winner take all? Are you gonna take it all?

Ankit: Well, we wanna take it all. But it's a matter of getting out to as many people, the right kind of people, as quickly as possible. And I think it's good for customers to have choice, because there are different problems that people will solve. I don't see in the shot anywhere close to winner take all. I think for the next two, three years, the top two, three players who have all the data and can actually make the system much, much better compared to encumbrance, they'll see huge growth.

Joel: So do you see the TextRecruit iCMS deal being a big obstacle? Or do you think that that actually just validates exactly what you're doing?

Ankit: I look at it as part validation. I never thought of TextRecruit doing the same thing as we are doing. They are a texting CRM specific to an industry, and what they have done is they taken a 10 product but done really good execution, which is what got them this ultimate partnership that they are at. I look at it more as people are starting to think about it. Partners are starting to think about it, and it's getting really serious, which is a good thing. Because the growth should not only come from forward-looking customers, but partners who want to be innovative with the help of other new technology providers.

Chad: Well, that being said, I mean you take a look at some of these systems that are just kind of pieces, parts of what AllyO is looking to provide or currently providing. Do you find it hard to be able to distinguish, especially when you're going out there and you're competing in the markets, between systems that are just subsets of what AllyO is actually doing? And what are you doing to be able to combat that?

Ankit: Yeah, so it goes back to a couple of points I mentioned earlier. One, HR tech landscape, if you have to look at point solutions and you have to integrate them, it takes a lot of cost and effort to do that. And so it's better if there is one system that has the capability to run across, and it is especially true in the AI world because data sharing and really building on top of it is where the value comes from. That's where the two plus two greater than four comes from. So a single system that can cover all of my use cases today and future use cases that I want to get into as a single pane of glass for me and can use the data across to actually deliver the right insights I think has a ton of value. And that's where a lot of our customers really, really think of us very positive.

Joel: Ankit, I think you'll agree that it's probably a matter of time before technology is Google's new Duplex, where you talk to someone, a robot, but it sounds like a real person. What are your thoughts on that versus a sort of chat bot solution? Are you committed to the text-base conversations that you currently have, or will you evolve into more of a conversation, like with a real person? What are your thoughts on that?

Ankit: Great question. Let's break it down into two parts. One, chat bot is a technology itself. It's not even commoditization in future, chat bot is already available by so many different pro chat bot providers. The difficulty there is the depth of the conversation you're having and the domain specificity. So if you look at Google Duplex, in fact, they were working on it even while I was there at Google. It took three years of training odd and end with very specific conversation and gobs and gobs of data for them to produce a conversation very specific to our domain.

Ankit: So the domain specificity is where it is becoming a different share to start early, gather the data, and make the conversation much, much smarter. In terms of how conversation is evolving, whether it's gonna be text-based or voice-based or completely experience-based/VR, I think everyone in this space, all they're trying to do is keep up with consumers. And consumers are so hungry, they're always trying new technology. So today, if I get a phone call on my phone, half of the time I think it's a spam, right? I'm not picking up my phone calls. But if I get a text, if you look at my text, I have zero inbox with text. I have like a thousand unread emails. So the engagement on text and the responsiveness on text is much higher, but that is something to constantly look out at and see if there are other ways in which consumers want to engage that would be better.

Ankit: I'm not sure if it's phone call yet. I'm not sold on it yet.

Chad: So Randstad right now I would say is AllyO's litmus test. You have funding from the Randstad Innovation Fund, the big question is, how closely are you working with them to be able to bring in new clients and how many have you actually brought in today?

Ankit: I think working very, very closely with every operational entity within Randstad is, you know, it's a large conglomerate, and not just with Randstad. We're finding partners across job boards, ATS's, agencies. Everybody has a different angle to it, and the end to end in modular nature of our solution helps us work with them in different capacities. So I think there's a lot of value people are seeing, a lot of them are deploying, and we are able to show results. I think it's probably gonna take, I would say another six months to a year for a lot of those stories to become much more public. Right now we are in I would say deep deployments, trying to prove larger value.

Joel: Ankit, talk to me about pricing and how that compares to some of the competition.

