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Acquisition Surprise
A recruitment marketing podcast with a surprise news alert? Yes, please.
Chad Sowash
May 17, 2023

Stepstone Dumps Cammio
Finland joins NATO, virtual cheese is now and thing and WOW, that whole Axel Springer taking Stepstone public isn't going well.
Chad Sowash
Apr 5, 2023

TikTok Excites and LinkedIn Snoozes
If you thought TikTok's foray into employment was going to be short-lived, it might be time to change your thinking.
Chad Sowash
Jan 18, 2023

Reunion Squad: Honeit's Nick Livingston
Firing Squad alum Honeit, and their CEO Nick Livingston back on the show after 4 years to see how things are going.
Chad Sowash
Jul 20, 2022

Secret Weapon: Storytelling
Humans love stories. So, it's no surprise employers who tell the best stories are typically the ones who get the best workers.
Chad Sowash
Jul 11, 2022

Wall Street Roundup: Indeed, Glassdoor, Upwork, Seek, Randstad & Dice
If you love financial news, Buy-or-Sell and snarky commentary around those two things, then this episode if your wet dream. The boys are...
Chad Sowash
Feb 18, 2022

Making Moves
Chad is reenergized and back after another stint in Europe, Joel is drinking Corona's on a beach in Mexico, and Mr. ATS (Peter Gold)...
Chad Sowash
Dec 17, 2021

Firing Squad: Turazo's Pete Cipollone
Video remains one of the hottest technologies around when it comes to recruiting, and one company, Turazo, approaches it in a whole new...
Chad Sowash
Dec 1, 2021

LinkedIn Unplugged
If you're numb over unicorns, well, get over it. This week, the boys highlight two more newly minted members of the Billion Dollar...
Chad Sowash
Oct 15, 2021

Rick Rolled w/ Rick Carsley
The guest so nice, we had to have him on twice. Listeners will remember a red-hot interview Chad & Cheese did in 2020 with IKEA's Rick...
Chad Sowash
Mar 24, 2021
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