Chad SowashSep 5, 2022Firing Squad: Sense's Pankaj Jindal The battle to be the Swiss Army Knife for all things hiring is real.
Chad SowashJul 20, 2022Reunion Squad: Honeit's Nick LivingstonFiring Squad alum Honeit, and their CEO Nick Livingston back on the show after 4 years to see how things are going.
Chad SowashJun 27, 2022Firing Squad: Visage's Joss LeufrancoisIs the future of recruiting entirely automated? Is it more of the same?
Chad SowashJun 13, 2022Firing Squad: Amplio's Trung TranLife is getting pretty stressful for workers. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt have us all on edge.
Chad SowashMay 23, 2022Firing Squad: Lluna's Jess Podgajny Empowering your team with flexibility and choice just got a whole lot easier. LLUNA's Jess Podgajny
Chad SowashApr 27, 2022Firing Squad: Bryq's Markellos DiorinosCEO and co-founder Markellos Diorinos enters the pit to take on HR's most dangerous podcast.
Chad SowashApr 13, 2022Firing Squad: RecruitCRM's Sean MallapurkarWho doesn't love a good David vs. Goliath story? That's why we invited RecruitCRM to come onto Firing Squad. This cocky startup run by...
Chad SowashMar 27, 2022Firing Squad: Qualifi's Darrian MikellAutomation in the interview space is smokin' hot, and Indianapolis-based Darrian Mikell and Qualifi is hoping the profit off the trend by...
Chad SowashMar 7, 2022Firing Squad:'s Rahul AroraSoftware promising to screen and test the world's best tech talent tend to fall into two camps: Those who can actually do it and those...
Chad SowashFeb 14, 2022Firing Squad: TechScreen's Mark KnowltonScreening tech talent is smokin' hot right now. You know the names: HackerRank, Byteboard, Woven, Triplebyte and others. But do you know...