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Paradox Unicorns while Randstad Face Plants
Turns out, recording this podcast was the only thing standing between Chad & Cheese and a bottomless bottle of Blanton's to ring in the...
Chad Sowash
Dec 31, 2021

Best of 2021... Joel's Picks
The year that was 2021 didn't turn out exactly as expected. Business travel didn't come back, the Delta variant threw a big monkey wrench...
Chad Sowash
Dec 10, 2021

Google, Tiktok, LinkedIn & more?
Remember your favorite double album (for those old enough)? That’s what this episode is like. The boys drop news and discuss BIG TOPICS...
Chad Sowash
Jul 16, 2021

Handshake's Ultimate Hand Job
It's an episode full of head scratchers and high fivers. Oh, and a unicorn! Handshake is now in the Billionaire Valuations Club......
Chad Sowash
May 14, 2021

Rick Rolled w/ Rick Carsley
The guest so nice, we had to have him on twice. Listeners will remember a red-hot interview Chad & Cheese did in 2020 with IKEA's Rick...
Chad Sowash
Mar 24, 2021

Workday Goes Shopping
Take a break from counting your Gamestop millions! Lots happened this week in the world of recruiting. Bayard got acquired TMP rebranded...
Chad Sowash
Jan 29, 2021

Lightning in a Paint Can
Question: When does paint in a can become lightening in a bottle? Answer: At 1 million+ TikTok subscribers We recently talked about Tony...
Chad Sowash
Dec 5, 2020

The Emperor's New Eightfold
Halloween is right around the corner, and this episode of HR's most dangerous podcast is full of tricks and treats. For companies like...
Chad Sowash
Oct 30, 2020
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