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Chad Sowash
Jul 20, 2022
Reunion Squad: Honeit's Nick Livingston
Firing Squad alum Honeit, and their CEO Nick Livingston back on the show after 4 years to see how things are going.
Chad Sowash
Jul 15, 2022
Tech Talks: Wins & Fails
What three tech trends do you see holding the limelight this decade?
Chad Sowash
Jul 13, 2022
Assessment Witchcraft w/ Caitlin MacGregor
For as long as employee assessments have been around, they're still largely a mystery to most employers. It's sorta like witchcraft.
Chad Sowash
Jun 27, 2022
Firing Squad: Visage's Joss Leufrancois
Is the future of recruiting entirely automated? Is it more of the same?
Chad Sowash
Jun 15, 2022
A.I. Hiring Tools: The Wild West?
Is artificial intelligence in hiring the Wild West? Matt Scherer describes the current state of A.I. in the world of work.
Chad Sowash
Jun 10, 2022
Multiverseđ & RippleMatchđ¤Ž
Multiverse, a startup that hopes to make apprenticeships commonplace, has joined the ranks of the billion dollar valuation club.
Chad Sowash
Jun 6, 2022
Super Pumped Hiring
Imagine being behind the scenes during brand crisis hiring situations at Uber and WeWork.
Chad Sowash
Jun 3, 2022
Bain Capital House Party
It's a house party, ya'll! House of HR party, that is.
Chad Sowash
May 30, 2022
Are Bootcamps THE Answer?
Coding bootcamps are gaining in popularity. The combination of rise in remote learning, a serious talent crunch for coders and a lack of...
Chad Sowash
May 20, 2022
Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Dice, & Styx
It's a world full of good news ... and a growing amount of bad news.
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