Ankit: Yeah, absolutely. So pricing right now, because it's a shiny new toy for a lot of companies. It needs to be priced to value. And if you think about the auto I in this world, it comes from two places: one, if you are engaging that many more candidates, clearly you must be doing something in terms of reduction of source and cost. And the second thing is if you're automating processes, you must be doing something for recruiter productivity. And those two generally become part of our business case. You know, so we are easily able to show those two elements, a three-ish month auto I for many of our customers. And I was telling you, there was a customer which even saw 90% reduction in their cost to hire.

Ankit: The way we think about pricing, beyond that is people will always come back to technologies that they already have deployed, and we tend to see pricing comparable more than sometimes people rather, whatever they invest in ATS's, because the value proposition is very different. So I think competition, it's not clear how everybody is pricing it, but people are trying to price based on value and it generally comes down to number of open requisitions, number of hires, or number of productivity hours that are increasing. That's how people are pricing it.

Joel: And you did a very good job of dancing around that question as well as your competition, 'cause we don't know what anything costs at this point. Contact us now for pricing.

Ankit: Yeah, I think that is the right thing. Honestly, I really want people what problem they're solving, whether that problem has a business value for them, and then look at pricing from that context, because otherwise it's just like, oh my god, this is so much or this is so little, it doesn't' really get compared against the right thing. ATS ...

Joel: All right, all right, all right. We got your answer on pricing. Chad, you wanna take him the Squad?

Chad: Yeah, let's go ahead and do this thing. Are you ready, Ankit?

Ankit: I am.

Chad: Excellent, excellent. Well, I might have to start off right out of the gate in saying that hearing that you actually have clients that are starting to, I don't want to say get rid of, let's say reprioritize what the recruiters are actually doing in allowing AllyO to go in there and start to focus on process efficiencies and just making the entire process that much quicker, because this all comes down to one thing. And we might talk about talent, we might talk about how much less time it works, whatever it is, but it's all about cost. It's all about how much can a company save, and that comes down then to the whole time to fill and all that other fun stuff. What you guys are doing at AllyO, and I'm a big chat bot fan overall, but just from the standpoint of what you're doing, not just on the standpoint of being able to engage, because I think engagement is something that we need desperately in this industry, but your ability to attract, which is huge.

Chad: Screen, interview, onboard, and then constantly as you say on the AI side of the house, the machine learning, you're improving the actual system over and over. I think there's still a lot of work to be done with regard to the pitch and being able to keep it simple stupid for Talent Acquisition and the rest of us dummies that are out there, but at the end of the day, you're getting a big applause.

Joel: Wow. Very nice. All right, well I will start off by saying I love Five Guys cheeseburgers, and Five Guys is a client. So automatically you guys are starting on the right foot with me. But I will second what Chad mentioned, but I just think that you're clearly a smart guy. I've met you and your partner before, the core competencies around your time at Google I think are gonna pay dividends big time in this industry. It's clearly crowded, but when there's a crowded industry, there's usually a ton of opportunity there. And I think that whether you think there's a winner take all or not, there will probably be at least a Coke and Pepsi in this space, and a few Fanta's and Dr. Pepper's after that.

Joel: But I think if you're in the Coke or Pepsi realm in this space, you're in a very good position because this technology is going to save time, energy, the engagement that you're seeing with 90, 95% completion rates with candidates, that's all fantastic data. So I will second my colleague in saying that I think you guys have a high mountain to climb, but I think you have the tools, the funding, I think the current client base that you have to at least be that

Coke or Pepsi when all is said and done. So I'll give ...

Chad: What? What?

Joel: This big applause is for you, my friend.

Chad: What?

Joel: I know, boo. Too big applauses, man, we gotta be tougher, Chad. So last one, real quick. How did you come up with the name AllyO? 'Cause it's not great.

Ankit: Oh, you think so? What we did, in fact we actually tried different genders in there, we initially stared with Dave and then we had Ally. We want to leave it with something gender neutral and also something memorable, and we actually found good results with AllyO, and so that's why we stuck with it.

Joel: Well congratulations either way. Thanks for your time on the Squad and congratulations.

Chad: Congrats and good luck.

Ankit: Thank you very much.

Chad: We out.

Joel: We out.

Announcer: This has been the Firing Squad. Be sure to subscribe to the Chad and Cheese podcast so you don't miss an episode. And if you're a startup who wants to face the Firing Squad, contact the boys at today. That's

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