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Interviewing Robot Upgrade
It was just a joke to some when it burst onto the recruitment landscape years ago, but Tengai, the robot recruiter born in Sweden is still h
Chad Sowash
Oct 25, 2020

Corp America Hates Mom
Why does Corp America hate mom? I mean mom's are the best but they usually get the short end of the stick when it comes to careers.
Chad Sowash
Oct 14, 2020

Two CEOs Zero BS
In this interview Chad & Cheese bring Jobvite CEO Aman Brar and This Way Global founder Angela Hood have a chat about tech in employment.
Chad Sowash
Oct 11, 2020

Stop Hiring Racists
If someone you know or are connected to promotes racism what would you do? Would you actively engage and educate? Or would you just hide and
Chad Sowash
Sep 30, 2020

Cindy Blows S#!t Up pt.2
Cindy talks hiring individuals with disabilities, answers the question "Should white dudes just STFU?" and deploys advice to Daddy Cheese. Â
Chad Sowash
Sep 16, 2020

Cindy Gallop Blows S#!t Up
Cindy brings a different level of candor to every discussion, meaning she will not mix words or beat around the bushes.
Chad Sowash
Sep 9, 2020

Lead with Equity
Syndio is at the forefront of pay equity, a topic near-and-dear to our hearts
Chad Sowash
Sep 2, 2020

Difference > Equality
Men and women have different brains. That's the case author Kate Lanz, author of "All the Brains in the Business: The Engendered Brain.
Chad Sowash
Aug 26, 2020

AT&T Jail Break w/ Jenn Terry
After 20+ years of ascending the AT&T ladder, Jenn Terry Tharp is known by everyone in staffing, recruiting, and the rec tech space.
Chad Sowash
Jul 21, 2020

Brand & People are Squishy
Sandra Preyale has graced the halls and lead HR at Christian Dior, L'Oreal, Coach, LVMH, and Amazon.
Why leave a history of big brands an
Chad Sowash
May 28, 2020
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