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Catching Up With - CEO Scott Gutz
Scott Gutz, Monster's CEO, has been on the job about 6 mos. To say he has his work cut out for him and his team is a gross...
Chad and Cheese
Dec 19, 2018

Will Robots Rule? Peter Weddle Talks Circa 2118
On this NEXXT exclusive podcast, the boys interview industry icon Peter Weddle about his latest book, Circa 2118. It’s a must-read for...
Chad and Cheese
Dec 6, 2018

VERVOE - Ambush Demo!
Vervoe demos their desktop and new features. Chad & Cheese sit back a listen to Firing Squad alums Omer and Damon from Vervoe. Vervoe...
Chad and Cheese
Dec 3, 2018

Queen of Chatbots, Quincy Valencia from AMS
CHATBOTS, CHATBOTS, MUTHA F&%$IN' CHATBOTS!! Joel and I are always talking about the latest and greatest chatbots so we thought we'd...
Chad and Cheese
Nov 28, 2018

The Chad & Cheese welcome Teg Grenager CEO & Co-founder of Uncommon to demo the Uncommon NEW PASSIVE candidate matching tech. #Uncommon...
Chad and Cheese
Nov 16, 2018

TextRecruit, Acquisitions, and BadAssery
At the iCIMS analyst day last month, the boys sat down with Erik Kostelnik, founder and CEO at TextRecruit, a recent acquisition by...
Chad and Cheese
Nov 8, 2018

RecTech Bad Ass - Adam Godson
When you want to talk recruitment tech you need to call upon one of the very few BAD ASS RPO tech overloads around the globe. So that's...
Chad and Cheese
Oct 31, 2018

Disability Hiring Bad Ass - Julie Sowash
It's Disability Employment Awareness month which means it's time for The Chad & Cheese to pull out their secret weapon who knows her shit...
Chad and Cheese
Oct 10, 2018

HR Tech Conference Post-Game Show
Chad & Cheese run down last week's HR Technology Conference in Vegas, nothing but raw post-game analysis. What sucked and what ROCKED!...
Chad and Cheese
Sep 18, 2018

Interview w/ Bad Ass Diversity Prophet Torin Ellis
Meet Torin Ellis, one bad MFin' diversity bad ass. Buckle-up kids it's about to get lit up in this Nexxt Exclusive podcast! PODCAST...
Chad and Cheese
Sep 12, 2018
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