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Chad Sowash
Jul 5, 2020
How Are You Adapting to Remote?
Lead question: How should large employers adapt their hiring of students and grads if those employees cannot work remotely?
Chad Sowash
Jul 3, 2020
Black Hiring Matters
On this week's episode
62% of employees want to know your company's #BLM stance
Silicon Valley plays lip service to diverse hiring
Chad Sowash
Jul 2, 2020
Vervoe Revisited
Can you name the first startup to face The Chad & Cheese Firing Squad?
Chad Sowash
Jun 30, 2020
Firing Squad: My Career Fit Founder, Gordon Collier
Voice assistants are a thing. You know Alexa better than your own kids, right? So it was just a matter of time before jobs came into play.
Chad Sowash
Jun 28, 2020
Are You Rescinding The Offer?
Lead question: What impact to their campus hiring efforts will employers experience if they rescind job offers to students and recent grads?
Chad Sowash
Jun 26, 2020
Goodbye Glassdoor?
On this week's episode, the boys dive headfirst into
Entelo's dumpster fire
big brands unfriend Facebook
Glassdoor gets pulled into Indeed
Chad Sowash
Jun 25, 2020
A Monster Discussion
A veteran of the Recruitment Tech industry for 20 years Kshitij Jain (aka KJ) has worked with well-known companies like, Mobolt,
Chad Sowash
Jun 24, 2020
Erect A Brand Bridge
The "brand people" get the budget, the conferences, the glory, the press. The "people people" work in the background.
Chad Sowash
Jun 21, 2020
Death Match: Aida Fazylova w/ XOR
This Chad and Cheese Death Match episode features Aida Fazylova founder and CEO at XOR that's X-O-R people.
Chad Sowash
Jun 19, 2020
People Powered Good News
How about some good news?
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